It was sunny Monday morning when Steve was walking in a haste trying to leave the school’s premises after submitting his internship documents. He has been trying to avoid the public after his last incidence with Mr. Charles, and since Charles is still on the run, he is trying to avoid any occasion that will make them meet. He was still walking very fast trying to get a taxi when he heard his name being called. He wanted ignoring but he had to turn since the person who was obviously a woman kept on calling and approaching him. He hissed and sighed as he turned to Matilda walking towards him. She wasn’t having a friendly look on her face so he also kept a frowned face.

She halted as she approached him. “I can see you are rushing out of the school, are you avoiding someone?” She asked sarcastically as she laughed and continued talking. “Oh, I am sure you have a lot of people to run away from. You should definitely be on the run just as Charles.” She added looking at him. Steve sighed as he took a step closer to her. “What do you want Matilda? I don’t have time for your ungodly jokes.” He yelled. Matilda goggled as she stared at him for a while. “How can you be this cruel Steve? After everything Charles did for you? You should have known that would happen before going to the party. You don’t have to exaggerate that he harmed you.” She said looking at him while Charles looked quite surprised and suspicious.

She giggled again. “I did my research Steve. I wasn’t surprised that you have been receiving excellent remarks for your internship, turns out you have been fucking your boss; you disgusting homosexual.” She said giving him a disgusting look. Steve took a deep breath and took a step closer to Matilda, she intended pushing him but be grabbed her neck first. “Look Matilda, I don’t owe you any explanation on how I decide to live my life and whom I decide to love. I don’t care if you would hate me, you are not significant in my life dear.” He said as he pushed her away and walked past her. He halted a bit and turned back to her again. “You know you should better channel this energy to saving your friend than wasting it on me. You’d better let Eunice know the situation.” He said looking at her. Matilda was about speaking when they heard Eunice’s voice from behind them. “What situation are you talking about?” She asked looking at them curiously.

They were startled as they heard her voice; they started staring at each other suspiciously. Matilda began stammering trying to bring out the words but she couldn’t. Eunice was already getting impatient at the moment; she holds Matilda’s hands and yelled again. “What are you hiding from me? Why are you stammering?” She asked furiously. Steve sighed as he moved closer. He stared at Matilda for a while. “It’s your choice to tell her or not. I don’t want to be part of your problem.” He said as he turned and walked away. He turned and stared at them for a while. “It would be really fun if she knew, that would lessen work for me.” He said to himself as he nodded his head and walked away.

Matilda was shivering in fear as she kept on staring at Eunice who wouldn’t stop giving her a daring look…


The soothing and fresh breeze that filled the room coupled with the alluring sounds of birds chirping around the gardens made Elvis slowly opened his beautiful eyes. He wakes up to Adam staring closely. He smiled as he adjusted and scooted himself to Adam’s arms. “Why are you staring at me like that?” He asked rhetorically. Adam also smiled and cuddled him. “I am just making sure that you wouldn’t disappear on me. I need to keep an eye on you.” He said and they both laughed. Elvis laughed even more. “Seriously Adam, I have been living with you for over three months and doing unholy things. Now you brought me to this God knows where location; and you expect me to run? I can’t leave my heart behind.” He said and they laughed again. Adam slowly placed a kiss on his forehead. “I don’t mind doing those unholy things again.” He said looking at him.

Elvis sighed deeply and stared at Adam. “But seriously, spending huge money on vacation like this? I don’t want to inconvenience you Adam. This is way too much. You don’t have to be all fancy just to impress me.” He said with a concerned voice. Adam smiled for a while. “You have been a good boy all these while Elvis and I will do whatever to reward you.” He replied looking at him.

“Talking about rewards, don’t I deserve a reward for looking this cute on this bed?” Elvis asked with a seductive voice as he winked at Adam. He giggled a little and spanked his tights that he was flaunting. Elvis let out a small moan. Adam smiled as he bent down to his ears. “You will surely be rewarded boy.” He whispered in his ears as he bites them slowly. He crawled down the bed and picked up Elvis in his hands, he walked to the balcony where there is a small pool. He dropped him by the edge as he slowly removed his rob and entered the water. Elvis did same and joined him inside. They started kissing and caressing each other softly in the water. Elvis was moaning gently, it’s clear that he is enjoying the moment with Adam.

Adam slowly slipped his hands and take off Elvis’s shorts as they were kissing passionately. He located his hole and started fingering him gently. Elvis was already moaning in ecstasy while Adam occupied his mouth with a hot kiss. After a while of fingering him, he slowly bent under the water and starts rimming the hole. Elvis couldn’t hold back the pleasure as he drills his fingers on Adam’s back. He slowly stood up and positioned himself between Elvis’s legs. He slowly inserted his dick in his hole and starts fucking him gently. Elvis was moaning softly and so Adam. They fucked for a while before they both started moaning loudly; Adam was stroking Elvis’s dick as he increase the tempo of the fuck. After a while, they were both panting really hard as they hugged each other tightly after they both released.

“I have never been this satisfied in my life Elvis.” Adam whispered in his ears as he picked him from the water back to the bedroom. Elvis was blushing as he stared at Adam. He grabbed his hands and holds them tightly for a while. He stared at him for a while before he started speaking. “Elvis, I don’t really know if this situation between us is right or wrong, I really don’t know if this is being selfish or not; but I am really sure that being selfish is neither right nor wrong., we just have to do it the way it pleases us.” He said looking at him. He took a deep breath again as he continued speaking. “I don’t know what the future holds for us Elvis but I am sure we would face a lot of challenges on this path, I am sure this path is full of obstacles but amidst all; I promise to hold your hands and overcome any tragedy together. I promise never to allow someone alter the thing between us.”  He said as he slowly kissed his hands.

Elvis sighed deeply as his mood suddenly swings. He adjusted himself and took a deep breath. “Are you alright?” Adam asked curiously. He cracked a smile and nodded his head as he started speaking. “Adam.” He called softly and paused a bit. “All my life, I have went through a lot of shit. My life wasn’t as rosy as it seems. I have had dark nights and black days. All I wished for now is a peaceful relationship free from drama. I really don’t want an entangled situation where I will have to find myself guilty of leaving. Promise me that you will save me from that.” He said staring at Adam who was already having a heavy heart. Elvis sighed and continued speaking. “I know Eunice’s case is serious but I am sure that we hold nothing against her, I have never given her hope and I wish you will settle it between you two.” He added looking at him.

Adam was already having an aching heart, hearing his words made him remember the incidence with Cleo, he wanted saying it out but he really wouldn’t want to hurt the boy. He adjusted himself and took a deep breath also as he grabbed his hands. “I know this will be hard at some point Elvis, but I just want you to make a single promise to me.” He asked staring at him while Elvis nodded his head. “I want you to promise me that no matter what will happen in the future, no matter what I do to you, you will always consider me first and give me a chance to explain myself. I want you to promise me that you will never walk away without hearing from me.” He pleaded with pitiful eyes.

Elvis was already confused as he stared at his curiously. “Is there something you are not telling me?” He asked anxiously. Adam stammered for a while but he halted and smiled. He slowly wrapped Elvis around his arms tightly. “It’s nothing. I am just setting the phase for the future, I don’t know what will happen and I am paranoid with your words.” He said. They hugged for a while quietly while enjoying the natural atmosphere…

Elvis walked to the beach as he tried to a look at his phone that had series of missed calls and text messages when Adam slowly walked behind him and snatched the phone from him. “I thought we said there won’t be any extra activities apart from love.” He said as he hugged him from behind. Elvis giggled a little. “I noticed several calls on the phone, but its better I ignore it anyways, I don’t want to spoil our moment together.” He said with a smile…


Matilda rushed after Eunice who hurriedly picked her car keys and head out of the house. She wanted leaving alone but luckily Matilda entered the car before she drove off. “Calm down Eunice, lets settle this in a responsible way.” She said looking worried as she tried cautioning Eunice who was over speeding in her car. Eunice ignored her and accelerated the car even more. Matilda was totally freaked out at the way Eunice drives the car as if she were flying. “At least drive slowly so you wouldn’t get us killed. You can barely drive Eunice.” Matilda Pleaded again. Eunice hissed as she continued speeding. “I won’t stop this car until I confirm what you have just told me Matilda, and be rest assured that you also contributed to this mess. You hide everything from me and still tag yourself as my friend. You all think I am an idiot right?” She yelled while driving. Matilda was freaked; she tried calling Elvis but couldn’t reach him. She quickly placed a call on Steve and let him know of the situation.

Steve also set out for the resort after he couldn’t reach Elvis. “I’d rather witness the end of everything.” He said as he instructed the driver to speed up…