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Elvis was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and his heart really heavy, he is having a lot of thoughts in his mind. He is confused at the moment because it appears that he is finally trapped in Adam’s realm. He wanted hesitating and letting go off everything but then he remembered Cleo’s words which are obviously true at some point. He sighed as her words keeps ringing in his brain…

“The entire situation is partly you fault Elvis. You engineered the erection of that feeling in Adam’s heart; I watched and warned you when you were giving him hope. You made him feel like he can be accepted and now; you are trying to take that hope away from him. I am honestly not in support of your relationship because of how you guys started up with Eunice, but then, I won’t sit and watch a successful man crumbling with his business because of you Elvis. I don’t know what you will do or how you will do it but you must get Adam out of this situation. We can plan about how to end it later, but for now; just play to his tune and get him back on track. You might think that you won’t be affected if Adam crumbles, you should also remember that your grades and future are stuck with him. If he crumbles, you crumble along with him.”….

Elvis groaned and rolled on the bed. The fact that his fate has been stuck mysteriously with Adam is bothering him the most. He couldn’t recall how he gave Adam hope in any way; he can’t even count the number of times he smiled with him. How on earth will Adam fall so deeply for him? He kept on asking himself as he stared at the card Cleo gave him. Her words were still haunting and threatening him and he is certain that they would both crumble if he is being adamant. He sighed as he stood up and picked his bag pack and arranged a few things. He made up his mind to get himself and Adam out of the situation and flee from Adam’s life forever.

He was about leaving the room when he met Steve by the door. “What has happened to you Elvis? I haven’t seen you last night and you weren’t picking your calls nor replying my messages.” Steve said with a worried voice. Elvis sighed deeply. “This is a messy situation Steve, I will tell you about it when I get back; but for now, I have to set the thing between us right.” He said looking at him. Steve was surprised even though he knows what Elvis meant. He quickly holds his hands. “Are you sure about this Elvis? Are you going to that extent for this? Are you going to be gay for Adam? Does he has that much influence on you and made you like him? You must stay away from that man Elvis; he is no good for you in any way.” Steve asked looking at Elvis.

Elvis stared back at him. “Wait Steve; you don’t have to be homophobic. I am doing this for myself and not for Adam. I need to take responsibility of what I did. I am surprised that you speak as if being himself is sort of an ailment to be scared of.” Elvis said looking disappointed as he pushed off as he walked out on Steve. He stood there calling out his name but Elvis has already left leaving him standing. Tears rushed out of Steve’s eyes but he quickly cleaned them, he wasn’t being homophobic but he was only speaking out of jealousy. He just wished that Elvis will reciprocate his love one day…


Elvis arrived at the farm house and was led to Adam’s apartment by the security guard after he introduced himself as Adam’s assistant. He dropped his bags and walked around the magnificent house, he is really thrilled by the beauty of the house. He walked further to the pool section. Adam was sitting by the pool thinking about his situation. He was shocked when he saw the reflection of Elvis in the water. He sighed and giggled as he speaks. “Are you here to laugh at my situation after you have broken and rejected me?” He said with a bitter voice.

Elvis was startled as he quickly turned and faced Adam. He was sitting with a glass of alcohol, his face was swollen and his eyes were red, indicating that he has been crying for a while. He stood numb as he was surprised to see him in that situation. He couldn’t say a word so Adam nodded his head as he sluggishly stood up, he was stuttering and his legs were shaky as he approached Elvis. “So you are not here to accept me rather ridicule me right? Leave Elvis. Just leave me alone, leave me to wallowing my sorrow and reek of alcohol. The damage you have caused to my life is much enough; you don’t have to make me go through another pain.” He said as he burst into tears.

Elvis was still confused at the moment but he managed to stand on his feet and faced Adam. “How desperate are you about me Adam? How desperate have you been that you think I was giving you hopes? When did all these started Adam?” He asked with a confused face. Adam smiled bitterly. He nodded his head as he faced the boy. “I am desperate all these while Elvis, I have been desperate since the first day you came into the company. I actually hated you because I was jealous of not having you, I thought hating you will ease the burning flame in my heart but it only increases.” He said looking at him.

He sighed deeply as he moved closer to him. “Tell me you love me Elvis, call me by my name, I want to hear you call me in a romantic way. I want to hold you tight and cuddle with you all night. I want to sleep with you and I always dream and imagine about that. Tell me you love me even if it’s a lie. That is how desperate I am.” He said as he pushed him away and burst in to tears. He was crying seriously as he fell on the ground and started hitting his head.

Elvis stood lifeless as tears also rolled on his face. This is the time he realized the sense in Cleo’s words when she said Adam was crumbling. He couldn’t bear the sight of seeing a well built and strict man crying and wailing like a baby. This is the moment he realized that he has to grant Adam’s wish even if he has to lie to him, he has to accept his love even if it’s a lie, he realized that he has to save Adam from oblivion, he wouldn’t just be saving only Adam, but he would also save his future. He sighed as he quickly raised Adam up and placed a deep kiss on his lips. Elvis mind was empty as he does that, he wasn’t ready for what that could yield but he was at least sure that it would save Adam from hurting himself.

Elvis’s heart beat rate increased instantly as if his heart is bursting out of his body, he began sweating profusely as he slowly withdraw his lips from Adam’s. He looked at him for a while before he quickly rushed into the house, entered a room and jumped to the bathroom. He holds his chest as he leaned on the wall and closed his eyes tightly. “What is wrong with you Elvis? What are you doing?” He asked himself as he pants really hard.

He slowly sat on the floor as he turned on the shower. Different thoughts were running through his mind about Adam’s confession but his greatest surprise was why he kissed Adam comfortably and wasn’t anxious at the moment; he never felt that sudden hatred he has for people when they try getting intimate with him. The fear that he harbors from his trauma on anyone that approached him sexually didn’t work on Adam, he was being calm when Adam confessed and kissed him. Elvis sighed deeply again as he closed his eyes and leaned on the wall while the shower continued running on him. That was when it occurred to him that he has started what he probably couldn’t end.

He was still sitting in the shower when he heard Adam knocking on the door. He slowly turned the water off and knocked back. “You won’t stay there forever you know.” Adam said from outside. Elvis was really shy as he slowly stood up, picked a towel and walked out of the bathroom. His body was dripping as he stood in front of Adam who couldn’t take his eyes of him. he was staring at his curvy edges and admiring how tender they are. “We should go have dinner.” He stammered looking at the boy.

Elvis smiled a little and giggled. “It’s not even evening yet.” He said looking at Adam who seem restless and confused. Adam sighed as he moved closer to him. “Fuck this Elvis, I can’t hold back anymore.” He said as he grabbed him by his neck and placed a kiss on him. Elvis moved back a little while Adam was still panting. “Can we take this a step at a time? I don’t even know what this means Adam.” Elvis said with a worried face.

Adam grabbed his hands and holds them tightly. “This is love Elvis, this spark between us is what the world calls love. Tell me Elvis, have you felt this way before with anyone?” He asked looking desperate. Elvis sighed a little; his heart was still beating faster as he removed his hands from Adam’s. “I don’t know Sir; I just feel this is not right. My heart kept beating faster and it doesn’t seem normal. What would the world say? Everyone knows that your sister is asking me out. I am just confused here Sir.” Elvis said still with a worried face as he sighed and sits by the edge of the bed.

He wrapped his face between his laps as he started sobbing quietly. Adam moved closer and knelt before him. “You should forget the world when you are making decisions concerning your life Elvis. The only thing that the world can do is stare and talk; whatever you do, they will always stare and talk. You can never satisfy the world but only end up hurting yourself. At some point in life, you got to be selfish even if you know the world will talk.” He said holding his hands. Elvis quickly raised his head and looked at him. “Are you being selfish right now?” He asked looking at him.

Adam giggled with a smile. “We just have to be selfish to protect our own interest Elvis; it is allowed at some point. We just have to be brave and stand up to our happiness, even if we are hurting our loved ones.” He said with a smile. Elvis sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a while. “But Eunice…” He was talking when Adam interrupted him. “Take out Eunice in this; she doesn’t make you happy right from the start, I am sure you would have gone out with her.” He said as he placed his finger on Elvis’s lips.

“Look Elvis, I know this situation is so sudden for you but I just couldn’t help myself anymore, I just hope you will give this a try and discover new things about yourself. This might be your only way of being happy and you will hurt yourself if you deny it. You got to be brave in the journey of self-discovery and I am willing to do that with you.” Adam said, he kept quiet for a while and continued speaking. “I have been catering for Eunice’s needs all my life, I have sacrificed a lot of things just so she could be happy and this time around, just this once, I really want to experience happiness myself and that happiness is you. I know the world would throw tantrums but I am will to endure it as long as you are with me. I am doing this for myself Elvis and you should also do so. We only live once Elvis, but if we live it well with love, once is enough.” Adam added staring at Elvis.

Elvis also stared back at him for a while. He sighed deeply as he smashed his fingers. “This whole situation sir; its new to me. I know deep down I want to try more but I don’t feel like I am ready. Do we have to be that intimate just like you were earlier? Do we have to do stuffs couples do in movies? I really don’t know about these stuffs and I am suffocated just by thinking about it.” He asked with a shy face.

Adam smiled as he slowly pushed Elvis on the bed and crawled over him. He slowly moved down to his ears and whisper. “How about we start but you calling me with something romantic instead of sir?” He asked with a soft voice. He slowly moved down to his neck as he kissed every part of him up to his lips. Elvis was moaning slowly as Adam kissed him passionately. “It’s okay if you are not ready boy, I will give you enough time to be ready and also coach you on these.” He said as he continued hissing him.

Adam slowly untied Elvis’s towel and also removed his shirt as he continued playing around with his body. He kissed and sucked every part of him down to his cock that was hard already. He placed it in his mouth and started sucking it while Elvis increased the sound of his moans. Adam sucked him passionately for a while till her started jerking and shaking, within a while, he released. He slowly moved upper and kissed his forehead. “This is just a tip of the iceberg boy.” He said as he walked to the bathroom while Elvis stared at him with a smile. “This wasn’t what I was expecting; may be being selfish and considering what I really want wouldn’t be a bad idea.” He said to himself as he stood up and joined Adam in the bath room…

***ROMANTIC By Korede Bello! Playing…***





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