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It’s a bright early morning when Elvis’s alarm started ringing loudly. He jumped off the bed, looking super excited while he started getting ready for work. He has already arranged his bag over the weekend. His alarm was still ringing while he scattered the room trying to get neck ties. Steve who was still lying on the bed sat up as he hissed loudly, his eyes were still blurry while he stared at Elvis. “I honestly hate sleeping over at your hostel room, its either you disrupt my sleep or I wouldn’t get to sleep at all.” He said in a sleepy tone.

Elvis hissed as he concentrated on packing his bag. “It’s a Monday Steve; there is something called work.” He said as he walked to the bathroom. Steve cleared his eyes and noticed Elvis was packing. “Are you travelling? Why are you packing?” He asked curiously while Elvis ignored him and continued humming in the toilet. “Wait, don’t tell me you are packing all these stuffs to my place? Your stuffs have filled up the spaces in my wardrobe already.” Steve yelled. Elvis hissed again from inside the bathroom. “Calm down man, I am just going on a business trip with my boss.” He answered.

Steve was quiet and surprised; he was quiet for a while before he talked. “Your boss? I thought you guys don’t get along? Why are you excited from travelling with him?” He asked curiously. Elvis giggled as he stepped out of the bathroom. “Well, I don’t know what Adam did to himself but work has been super good with him. I am getting the relevance of internship to my field of study.” He said as he happily gets ready. Steve was still sitting on the bed astonished. His heart beat increased as a fear stroked his heart. He adjusted himself a little and giggled. “Going on a trip with him like this, won’t his girlfriend be angry at you guys?” Steve asked with a curious face.

Elvis laughed a little. “What are you thinking Steve? It’s just a trip, besides I don’t think Adam really has a girlfriend.” He replied still laughing as he continued getting dressed. Steve was already sweating at this moment, he is sure that his instinct wouldn’t deceive him. he could perceive a bad energy around this trip. This is the moment he came to realize that Elvis has changed a lot since he started internship attachment at Adam’s company. He has been more serious with his grades and he is always talking about Adam. Steve nodded his head as he looked Elvis and saw how excited he is about the trip. “I just hope this wouldn’t result to what I am thinking.” He said as stood up from the bed.

“Help me with this tie, I can’t do it properly.” Elvis said as he moved closer to Steve. He brought his face so close that Steve could feel the movement of his breath. The scent of Elvis’s perfume was all over Steve’s face. He was drooling as he managed and fixed the tie for him. he was stammering as he speaks to him. “You must be careful at this trip Elvis, I don’t feel good about it. Couple with the fact that you have changed a lot since when you met Adam.” He said looking at him. Elvis giggled a little. “You shouldn’t be stressed about me Steve. I promise to behave myself. And about the change, I also notice that and I am enjoying every bit of this change.” He said with a huge smile.

Steve was quiet for a while as he stared at him while he was trying to book a taxi. “The change I am talking about is a huge one Elvis. I fear Adam is up to something which is not good for you.” He said looking serious. Elvis was surprised as he stared at Steve. He was about talking when his phone started ringing. It was Adam, waiting for him in the office. His phone beeped again from the taxi he called. He quickly picked up his brief case and waved at Steve. “We will talk about this later.” He said as he hurried out. Steve groaned as he sat back on the bed. he was panting really hard as he pounder on what to do. “I must really make a move before Adam does that.” He said to himself as he groaned again and lie on the bed…

Adam was sitting in his office while he was staring at his phone and smiling. He couldn’t take his eyes off the screen as he kept on staring without a blink. The door opened but he didn’t even notice. She walked over slowly as she stared at him for a while. “Are you madly in love that you couldn’t take your eyes off his face?” Cleo asked staring at Adam. He quickly turned off the phone as he stared back at he, he was startled for a while. “What are you doing here Cleo? I didn’t send for you.” He said stammering. Cleo sighed loudly. “What is this all about Adam? What trip are you taking the boy to? What are you planning to do” She asked staring at him.

He adjusted himself and faced her. “What are you talking about Cleo?” He defended. She smiled bitterly while looking at him. “You clearly understand what I am talking about Adam. This entire situation you are planning to build with Elvis wouldn’t bring any good thing.” She yelled. He stamped on the table as he fired back. “Well, it’s good that you know I am up to something. And mind you Cleo, you might be my friend but I am still your boss. This is my life and you can’t dictate how I decide to live it. I will crush any element of hindrance trying to stand between me and my happiness.” Adam yelled back at her.

She nodded her head as she also stared at him. “Then good luck in your endeavors. If anything happens in the future, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She said as she turned and walked away. She met Elvis at the door as he was about opening the door. She stared at him for a while and patted his shoulder. “Be careful with the path you are led to boy, wolves will eat you partly and destroy your life.” She said as she walked past him. He was confused as she stared at her till she disappeared before he proceeded into the office and met Adam already set. He greeted him as they walked out and drove off…


After hours of driving, they arrived at the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. Elvis looked extremely tired as they arrived the luxurious hotel that Adam booked. He has already placed a reservation of separate rooms for them. “You should go and take a rest while I talk to our clients, I will see you in the evening.” Adam said as he walked Elvis to his room. He nodded as he sluggishly entered the room. He quickly dropped his back and entered the bathroom. After a while, he heard the door slowly opened. He quickly came out with just a towel around his waist; he was surprised to see Adam back with his bags. “Is everything alright sir?” He asked curiously.

Adam was carried away by the curvy shape of Elvis. He stared at him with his mouth and eyes wide opened. He was so carried away that he didn’t heard Elvis talking to him till he shouted again.          Adam was startled at the moment at he stammered. “Oh, I just received a mail from our clients, they postponed the meeting.” He said stammering. Elvis sighed as he moved closer to Adam looking disappointed. “What? Postpone at this time; why wouldn’t they do that before we travelled this far?” He asked with an angry face.

Adam was still drooling at his body, he was panting as Elvis was close to him. He closed his eyes and managed to reply. “They actually sent it on time but I didn’t notice.” He said still stammering. He exhaled again as he opened his eyes and turned to leave. He quickly stopped and turned at him. “I think we would have to share a room, I’d really can’t spend that much since the business is shifted. We can still hangout for a few days though.” He said as he dropped his bags and walked to the bathroom. Elvis was surprised as he stared at him…

Adam got dressed casually in a shirt and trouser while Elvis wore a short and a shirt. They walked out together to the restaurant for dinner. The view of the restaurant is really interesting and the atmosphere is cool also. Elvis ordered his best dish and same with Adam, they were both living their normal lives and Elvis is super excited. At least, he got few days to rest from the stress of work and school.

They were done eating when Adam excused himself to the rest room. H was gone for a while and came back to meet some young ladies sitting on their table. They were already talking and laughing with Elvis. Adam furiously walked over and dismissed them. He angrily holds Elvis’s hands and walked him back to their hotel room. “You are hurting me sir.” Elvis kept on repeating.

Adam hissed as he pushed him away as they arrived to the room. “What was that about Elvis? Why were you talking with those girls? You clearly know I was out with you right?” He yelled looking at him. Elvis was confused, he giggled a little and smiled. “Come on sir, we are just getting along. That is what young people do.” He replied with a smile. Adam hissed loudly again. “Are you that dumb Elvis? Couldn’t you see they were trying to hit on you? They were flirting with you.” He said furiously.

Elvis laughed again. “That’s funny of you. You don’t have to react. I am not hurting anyone by flirting with girls…” He was still talking when Adam interrupted him. “Well you are hurting me. I am jealous and I couldn’t stand it Elvis. I like you Elvis.” He yelled as he grabbed his neck and kissed him deeply for a while. Elvis was speechless and couldn’t do a thing as he stared at Adam. “Yes Elvis, I have liked you for a while now. For all the times I asked you to work in my office, for all the time I drive you home, for all those moments I take you to lunch, I just wished you could hug me and say thank you. I really hoped you could look me in the eyes and confess your love to me. I just couldn’t hold back myself.” He said looking at him while Elvis stood dumb.

“What are you talking about Sir?” He asked as he stammered. Adam moved closer and grabbed his hands. “I don’t know what I am talking about Elvis. I don’t know what has happened to me. I don’t know when all these feelings sprouted in my heart. All I could explain is that I just closed my eyes from hating you and the next minutes, my vision is filled with you. You became the only person could think about. I always wished I could hug and cuddle you all day. I wished I could kiss your lips and hold you in my arms Elvis. I just couldn’t help but think about it.” He said looking at him.

He holds his hands tightly and stepped more closely to him that he could feel his breath; their faces are almost touching each other’s. Adam inhaled slowly and smiled. “I don’t know when all these feelings sprouted in my heart, I don’t even realize when it started growing or when I changed from despising to loving you. I could only assure you that your presence has change and lighten up my life; and honestly, I am enjoying every part of this change.” He said looking into Elvis’s eyes.

Elvis’s heart was beating loudly that Adam could hear it. His body was shivering and he was sweating profusely. His mouth was totally dry but he managed to open up. The only word he could pronounce was Eunice. He said stammering. Adam placed his finger quickly on Elvis’s lips. “For once in my life, I want to put my happiness first Elvis, and I also want you to do same. I know this situation might cause chaos, but I am ready to take the risk as long as I am happy. I am ready to go extra length.” He said as he moved his face and placed a kiss on Elvis.

Elvis was still standing lifeless as he watched Adam. He wasn’t sure about his feelings but he could swear that he felt damn comfortable kissing Adam. He sighed silently with a little smile on his face. “I can’t explain the current feeling I have in mind Sir, but if I am to be honest, I feel comfortable with it and I would really want to find out more about it; let’s do that together Adam.” He said with a smile as they hugged and kiss each other passionately…

***ROMANTIC By Korede Bello! Playing…***





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