The studio was dark and quiet; their voices are the only audible sounds in there. Alvin slowly stood up as he walked around, staring at the pictures that Charles has snapped. It’s just a couple few days in the camp resort but Charles has gathered a nice collection already. Alvin took a look at the beautiful photographs; he was hooked on an unaware picture of him. “When was this?”He asked briefly looking at the picture. Charles giggled from the point he was sitting. “I was just playing with my lenses, I can’t remember honestly.” He replied. Alvin nodded his head as he continued touring around the beautiful collections of pictures. He paused for a while as he stumbled on a portrait of Maya. “This looks good.” He said briefly. Charles slowly stood up and walked over. “It actually an idea I want to use for our cover, you should be right there behind her.” He said pointing at the spot on the picture.

Alvin nodded his head without saying a word. He continued walking till he reached the wall and lean on it. “You are pretty getting along with her; quite interesting.” He said as he folded his hands and stare at him. Charles sighed and also moved to the opposite wall, facing Alvin. “Okay, now you are giving me the talk look; should we talk about it?” He asked while Alvin nodded in agreement. Charles sighed deeply again, he slowly closed his eyes for a while and opened them quickly. “Okay, this is hard but I will make it clear and brief.” He said and Alvin nodded again. “For starters, I am not going for anything serious. I’d prefer fun with no strings attached. I am an open minded person; my sexuality has no label, you can take it whatever way you want. As long as I feel the connection, I am eligible to sleep with them.” He said looking at Alvin. Alvin nodded again as he listens to him while he continued speaking. “I insist, fun only with no feelings or strings attached. You can’t question who I see and I will also have no business with whomever you see. Are you okay with that?” Charles asked trying to make his statement clear.

Alvin nodded in agreement again. “That is perfectly fine. I also prefer keeping my options open. Besides, I can’t be caged in a relationship for this one month. But I have few conditions.” He said looking at him. Charles nodded his head anticipating the condition. “Firstly, whenever I am tired of this, you won’t be a pain in the ass if I decide to stop it; likewise I won’t stop you if you are tired.” He said looking at him. Charles nodded. “Okay, what next?” He asked. Alvin sighed and continued speaking. “Also I don’t want secrets, keep yourself open and don’t take me for a fool. I won’t care whoever you are screwing, just don’t use me to cover up. I know one month is short but who knows what might happen?” He said looking at him. Charles smiled as he moved closer and stretched his hands for a shake. “If that is the case then, I think we have a great deal here.” He said offering his hands to Alvin. Alvin smiled as he moved closer. “I think there is a better way to seal the deal.” He said as he grab his neck and place a kiss on his lips. They started kissing and smooching each other aggressively.

Alvin was moaning loudly as Charles picked him up and placed him on the table after he pushed off the stuffs on the table. He quickly climbed on him and started kissing all the parts of his body till he moved down to his lower belly. Alvin was grasping for air as Charles grabbed his dick in his tongue while working with his fingers in his hole. He could feel his soul living his body because of the high pitch of the ecstasy. After a while of Charles sucking and fingering him, he struggled and turned him over as he climbed on him, he turned around in a 69 position with his butt on Charles face while his mouth concentrated on his dick. Charles was rimming his ass and stroking his dick while Alvin was sucking him hardly. They were so indulged in the act as if their life depends on it, after a short while, they both started moaning loudly and yelling each other’s name as they both released loads of cum.

Alvin collapsed on the table beside Charles as they faced each other and laughed out loud. “You are something else boy.” Charles said looking at Alvin and they laughed again. Alvin giggled a little. “Be ready to explore different shades of me young man, I bet you can’t comprehend all.” He said as he jumped off the table and answered his phone that started ringing. Charles was still lying on the table as he watched Alvin talked on the phone. He was sure that was Henry and for no reason, he hates the guy. Alvin starts getting ready quickly. “Where are you headed to?” Charles asked curiously. “To see Henry.” Alvin replied briefly. Charles was about speaking but Alvin interrupts him. “Agreements man; besides, I have over enough shades for y’all.” He said as he walked away. Charles laid on the table with a bitter heart. His spirit doesn’t trust Henry and he hates the way Alvin is sharing his attention equally among them….


It’s been a week already, and as per the training’s tradition, every team was to submit the covers and names of their project for assessment. It was a miracle for Alvin’s team; their work which is titled “31 SHADES OF HIM” appeared among the top 10 works for week. Same goes with Henry’s team. Their work also made it to the list. That was not an ordinary success for all the teams that made it to the list; that automatically means they are being brought to the spot light, their names will be mentioned more and of course, they will have more rivals at this point. And at this point is where the story gets interesting, twists and turns occur, secrets, betrayals and rivalry starts flowing in the air…


Sarah slowly closed her laptop as she stretched her arms and yawned. “Finally, thank God it’s a wrap for the day.” She said looking at John who squeezed his face. “Common guys, this is just 4:00pm, we can still achieve something before evening.” He said trying to persuade the team to work more. Maya quickly stood up. “Oh please John, we have done enough already, besides the next scene is Alvin’s and can’t you see how pale he is looking. We are all exhausted, let’s just call it a day.” She said with a clingy voice. Charles also stood up and picked his camera. “Well I think it’s a wrap then.” He said as he holds Maya’s hands. “Let’s head out.” He added and they walked away. Alvin also picked his items and zoomed off because Henry has been banging his phone with calls. John also stood up since he is left with no choice but to call it a day. “Make sure you cross check the work Sarah, I don’t want any errors by tomorrow.” He said as he walked away also.

Sarah was packing and about to leave when she heard someone from behind called her name. She slowly turned in amazement because she barely had friends in the camp apart from her team mates. To her surprise, it was Celina; a member of the judging committee. Sarah was baffled; she quickly greeted and addressed her properly. Celina smiled as she moved closer to her. “Oh please Sarah, just address me by my name, I am not that aged please.” She said as she chuckled and tapped her by her shoulder. “What are you up to? Do you want to grab something to eat?” She asked again. Sarah was puzzled and didn’t know what to do but agreed so they head to the cafeteria together. They ordered food and sat together to eat, all the while, Sarah was still confused on why Celina will choose to have a meal with her. She was so anxious and couldn’t wait to hear the reason behind that.

“So tell me about you Sarah, I haven’t been seeing you socializing around. You just work and that’s it for you.” Celina asked looking at her. Sarah smiled as she tried to gulp on a drink. “Well, socialization isn’t much of my thing, I prefer being solo.” She said looking at her. Celina laughed a little. “I disagree with that Sarah. I noticed how those young men and women have been making advances at you, you just choose to ignore.” She said looking at her. Sarah was shocked at Celina’s statement so she couldn’t reply. “Oh, I am sorry, are you straight?” Celina asked with a startled face. Sarah nodded. “I am fine actually, I am really open minded. I am just surprised you brought that up.” She said. Celina smiled. “I thought you were really angry, lots of straight people will get furious if someone mistakes them for lesbians.” She said.

Sarah nodded her head. “It’s actually fine by me. Nowadays; most people can’t figure their sexualities, they just lean wherever they are comfortable and I think I am that kind of person also. The country is shitty enough so we all need some comforts regardless where it comes from.” Sarah said looking at her. Celina smiled again as she sipped her drink. She started at Sarah for a while. “Well I think I can have a chance then.” She said with a smile on her face. She slowly stood up as she left a small note for Sarah and walked away. “Dinner tomorrow.” The note reads and Sarah smiled…


Alvin rushed and entered Henry’s room as he threw his bag away as he grabbed Henry’s lips and started kissing them aggressively. They continued kissing and smooching each other’s body on the bare wall before Henry pushed Alvin to the bed. He slowly turned Alvin over; his face was on the wall as he continued kissing his neck and ears. He quickly picked a condom from the mini drawer beside his bed and inserted it on his fully erected dick as he started fucking Alvin. They were both moaning so hard in pleasure while kissing each other. Henry was still stroking Alvin’s dick as he was also fucking him. After a while of the intense sex, the both released and slowly collapsed on the bed panting so hard. Henry exhaled loudly as he adjusted himself and lean slightly on the bed while Alvin was lying in between his legs. “That was great.” Henry said with a smile on his face. Alvin sighed deeply with a worried face. “You clearly know this is wrong Henry. I am seriously afraid.” He said with a worried tune.

Henry giggled. “What’s wrong about this Alvin? We are just hooking up and nothing more, there is no barn about this and it’s not against the camp’s rule.” He affirmed. Alvin sighed deeply and sat up. “Well you know how the competitions are getting intense right? We shouldn’t be hooking up since we are rivals. And besides, I really don’t like the way your colleagues gives me a cold look every time especially Jay. Are you sure there is nothing between you guys?” Alvin asked. Henry sighed as he crawled down from the bed and picked bottled water. “You have nothing to worry about Alvin.” He said looking at him. He took a few drink and concentrated back on him. “That aside, how is your work coming through? What’s the new plan?” He asked looking at him. Alvin stood up and started getting dressed. “That reminds me; I have some adjustment shoots to make before the week’s wrap. We are still creating the old ideas.” He answered innocently while Henry smiled and giggled.

Henry walked him to the door and continued taking his water as he picked his phone and dialed his team’s group. He updated them about Alvin’s team with a wicked smile on his face. “I will make sure this goes nowhere for you Charles…” He said with a smirk on his face. 


Celina was lying on her bed with Cleo beside her. Cleo who was looking very worried sighed deeply and faced Celina. “Are you sure Sarah will fall for your plans?” She asked anxiously. Celina smiled a little. “The judging board is really wide my dear, I only have a few power in there, I cannot make your team win this, but I will do everything in my power to pave ways for you by taking down all other teams. And by this means, I am sure Sarah will fall victim and her team will be out of the way. This is the battle in this industry my dear, you just have to make moves to get yourself in…” Celina said as she assured her girlfriend…



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