The room was very noisy with the loud sound of music playing from the enormous home theater placed in the corners of the room. Alex was sitting on his large bed with a book on his hand, such moment is the happiest of his life where he gets to listen to music and read a book. He feels like he is reading the story of his life in a book, the story of a young boy who is denied his dreams and has to struggle with his sexuality amidst all the chaos. Alex sighed deeply as he slowly closed the book after reading the last paragraph where the boy has to give up on life, with a drop of tears on his face which he slowly wiped off. “I will not give up like Wyatt in his story, I will fight this till the end, I will find happiness for myself.” Alex said to himself as tears fall on his face again. He slowly wiped them again as he turn quickly to the sound of someone barging in to the room.
He hissed silently seeing that it was his mother, and just as he knew, she walked straight to the sound system and turned the music off. “Your father is on his way home Alex, you should get ready for the party tonight.” She said as she turned and walked out while Alex rolled his eyes. He knew his bad day have just begun, as if some bad news were announced to him, he started having panic attacks. He couldn’t stand the thought of attending the party filled with luxuries; he sluggishly walked to his closet and picked his drugs as he took them. “It’s alright Alex, we will scale through this.” He said to himself as he stared at the mirror.
He was still standing there figuring out what to wear to the even when he heard his name called downstairs by his father, he quickly rushed down to avoid a session of ranting. Alex was shocked when he saw Alfred standing downstairs. He couldn’t comprehend the reason why the boy followed him home. “You have a visitor.” He heard his father’s voice echoing while h was still figuring what to say. Alfred giggled with a smile. “I was trying to reach you but couldn’t, so I decided to drop by your place to do our project, you know it’s due tomorrow and I hate failing.” Alfred said looking at him.
Alex started stammering as he couldn’t figure out how to reply Alfred; he was still confused on how the boy got the address to his place. He was about speaking when he heard his dad’s voice again. “So you know there is an important project due in school yet you decided to follow us to the party? How can you be so insensitive Alex?” His father asked furiously. Alex is even more shocked at this point, he knows how important social gatherings are to his father but he never thought his father could make him ditch that for school. He was about speaking again when Alfred interrupted him. “Oh, I am very sorry Mr. Wilson, I am sure it skipped Alex’s mind but I will make sure he didn’t forget next time.” He said with a smile.
Mr. Wilson nodded his head as he stood to walk away. He tapped Alfred by his shoulder as he praised him. “What a dedicated boy, I am sure you make your parents proud with your grades.” He said with a smile before he turned to Alex whose face was downwards. “These are the kind of friends you should imitate and make me proud Alex. Now get back there and do the school work together, you are not going for any party.” He said as he walked out. His mother who just walked out of her room approached them. “There are snacks in the kitchen, you boys can munch on it or make the maid cook something for you while you are at it.” She said as she also followed her husband out.
Alex was still facing the floor while they walked out, he is still shocked at Alfred suddenly showing at his house but he is fucking happy that he could escape the party. This idea has never ranged in his head and seems he has found a means to escape what has been disturbing the peace of his life. He quickly raised his head and faced Alfred who was still admiring the ambient of the house. You can tell that he is engrossed in the interior of the house that he couldn’t hide his curiosity. He kept staring at the large designer couches in the living room, to the expensive painting hanged on the walls and other alluring features in the room. “Boy, you are stinking rich.” Alfred said as he admired Alex’s house.
Alex hissed as he walked upstairs while Alfred followed him. “What are you doing in my house?” He asked as he opened the door to his room. Alfred ho was still staring around laughed a little. “I told you already, I am here for the assignment, even though I have done it already.” He said as he brought out a book and gave Alex. Alex sighed as he collected it while Alfred couldn’t believe how large and well equipped Alex’s room is. “Do you sleep alone here? I could give my life to spend a day here.” Alfred said in amazement while Alex goes through the work.
Alex sighed again as he faced him. “Could you stop being silly and concentrate?” He yelled a little that made Alfred startled. He took a deep breath before he faced him again. “You can’t just write a group assignment alone knowing fully we have different ideas.” He said looking at him. Alfred smiled and giggled. “I know your ideas won’t beat mine, but I put that to consideration. Check it.” He said pointing at the work.
“But you know this shouldn’t be in written format right? We are submitting a soft copy.” Alex said looking at him. Alfred sighed as he sat on the couch. “Why do you think I am here then? I don’t own a system I would have finished up everything, so you should do your part.” He said. Alex was still surprised at the boy, he can really be annoying but he must commend him for saving him at this point, he would have been at that annoying party if not for him. He slowly walked over to his bed and picked up his system while he watched Alfred played the TV game so happily. He smiled and nodded his head while he started typing in the work.
After a while, Alex finished up the work and went ahead to get some snacks. “So how did you find here?” He asked Alfred who was still engrossed in the game. Alfred was still concentrating on the game when he answered him. “Well, I chatted up a few people from school.” He answered briefly. Alex nodded. “That’s hilarious though, but thanks for coming anyways. You saved me from that boring party.” He said as he rolled his eyes. Alfred quickly dropped the game pad and turned at Alex. “What party is you dad talking about? I can see he is all in the mood to party, you dad is a whole vibe man.” Alfred said as he tapped Alex a little and smiled.
Alex hissed as he munched on a snack. “You have no idea. It’s still the same kind of boring party for the rich. I don’t even see the reason why Andrew’s dad keeps hosting social gatherings as if they have nothing better to do.” He said and hissed again. Alfred was even more engrossed in the conversation. “Do you mean the jet boy? I would kill to be his friend.” He said looking excited.
Alex hissed again. “You better not, Andrew will make your life miserable. He is just a bitter boy trying to cover up.” Alex said.
Alfred was quiet for a while. “What about you? Will you be my friend?” He asked Alex while he blinks his eyes. Alex smiled and frown immediately. “No. I don’t keep friends.” He said as he stood up. Alfred hits the bed in disappointment. He was about talking when Alex interrupted him. “You should get going now. I have submitted the assignment to Mr. John’s mail already. You are occupying my private zone.” He said looking at Alfred. Alfred nodded his head as he packed up his stuffs. “Couldn’t you be nicer to the person that saved you from what you don’t like?” He asked rhetorically as he walked out of the room.
That was when it dawned on Alex that Alfred actually helped him and he could still help him in the future. What if he uses school work as an excuse to always dodge such events? His life could totally be cool. Of course he can use Alfred to achieve that. He quickly followed him and called his name. “Alfred, I need your help.” He said with a smile as he walked downstairs to where Alfred is standing. “Let’s talk in the garden.” He said as he walked out while Alfred followed him.
Alex smiled and adjusted himself as they sat by the pool. “So the thing is I basically hate all these extravagant lifestyle that includes going out to social gatherings with my parents. They just make me feel oppressed when everyone begins bragging about their wealth and children.” Alex explained. “How does that affects me? It’s your life not mine but I am sure I can do anything it takes to experience that. You really don’t know what life out there looks like.” Alfred said with a straight face. Alex sighed deeply again. “Look, let’s not get into details with our lives. I just want us to strike a deal together.” He said looking at him while Alfred stared back at him curiously.
Alex adjusted himself and moved closer to him a bit mote. “Look, you showing up today for assignments made my parents have a good impression about you, they hardly trust people that easily but you passed so good. I would want you to keep showing up whenever there are events like this. I will tell you whenever and you will help me out.” Alex said. Alfred was about talking when he interrupts him. “Look, in return; I will allow you play with all my video games. I can get you new gadgets. And I will tag you along to one of those parties, but just once. Just help me out with this. It is a win- win for us.” He said looking at him.
Alfred was tempted already. This is what he has been praying to have and now he gets it on a platter with even an offer included. He smiled as he nodded his head. ‘It’s a deal then.” He said as Alex smiled also and nodded his head. They both have their motives in mind; little did they know that the solution to a problem is the beginning of another…
Alyssa was sitting in the library going through some books when she heard her name being called loudly. It was Andrew, he looked furious when he approached her. “How dare you ditched me and submit the wok without acknowledging me?” Andrew asked furiously. Alyssa’s eyes were fixed to the books as she replied him. “The same way you ditched all my messages asking for your own part of the work.” She replied sarcastically without even looking at him.
Andrew was even more furious at this moment. “Look, I was occupied throughout the weekend; you could just add my name to it.” He yelled again. She slowly packed her stuffs and stood up. “Look, I only did my own part of the work. It would have been best to you if you channel this energy into doing your own work and submitting it. I don’t have time for this and am not here to be your slave.” She said as she pushed him off and walked away. Andrew was ashamed as there are bunch of students in the garden staring at what happened. He hissed as he nodded his head. “You will pay for this girl.” He said as she walked away also…


Written by Msquare…