Have you ever had this feeling where it feels like your life is being timed, that scary situation where you will feel deep inside you that some scary shits are about happening in your life and you just couldn’t do anything about it. That moment you are filled with happiness but anticipating a tragedy deep inside you? That is Adam’s situation at the moment as he sat idle by the bitch staring at Elvis who played with kids around in the water. His heart is filled with happiness as he watched the boy play among kids but deep down his heart, he could hear the scary sound of his heart beating faster as if something were about happening. His mind couldn’t be at rest, he has a bad feeling about the day. He was wondering what was about happening and all his thought lead him to Cleo. He is sure she was about doing something fishy. Adam quickly stood up and dragged Elvis out of the water to a nearby garden. “What is going on Adam?” You scared me.” Elvis asked with a scared face.

Adam stared at him for a while as he was deliberating on how to open up the situation to him. he sighed and holds his hands tightly. “I don’t know what I am feeling Elvis, I am just having a bad signal. Promise me that you will always be with me no matter what happened.” He pleaded looking desperate. Elvis giggled a little. “Why are you going on and on about this Adam? I told you that we have nothing to fear even if this goes out, except f there is something you are not telling me.” He said giving him a suspicious look while Adam started stammering. Elvis giggled as he moved back. “Is there something I should know?” He asked looking at him anxiously. Adam continued stammering as he moved closer and grabbed Elvis’s hands. He was about talking when they heard Eunice’s voice from a distance. “So it is really true? You guys are really together.” She said with a broken voice and tears dropping from her face.

Matilda and Steve who rushed after her also arrived at the spot. Eunice wiped her face as she faced Adam. “Was this the reason why you never approved of him? Was this the reason why you always try to stop me from seeing him? Was this the reason you refused to help me court him? Was it because you wanted sleeping with him?” She asked with rage in her face. They were all silent as she giggled and moved closer to him. “Or were you actually sleeping with him brother? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Aren’t you ashamed of stealing your sister’s man? Aren’t you ashamed of being a cheater and a bad brother? I’d really thought you loved me and would go any extra mile for me, I thought you would make any sacrifice just to make me happy, little did I know that you are just a selfish being.” Eunice yelled staring at him as she pushed him back.

Elvis quickly stepped forward and pushed her also. “I would not have you disrespect my man in my presence Eunice. I was already clear with you in the first place that I didn’t love you. I made sure that I never gave you a single hope. You were being delusional and hanging on what you will never have. It is not my fault that you were so blind to see how much I love your brother.” He said looking at her.

She giggled as she stepped a bit closer. “Oh really; I thought he was the only selfish one, now I see your relationship is a conspiracy of selfishness. I am sure you were selfish and pretended to be blind to Steve’s feelings over you all these years. For Christ sake, we can all tell he loves you from just a look Elvis. But you were a narcissist and a user, all you do is use people to your advantage. I can’t believe I was hooked on a bad and selfish human all these times.” She yelled as she pushed him.

Elvis was speechless as he stared at Eunice talked about Steve’s feelings for him. He slowly turned and stares at Steve who was looking worried also. He took a deep breath as he turned and stare at Adam who was still shedding tears. Eunice was still panting really hard while Matilda tried to calm her down. Elvis walked over to Adam and grabbed his hands. He sighed deeply as he wiped is tears. “I don’t know what the future holds Adam, but as long as we never cheated on each other, I am, willing to choose you again and again. I am willing to stay with you till the end of time, even if it means losing my friendships, I am willing to consider the thing between us and give it a priority.” He said as he hugged him tightly.

They were staring at them as they walked away holding hands. Eunice fell on the ground and continued wailing while Steve wiped his years and walked away. He walked away with a heavy heart knowing fully that what he wished for will never be granted. It all occurred to him that  everything that happened was his fault, may be if he had summoned courage and confess his feelings to Elvis right from the beginning, may be if he had been a hero instead of being a coward, just may be f he had told Elvis about his love, he would have been his boyfriend. He thought to himself as he walked away in tears…


Elvis was lying on the couch going through his phone while he waits for Adam to get back form work so he could drop him off at the airport. The school session is over and he had to get back home to his family, he really didn’t want to go home but Adam insisted he should at least spend a week with them before going home. He was still waiting when he heard a knock on the door, he walked and opened it excitedly hoping it was Adam but to his surprise, it was Cleo. It has been over three months since he last saw her and she has changed a lot. She gained more weight and if he wasn’t mistaken, he saw a bump in her stomach indicating pregnancy. He wasn’t surprised; after all, she should be married and stop wasting her time on Adam. He quickly welcomed her and offered her a seat and some drink.

She stared at the well furnished apartment for a while that was having several pictures of them hanged on the wall. She nodded her head as she adjusted herself on the couch. “I am not here to waste much time here Elvis.” She said staring at him. “I am just here to end everything that you have started; I am sick and tired of seeing you being the only winner of this game between us.” She said as she sighed and picked and envelop from her bag. Elvis stared at her in confusion as she continued speaking. “It is so disheartening to me doing this after I have taken you as my junior brother, but anyways, I would have to do it.” She said as she throws the envelop at him.

His hands were shivering as he opened them and saw the shocking contents in them. “Yes Elvis, what you saw was right, and to quench the thirst of your haunch, this is Adam’s.” She said pointing at her pregnancy. “This is all I have for you Elvis. Till we meet again.” She said as she took a few steps away. She slowly turned at him as he was staring at the pictures and shedding tears. “That is the irony of life Elvis. That is what you get when you decide to sow on the land that isn’t yours. I have tried to warn you severally that you have no place in Adam’s life but you were adamant. Well, this is what you get. You can never have it all boy.” She said looking at him.

She was about leaving but then turned to him again. “You can call me selfish Elvis, after all; I learnt that from you. I never regret doing what I did because you don’t deserve a happy ending after putting us all in distress. You have broken Steve’s and Eunice’s heart, so you also do not deserve a happy ending.” She said as she walked out and banged the door behind her.

Elvis fell on the floor as he was wailing and crying. That was when it dawned on him that he has made a great mistake in his life. For causing a conflict between siblings, this should be his reward. That was when Eunice’s words hits him again that he was a user, he has been using Steve all these years as a friend and now, he used Adam as a lover. Surely, this is the bitter reward he gets for being the cause of distress in other people’s life. He slowly stood up and picked his bags as he wrote a letter and left it for Adam…


“How could you be this daft Eunice? How could you have disrespect your brother because of a man? Elvis was honest with you and you cannot blame him for choosing who to live his life with. The world is so vast that people can do and live the way they want to; now I want you to get inside that house and apologize to your brother and Elvis right now.” Her mother yelled as she escorted her to Adam’s place to apologize to him. Eunice pushed the door and entered the house reluctantly. She walked slowly to the living but she was shocked seeing her brother lying lifeless on the floor with a small bottle on his hands. She screamed and tried waking him; that was when she noticed a letter beside him. Her mother quickly entered after hearing the scream while Eunice picked up the letter and started reading it.

Dear Adam!

How would I start explaining how colorful my life was after meeting you? How should I start explaining how meaningful my life became after you stepped in it? How should I start explaining when I find a reason to smile through you, how I found a reason to be a better person for you? You changed me and made me the good boy I am today, you made me want to wake up every day and be a better version of myself. You filled my life with joy and make me love you more every single day…

But Adam, I am afraid that I couldn’t hold all these to myself, I thought being selfish was right but I realized how distressful we made other people’s life become. I cannot even breath properly knowing that I cause misfortunes to others life. As long as I want all these for myself, I cannot live with the fact that I am not the appropriate partner for you. I cannot live knowing that I am being a sore in your life. I can’t live knowing that I am being a bridge between you and your unborn baby.

I would rather leave than to live as a burden Adam. I would appreciate it if you would not look for me in the future as I would never be back to you. My only wish and favor is you name your child after me, do not forget about me Adam as I would never forget you and your honest love to me. May be in the future if this thing between us becomes appropriate, I might just come back to you. Stay safe and remember me always, I am sure that THE THING BETWEEN US will be remembered for a long time in the heart of humans…

Yours Forever; Elvis…


Eunice screamed after reading the letter as he tried waking Adam up but he wasn’t breathing, just when she was about to call for she noticed another letter beside him. She quickly picked up but her mother who was also wailing grabbed it and started reading it…

Dear Reader…

I am sure by the time you will receive this, I would be long dead but could you do me a favor of delivering this letter to Elvis no matter where he is? I just wish he had waited for me before leaving.

Elvis, I don’t think I have a life remaining if actually you would leave me. I would have no purpose of living anymore. My love for you is genuine and I would have no reason of living without you. I would rather die and wait for you in my next life, may be by then, THE THING BETWEEN US will be tagged perfect. Thank you for loving me and choosing me again. Thank you for being a part of my life…

Yours Forever…Adam…