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It was an early Friday morning; the atmosphere was still chilly from the rain that fell the previous night. Elvis was still lying on the bed as he covered his whole self in a duvet. He wasn’t sleeping; he was just hiding himself from the reality of meeting Mr. Ola with such a terrible news. He was sighing silently hoping Steve wouldn’t hear him as lots of thoughts runs through his mind.

He opened his eyes quickly; he was startled as Steve took off the duvet from his body. He covered his face with his palm as the rays of sunlight piercing through the window shined on his swollen face. He lowered his gaze and stared at Steve who was ready to leave for work. “You should at least get up and take a shower man; lying here and doing nothing wouldn’t help you in any way.” Steve said as he picked his bag. “You can’t go on like that, it has been days already and you are stinking. Get yourself together and report the situation to the school.” He added.

Elvis took a deep breath as he buried his head in between his legs. “I can’t Steve. How do I face Mr. Ola with this? You are fully aware that I had a bad image in his eyes. He would probably think that I was being unserious and got kicked by the company.” Elvis said with a teary eye. Steve sighed as he walked closer to him. “But you can’t stay back and do nothing. You have to at least let them know. He might probably have you change a place of attachment.” He said looking at Elvis who sat dumb. “I am running late already; we will figure this out later. But you should wash up please.” He said as he stormed out.


it was evening when Charles drove Steve back to the hostel. He slowly parked by the gate and eased himself from the disturbing seatbelt as he slowly faced Steve. “I think you should sleep at my place tonight; you were stubborn and didn’t let me have my way at the office.” Charles said desperately. Steve nodded his head in disagreement. “I already told you that I wouldn’t be available for that. My friend just lost his internship position and he is currently down, I need to be available for him.” He said looking back at him.

Charles sighed deeply as he leaned his head on the seat while still looking at Steve. “I just hope you aren’t wasting your time on that friend of yours. I have known you for a while now but you kept on turning me down which I am certain it’s because of him; I can swear on my parent’s grave that he is not like us and will never be. Stop wasting your time Steve; it hurts me because I am always here waiting to be your comfort zone. I am tired of being just a fuck buddy.” Charles said while Steve stared at him. He didn’t say a word rather he nodded his head and stepped out of the car.

He walked to the hostel with his mind filled with Charles’s words. He was still thinking about it when he sighted Eunice standing by her car. She quickly rushed over to him as she noticed him. “Where is he Steve? I have been to his hostel but he wasn’t there, and I was also told that he wasn’t here either. Can you please tell me where I can find him?” She asked desperately. Steve took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a while before he opened them. “You should stop Eunice; I think Elvis has had enough from your family already.” He said looking at her while she stared back confusedly.

“It’s already suffocating enough for him that you have occupied his peace of mind, you keep on showing in his life when you are aware that he doesn’t want you. As if that is not enough, he has to work for your ungrateful brother that kept overworking him all the time. And what does he gets in return? Your ingrate brother ended his internship just because of a small mistake. Does he even think how negatively that will affect his career? You are just as selfish as your brother, you only think about yourself. So please, just stay away from Elvis.” Steve said as he pushed Eunice a little and walked away. She stood there in awed as she stared at Steve while he walked.

After a while of being shocked, she entered her car and drove straight home where she met Adam relaxing after work. She dropped her bag and walked over to him. He was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed while he holds a glass of juice. “I don’t have time for your drama Eunice.” He said with his eyes fixed on his phone. She hissed silently and folded her arms. “Is this how strict you are willing to go with me? Do you have to play the monster role just because you don’t want to help me?” She asked with a high voice.

He giggled a little and sipped the drink. “I already told you, I am too tired for drama Eunice.” He said again without looking at her. “Eunice moved closer to him. “Why do you sack Elvis from your company? Are you that wicked? Do you know this could cause his admission?” She yelled looking at him. Adam dropped the glass calmly and faced her. “Do you realize you are shouting at me Eunice over a boy?” He asked.

She hissed again while staring back at him. “I know this is what you want all these while, you only wished I never get along with the boy. But do you have to ruin his life because you don’t like him? Do you have to be cruel to the innocent boy?” She yelled again as tears rolled on her face. She cleaned them quickly as she stepped back a little. “You’d better find him back brother or I will never forgive you. It’s fine by me if Elvis chooses not to like me, but I will not watch you ruin an innocent boy’s life because of me.” She said as she walked out of the house.

Adam sighed deeply as he sat back on the couch and closed his eyes for a while, leaning his head to the couch. That was when he realized how cruel he was to the boy. He took a deep breath as he remembered Cleo’s words to him also; the courage in her eyes was as same as his sister’s. He suddenly feels weak and terrible as he longed for a strong drink. He opened his eyes and stood up as he picked his car keys and walked out of the house and drove to the bar…


Charles sat in the bar as he sips his drink slowly while scouting for boys; he does this all the time whenever Steve rejects to have a good time with him. He was sitting with his legs crossed when he noticed a boy sitting alone in the corner of the bar with over five bottles of beer in front of him; he was already drunk at the moment and had started blabbering rubbish. He was raising his hands to the bar man, trying to order another drink. The bar man went over and started scolding the boy. “Hey kid, you should leave already, we don’t host drunkards all night.” He shouted.

“I am not a drunkard; I am just enjoying myself before my life went into shambles.” The boy who is obviously heart-broken said. The bar man was about dragging him out when Charles walked over. “Let him be, I will take care of him.” He said as he walked and sat beside the boy. He ordered for a few drinks as he stared at the boy again. He nodded his head as he remembered him; of course, it’s the boy he gave a lift the order day. Charles smiled wickedly with a smirk on his face as he poured more drink to the boy. “Drink up boy, I will be with you.” He said with a smile.

Elvis picked up the glass and gulped a few times. “That guy must really feel like a God after making my life such a mess. I always over work myself just to please him but he ended up ruining my life instead.” Elvis complained in a drunken voice as he gulped on the drink again. “How am I supposed to talk to Mr. Ola?” He asked as he burst into tears and fell on Charles’s laps. He was crying loudly while Charles was patting his back. He was slowly rubbing his back and touching his laps at the same time.

Elvis continued blabbering and lamenting about his shattered life while Charles listen to him and admire his lips, he couldn’t hold himself but got an erection as he continued staring at the boy. He kept on giving him more drinks while Elvis continued drinking. He was totally knocked out while Charles kept on staring at him in admiration as he has pervert thoughts in his mind. “I need to pee.” Elvis said as he stood up and attempted to walk with shaky legs. Charles quickly holds him back. “You can’t do that alone boy.” He said as he holds him and walked him to the restroom behind the bar.

Elvis was still talking nonsense when he was in the rest room while Charles couldn’t hold his urge any longer but to force himself on him. He hugged him tightly from behind and started kissing his lips and neck. He was sniffing his body and making his way down to his waist. Elvis was drunk and weak, he tried pushing him off but Charles was strong. “Stay away from me; I don’t want this.” Those are the only words he could say but Charles used his palms to cover his mouth. He struggled to push him but Charles over powered him and started touching his dick.

He was struggling harder to push him off and attempting to talk but Charles was stronger. Luckily for Elvis, there was a man waiting to use the rest room. The young man sensed unwanted noises and knocked on the door. He hissed as he heard some moans inside. “Those perverts should find a room instead.” He murmured to himself as he turned to walk away. “HELP! HELP!” The young man heard a tiny voice yelling from inside the toilet. He quickly turned back and pushed the door opened.

Behold, he saw Charles trying to force himself on a boy. He quickly ran in and punched him in the face a multiple times. “How dare you take advantage of a boy?” He said as he tried to hold the boy who fell to the ground. He was perplexed as he saw Elvis who was totally wasted panting really hard. “WHAT?” Adam yelled as he looked at Elvis’s face again. He quickly turned to Charles who was attempting to run already, he punched his face again and broke his nose before Charles pushed him away and ran off. Adam sighed deeply as he carries Elvis up and walked out of the bar with him. He took him to his car; that was when he remembered he has no idea where the boy leaves. He sighed deeply again and close his eyes. “Ohh God, I really don’t want to get involved with this boy again.” He said to himself as he stared at Elvis who was sleeping comfortably.


Elvis opened his eyes quickly as the rays of sunlight piercing through the window. He holds his head and sat up. “Oh God. Do you have to do this every morning Steve?” He yelled with his eyes closed. “I hate headaches bro.” He yelled again. He didn’t heard a response so he slowly opened his eyes. That was when he started coming back to reality and realized he was in a strange room. He was shocked as he saw Adam coming his way. He was speechless as he tried to remember what happened. “What? Why are you staring at me? I have nowhere to take you.” He said as he handed him a mug of hot coffee. “This should help with the headache.” He said as he sat beside the bed.

Adam sighed and looked at him. “Why were you at the bar alone? Couldn’t you at least take a friend with you? Don’t you know that there are a lot of bad people waiting to take advantage or steal from lonely drunk strangers in the bar?” He asked looking at Elis who sat very quiet. He giggled a little. “Thank your stars I was there and could help you on time.” He said as he stood up and walked away. He turned and faced him as he reached the door. “Get up and take a bath, I am taking you home. And you can resume work next week.” He said as he barges out of the room.

Adam sighed deeply as he sits on the couch. His mind was racing faster as he remembered last night when Elvis kept on cuddling him with his soft body. He has to hold himself a great deal before he was able to resist the temptation. He is sure that what he felt last night wasn’t a joke. He closed his eyes and leaned on the couch and all he could think is about the boy. He is fully aware that the situation will be disastrous but his heart couldn’t hold back again…





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