The room was quiet as the only audible sound is there slow breath while they inhale and exhale. Elvis took another deep breath again as he closed his eyes tightly, a lot was going on in his mind as his face is obviously filled with worries. He wrapped his head behind his head while he was facing the ceiling. Steve who was also lying beside him was quiet for a while after listening to Elvis’s narration. He also sighed deeply and adjusted himself, lying on his sides and facing Elvis. “What are you going to do then? You know it’s not right to toy with someone’s emotion right?” He asked looking at him.

Elvis sniffled a little and opened his eyes. He turned on his side also and faced Steve. “You are aware of how terrible my grades are Steve; you know I am not fortunate with a brilliant brain. I am hoping this internship will help boost my grades at least to a respectable value. I am only doing this for myself because I can’t stand the pressure.” I am honestly worried.” He said with a shaky tune as he stared at Steve who was also staring back at him.

“But how will you approach Eunice? Wouldn’t it seem suspicious?” He asked looking at him. Elvis lay back on the bed and sighed. “I don’t really know. I guess I will just accept her the next time she asks me out. Approaching her will raise an alarm and scandal is the last thing I want with Mr. Adam.” He said. “I just want things to be easier for me in the company because I am sure Mr. Adam is stressed with my incompetency and is searching for excuses to kick me out.” He added. Steve nodded his head as he stood up and changed a shirt. “Just make sure you play safe bro, I don’t want you to get hurt in the attempt of helping yourself.” He said as he picked his phone and head out. “I will be off to see a friend.” He said as he waved Elvis who lay back on the bed…


It’s an early Monday morning; Elvis left his hostel as early as he could so he could get to prepare everything for the organization’s meeting. It’s his first time doing it and he has Cleo putting him through. He has already sorted out the files sent to him by Adam and arranged everything in place. He was excited as he was fixing the projector in the board room and attending to other stuffs as well. “I hope everything will go as planned.” He said to himself while he was preparing the usual morning coffee for Adam. He carefully took the mug alongside his tablet as he walked to Adam’s office. After a few knocks, he permitted him to enter and he slowly pushed the door.

“Good morning sir.” He greeted politely. Adam nodded his head while his face was stick to the newspaper that he seems so engrossed on. He slowly picked the mug and has a small sip of the coffee while Elvis was still standing by his table. “Are we all set?” Adam asked with his face still on the paper. Elvis nodded his head cheerfully. “Yes Sir; I have arranged everything and I have sent out an email of the meeting’s agenda to everyone.” He answered looking so excited. Adam raised his head and stared at him for a while. “I hope you were careful with the work and also did a thorough research on what I asked?” He asked while Elvis nodded his head cheerfully again. “Yes sir. Of course I was.” He replied. He chuckled a little and scrolled on the tablet for a while. “The meeting starts in like 30 minutes Sir, I will announce to you when everyone is at the board room.” He said and turned away.

He was standing by at the reception when Eunice entered the organization. She was looking flashy as usual with her dress revealing almost half her tights. Her fragrance was so strong that one could tell from a distance that she wore something expensive. She was flaunting her well stoned glittery bag as she approached Elvis’s spot. His heart started racing as he saw her walking towards him. “Your brother is about joining a meeting; I don’t think he can see you right now.” Elvis stammered as he stared at her. She smiled and dropped her bag on his table as she sat and leaned towards him. She was smiling seductively with her cunning eyes. “I wasn’t here for him; I am here for you handsome.” She said with a calm voice.

Elvis gulped a little as he was finding it hard to talk. He slowly opened his mouth but she quickly interrupted him. “Come on Elvis; are we still on the page of you rejecting me? We should have passed that.” She added with a clingy voice. He was quiet for a while as he stared at her and remembered Cleo’s words. He honestly doesn’t like the girl but he has to at just to save his grades. He was about speaking again when Cleo chipped in from a distance. “Oh Eunice, are you here for Elvis? I couldn’t help myself but check on who smells so nice from my office.” She said as she approached them and winked at Elvis.

Eunice smiled as she adjusted herself and flange her hair. “Oh, you could also tell Cleo, turned out Elvis is so blind to see all these.” She said as she stared at herself, pointing out her curves. Cleo laughed a little. “You shouldn’t worry Eunice; I will make sure my home boy come tripping for you dear.” She said with a smile. “Oh, you should say hi to your brother before you leave, I am actually going in there.” She said as she holds Eunice’s hands. Eunice quickly picked her bag and stood up. “I would rather pass, he didn’t know I am here.” She said. “Just make sure your home boy calls me soon.” She added as she winked at Elvis and walked away.

Cleo turned back to Elvis quickly as he stared at Eunice till she disappeared. “What is wrong with you Elvis? This is an opportunity knocking on you, this sort of stuff happens once in a while…” She was still talking when he interrupted her. “You ladies are really dangerous; you even more conniver than Eunice herself.” He said walked away. “The meeting is starting now, if you care to join at all instead of being a matchmaker.” He added as he walked to Adam’s office.


Steve was sitting at his spot inside the enormous office with different spots for every worker in there, most of them are interns who helped with minor jobs, mostly editing of scripts that are about being published. He was busy working on his system when a messenger came to him. “Mr. Charles called for you.” He said looking at him. Steve stopped for a while as he stared around the office for a while, he sighed a bit because he noticed a few people looking at him. He took a deep breath again and faced the messenger. “Tell him I am still on the script, I will be there in a few minutes.” He said and concentrated back on work.

He closed his eyes for a while knowing fully why Charles is calling on him; he took a deep breath as he adjusted his seat and continued working. After a few minutes, he received a text message from Charles. He picked up the phone slowly and opened it. “Meet me in the office right now before I come get you by myself.” The text message reads. Steve sighed deeply as he stood up and headed to Charles’s office. He walked in furiously and banged the door behind him. “I am tired of doing this Charles. I can’t continue sneaking around just to hook up with you at work. Do you realize this internship determines my future at school, I can’t let you ruin it for me for the sake of your lustful desires.” Steve yelled as he approached Charles who was trying to take off his shirt.

Charles slowly moved closer and grabbed his neck as he kissed him passionately. “I am sure you aren’t tired of this right?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

Andrew threw his bag away as he grabbed Steve’s neck. “Do you realize that I determine the fate of your internship boy?” He asked as he sniffed his neck a little. He moaned loudly and grabbed his lips as he started kissing him aggressively. “I am sure you aren’t tired of this right?” He asked as he paused a little and continued again. Steve quickly returned the favor as they both continued kissing and smooching each other’s body. Steve quickly pushed him away and cleaned his mouth. “This isn’t right Charles, I can’t anymore.” He said breathing loudly. Charles grabbed him by the neck again and pushed him to the wall. “Keep quiet and enjoy the moment boy.” He said as he continued kissing him.

He quickly turned Steve over; his face was facing the wall as he continued kissing his neck and ears. He stretched his hands and picked a condom from his drawer, he inserted it on his fully erected dick as he started fucking Steve. They were both moaning so slowly in pleasure while kissing each other. Charles was still stroking Steve’s dick as he was fucking him. After a while of the intense sex, they both released and slowly sat on the floor panting so hard.

Charles exhaled loudly as he sat by the wall while Steve stood up and started getting dressed. “You are doing this again Steve, leaving immediately after the sex.” He said with a frown face. Steve chuckled a bit. “You clearly know this is wrong Charles, and besides; it was just a fuck and nothing more. This was our mutual agreement.” He said with a straight face. Charles sighed as he slowly stood up; he staggered a little but get hold of himself. “Why are you so adamant about this Steve? We can actually make this more than a fucking session. I am ready to settle with you.” He said looking at the boy.

Steve walked to the table and picked up his phone. He turned to Charles who was still looking at him. “Unfortunately, I am not ready for that. And I am sorry to say; if you will pressure me about that, then I will have no choice that to stop seeing you.” He said as he walked away. Charles took a deep breath as he falls back on his seat and closed his eyes. He really didn’t want forcing Steve but it seems he has no other choice than doing so…


Elvis was nervous as he sat in the board room attending the meeting with the staffs of the organization, his hands were obviously shaking and his heart has been racing faster. He was sweating profusely while he was seated in the fully air conditioned room. Cleo who was seated beside him noticed his situation and leaned a bit closer. “Are you alright?” She asked curiously. Elvis giggled a little and adjusted himself. “Yes of course, I am just nervous.” He answered. She holds his hands and squeezed them for a while. “It’s going to be fine.” She whispered.

He was in the midst of confusion when Adam pointed at him. “What do you think about the advertisement strategy Elvis? I believe you are closer to the younger generation than we are, this should be more of your field.” He asked pointing at him. Elvis slowly stood up as he wanted to vent out his idea, he has made a whole lots of researches and prepared presentations so as to impress Adam. Unfortunately, he started stammering immediately. They all stared at him as he tries to catch his breath and connect his system to the projector. The worst happen of course, he couldn’t find his work as everything gets mixed up while he became more confused.

As he continued stammering trying to bring up and explanation, Adam yelled and stamped on the table. “I just knew this will happen. You can’t even present a simple research. This is basically what you do every day, but you are too occupied with being a kid and neglect your duties.” He yelled staring at him. Elvis tried to say a word with his shaky voice and body but Adam interrupted him and continued yelling at him.

“How would you be sure of what you are doing when all you do is flirt around? If you have invested all your energy to learning experiences as an intern instead of flirting around with women, you would have come up with something great than this rubbish.” He said as he stopped. He was breathing loudly as he faced him; the whole room was silent except for Elvis’s voice as she sobbed emotionally. Tears were gushing out of his face as he watched Adam disgraced him. Cleo attempted talking but Adam interrupted her immediately.

“This was your entire fault Cleo, if you haven’t been covering up for him, we wouldn’t have reached this point.” He yelled at her also. He turned to Elvis angrily and pointed at him. “Leave now and grab your stuffs because you are fired, I cannot tolerate this nonsense.” He said as he stamped on the tabled and walk out of the office angrily. Cleo quickly followed him while Elvis sluggishly walked to the reception with tears on his face as he packed his stuffs and walk out of the company shedding tears like a baby…

Cleo banged the door opened and met Adam seated on the chair, his face was still frowned and he kept sighing angrily. “Oh please Cleo, I don’t have time for this please.” He yelled again. She hissed as she moved closer and stamped on the table. “You have no right to treat the boy like that Adam. Have you even noticed how he has been working effortlessly these past few days just to please you even with the work load on him as an intern? How many interns would have done what Elvis did these few weeks he worked here? Have you thought of how this will affect his grades in school? Because you feel superior and you feel you are perfect; right?” She asked angrily while Adam stared at her. Cleo moved closer and whispered to him. “I don’t care how you do it; go get back that boy to work because we all know you are also not perfect. And I am not saying this as your colleague; I am saying this as your friend.” She said as she hissed and walked out of the office, banging the door behind her…


Elvis reached home and met Steve working in the room. He busted into tears as he fell on his shoulder. Steve quickly holds him tightly. “Are you alright Elvis? What has happened?” He asked curiously. Elvis continued crying loudly as he faced Steve. “I really tried my best Steve. I really did all I could. I don’t know what really happened but Adam wasn’t satisfied with my best. My future is in shambles Steve.” He said as he continued crying loudly. Steve sighed deeply as he hugged him tightly. “I’s fine bro, we will get through this together.” He said as he tried to convince him while Elvis continued wailing loudly…