The huge bang on the door made her startled as she calmly walked behind him and slowly slammed the door closed. He was still ranting while he dropped his bag on the chair and walked to the freezer and picked a bottle of water. He paused, gulped a little on it and took a deep breath before he concentrates his gaze on her. She was standing with her arms folded and her face down ward. “I already told you Eunice, I can’t continue doing this for you. The only reason why I helped you courted the previous guys was because they were my employees; and how did it end? You ended up breaking their hearts, leading them to leave the company and in turn causing loss to my business.” He yelled again as he walked out and took a seat on the couch.

She sluggishly followed him with a pitiful face and stood in front of him. “Come on brother; you can’t watch your little sister suffer an unrequited love.” She said in a clingy voice. His legs were crossed while he was scrolling through his phone and giving a deaf ear to her pleas. He was vigorously shaking his legs and reacting to posts on social media. Eunice sighed as she tapped a few times on her phone and faced him again. “That is his picture and some vital information.” She said.

Adam hissed as he dropped his phone and faced her again. “Don’t put your hopes high Eunice, I am not that daft to help you hit on your school mate. I will not do it.”  He yelled. She was frightened a little seeing how serious her brother was. She sighed a bit and moved closer to him; she gave him a peck and picked her hand bag that was on the couch. “I have to go prepare for a test; I will be expecting your response brother.” She said as she rushed and fled out of the room before he could respond to her. He hissed as he read the message from the notification bar. “Elvis Williams.” He hissed again and walked to his room…


The little sound of phone clicking and cards scratching inside the large and quiet lecture hall caught the lecturer’s attention to Elvis and his friends whom were carried away in their games. He stood for a while watching Elvis as he arranged the cards and shared it among others. He was about adjusting himself for a better match when he noticed everyone concentrated and left him alone in the game. That was when he quickly raised his head and faced the lecturer who was still standing with a stern face. He struggled to talk but couldn’t say a word due to the sudden stammer that hits his mouth when he heard the lecturer yelled. “Meet me in my office.” He yelled as he stormed out of the hall.

All his friends stood with worried faces by the lecturer’s office as they deliberate on Elvis’s fate. “I just hope he doesn’t carry over this course because Mr. Ola is very strict.” Steve said looking extremely worried. The rest were quiet as they stared at each other hoping things went well in the office. They stood for a while before Elvis walked out of the office sluggishly. His face was pitiful and his eyes were teary as he walked. They all rushed to him asking him how it turned out but Elvis was quiet and tears were about falling on his face. His friends were extremely worried at the moment as they kept pestering him to talk while he kept mute and continued walking.

Elvis burst out laughing as he noticed how worried they became. Steve quickly pushed him away and hissed loudly. “I knew you could do this again.” He said as he moved away from him. Elvis laughed again and ignored the other guys who were throwing tantrums at him for pranking them, he quickly rushed to Steve and holds his hands; he wrapped his hands around his shoulders as usual. “Come on bro, you knew I would joke about everything already. You don’t have to be angry.” He said still laughing.

Steve hissed and pushed him again. “But seriously Elvis, do you have to prank people even at serious situations? What pleasure do you derive from doing so?” He asked angrily. Elvis grabbed his shoulder again and giggled. “I am sorry then, I won’t do that again.” Steve pushed his hands away again. “You always say that after doing it again.” He murmured. “But seriously Elvis, how would you escape from Mr. Ola that easily?” Charles asked while they headed back to the hostel. He holds his lower jaw with a smirk on his face and posed a stand. “Hey, look; with this handsome and innocent face, you know he won’t dare punish me.” Elvis bragged and they all laughed while they walked away.

Steve was done cooking in his room while Elvis was sitting on the bed playing games; he was yelling to the rhythm of the game. “But seriously, what happened with Mr. Ola, he was so easy on you?” Steve asked Elvis who has his full concentration on the game. He nodded his head with his face still stuck to the screen. “Nothing much, he just asked me to bring a list of organizations for my internship attachment, and they must be private organization. I guess he wants to punish me with the work load.” He said still playing. Steve laughed a little. “I guess that will abort you mission of finding a place just to chill.” He said and laughed.

He turned over and faced him while he was still playing. “Are you sure you are here for tutorials or just to waste my time?” Steve asked as he was serving the noodles he just cooked in plates. Elvis quickly dropped the phone and jumped off the bed. “Of course I am here to study man, but I would have to eat first.” He said as he grabbed a plate and digger into it. “You are such a good cook Steve. I am retaining the position of chef for you in my mansion.” He added as he enjoyed the food. Steve giggled as he also picked a plate and sat on the bed. “Stop exaggerating man, it’s just noodles.” He said.

Elvis walked to the mini fridge in the room and picked a bottle of water; he gulped a little on it and faced Steve. “Even noodles taste better when you cook it. But you should cook something more complex someday man; may be swallow and vegetable soup.” He pleaded. Steve laughed a little. “With all the ongoing tests currently, I don’t have time for that you know.” He said. He kept quiet a bit before he raised his head. “You should ask Eunice for that, she would gladly make it for you.” He teased and laughed. Elvis hissed and dropped the plate as he finished eating. He picked his bag and phone. “I wanted crashing here tonight but you just spoiled the mood by mentioning that girl.” He said as he stormed off the room…


It’s a lively morning on campus as everyone was cheerfully doing their own stuff. Students are seen in every angle in groups, talking, laughing and mostly going through their phones. It’s just a typical morning in universities where students are telling their friends about their lives, relationships, escapades and general gossips.

Eunice is sitting with her friends on seats under a tree while they check out guys, she sighted Elvis walking into the campus with his friends and as usually, he looks weirdly hot. She stared at him all the way until her friends obviously noticed she was lost in their conversation. Matilda hissed loudly as she pushed her. “Will you stop stalking on that boy Eunice? For Christ’s sake, he has rejected all your gestures.” She said as she awfully stared at her. Eunice was still speechless as she kept on staring at Elvis till he vanished, she had a coffee straw stuck in he mouth that is already making a weird sound from the empty cup of coffee. She has drooled away while staring at him and didn’t notice her drink had reached an end.

She quickly regained her sanity when Matilda pushed her again. Eunice faced her angrily and threw away the coffee can. “Please Matilda; you don’t have to interrupt my magic moment every time.” She yelled furiously. All the girls laughed for a while. “Magic time indeed.”  They chorused. Matilda giggled and adjusted herself. “Wake up Eunice; I am sure Elvis is being nice by rejecting you in a peaceful manner. You don’t want to piss him off and make him do the worst.” She said looking serious. Eunice sighed deeply as she stood up and picked her bag. “I am sure he isn’t rejecting me, he is obviously shy and locked up, but I will definitely get him out of that cycle. Watch me do that bitches.” She said as she flees away. “Good luck babes.” Matilda shouted…

Elvis was sitting with Steve in the cafeteria when Eunice walked from behind, they were about having breakfast. “Seriously, what will you do with Mr. Ola’s request; it’s not easy finding a private press organization that wants an intern?” Steve asked with a concerned look. Elvis was silent for a while as he was clicking his spoon on his plate. He looked pitiful and obviously worried. He sighed a little and faced Steve. “I know bro, but I am working on it already. I have these press stations that I have submitted my internship letter to since before Mr. Ola’s incidence. One of the company’s actually replied so I will be checking them later, hopefully Mr. Ola will approve.” He said calmly.

Steve stared at him while he talks; Elvis has never been this serious. It seems he is worried about his grades with Mr. Ola. He slowly tapped his shoulder and cheered him up. “It’s going to be okay man.” He said with a smile and Elvis smiled back. Elvis leaned a little bit closer and whispered. “Did you help me with my assignment? I left it in your bag.” He asked with a clingy voice. Steve frowned and folded his arms. “Are you using the situation to extort me again? I know you have been pretending to be worried all this while so you won’t work.” Steve yelled. Elvis laughed but frowned as he noticed Steve still frowning his face.

“Come on brother, you know how fragile I am, I can’t take stress.” He said as he slowly picked Steve’s bag and took the report book. “Thank you for this brother, and I will be spending the night at your place. Cook for me also.” He said as he picked his bag and jumped off. Steve quickly grabbed his neck and pinned him down. “You have been freeloading in my place for over a week, you would at least pay for this meal.” He said as he picked up his wallet and removed some money from it. Elvis was struggling to get the wallet back when they heard a voice from behind them. “Oh there you are Elvis, playing roughly cute.” Eunice said as she sat opposite them. She slowly dropped her bag on the table, crossed her legs and flings her hair a little while the boys stared at her. “Good morning Eunice.” Steve greeted with a smile. She smiled back while concentrating her gaze on Elvis. “What a pleasant morning my love, you look more handsome.” She said trying hard to reveal a smile.

Elvis sighed as he leaned on the table. “I will not get tired of telling you this Eunice. I have already been nice enough and I will not tolerate you obstructing my freedom. I don’t want to do this with you.” He said as he picked his bag and stormed off. “I will meet you at home Steve.” He said as he walked away. They both stared at him till he disappeared. Eunice was still smiling while she stared at his direction. “Why is your friend weirdly cute or am I just falling more for him?” She asked as she continued smiling weirdly. Steve laughed as he slowly stood up and left her daydreaming. He nodded his head as he walked away. “Of course, he is cute in a weird way and I am a weirdo for finding him cute also.” He said to himself…


The whole place was quiet apart from the loud voice of a man yelling at others, the only audible movements that are heard apart from his voice were the sounds of his hands and feet stamping on the table and ground respectively. Elvis was sitting in the reception as he sweats profusely with his hands obviously shaking while he waited for his internship review. He is already terrified as he listened to the man yelling at the others from inside an office. It is obviously the boss and he is currently in a bad shape. He waited for a while till the staffs walked out of his office looking sad as they walked sluggishly to their respective offices. “Who are you?” A lady who is obviously a receptionist asked. He explains himself while he stammered. She nodded her head and sighed deeply as she entered the office again.

Elvis was terrified again as he heard the man yelling again. “For Christ sake Mary; what would we need an intern for?” He yelled as she quickly stepped out of the office. Mr. Adam hissed as he picked the files of the intern and flanged them to the dustbin, but immediately, the name on the file caught his attention as he quickly stood up and picked the files again. He looked at the name that seems familiar. “Elvis Williams.” He repeated in his mind as he kept quiet for a while trying to remember. That was when he quickly picked his phone and checked his sister’s message about the boy she loved. He quickly walked out of his office to the reception to see the boy.

Elvis was about walking out after the receptionist apologized for wasting his time and declining his internship letter when he heard the man called him. “Hey boy, you can resume work next week.” He said with a straight face. Elvis was already terrified with the man’s impression, his heart was racing really fast as he slowly turned and faced him, he nodded his head with a smile. “Thank you sir.” He said as he sluggishly walked out of the organization…

He would have really hoped to change a place of internship attachment but that is the only company that responded to him and Mr. Ola has been on his neck for days. Elvis sighed deeply with a worried face as he lies on the bed beside Steve. “I just hope I can do this, the boss looks like a monster Steve.” He said with a soft voice. Steve who was facing the other end of the bed closed his eyes for a while. “I hope it turns out well for you, but I have a weird feeling about this brother.” He said slowly…

***Trouble I’m In By Twibed! Playing…***


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