One night stand with a thúg (Episode 21)


Scene 1 (continuation…

Allen, sholly and Bobby)


Allen: the bottle water he was holding fell on the ground immediately after seeing him..


Bobby: what? What’s happening?


Sholly: pumpkin…🥺🥺


Allen: turns back immediately… Oh nothing is happening Bobby…sorry let go..


Bobby: who’s this guy?


Allen: which guy?


Bobby: this one looking at you since na..


Allen: oh I don’t know him.. 


Bobby: hmmm


Sholly: Allen… It’s me sholly! He said gently


Allen: pretending not to hear sholly talk…


Bobby: anyways let go then..


Allen: yea….


Then they started walking awày..


Sholly: following them without saying anything..


After few seconds of walking..


Allen turned back saw sholly following them..


Bobby: so what are you going to cook for us today?


Allen: I don’t know yet..what do you want to eat? 


Bobby: spaghetti…


Allen: 🙄🙄🙄you want to finish my spaghetti abi? Everytime spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti 🙄


Bobby: hahhaha… Laughs and hít Allen at his down waist region..


Allen: stop joor..


Sholly: still following them and watching all what they were doing..


Allen: turned back and saw sholly still following them….

Hmm he’s still following me? How did he even get here self? Lagos to Niger State? How come? He said in his mind while walking with Bobby..


Bobby: turned and saw sholly following them..

Who be this guy self? Being following us since.. 


Allen: which guy? Then he turned pretending not know about it before..




Bobby: it was that guy at that shop… That you turned and looked at him..


Allen: hmmm


Bobby: are you sure you don’t know him?


Allen: how do you expect me to know him? 


Bobby: but he’s following you!


Allen: following me? How did you know he’s following me?


Bobby: ok you know? Let stop walking and see if he will stop..


Then they both stopped..


And sholly stopped too…


Bobby: you see? You see what I say right?


Allen: hmmm..


Bobby: I guess he’s one of the workers at the lecture theatre..


Allen: maybe I don’t know..


Bobby: let me go and confróñt him them..


Allen: 😳😳 no oo.. no please… Don’t oo..


Bobby: huh? Why are you being so defensive? 


Allen: just let him be… You don’t even know him….just allow him continue to follow us when he’s tired he will stop..


Bobby: hmm no.. I won’t

I must talk to him..

Then he quickly walk back to meet sholly..


Allen followed him immediately..


Bobby: boss howfer na.. we see say you dey follow is since any problem?


Allen: hmmm


Sholly: turns to Allen…

Pumpkin 🥺🥺…


Bobby: looked at Allen 🤨🤨 pump what?




Bobby: why is he calling you pumpkin?


Allen: I don’t know oo.. maybe he mistakes me for a different person I guess.


Sholly: I’m not mistaken you for anyone…


Bobby: 😳 oh I see..

So where do you know him from?


Sholly: I know him from..m


Allen: know me from where? Huh? Where do you know me from? He said quickly stopping sholly from talking..


Sholly: I’m sorry 🥺..


Allen: scoff… Sorry for what exactly?


Sholly: for everything please… I know I did you wrong..🥺


Bobby: what is going on here..


Allen: see Bobby let go please I don’t know who he his.. 


Sholly: 🥺🥺I’m sorry pumpkin..


Bobby: bro…we are sorry please.. I guess you’re truly mistaken ok.. good bye and don’t follow us again please….


Then they started walking away…


Sholly following them…


Bobby: omg. This guy is getting on my nerves.. 😠


Allen: don’t mind let just continue going..


They continue trekking and sholly was still busy following them….


After minutes if trekking they finally go to Allen’s apartment..


They turned back and didn’t see sholly….


Allen: where is he? He said stretching his necks to look for him..


Bobby: thank God that psychó finally left.. 


Then they both entered the room..


Bobby: now tell me the truth… who’s that guy?


Allen: 🙄🙄 I say I don’t know him


Bobby: don’t lie to me..he’s not a I don’t think he doesn’t know what he’s doing.. definitely he knows you somewhere


Allen: hmmm me I don’t know him..🙄


Bobby: common na…tell me please… Is he your stalkèr?


Allen: hmmm no


Bobby: your lover?


Allen: Yes!


Bobby: 😳😳what?


Allen:😳😳🤐🤐🤐 sorry…what am I even saying? 😂 I don’t know him.


Bobby: hmmm…… You’re hiding something from me and I don’t like it.. please be sincere with me..


Allen: hmm.. that is sholly!.


Bobby: sholly? 🤔🤔

😳😳 Jesus! How? From where? Since when? He shouted!..


Allen: why are you shouting? 


Bobby: quickly ran to the door and closed it very well.. and locking the windows too..


Allen: 🤨🤨🤨what are you doing?


Bobby: he’s coming to take you awày!


Allen: 😳😳😳 you don’t mean it? Oh really?


Bobby: 😏😏😏😒😒.. you think is funny right?


Allen: hmmm..😂😂😂


Bobby: so that is the sholly? Wow.. he fine shaa..


Allen: hmmm abi?


Bobby: yes na…


Allen: ok then…. Abeg open door and window abeg..make heat no finish me abeg…. 


Bobby: no.. I won’t

Hope he didn’t know where you’re staying now..


Allen: not sure…. Even if he knows what does that change?


Bobby: really? Anyways you said you don’t like him again right?


Allen: hmm..


Bobby: what is hmm? Isn’t that what you said? 


Allen: yes I said so…


Bobby: hmm you better keep to your word.

What even brought him to this state self..


Allen: obviously he came for work..


Bobby: he should do the work and go back…

You guys are done already.. 


Allen: why are you so upset about the whole stuff?


Bobby: are you asking me that?..


Allen: hmm sorry oo


Bobby: then sat on the plastic chair In the room…. Shaking his legs and looking so Disturbed


Allen: noticed him..

Hmm.. calm down Bobby!


Bobby: I should calm down? He asked calmly


Allen: yes please calm down ok…. Let me cook spaghetti for us.


Bobby: hmmm ok..he said calmly


Few minutes later Allen was done with the cooking and they both ate together… 

But Bobby was still worried and it was obviously seen on his face…

After eating they sat down just gisting and watching movie..


Evening hours around 7pm…


Bobby: let me get going..I have some washing to do at home….


Allen: oh alright….let me see you off..


Bobby: 🙄🙄🙄


Allen: what?


Bobby: so you want me to go abi?


Allen: whahala!.. what do do you mean by that?


Bobby: this is just 7pm and you said ok… Can’t you ask me to stay a little more..


Allen: hmmm Royal Majesty can you stay a little more?


Bobby: 😒😒 I won’t! Except sleep over…


Allen: for where? 🙄


Bobby: but wait o.. it’s now. I reason it self why haven’t I slept here before? 😳I always leave

Well today I must sleep here..


Allen: 🙄🙄🙄oga pack things and leave… I want to sleep self..


Bobby: you eeh! No prob na…till the day I go handle for this bed!


Allen: 😂😂 you no seriously! What does that suppose to mean now?


Bobby: I’m telling you! Be laughing there.. 🙄 Shea you say one month abi? I’m waiting to hear your answer… Don’t even think about turning me down..


Allen: whahala… Na by force? 😂😂


Bobby: na by force oo😂😂😂..


Allen: hahahah let me see you off joor…. 


Then the both walked out of the room..


Then trek few minutes from Allen’s Mom..


Bobby: you can stop here Aunty.. 


Allen: hahaha ok sir..


Bobby: I will miss you..


Allen: 🙄🙄ok


Bobby: say you will miss me back….


Allen; hmmm ok I will miss you back..


Bobby: you eeh…you’re really stressing me ah swearr…. Don’t worry na..

Shea na me and you abi?


Allen: 😂😂good night joor..


Then they both Departed ways.. 


Scene 2 ( Allen in his room)


Immediately he got Inside he saw Bobby’s phone on the bed…

Oh..this one forget his phone here again….


Then he pick it up and drop on the reading table..


Few seconds after that a message Beeb entered his phone..


Allen: hmmm.. who’s sending him message..let me check..


Then he opened the phone and saw message from” EX”


Hmmm your are still keeping contact with your EX? He said while he click to read the text message…


” Hi Bobby love.. I’m on my way to your apartment now.. I will be sleeping over.. as usual!

What should I buy for us when coming? Or you prefer the usual suya meat?… “


Allen: hmmm.. Bobby! 

Smiles… Thank God I haven’t started taking you serious.. he said and dropped the phone on the table then fell on the bed immediately…


The someone knocked on the door..


Allen: I know you will come back for your phone..he said loudly while going to open the door..


Boom..he saw sholly at the door..


Allen: what are you doing here?


Sholly: 🥺🥺 pumpkin..


Allen: answer me! So you followed us so you can know my apartment?


Sholly: please… I’m sorry Allen..can we talk please? At least!


Allen : what are we talking about? 


Sholly: common na. let me enter please..


Allen: hmm alright..


Then he entered and Allen closed the door..


Sholly: quickly hugged Allen very tightt!

🥺🥺 I have been wanting to do this since I saw you in the morning but I couldn’t do so because of people around..I know you’re angryy at me…yes! But please let me just hug you for a while please 🥺🥺…he said while squeeziñg Allen’s body against his own..


Allen: kept an I don’t care facial expressions…


After few seconds….


Can you stop please? Time up..

He said will trying to pushh sholly awày


Sholly: gently removed his body…

Then exhales heavily….


Allen: looking so unconcerned and not convinced..

So what is it? What do you want to say? 


Sholly: pumpkin 🥺🥺🥺 Don’t be angry please….I’m sorry for all what I did! I know I did you so wrong…. All the húrtful words I said to you that night… I’m sorry about it.. I was wrong for doing so.. I came back that night but didn’t meet you….


Allen: laughs a little…

Come back to meet me? Did you expect to Meet me there after all you said? Hmm? Sholly? I’m human being too…after those words you don’t expect me to still stay behind… You gave me reason to leave..


I can still remember everything you said to me that night..


You said” oh so you expect me to believe all what you just explained?

I know you can never change! How many guys did you slept with? Just few months of being away you started opening your legs for everyone… 

Oh you expect me to embrace you and say sorry? I thought you all change..

Is this how you’re going to pay me back after all I did for you!.. and so many more… After saying all of this you still expected me to stay? Smiles… How is that possible sholly..


Sholly: 🥺🥺🥺 I’m sorry please forgive….he said and wanted to hug him again..


Allen: are you okay? What are you trying to do? You want to hug me?

You want to hug who is HIV positive? You want to hug who you said was sleeping around? Oh I forget! You also said I was irrítatíng you… So you want to hug me?


Sholly: breathing heavily… No pumpkin…no pumpkin please that is not it… I’m sorry please… I made a mistake…


Allen: getting teary…..have you forgotten you’re the one that made me changed my ways.. you helped me become a better a person.. I stopped my old ways even though it wasn’t convinient for me.. when you left for months.. did you know how difficult it was for me.. I was tempted to go back to my ways because I needed to live up to the taste I was used to..but when I thought about your sacrifices for me I decided to stop..just for you! 


Yes I was stupeed for going to see that man that day! My fault and I accepted and apologize… But I never slept with him Willingly..ah swearr on God I never did… sholly I didn’t chéat on you with anyone.. I never slept with anyone 😭😭😭.. that old man forced me…. There was nothing I could do to help my self and I still couldn’t raise alarm… He had his way and did his thing.. he offered me money but I refused.. because I never wanted doing that…I dwell in that quilt for weeks.. before I started feeling síck..

I never cheated as you have claimed..😭😭😭..he said while cryiñg so loud..


Sholly: hugged him immediately…… I believe you pumpkin..I believe you please.. I was just angryy then.. I’m sorry please I believe you 🥺🥺


Allen: pushh him away…then stopped cryiñg..why am I even cryiñg and explaining my self..he said and moved awày from him..


Sholly: I’m sorry….

Just tell me what you want me to do for you to believe me and forgive me..


Allen: it’s of no use sholly…. It been one year already…


Sholly: I know.. I looked for you everywhere I could. I even went to see Moses your work colleague.. he didn’t tell me anything tangible..

All this time I have been wishing and praying to see you..I call your number almost everyday..but not going through..I did my best… I never knew I will be coming to see you here.. I never imagined that..


Allen: all this things you’re saying is story..


Sholly: pumpkin na…. It’s me oo your sholly! 🥺🥺 Please na..


Allen: we are living in a different world now! I don’t see you same way again…


Sholly: you can’t do that to me please…no you can’t. 


Allen: the time I needed you most in my life you weren’t there sholly.. relationship are supposed to be for good and trying times…. 

I was deprèssed sholly! I felt like I should diee… 

I needed you badllyy them because I thought having you besides me was all I needed to keep on going..


Sholly: it’s all my fault pumpkin.. yes I agree with you! But don’t you think you need to be considerate too? I’m human too.. I have heart…and I don’t control how it works.. I’m powerless over that.. do you think me wanting you everyday is something I chosed by my self? NO! But I found my self wanting to be with you all the time despite all the wrongs you did.. 

That night I regretted everything ah swearr… Even God knows.. I even blamè myself for letting you change your ways and leaving you to deal with it by yourself… Alone! But what can I do now? Please let go of everything ok


Allen: let go of what? Is it that easy for you? Well it’s not for me…


Sholly: hmmm…. 

Ok just forgive me please


Allen: forgiveness right? It’s no big deal! You’re forgiven?


Sholly: baby stop na.. you haven’t forgiven me🥺🥺


Allen: oh you want real forgiveness? 


Sholly: yes please..


Allen: okay.. make love to me! Now!


Sholly: huh? What? I don’t understand you…


Allen: smiles….you don’t understand right?

Make Loove to me so you can also be HIV positive… that’s the only way I can forgive you


Sholly: like seriously? You will do that? You will allow me do that? 


Allen: yes! So we can be even! So are you doing it or not?


Sholly: babe… I know you don’t want me to do it.. so I won’t..


Allen: slaaps him.. angrilyy….


Sholly: pumpkin 🥺🥺… I’m sorry


Allen: so you can’t do it right? Huh? You can’t right? 


Sholly: just looking at him…


Allen: gèt óut! Leave here right now… I don’t want to see you again..he say while pushingg sholly away..


Sholly: held his two hands… I’m sorry.. 


Allen: leave my hands alone and go away now….he said angrilyy..


Sholly: forcefully kisséd him..


Allen: removes his mouth and slaap him..


Sholly: slaap me all you want! I’m not leaving here..


Allen: continue pushingg him out angrilyy…


Sholly: forcefully kisséd him again….


Boom… Bobby entered😳

And met them kissin….


Written By:

           Love TB

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