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                                    EPISODE TWO


Leadership is not an easy role to assume. It demands not only excellent decision-making skills and strategic thinking, but also the ability to handle difficult situations and make tough choices. One of the main difficulties of leadership is the weight of responsibility that comes with the position. Leaders are accountable for the success or failure of their team or organization, and this can often lead to immense pressure. They must make decisions that will affect the lives and livelihoods of their team members, which can be a considerable burden to carry.

Another challenge of leadership is the need to make sacrifices. Leaders often have to put the needs of the group or the organization above their personal interests or desires. This may involve working longer hours, sacrificing personal time or taking on additional responsibilities. Good leaders understand the importance of leading by example and showing dedication and commitment to their team. They are willing to make sacrifices to support and motivate their followers, but this can come at a cost to their own well-being and personal lives. Leadership requires a level of selflessness that not everyone is willing or able to achieve. Leadership, even in its simplest form, knows no bond or tie. It is no respecter of values, norms or standard. Its only principle is doing what has to be done, no matter the cost or its requirements. It needed strong will and continuous discipline even when the led would misinterpret your actions as wickedness and unrealistic standards of self-righteousness. It might even entail giving up that which is most precious to you in continuance of the standards of perfection you had set. This is what I had just done. One had to continually make sacrifices that were, most times, harmful to one’s self and interests.

Laolu. Awọn apple ti oju mi. I sighed as I try frantically to held back my tears. Ilana naa ti ṣe tẹlẹ. Jẹ ki a gbagbe nipa rẹ. I couldn’t cry here. I couldn’t let them see me cry.

I had watched my only son, my most precious jewel and his supposed lover scarred and buried alive at my command. Are you surprised? You are because you have never had to be in the position of a leader. You’ve never had to feel how the shoes of the one in leadership pinches. You have never thought of the huge responsibilities your leader is carrying and how to help make it lighter. Have you even bothered how he or she is fairing? Kii ṣe fun ẹẹkan! Yours is to sit there and criticize whatever decisions they put in place for the betterment of things. Itiju lori ẹnu nla rẹ. All they wanted was my verdict. All they wanted was my judgment. All they wanted were my words of condemnation upon my own son. No one stopped to consider for a moment how I felt as his mother. I had died a thousand deaths immediately after my words were released. I should have said no. I should have fought them.

Ireti had finished singing her dirges. She had wailed and pleaded for their presence and they had responded. She was quieter now. Only low murmurs and her whispers of exaltation could be heard. I could hear the low whirring of the wind in the trees. They were all assembling and taking designated spots. Tapping into the power of ancient spirits through a dirge requires a deep understanding and respect for the spiritual realm. There are steps and measures taken to help you effectively connect with these spirits. The first is research and study. Gaining knowledge about ancient beliefs, traditions, and practices related to the spirits you wish to commune with isn’t a day’s job. But as they say, practice makes perfect. Learning about their characteristics, symbols, and offerings preferred by them is the fastest way to reach them. Second is preparation and intent. Before initiating a dirge, set a clear intention and purpose of seeking assistance or favor from the spirits. Reflect on why you require their help and ensure your intentions are genuine and aligned with their nature. My intentions were pure. Weren’t they? Third is creating a Sacred Space. Prepare a dedicated space for your dirge, ensuring it is cleansed and purified. Use ritual tools like candles, incense, or crystals to create a spiritual ambiance that resonates with the energies of life, death, and love. Next is Invoking the Spirits. Begin by invoking the spirits respectfully. You can use specific chants, incantations, or prayers associated with them. Focus your mind and heart on establishing a deep connection with the spirits, invoking their presence to listen to your request. This process also needed offerings. Commence your dirge, which is a mournful or sorrowful song or poem, expressing your intentions, desires, or pleas to the spirits. Use evocative language and symbols that resonate with the spirits you seek to connect with. Accompany your dirge with music or instruments that evoke the desired emotions. During or after the dirge, present offerings to the spirits as a symbol of respect and appreciation. These offerings could be specific items, such as food, drink, flowers, or objects associated with the spirits. Ensure that the offerings are appropriate and meaningful to the spirits you are summoning. After the dirge, maintain an open and receptive mindset. Pay attention to any signs, symbols, or messages that the spirits may convey to you through dreams, visions, or intuitive insights. Be patient and observant, as the spirits might respond in their own time and unique ways. Once the communion with the spirits feels complete, express gratitude for their presence and guidance. Offer a closing prayer or statement, thanking them for their attention and assistance. Safely extinguish any ritual tools or candles used during the ceremony. The practice of connecting with ancient spirits is deeply personal and varies across cultures and beliefs. It is essential to approach this with reverence, caution, and a genuine desire to establish a meaningful connection while respecting the boundaries and nature of these spirits.

I looked at the mirror placed before me. I saw my radiant and flawless fair skin gleaming back at me. The Golden skin, they called it. Am I too young to die for the one I love? What was beauty without happiness? What was the joy of aging if there was no support? I love my son and wanted, more than anything in my heart, for him to grow into a fine young man and raise his own family. I wanted everything to go well with him like all mothers want for her children. I wanted someone to continue our family lineage. It mustn’t die or be lost. Above all, I had to protect my secret at all costs. The Ifa’s words had slipped my mind when I pronounced judgment upon him. They didn’t even give me the tasteless delight of punishing him first as his mother and his source.

As I continue my journey of thoughts, I catch a glimpse of shadows moving, ethereal and haunting. They silently surround me and sway to the melody of Ireti’s hum and murmurs. I start to make known my request with tears pooling in my eyes, screaming at the top of my lungs and hoping for answers that will mend my broken heart.

AJOKE: Oh, spirits of old, hear my plea,

                        From the depth of sorrow, set them free.

                        In love and blood, my plea I bring,

                       With the alchemy’s touch, to them I’ll cling.

     SPIRITS: We hear you, oh mournful mother,

                        Bound by love you beckon us hither,

                        To resurrect the souls so dear,

                        You will tread the path, devoid of fear.

                        CHORUS (Softly):

                        From the embers of despair,

                        Flames of longing fill the air.

                           Eons old, this ancient craft,

                       Unearthing spirits long since passed.

I stretch out my hands, my voice gaining strength and more desperation.

AJOKE: Love lost and bloodshed’s teardrops blend,

                An alchemy sacred, to transcend,

                Through filaments of time and space,

                Unite their souls in fond embrace.

Obatala, the god of Forgiveness, Resurrection, Purpose, Peace and purity gently walks in. He is clad in pure white flowing robes, representing purity and wisdom, adorned with forgotten knowledge and symbols. He and the ensemble of spirits look at me with a knowing gaze. It is then I realized they knew the burden of my heart. My secret wasn’t any secret to them.

OBATALA: Ajoke, dear mother, I hear your plea,

                   A journey deep and eerie it shall be,

                   With love’s lament and the alchemy’s grace,

                   We’ll weave this tapestry through time and space.

Obatala and the ensemble of spirits gently guide Ajoke to an altar at the center of the room. Various phials and vials of blood, herbs and liquid are displayed. She takes a deep breath, her trembling fingers mixing the elements with precise expertise. She closes her eyes and continues with deep breaths, visualizing the outcome she desired. She immersed herself in the feelings of love and joy, being the emotions wanted to express at the end of this whole ordeal. She stirred the mixture slowly and deliberately, focusing on her intentions and desires harder than she had ever done.


In the cavernous depths of an ancient forgotten tomb, its walls adorned with intricate carvings and flickering torches casting eerie shadows, the Oba Obirin stood at a meticulously prepared altar. The air is heavy with a blend of anticipation and trepidation, as she embarks on a perilous journey to resurrect two souls that had been eternally separated by death’s cold embrace.

The altar itself was a masterpiece of arcane craftsmanship. A marble slab, polished to a mirrored sheen, was adorned with a delicate array of alchemical symbols and intricate sigils. An ethereal mist rose from the floor as tiny droplets of combined moonlight and blood dripped onto the altar, illuminating the room with a haunting glow. In the center of this otherworldly stage lay two corpses, their once vibrant bodies now mere vessels of decaying frailty. Their skin, pale and ghostly, was veined with the telltale signs of long-forgotten life. Faces frozen in eternal repose, they mirrored each other even in their demise – tendrils of a love that death had failed to extinguish.

Her hands moved with purposeful grace, as a golden chalice, carved with ancient symbols of power, was filled with a concoction. The liquid shimmered with hues of crimson, resembling the fiery passion of their forsaken love. Her voice rang out, enveloping the chamber in an incantation laced with fervent desperation. The words reverberated through the walls, rumbling like thunder in the stillness of the night. With each syllable, the chalice trembled, as if resonating with the desperate pleas from beyond the grave.

As the incantation reached its crescendo, a bolt of lightning flickered outside, briefly illuminating the room. The alchemist’s eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity as they met the gazes of the dead lovers. Streams of tears streamed down the alchemist’s face, mingling with dauntless resolve, embodying the fusion of love and the crimson essence of life. With a trembling hand, Ajoke poured the concoction into the mouths of the lifeless bodies. A jolt of energy surged through the tomb, stirring the dormant souls within. The lovers stirred, their pale countenances momentarily flickering with a hint of color as her heart pounded with anticipation.

AJOKE: Red of blood, take heed and flow,

                White of bone, like whispers, show,

                Essence arcane, bind their spirits true,

                Return my Laolu and his lover, too.

                CHORUS (IN UNISON)

                   Two souls entwined, longing to kiss,

                   Across the realms, they shall not miss,

                With love’s alchemy, we’ll weave the strand,

                A union destined by pain’s command.

 Ajoke places the mixture into a chalice and holds it high with both of her hands, her voice reaching a crescendo.

AJOKE: In this sacred union, love shall bloom,

               Through this ritual, pierce the tomb,

               Rekindle life where all shadows fall,

               Let spirits heed this pained mother’s call.

With a final, resolute cry and tears streaming down her eyes, she drinks from the chalice. The room is silent for a moment. The spirits surround her, merging their essence with hers. A radiant light envelops the room.

SPIRITS: Through realms unknown, we’ll guide their way,

             To light the path where spirits sway,

             Their dance of life, once more they’ll share,

             United in love, beyond despair.

As the light dims, Ajoke collapses to the floor, exhausted and unconscious.

OBATALA: In realms unseen, where souls abide,

                     Where time is lost and dark echoes reside,

                     Two hearts entwined by destiny’s decree,

                     Shall awaken anew when choices set free.


As I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was I had a headache. In fact, the headache had woken me up.


I turned to my right to look for my phone. I’m sure I had slept past my alarm. Again.


It’s 10:48 in the morning. I had missed calls too. Maxandra called.

Mom? I’m surprised. Maxandra rarely called. She preferred texting. Why did she call today? I bet it must have been of utmost importance for her to call because she’s not heard my voice for the past three years and she hasn’t been bothered. I hope she hasn’t gotten herself into another shitty situation with her drinking problem.

1-2-3- and up you go.

I slowly stood up from bed and walked to my small bathroom. The floor was cold. The air was cold, too. I sincerely hope it wasn’t snowing outside. It’s just mid-August. The weather in the Americas, most times, could be really unpredictable. As I walked into the bathroom, I stopped to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My half caste skin never ceased to amaze me. It was the reason why my mom and dad had separated. They were both black and had four kids before me who were also black. I came in with the golden skin and that was where it all started. He accused her of sleeping with her white boss and I wasn’t his child. Long story short, he took the first four kids they had and filed for a divorce. How he was able to leave her penniless after a divorce was beyond my imagination. I thought women got half of everything? And till today, Max still saw everything as my fault.

That wasn’t the only problem my skin had brought me. Living with naturally radiant, half-caste skin can often be a double-edged sword as people tend to associate it with wealth and success. While many may assume that financial affluence comes hand-in-hand with flawless skin, the reality is far more complex. It can be incredibly frustrating to witness others automatically assume that my appearance automatically translates to abundance, leaving me feeling unfairly judged. Though it is true that I am fortunate to possess unique mixed heritage skin that naturally glows, it is disheartening to have others mistakenly assume that I am financially well-off. This tendency to correlate beauty with wealth perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces societal prejudices. The frustration arises from the fact that although others perceive and acknowledge my radiant skin as a symbol of prosperity, I am unable to leverage it as a means to ask for money without being met with confusion and disbelief. It is a reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and financial circumstances should never be deduced based solely on one’s physical attributes. The struggle lies in debunking these assumptions and helping others understand that superficial features do not define a person’s socioeconomic status.

My skin wasn’t the only thing I love about my body. I loved my lean frame too. I loved the small bulge of my chest, the subtle definition of my abs, my full butt cheeks and my long slender legs. Altogether, my body was lithe and elegant. The only thing I didn’t like about my body was my acne problem and my big forehead. I had tried salicylic acid for the acne problem but its effects were more than its benefits. It irritated my skin and caused redness, itching and dryness. And for the forehead problem, I’d correct it with surgery when I became rich. Like Rihanna did.

I ran back to my room after I heard my phone ring for the fourth time. Only one person could call me four times at a go. Percy. That bitch…

He’d… pronouns please. She’d called to check if I was still alive after last night’s shenanigans. Percy and I were both waiters…she’s a waitress, sorry…at the same bar and she was my best friend. I turned 21 last night and coincidentally, we had some big visitors in our Lounge. The trick was to inflate their bills, coupled with the excessive tips and their leftover drinks, we’d turned the night into a lifetime memory. Percy had a vibe. She made every ordinary memory unique and special. I love her so much. Indeed, there were friends that were more than family.

Turning 21 is often seen as a milestone in many cultures, with expectations of new freedoms, opportunities, and a sense of independence. However, for some individuals, like me, the reality of turning 21 can bring a sense of disillusionment. There are a few reasons why this disillusionment may occur. They may include unrealistic expectations, the pressure to have your life figured out, the loss of novelty, realizing adulthood comes with responsibilities, fear of missing out. Meanwhile, it is important to note that not everyone experiences disillusionment when turning 21. Some individuals may find this milestone to be empowering, exciting, and a time of newfound freedom. Personal experiences and perspectives vary, and each person’s journey will be unique. In my case, my whole life, not just the 21st phase, was a mess. The pain of finding out I was positive at 17 and not know the idiot who had ruined my life was another trauma. It wasnt that there was no other person facing my kind of problems, I just didn’t understand why life decided to be so cruel at this early stage of my life?


Upon receiving the news that he tested positive, a wave of dismay washed over him, enveloping his very being with despair. A torrent of thoughts and emotions raced through his mind, leaving him feeling completely overwhelmed by the weight of the diagnosis. It was as if his world had been turned upside down in an instant, shattering the sense of security and comfort he had held onto so dearly. Questions swirled relentlessly, and he found himself grappling with the overwhelming uncertainty of the future. Fear, sadness, and anger collided within him, creating a storm of emotions that consumed his every thought. The sense of isolation began to seep into his consciousness as he considered the potential implications of his positive result. He couldn’t help but wonder how this could have happened to him, and how it might affect those around him. The reality of the situation settled heavily upon his heart, leaving him feeling a deep sense of loss and mourning for the life he had once known. The dreams he held dear suddenly felt unattainable, as if they were slipping away from his grasp. The once vibrant hues of his existence now seemed clouded in shades of gray. It was a cruel irony that something so small, invisible to the naked eye, could hold such power to disrupt and devastate lives. Struggling to find solace amidst the chaos, he resolved to face this daunting challenge head-on, gathering strength and resilience from within. The road ahead seemed arduous, but with time, support, and an unwavering spirit, he clung to the hope that he could overcome this adversity and emerge stronger than ever before.

Right now, all he wanted to do was chase his dreams, regardless of the obstacles that stood in his way. The fiery determination in his eyes burned brightly as he visualized a future brimming with success, wealth, and, most importantly, happiness. He was not content with merely existing; he desired to thrive, to make his mark on the world. His dreams were not just about accumulating wealth; they were about creating a life that would serve as a testament to his resilience and the relentless pursuit of his passions. His journey towards achieving these dreams was no easy feat. With each step he took, he encountered setbacks and roadblocks that threatened to push him off course. Yet, adversity only fueled his determination further. He believed in the power of his dreams and knew that nothing worth having ever came easy. So, he embraced every challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning, refusing to let the fear of failure deter him from his path. Being rich wasn’t just about financial abundance for him; it was about having the freedom to live life on his own terms. He saw wealth as a means to explore the world, pursue his deepest passions, and make a positive impact on the lives of others. His ambition wasn’t driven by greed, but by a deep desire to create a life filled with meaningful experiences and moments of contentment. However, the true essence of his dreams lay in the pursuit of happiness. The bustling city streets may have been teeming with people chasing materialistic desires, but he understood that true happiness resided within, independent of external circumstances. He strived to find joy in the small victories, to cherish the relationships that nurtured his soul, and to immerse himself in experiences that made his heart sing. He recognized the importance of balance, knowing that being rich and happy was a delicate equilibrium to maintain. He understood that success without happiness was a hollow victory, and happiness without the means to support one’s passions was a constant struggle. So, he set his sights on creating a life where financial stability and emotional fulfillment danced hand in hand. Right now, as he poured his heart and soul into his dreams, he was aware that the journey ahead would require perseverance, sacrifice, and unwavering faith in his abilities. The road to success was not a straight path; it had twists and turns, ups and downs. But armed with passion, resilience, and a vision that refused to dim, he knew deep down that the life he yearned for was within reach. And thus, with every step, he would chase his dreams relentlessly, until he stood on the summit of success, a testament to the power of determination, and the pursuit of both riches and happiness

What about love?

Did Jerry really care about love? That was the burning question that haunted him day and night. Love, a concept so ethereal and yet so consuming. It was a bittersweet experience that left him exhilarated yet terrified. Love had a knack for tearing at his heartstrings, constantly reminding him of his vulnerabilities and exposing him to the raw emotions that resided within. Yet, despite the scars it etched upon his soul, he couldn’t deny the immense power it held over him. Love was an enigma, an adventure that he was willing to immerse himself in despite the uncertainties that lay ahead. For there was something profound in the connection between two hearts, something magical in the way it could mend the broken pieces and make the world seem brighter. The fear of love’s embrace was trumped by the longing to find that one person who would sincerely love him back. But amidst the heartache and longing, a unique thought danced through his mind. What if he crossed paths with someone who not only loved him sincerely but also possessed wealth and influence? Would he be swayed by the allure of material success? It was a question that pricked his conscience, for he realized that he had never truly evaluated the true extent of his longing for love. Would it be overshadowed by the enticement of a lavish lifestyle? Would the depth of his emotions fade in the face of the opulence that money can offer? It was a daunting thought, and he couldn’t help but ponder over it in the quiet solitude of his mind. Yet deep down, he knew that his hunger for love would not be so easily dismissed. No amount of riches or influence could ever compare to the genuine connection of two hearts intertwining. He yearned for a love that defied societal expectations, where he wouldn’t have to question the intentions behind the affection he received. A love that saw beyond material possessions, focusing solely on the essence of his being and cherishing him for who he truly was. In a world full of facades and ulterior motives, he longed for someone who saw him, really saw him. Someone who understood the fragility of his heart, yet loved him fiercely, not despite his vulnerabilities, but because of them. So, while the prospect of meeting a wealthy and influential individual intrigued him momentarily, he knew that his heart would never settle for anything less than an authentic and sincere love. He was ready to give his all, every fiber of his being, to the person who would reciprocate it with unwavering devotion. Money may be tempting, but a love that transcends boundaries and endures against all odds was the true treasure he sought.

But someone still tickled his fancy. Someone who was rich and had warm eyes. Faruq, the Qatari prince. Even now as he scurried about, trying to keep his tiny apartment tidy and prepare for the day, we could only hope and wonder what destiny held in store for this love.


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