It’s a bright and wonderful morning; the sky is bright as the rays of sunlight shines across it. The beautiful ambience of Bright Field University is being complimented by the flashy cars driving in and out of the school. One could tell from a look how influential the school is. Children from rich and elite families are being dropped in expensive rides. The university is popular for its good records of graduating prestigious students especially in the fields of business; medicine and engineering so most influential families across the country send their wards to the school.

Alex was sitting in his car while the driver slowly parked at the parking lot. He was sweating profusely and shivering at the same time. He was in that miserable condition of panicking due to anxiety when he heard his driver alerting him their arrival in the school. He nodded his head and asked the driver to excuse him for a while. This always happens to him when he is under pressure or stressed about a particular thing, and of course he is stressed about the whole school stuff because he knows how oppressing it is going to be. Everyone will be trying really hard to show off their family’s wealth and all those things don’t freak him a bit.

His hands were still shaking when he slowly opened his bag and picked up a small container of drugs. They are anti-anxiety medications; they help him regain sanity whenever he has panic attacks. He picked a single dose and swallowed it using a water bottle beside him. He closed his eyes and was twisting his hands till his breathing stabilizes. His phone buzzed up immediately and he answered without wasting a time seeing it was Angela’s name boldly written on the screen. He told her his location and she showed up at the parking lot after a short while.

“I can’t believe I am going through this Angela. I wished my father would reason with me and permit me to do what I like. Sometimes I hate myself for being an only child in a rich family. My rights are deprived and I have no say in my life’s decision.” Alex said with a bitter side. Angela smiled and giggled a little. “Do you think it is easy for people like us? Can you even live with the pressure of having to be up to standard with your siblings? The comparison is fucking oppressing Alex; you should be glad that you don’t have to compare your life with others, so you can show weakness at some points.” She replied with a worried voice also.

Alex sighed deeply and kept quiet for a while. “Sometimes, I imagine how our lives would be if we are just middle class people, like if we don’t have to live this lavish every day, if we don’t have to hide our scars just because the society looks up to us. I really imagine how simple life would have been. Like we could cry and laugh whenever we want without being restricted.” He said with a smile on his face.

The sudden noises of students yelling and shouting while they run towards the field made Alex and Angela peeped through the window while they sit in the car. It was Andrew Wilson, the only son to the richest oil magnet in the country. His family owns lot of luxurious mansions across the country, not to talk of their enormous luxury ships. Andrew walked majestically as he alighted from his private jet. The entire students were jaw dropped by Andrew’s epic appearance. Andrew was known for his lavish and expensive lifestyle, his outfits have always been top brands and his rides have always been flashy and luxurious, and with his sudden arrival in a private jet, it is of course a topic for discussion. He walked majestically as he enjoying the scene of students admiring him. One could tell how proud of himself he is just with a stare at how he walks.

Alex rolled his eyes as he adjusted himself back in the car. “That guy is seriously extra.” He said and they both laughed. “I really don’t blame him; his father isn’t as strict as ours.” Angela said and they laughed again…


Alfred couldn’t hide his excitement as he walked into the serene environment of Bright Field University. He couldn’t stop admiring the rich kids that were flooding into the school with different flashy cars. He was totally mesmerized by the good ambient of the school, the enormous buildings that were surrounded with beautiful and expensive flowers made him feel as if he were in sort of countries abroad. He swore to have never been to such a rich place ever in his life as they walked out of the administrative building with his friend after completing their documentations. Alyssa smiled as she also stared around the place. “This place looks better than it was described.” She added as they walked. Alfred was even more taken away when he saw Andrew landing in a private jet. “Have you seen that handsome boy that came in a jet, I will make sure he becomes my friend. I won’t let such an opportunity pass me by.” He said looking determined. Alyssa giggled as she knew Alfred’s motive right from the first place when he applied for the scholarship. She honestly hopes he would stay away from his delusional fantasy of mingling with the wealthy kids in the school, she knew that would only land him in trouble. And knowing how stubborn and determined he is, she wouldn’t waste her time on giving him advices….


It is the first day of class and of course, they are mostly introductory classes. The students were seated in a large lecture hall when a young man walked majestically to the podium; he dropped his briefcase aside as he slowly adjusted the glasses on his eyes. He introduced himself as Dr. John as he kick start his lectures. “Income inequality!” He wrote clearly on the large while board while he faced them and stared his explanation.

He explained that audience’s income is essential for the growth of every successful business, but this income is never equal which leaves a business owner to be on doubt about where they should focus with their business. Income inequality as Dr. John explained is the difference in how income is distributed among individuals and populations, it is also termed as the gap between the rich and the poor. Which certainly this gap is what makes business owner to pounder while managing their businesses.

Dr. John was in the midst of his explanation when Alfred raised his hands. “Oh, I like an interactive class.” Dr. John said happily as he permitted Alfred to speak. “I don’t think there should be a reason to ponder about managing ones business based on income inequality. I think every business owner should target rich audiences.” Alfred said. The class was silent for a while as Mr. John was expecting a challenge from someone else. Alyssa slowly raised her hands as she stood up also. “Then what about the poor? They can also be target audiences and besides, not all businesses should focus on the rich.” She pointed.

“The poor are not supposed to live!” A voice from the extreme end of the hall said and all the students laughed in chorus. Alex hissed knowing fully that it was Andrew. He wanted speaking back but he hates being the center of attraction but at the same time, he couldn’t resist the urge to challenge Alfred who was defending the rich as if his life depends on it. “I am just speaking from a business owner’s perspective and I am sharing my opinion on how I will tackle the gap problem. If I know my audiences are poor, then why should I start a business?” Alfred said again and a few students agreed to his point.

At this point, Alex was pissed so he stood up and chipped in the conversation. “Well I think the first step of tackling income inequality is understanding target audience is self and their needs. I think one should know the exact audience that will patronize their business, whether rich or poor. Just because you want the rich to patronize your business doesn’t mean one should start a business that the rich might not need. Take for example expensive restaurants; we all know where those are located; so also street and local restaurants. So a business shouldn’t be managed based on income inequality, rather on the need of target audience.” Alex explained.

The class continued being interactive as the students exchanged heated argument with majority supporting the rich while other supporting the poor. Dr. John was sitting on a stool at the podium as he watched and listened to their points. He was really enticed and at a point, he slowly stood up and ended the conversation. “I think this should lead us to a team work then.” He said as he picked up his brief case. “I will forward the list of the groupings while you brainstorm ideas together.” He added as he walked out of the class while the students started walking out after him.

Alex hissed as he also walked out together with Angela. “I thought that boy was a scholarship boy, why was he defending the rich as if his life depends on it.” He said referring to Alfred. Angela smiled as they reached the school’s cafeteria to grab breakfast. “Just because he is on scholarship doesn’t mean he should support being poor Alex, not everyone has life on a platter of gold.” She said looking as she brought out her phone. “Holy shit! Guess who you are paired with for the assignment?” She asked rhetorically as she showed the phone to his face.

He stared at the screen for a while and hissed loudly. “God, what’s all these seriously, I never liked this place at first and now I will have to be stuck with insensitive humans.” He said with a deep sighed and a worried face. “Well, I just have a sympathy for his friend, Andrew will surely roast her alive.” Angela said while she still scrolls through the list. They were still eating when Alfred walked towards their table. He was having a huge smile on his face as he approached Alex with a hand shake. “Hello partner.” He said as he stretched out his hands for a shake.

Alex sighed deeply as he stood up and picked up his stuffs. “Look man, I have nothing against you but I am not your friend. Get this straight into your head that this is just a project and nothing more.” He said as he walked away. “You will surely like me and make me your friend man.” Alfred yelled as he watched them walked away.

His heart was racing faster as he quickly walked to the restroom and took a pill. He stayed in there for a while before he could get himself stabilized. He hates arguments because they only lands him in more anxiety and he is sure that his collaboration with Alfred will only do him harm than good. He has to find a way to avoid him even if it means failing the assignment…


Written by Msquare…