Steve was lying on the bed with his face almost swollen when Elvis rushed into the ward with Adam behind him. He was still lying unconscious with his eyes closed and bruises all over his body. Elvis was surprised to see Matilda standing in the ward but he didn’t care about that. He rushed quickly to the edge of the bed and stood dumb staring at Steve who was lying helplessly. “What has happened? Who did this to you Steve? Why are you looking this rough?” He asked rhetorically.

He was still standing shocked at the sight of Steve when he heard a voice from behind him. it was the doctor attending to him and they all turned and looked at him as he speaks. “Excuse me please, are you his relatives?” The doctor asked as he approached them. Elvis was overwhelmed and couldn’t talk so he started stammering. Noticing his condition; Adam quickly moved forward and shakes the doctor. “He is a foreign student, these are his closest friends.” He said pointing at Elvis and Matilda. The doctor sighed a little bit. “Well, the case is a bit complicated as we might indulge the attention of his school then.” He said looking at them.

Adam nodded a little as he quickly brought out his identification card. “I can stand in for him, I am like a guardian to them. I am a brother to their friend.” He assured the doctor who collected the card and nodded his head. He sighed as he handed a document to Elvis. “You friend has been abused. This is a serious case of gender based violence. He wouldn’t have survived it if not for this young lady that called the attention of the ambulance and the nearest police station. But I am sure the culprits are on hunt right now.” He said pointing at Matilda.

That was when Elvis acknowledged Matilda in the scene. He was about talking when the door pushed opened and two police men walked in. They greeted them and seek to speak to the doctor but he asked them to talk to them generally. The police man sighed as he adjusted his belt. “We have investigated a few neighbors around the area. Turned out the place is a private apartment. The culprits doesn’t reside there, they just use the place for occasional parties and stuffs. This wasn’t the first case that the neighbors experienced but I am sure this will be their last as we will try our possible best to get a hold of them.” He said looking at Adam.

Adam nodded his head as he shakes the police men who turned and walked away while the doctor followed them. He quickly turned to them. “You should allow him rest for now, it will take a while before he gain back his consciousness.” He said as he stepped out. They all stepped out of the room and left Steve still lying while Elvis was shedding tears as they sat outside the ward. Adam was comforting him as he holds him tightly. “This isn’t fair to Steve; whoever did this to him should be brought to justice.” He said with tears rolling on his face.

Matilda sighed as she adjusted herself. “We wouldn’t have noticed on time if not for my friend that heard strange noises in the building. We live in the flat next to them. Those guys have been partying throughout last night. Only God knows how many teenagers were victims of that.” She said with a pitiful face. Elvis turned and faced her while still crying. “Thank you for your thought of seeking help Matilda, at least Steve has been saved. But I am already guilty here, I should have been with him and know where he was. He probably went to that party after having a fight with me. I am sure I stressed him to attend that party” He said as he broke in to tears again.

Adam quickly hugged him as he continued comforting him. “Come on dear, you don’t have to feel guilty. I am sure Steve went on his own will. Let’s appreciate Matilda for helping out. The only thing we can do now is to put efforts on finding those wicked people that did this.” He said still hugging him.

Matilda was shocked and surprised at this point. That was when she started asking herself what Adam was doing in the picture at the first place. Why did they arrive at the hospital together? Why is he petting Elvis like a baby? She kept asking herself silly questions and imagining scenes in her head as she watched him take care of Elvis like a baby. She was even more shocked when Adam rushed out to get tissues for Elvis. She sat numb as she prayed that it’s not what she is thinking because there will surely be fire on the mountain if Eunice were to find out.

They were sitting in there when Adam walked back after a while with issues and a soft drink for Elvis. “Here, you should at least have something.” He said as he opened it and handed the drinks to him. Elvis collected the can of the chilled drink and took a sip as he also sniffled. Adam’s phone ranged immediately as he excused himself and walked out of the ward to answer the call. Matilda was still standing bewildered as she watched Adam displayed tons of affection towards Elvis, as if he wasn’t aware that they are in public. This is clearly not a boss and an employee relationship, there is certainly something going on between them which she wouldn’t want to believe.

He walked back into the room after making his call as he grabbed Elvis’s hands. “I think the police have some details already, we should go there now.” He said holding him. Elvis quickly stood up as he faced Matilda. “Can you stay with him for now please? I will head back here immediately when we are done at the station. I think I will branch to the hostel and get him some stuff also.” He pleaded with Matilda and she nodded her head quickly in agreement as she watched them walked out. She was eager to be left Steve; she was hoping he would wake up while they are away. The thoughts in her mind are throbbing really hard that she couldn’t wait to share them…

She was wandering around the room with numerous thoughts within her mind, she couldn’t resist the urge of calling Eunice to tip her about the situation at the same time; she doesn’t want to be a home wrecker. She sighed as she sat and fold her head around her arms, she groaned again as she quickly stood up when she heard Steve also groaning silently. She quickly rushed to him as she helped him sat and leaned on the wall. She helped him with water and he had a few sip. He sighed as he stared at the door. “They left finally.” He exclaimed as he closed his eyes slowly.

Matilda was a bit shocked before she realized he was talking about Adam and Elvis. “Wait, have you been conscious all these while?” She asked curiously. Steve sighed as he adjusted himself and groaned a little. “I am sure you have witnessed it Matilda, stop acting as if you are not curious.” He said looking at her. Matilda was even more surprise at this point. She quickly moved closer to Steve and leaned towards him. “Don’t tell me that my haunch about those two is right Steve.” She asked curiously staring none blanking at him.

Steve sighed as he nodded his head and adjusted himself a little. “Your haunch is right Matilda and I am sure you have witnessed how Adam is head over heels on Elvis. I just couldn’t stand the scenario.” He said as drop of tears fall on his face. Matilda sighed a little. “Have you been aware of their situation? Why didn’t you warn your friend about the dangers? What if Eunice finds out? How do you think she would react?” She asked curiously staring at him.

Steve hissed as he wiped off his face. “Do you think this is easy on me? Do you think I really want to close my eyes and act blind to their love life? I just couldn’t admit knowing their situation and accepting the bitter truth that I lost Elvis to someone else.”  He said while she stared at him with her eyes wide opened. “I don’t care how your friend will react to this when she finds out and that is her own battle to fight, whether to accept or reject their relationship. All I know is that we are all entangled in this and everyone is fighting selfishly to have the trophy for themselves.” He said still looking at her.

Matilda sighed as she slowly stood up and picked her bag. The situation is seriously beyond what she can comprehend. She was about leaving but she had to stop and faced him while he was still on the bed. “I think you are getting what you deserve Steve. You knew about the whole mess from the beginning. The least you could do is to keep your selfish interest aside and advice your friend, but you chose to risk it all. You could have helped Eunice out in this situation, but you were only considering yourself. At this point, I am not sure whether to sympathize with you or contemplate if this is actually karma getting back at you.” She said as she gave him a disgusting look.

She was about leaving when he quickly called her back. “Call me selfish Matilda, call me names or call me what you wish. The world might think that I am a bad person for loving my friend, but one thing I am aware of is that this situation is a battle and no one will rest till they have the victory at their custody. I deliberately advised Elvis against Eunice, at least she is not a threat to me anymore.” He said looking at her while she hissed and walked out of the room…

Adam was driving as they returned from the station when he slightly took a glance at Elvis who was looking worried. He slowly parked by the rod side and concentrated on the boy. “What is wrong with you Elvis, you have been moody since we left the station. Is this about Steve’s situation?” He asked looking at him. Elvis nodded his head. He was quiet for a while and refused to speak till Adam insisted. “What were you arguing with Cleo earlier? Was that about us?” He asked looking at him. Adam giggled as he smiled and told Elvis about Cleo’s feelings for him. Elvis was really shocked.

Adam smiled as he continued driving. “I have always suspected that from Cleo but I never thought she would actually approach me with that, not now when she is fully aware that I have found happiness in you. I am really disappointed in her and I fell like our friendship of years was all waste of time.” He said with a disappointing face….