“Have you ever fantasized living under the same roof with that soul you wished to spend the rest of your life with? Have you ever thought about the consequences and sacrifices? Are you aware of the need to TOLERATE and ADAPT to certain things even if your happiness and right are being deprived just for peace to reign? Well, you are welcome to the world of meaningful experiences and bitter facts I gained while LIVING TOGETHER with the love of my life…”


My name is Elle. I graduated recently from a Northern university in Nigeria and decided to pursue my carrier in Lagos state because of the high vacancies in the labor market. I was super excited to be in Lagos with my girlfriend who has graduated a year earlier than me and is already working as a digital marketer. Moving in with Janine has always been my dream. I would literally imagine and fantasize about the beautiful scenario every night before I get to bed. I have series of love gestures which I’d always wish to unleash when we are in our secret love nest. I have a whole future planned for us while we live together. I just couldn’t wait to get to Lagos and kick start my life with Janine. Little did I know that for every action, there would be repercussive consequences…


Elle began arranging her stuffs when she arrived at Janine’s place. It was a self-contain flat but very spacious. She started by moving some of her old paintings and minor stuffs, replacing them with beautiful paintings and crafted carvings that she brought from the North; she was so certain that Janine would love the new view of the room as she stood and stared around the good job she did. “What did you just do Elle?” She heard a voice behind her. Janine was disgustingly staring at the new decorations in the room.

Elle was a little tensed and startled when she faced her. “I was just re-arranging the house.” She stammered. Janine sighed as she walked past me to the fridge. “Come on Elle; you can’t just do that without letting me know. Some of those paintings have sentimental values to me.” She said as she gulped on the glass of water. Elle giggled a little and walked closer to her. “I am sorry about that Jane. I will fetch them back and have you choose the important ones.” She said as she collected her back. “I have prepared dinner. You should take a shower before you eat.” She added. Janine smiled as she walked to the toilet. “Better!” She said nodding her head. Elle took a deep breath as she put away the bag and arranged the table for dinner…

Elle was sitting on the bed with a thong while Janine walked into the room after shower with her body wrapped in a towel after. BDSM has always been their preference mood for sex. The room was decorated with candles all over and flowers spread on the bed. She smirked as she stared at Elle who was making gestures to seduce her. Elle was having a small chain around her neck which she throws at Janine and ordered her to come over. She slowly crawled over the bed and grabbed the chain on Elle’s neck and placed a kiss on her. Janine slowly stretched her hands and reached to the small box behind Elle and picked up a whip. She whipped her a little and she moaned softly.

Janine pushed Elle back on the bed and climbed on her; she opened the box again and picked a handcuff which she used pinned Elle’s hands to the bed. She continued kissing her aggressively before she moved down on her and focused on her clits. Elle was damn wet and moaning loudly. Her voice rhymed to the cool music echoing in the room as she begged Janine for more. Janine will whip her occasionally before she continued giving her a head. She quickly rotates her position in a 69style and they both began sucking each other. The position took a while and Janine slowly opened the box again.

She picked up a strap and fixed it around her waist then picked one of the candles and placed it on Elle’s chest. They were both moaning in pleasure when she started fucking her with the strap. She would hang her legs up and fuck her from different angles. Elle was moaning loudly as she was about orgasm. He legs became numb and her breath was seizing. She was shaking vigorously as she shot out load of cum. Janine was breathing heaving and collapsed beside her. “That was extra ordinary.” Elle said with a shaky voice while Janine giggled and cuddled her to bed…

It has almost been a month already and things were moving perfectly for Janine and Elle. Janine will always go to work every morning and live the house in the care of Elle who is idle pending the time she gets a job. She would do the necessary chores which include running errands to the market and cooking; after wards, she would record short videos about her life documentary on her social media handle. A few times, Janine will appear in her live videos and her fans are so supportive of them.

It’s a Thursday morning when Elle decided to do the laundry. She was perplexed seeing how filled up the basket is; never the less, she washed every piece of dirty cloth in the house, besides, she is still not working so she has to contribute to the movement of the house. She did few sanitation after wards and also does the dishes before heading to the market to restock. It is late already when she got back so she barely had the time to rest before making dinner.

Janine came home late, it is becoming official for her these days and working extra time has always been her excuse. They were having dinner when Elle stopped and stared at her. “Babe, i think we should get a washing machine.” She said looking at her. Janine had her head fixed on the food and her phone. “I can’t afford that.” She replied briefly. Ella sighed as she continued eating and ignored the topic seeing the look on Janine’s face. She slowly dropped the spoon again and faced Janine again. “And babe, you often come home late these days; hope all is well?” She asked with a concerned tone.

Janine dropped the spoon loudly on her plate as she stood up. “Stop nagging Elle. It’s not as if working is an easy thing to do and it doesn’t come with any comfort.” She said as she walked into the room. Elle sighed deeply as she cleared the table and do the dishes. She did a few stuffs before she joined Janine in bed. Janine was already sleeping when Elle crawled up the bed and hugged her tightly from behind. She was caressing her body and kissing her neck. Janine groaned a little and pushed away Elle gently. “I had a rough day at work today, I don’t think I can do anything but sleep and rest. I still have to get to a meeting very early tomorrow.” She said as she turned and faced the other said again. Elle sniffled a little as she turned the other side and closed her eyes tightly.

The following morning, she waked up quickly and get breakfast ready before Janine leaves for work. Even though she feels some awkwardness in Janine’s behavior lately, she just wanted to be an obedient girlfriend to her; besides, it wouldn’t sounds good for them to have problems within few months of living together. Janine left for work and Elle started preparing to meet her school friends who are visiting later in the day. She prepared a couple of good meals and provided fruits and desserts. Her friends arrived and they were having good time when Janine walked into the house. It was quite early than usual and she wasn’t looking pleasant. She walked passed them and headed into the room. Elle was curious as she excused herself and ran after her.

Janine was strolling within the room when Elle walked in. “What’s going on there? Who are those people?” Janine asked Elle who was about speaking. Elle sighed a little. “Oh, they are my school friends, they came to say hello since it’s been a while we met.” She replied looking at her. Janine exhaled loudly. “And you didn’t think its right of you to tell me about this right? Rather you guys made several food and decided to make a mess, creating videos and streaming them online right.” She yelled.

Her voice was on high pitch that Elle’s friends could hear her. They have to leave in fear of her reaction. Elle was startled as she faced Janine. “Come on babe, I was willing to tell you but you left home so early this morning. I am sorry about that.” She apologized calmly. Janine hissed a little. “You should know that its right to tell me everything happening here. This is my house and I am paying the bills here.” She yelled again as she barged out of the house and banged the door. Elle sighed deeply as tears rushed out of her eyes. This wasn’t what she pictured living with Janine to be like and she hates to admit they are having problems. She doesn’t want to believe it in her head that they are not doing well. She cried herself as she clean the little mess they made with her friends.

She was very tired when she finished working so she decided to take a rest. She fell asleep on the sofa while taking a nap. The huge bang on the door disrupted her sleep as she wakes up and saw Janine walked in furiously; she didn’t acknowledged her presence as she stormed in to the room and threw away her bag panting really hard. Janine walked around the room furiously as she was exhaling loudly. Elle who was startled and worried quickly followed her inside. “What’s wrong dear? Why are you furious?” She asked trying to hold her hands but Janine was quiet. Elle kept on asking but Janine pushed her away. “Just leave me Elle. You would understand that I am getting mad at work if to say you had any at least rather than being idle.” She yelled.

Elle stared at Janine for a while. “I wasn’t always idle you know. I do take care of the house, clean the mess you always make, prepare food for you and basically satisfy you on bed. would you still call me idle.?” She asked. Janine hissed loudly. “You know what? You always behave as if we are married, as if I am entitled to you. You always want to know everything and wouldn’t give me some space. I deserve some personal space to breath Elle but you are a nagger; always complaining. We are just in a relationship for Christ sake, we are not married.” She yelled again as she walked away to the bathroom.

Elle was eye dropped as she stared at Janine banged the door behind her. She was surprised hearing what she told her. She took a deep breath as tears rushed out of her face again. “Why is this happening to her?” She thought to herself. It is barely three months they moved in and Janine has already started throwing tantrums at her. For the first time, she regretted moving in with Janine and being jobless. She remembered Clara’s advice to her when they were having fun earlier.

“You see Elle, living together as a couple is not as rosy as it seems. It is more of patience, tolerance and understanding than love and romance. You will go no far if you do not bring any tangible thing into this relationship. I will advise you try as much as you could to find a job and support Janine and also try to tolerate and understand her. I am talking from experience Elle, but trust me; more shits will come your way. And remember, my door is always opened when you needed anything.” Clara advised.

Elle wiped off her tears as she quickly packed up a few stuffs while Janine was still in the bathroom. She stormed out of the house and took a taxi to the address that Clara gave her. She was shedding tears as she knocked on the door. Clara opened the door and saw Elle standing with a bag. She smiled and giggled a bit. “I knew that will happen, but I didn’t think it will be that soon.” She said as she hugged Elle and walked her to the room. Elle wouldn’t stop crying and Clara comforted her.

She sniffled as she speaks. “I thought it will be all sweet and rosy Clara. I thought we would have chance to spend those magical moments we always think about. But thing are getting worse day by day. Janine is slowly turning into a monster and I can’t handle it anymore. My sanity is driven away Clara; my heart race faster whenever she comes around. I hate to admit that this is a feeling of hate and regret.” Elle said as she burst into tears again. She kept quiet for a while and faced Clara again. “Do you think I am the bad person? Am I being a free loader or a nagger? Am I forcing myself on her? Maybe I always upset her right?” She asked again with tears in her eyes.

Clara sighed as she hugged her tightly. “None of you is the bad person Elle. You should stop overthinking.” She said as she comforted her for a while and continued talking. “One thing you should know about living together is that you are risking your personal happiness, space and preferences for the development of the relationship. You need to tolerate and overlook, you need to understand and try to communicate. You can never achieve a happy home if you think you deserve all the attention and care. Sacrifice is the key to a successful home my dear.” Clara explained.

She adjusted herself a little as she holds Elle’s hands. “I understand your situation with Janine and I was sure that will happen. You need to give her time to adjust and to understand your worth also. I know she probably thinks she deserves all the credits for being the provider, but let’s allow her find what she is missing without you. And in the meantime, let’s find you something doing.” Clara added. Elle sighed as she hugged Clara again. “Thank you Clara, I truly appreciate you.” She said looking at her…


It has been two weeks already and things aren’t getting any easier. Janine has gotten a suspension from work due to negligence of duty and all she does all day is to drink herself to stupor at home. She has tried all possible means to reach Ella but all to no avail. She was sitting at home and drinking as usual when the door slowly pushed. It was Clara. She walked in and stared at the place for a while; looking messy and unkempt. She sighed as she finds a spot and sat on the couch. Janine stared at her for a while. “Did you bring back Elle? Please, tell me you bring her back for me. I honestly meet her and regret acting like a jerk.” She pleaded crying.

Clara smiled and giggled as she nodded her head and faced Janine. “What were you expecting when you invited her to move in? Why do you have to treat her the way you did?” She asked looking at her. Janine wiped off her face. “I didn’t know what came over me Clara. I didn’t know how to react. Maybe because things weren’t happening as I expected. I thought it will all be easy but I felt my life falling apart. Having to deal with the stress at work and Elle always nagging and demanding a part of my life, I felt suffocated and have to act against her. I regretted yelling at her that night. I honestly do.” She said with a worried face.

Janine was still shedding tears as she pleaded with Clara. “I am sure you a aware of her where about, I just want an opportunity to make up for the mess I caused and also make this works. I honestly don’t want to lose her.” She pleaded again. Clara sighed as she stood up slowly. “I really don’t have a say in your relationship Janine. All I can offer is an advice. I am not sure if Elle really wants to meet you right now, but I hope she will hear you out. You can drop by my place in the evening tomorrow, she will be free by then.” She said as she walked out of the apartment.

Elle was sitting on the couch at Clara’s place watching a movie when the door opened. she was surprised to see Janine in the house. “What are you doing here…” She was still talking when Janine knelt before her and interrupted her. “Can you please hear me out?” She asked with a worried face. Elle sighed as she folded her arms and stared at her. Janine took a deep breath and adjusted herself. “I know I have been a jerk all these while, I know I was a bad person to you. I honestly don’t know what came over me Elle, things were getting out of hand and I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t stand seeing the situation deviating from what I have always imagined. I had to act in fear and I really regret it.” She said looking at her.

She giggled as she continued talking. “I was totally inconsiderate and selfish Elle. I always thought I should have all the credit and disregard your efforts in the relationship. I am aware of your importance to me now Elle. Can you please forgive me and move back together?” She pleaded. Elle sighed as she pulled Janine up. “I am also at fault Jane. I should have understood you more. I should have tolerated you and understood that you were under pressure instead of being selfish and wanting more attention. I am sorry for pressurizing you Jane.” She apologized and they hugged passionately.


Living together as a couple is not as rosy as it seems. It is more of patience, tolerance and understanding than love and romance. It is not about spending every moment filled with love, it is about watching every minute of your life walked pass with your space and freedom being obstructed. Living together comes with a lot of changes in one’s life, there is need to adapt to certain things and also tolerate some; living together is a sacrifice offered for the growth of love…



Dedicated to all couples sacrificing their happiness and comforts to live together…