The house was very quiet, apart from the sound of the television playing and the sound; they were all seated in the large parlor without paying attention to the contents of the television. They were all dwelled on their phones when they heard a car parked at the compound. Andrew’s mom slowly peeped through the window and saw him walking towards the house. He is obviously drunk as he staggered while walking, she quickly sat back and continued surfing her phone. He walked in and met them in that situation. He stood for a while before he threw the bottle of whisky he had on his hands to the television. “What the fuck are you all looking at?” He shouted referring to the kids who were trembling already.
He walked closer to Andrew but before he could reach him, his mother has already blocked him. “You shouldn’t do this again; you can’t drink every night and beat us up as if we are your slaves.” She said with a trembling voice. He laughed loudly for a while that he almost fell down before he faced them again. “Slaves? Of course you are a slave to me Susan. Have you forgotten how I used money to buy you off your poor parents?” He asked with a wicked smile before he pushed her off and grabbed Andrew’s neck. He pinned him to the wall as he started slapping him. His brother was trying to help but he also pushed him away. “You are a shame to my family Andrew. There is nothing you can ever get right. You are nothing but a shame. You can’t even make good grades at school.” He yelled at Andrew who was shedding tears before he threw him aside.
The drunken man laughed loudly before he faced them again. They were all on the floor crying when he lowered himself to them. “Now you all must obey me in this house for you are nothing but slaves, you will have nowhere to go if you try leaving this place and I swear to God, I will kill you if you attempt running away or ruining my name out there.” He said looking at them. He struggled as he stood up and picked a car key from his pocket, he threw the key at Andrew. “Use that and stand out among your peer; that is the only thing you are good at.” He said with a wicked laugh on his face while he walked upstairs.
Andrew and his brother were crying seriously as they crawled up to their mother and hugged her, she has sustained an injury on her face from the fight with their father. They hugged each other for a while before his brother speaks. “I am tired of this house mom, would it be until he kills one of us before we speak up or leave?” He asked with a weak voice. She wiped her face and sighed for a while. “There would be a time to deal with him, but for now, I don’t really know what to do. You know how rich and influential your father is, he will definitely wipe out my entire race if I speak up. He is a psychopath; I don’t want to put my family at risk. I have suffered in this marriage for years already; it wouldn’t be bad to wait a few years longer.” She said with tears on her face…
Alex was in his room playing his musical instruments when he heard the door banged loudly. He was startled as he turned quickly and saw his dad standing with a fiery face by the door. He was panting really hard as if he had just finished a relay race. “What the hell were you doing and couldn’t answer my calls?” The angry man asked with a loud voice. Alex was stammering to talk when the man walked closer and interrupted him. “How could you even hear when you are busy playing musicals this early morning? Isn’t it too early to start this Alex? Shouldn’t you be preparing for school by now?” He yelled looking at him. Alex slowly turned down the music as he listens to the man gave him his daily dose of troubles. “I wonder what I have done to God to give me you as a child when he was giving other people responsible children. Other kids are out there making their families proud, obtaining good grades from school, carrying on their family’s legacies and representing their families well in the society while mine…” He paused as he gave Alex a disgusting look.
Alex has tears rushing on his face at this point. His heart was really heavy, he is already used to hearing such words and he is waiting for his dad to end the statement with calling him a disgrace. Mr. William hissed loudly as he moved closer. “I wonder my own son is so opposite, so good at disgracing me and being delusional.” He said with a sad face. He exhaled loudly for a while with his eyes closed before he opened them and stared at Alex. “Man up boy, you are a William.” He said as he hissed and walked out. Alex was already trembling while his hands were shaking seriously. He quickly walked into his closet to pick up his drugs but he couldn’t find them. He searched everywhere but they were nowhere to be found. He managed to walk back to his bed and sits for a while but his hands were still shaking from the anxiety.
He managed to pack up his school bag and head out to school. The drive to school wasn’t easy for him but he managed to pack and sit back in the car. His condition is worsening that he couldn’t even call Angela at the moment, just when he is about passing out, he heard a knock on the glass and it was Alfred. He took a deep breath as he opened the car and opened the car. Alfred stared at him, he was still seating in the car, not willing to move an inch. The expression on his face clearly explains his situation. “Are you sure you are alright?” He asked looking at him. Alex nodded his head a little without saying a word, his body is still shivering a little from the anxiety. Alfred also nodded his head. “The morning lecture is canceled. Should we do some reading?” He asked and Alex nodded his head again. Alfred exhaled loudly this time. “You clearly don’t look good man, and you won’t say a word. Let’s take walk.” He said as he pulled Alex out of the car while they take a stroll around the school.
Alfred is taking pride as he walked around the school with one of the richest kids, holding hands which clearly signify their friendship. His dreams are becoming reality. You could tell from his reaction how happy he feels just being seen around with Alex. He tries so hard to bring up several conversations just so it looks real to people watching them. Alfred has a smirk with a smile on his face as he thought to his self. “They surely won’t think of me as a mere scholarship student.” He said while smiling.
All the while they were walking and talking randomly, Alex’s condition was stabilizing gradually, even though it was Alfred that did most of the talking, he felt comfortable that the anxiety stabilizes without taking any pill. This is the first time that such happens to him since when he started battling with anxiety; he is comfortable yet more confused at the situation. “Are his feelings for Alfred taking greater advantage of him?” He kept on asking himself as they reached the cafeteria to order for food. He sat motionless as he watched Alfred walked towards him with his hands occupied with a tray and a great smile on his face. He dropped the tray on the table and offered Alex his plate.
“Fish? I am seriously not a fan.” Alex said with a look on the plate. Alfred smiled and chuckled. “This fish is from my locale, I am sure you will like it with a single bite. Let me tell you, my mom has a signature recipe for this. You should try it one day.” Alfred whispered with a smile on his face. Alex exhaled loudly as he nodded his head and digger on the food. For the first time, he surely enjoys a fish. His heart couldn’t contain the curiosity and surging urge to explore more about Alfred. He adjusted himself and moved closer a little. “So about our little promise; I heard Andrew is throwing a birthday party soon. Would you like to attend?” He asked looking at him. Alfred almost chocked as he quickly dropped his spoon. “Seriously, I wouldn’t want to miss that for anything in the world. Who would want to miss partying with the elites?” He said with a huge excitement on his face.
Alex smiled as he continued eating. “You really need to take it slow with your fantasy for the rich Alfred, it’s not all rosy as you imagined it.” He said while Alfred burst out laughing. “Oh please Alex, I don’t want to take the usual argument with you. You will never convince me that sleeping in big mansions, driving expensive drives and wearing designers all the time isn’t rosy. Bring up another excuse man.” He replied. Alex chuckled without saying a word, even though he likes having a moment with Alfred, this conversation is surely the most difficult one to have with him, he couldn’t figure out why the guy is so glued to loving a flashy life. He couldn’t find a suitable way to explain to him that THE RICH ALSO CRY. He wish he could pull out all his secrets to him, only then will Alfred understands that everything comes with a price and for being rich, the price is always a fake smile…
Andrew drove in the school with his min filled with series of thoughts from his father’s behaviors. He wanted to hide his pains as he usually does but these days, it’s getting worse. His only escape was by bullying others just the way his father does on him but this is not high school anymore, he possibly can’t bully anyone in college. He sighed as he closed his eyes and leaned on the car seat. His phone started buzzing with series of calls from his friends but he quickly turned it off. He sighed deeply because he needs an escape from the reality. That was when he remembered that he has to work with Alyssa. He couldn’t explain the reason but he feels energetic and determined as he walked to the garden where they scheduled their appointment.
She was already there working by herself, the project is almost done and he didn’t even help with a bit. All he does at the moment was sitting down and staring at her. He wonders in his mind how someone like her can be confortable and live a simple life. It starts to baffles him how she lives freely without problems even though she is obviously poor. “Isn’t money the solution to everything? Why is the case different with him? Why is he wallowing in problems despite being rich and why is Alyssa living simple and happy despite being poor?” Andrew keeps asking himself as he stared none stop at Alyssa who wouldn’t stop writing.
She could feel him staring at her and she began feeling uncomfortable. The garden is very quiet and she wouldn’t want to take any chances with a rich kid that could do anything under the influence of drugs and get away with it. Of course she knows most rapes in high school and colleges were done by rich kids. She adjusted herself uncomfortable as she continued writing. “You can as well leave if you aren’t helping with a thing.” She said without looking at him. Her voice suddenly brought Andrew back from the wander world. He was stammering as he asked. “How can I help?” Alyssa was kind of surprised as she heard his voice so gentle and calm. That was when she raised her face and stared at him. One can tell from a look that Andrew is bothered with something. Something is definitely throbbing his mind. She slowly pushed the papers to him. “You can start typing in these; I am working on the last part. I would have done that but I don’t own a system.” She said while he calmly picked them up, he brought out his laptop from the bag and started working on the papers. This is the first time in his life that he is honestly working on a school project.
Alyssa could feel the tension in his heart. She sighed as she gave him the last part and stood up to leave. He was still working with a worried face. She was already walking away when she turned and called out his name with a soft voice while he quickly turned to her. “It will be well no matter how hard it was, take it easy and don’t give it too much thought. It will surely be alright.” She said with a smile as she walked away. Andrew couldn’t help it but he found himself smiling as he let out a deep sigh. Her words were cool in his heart as if water was poured on the burning fire in his heart. He smiled again as he found more reason to concentrate on the work. He couldn’t understand why he is very happy at the moment, he couldn’t understand why he is dedicating so much effort to the work; but he is sure that he wants to make Alyssa proud of hi…
***For You by Kizz Daniel playing…***


Written by Msquare…