The rays of the sunlight piercing through the window shined on his eyes as he closed them tightly and grumbled to the annoying bang on the door. He hissed as he crawled down from the bed and head to the door. He was murmuring as he opened the door to Maya about to knock again. She was shocked and frozen as she stood dumbfounded and started at his manly built body. She was almost drooling as she stared at him. Alvin was standing behind with his hands folded, he hissed as he almost pushed her and get in front of her. “Move away Maya.” He said. He gave Charles a fiery look for a while. “We aren’t here to admire your statue, get the hell in there and get ready. We have a lot to do after the general lectures.” He said as he hissed and walked away. Charles giggled as he stared at Alvin walked away. He smiled and turned to Maya who was still looking at him in admiration. “I will be out soon.” He said as he barged in and closed the door behind him…
It was a large enormous hall with over 300 youths; the hall is arranged in steps like a stadium. Every one could see another. The youths are eager and excited; they were all seated looking forward to the lecture before they strive out to their projects. A young woman walked in, she wasn’t looking old, probably in her late 40s. She stood in the middle of the hall and took the podium. She introduced herself as Celina, the supervisor of the project. Her speech was really boring at first until she actually started talking about the reality of the competition.
Celina adjusted herself on the podium as she stared at the youths who were also staring back at her. “You see, the whole idea of this project is to employ youths who can work collectively and produce something extra ordinary. I will not give you all high hopes; I will be honest with you that we are to employ only the best three teams which make fifteen people among you.” She said. She took a breath as she continued speaking. “Our judges will work diligently and transparently to judging your behaviors right from today, so this is not all about creating a master piece, but also about team work, the rate of friendship and collaboration that you all have with your team mates and also others.” She added.
A young lady raised her hands and Celina nodded her head. The lady slowly stood up and they all stare at her. “What is the point of judging our daily activities, I think this should focus on our creativity rather than our behaviors.” She said and the whole people in the hall started murmuring. Celina giggled a little and kept quiet for a while. “I would want you all to know that my company is built base on trust and understanding. I will not have you ruin that just because you are talented. So bear in your mind that if you are to be among our beneficiaries, talent and modesty should walk hand in hands for you. Good luck as you start this 31 days adventure.” She said as she slowly exited herself from the hall…
“That’s really brave of you Henry; you leaving South Africa just to chase a dream here in Nigeria? It is ridiculous. I mean, I will trade everything to be in your country.” Alvin said to Henry as they were having a discussion in a garden. Henry giggled a little. “You don’t know what it means to be an outcast Alvin, do you?” Henry asked with a soft voice. He sighed as he continued speaking. “Since when I came to Nigeria, I realized that the dream of every queer Nigerian is to escape to a more acceptable country like mine, but have you people ever thought of what is like to be an outcast back in there? Like what it really feels to be abandoned by your family just because you are different?” He asked with a pitiful face.
Alvin sighed deeply as he tapped Henry’s shoulder. “You know, at some point, I use to think that this camp is actually filled with people who couldn’t get the shits of their lives together, people like me and you who life has fucked up really bad. I just feel like this one month is like giving us a free chance to like happily, away from toxicity and negativity of the outside world.” He said looking blankly in the air. Alvin sighed again as he continued speaking. “Life is fucked up for queer people everywhere in the world Henry, our families disown us, we don’t have friends or families to get back home to; our partners constantly cheating on us. Our lives are just fucked up at every angle.” He added with a sorrowful voice. Henry giggled and laughed a little. “But there is one thing I am assured of Alvin, that there will always be light at the end of every tunnel.” He said looking at him. Alvin exhaled loudly. “Well that light should better hit me brightly that it could nearly blind me.” He said and they laughed.
The atmosphere was very chilly; the only sound that was being heard in the garden was the laughter of Henry and Alvin apart from the sounds of birds chirping on the trees. Alvin’s phone chimes, he picked it to have a look but he dropped it back immediately, it was another message from his landlord demanding for his house rent. He smiled as he looked back at Henry who handed him an apple. “Won’t you answer that?” He asked politely. Alvin nodded with a smile. “Oh, that’s not important.” He said looking at him. “By the way, you don’t seem to hangout more with your team, aren’t you needed that much over there?” Alvin asked curiously. Henry nodded with a smile as he bites an apple. “I am just an editor you know, my work starts where theirs stops.” He said. Alvin was a bit surprised. “I thought you are a photographer?” He asked with a shocked face. Henry smiled and nodded his head. “I can do more than you can imagine.” He said with a smile.
He adjusted himself and scooted over to Alvin. “What’s the deal with your team mate? The photographer; why does he acts weird whenever I am around you?” He asked curiously. Alvin shrouded his shoulder. Henry chuckles a little. “I think he is into you, he is quiet acting jealous.” He said looking at him. Alvin was tensed for a bit. He was speech less for a while. He was about speaking but Henry has already moved closer to his face. He placed a kiss on his lips. “But I think I have you before him.” He said as he kissed Alvin again. They were kissing and smooching each other in the peaceful garden when Charles barged in and pushed Henry away. “What the hell are you two doing?” He asked panting. Henry who was pissed quickly jumped up and geared a punch at Charles but Alvin yelled his name immediately. “It’s okay Henry, I will take it from here.” Alvin said looking at him. Henry was panting as he stared at Charles with rage in his eyes. “Thanks your ancestors for Alvin; I would have redecorated your face.” He said as he walked out of the garden.
Alvin faced Charles who was still standing and breathing loudly. “What the hell was that Charles? This isn’t work hours, why are you interrupting my personal moment?” He yelled looking at him. Charles giggled as he moved closer to him. “Personal moments? You called slutting around personal moments? I really doubt there is anything personal about you judging the way you easily spread your legs around”. He yelled back. Alvin quickly pushed him off till he fell on the ground. “You have no right to define or judge how I live my life. If you have no other way to master your insecurities and jealousy, then stop bothering my life.” He yelled looking at him. Charles quickly stood up; he was about yelling back at him when John entered the garden. “What’s wrong with you guys? Why are you yelling at each other? Is this how ypu intend to make our project work after Celine’s preaches about being friends?” He yelled looking at them.
Charles was still panting when he stepped closer to Alvin; he was staring at his eyes as he speaks. “I am sorry to disappoint you John, but I see more of an enemy than a friend here, and I pray these 31 days doesn’t evolve to something terrible.” He said as he walked away. He slowly turned as he reached the entrance. His eyes were filled with rage as he speaks. “And I will never be jealous of you; you public’s feast. I just hope you won’t ruin our hard work with your slutty behavior.” He said as he stormed out…
He walked furiously to the river side where he usually smokes; Maya has seen him when he left the garden angrily so she followed him. He was smoking and trying to calm his mind when she walked slowly and hugged him from behind. She tucked her hands in his shirt and hugged him tightly. “Who must have wronged my baby boy?” Maya asked with a seductive voice. Charles sighed deeply without saying a word as he continued smoking. Maya slowly walked in front of him and knelt before him, she slowly unbuttoned his shirt and placed her hands on his thick skin, Charles was slowly responding to her touches as he grabbed her by the waist. “You are asking for what you can’t handle girl.” He said as he deepens his hands in her skirt. Maya moaned lightly. “Then let me try it.” She whispered in his ears.
Charles quickly picked her up and dropped her on the bare floor, he grabbed her lips and started kissing them aggressively; he slowly reached for her nipples and sucked them while he was using his finger to play with her pussy. Maya was already wet as she desperately begged Charles to lick her plate. He pulled off her pants quickly and went down to give her a head. Maya was moaning loudly as he holds his head. After a while, she struggled and turned him over, she climbed on him and takes off his trousers, his fully erected dick was throbbing at her as she quickly placed it in her mouth, Charles was moaning loudly as he closed his eyes but his visions started impairing, he could see Alvin’s face on Maya’s. He tried to concentrate as she climbed on his and started riding his dick.
The more she rides, the more he sees Alvin on him, he couldn’t help but to think of Alvin, before he could realize it, his dick has shrunk already. He quickly pushed Maya away and wore back his clothes, she was still confused as she tried to talk to him but he picked his glass of drink and walked away. He is totally confused as his thoughts have totally drawn back to Alvin. He staggered and walked back to their apartment. That was when he peeped in Alvin’s room and saw him about getting changed. He was drunk already so he jumped into Alvin’s room.
“Hello slut…” Charles said as he jumped on Alvin and grabbed his lips tightly. He could feel his dick throbbing harder as he forcefully tore up Alvin’s cloths…

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