One night stand with a thúg ( Episode 24)


Scene 1 ( continuation… Allen sholly and Bobby)


Bobby: still trying to dràg with sholly..but sholly held him so tight….and then locked the room….


Allen: trying to tell sholly to loose him please..


Sholly: keeping a very angryy facial expression.

Loose him yourself….he said to Bobby


Bobby: standing with out saying anything..


Sholly: removed his clothes…I said you should loose him yourself! He said calmly to Bobby again


Bobby: ignored him.


Sholly: wow… It been long I did something like this!’s fine! Don’t loose him ok!…

You just gave me another idea.. he said and removed his shoes..


Bobby: wondering… What sholly is planning to do..


Allen: already figured out…that sholly is planning on béàtîñg Bobby…then he started shaking his head in disagreement… Telling him not the do  anything….


Sholly: from the first day I saw you I knew you will be something else…

You shouldn’t have tried this with my pumpkin….. No no… Not with him….


Bobby: 😂😂😂 you should be lucky you came around so early.. I would have done more than what you just saw…


Sholly: oh.. I see..then lucky me then.. 😂😂he said and laughed too

Pumpkin…. Please just stay that way for now…I would have loved to relase you since..but I guess it’s okay you should remain that way you won’t stop me from what I’m about to do…


Bobby: his facial reaction changed..he became scared immediately..


Sholly: exhales heavily….

Stand up.. he said to Bobby.. 


Bobby: you want to keel me? Keel me then….but that won’t change anything.. 


Sholly: gave him a huge púñch on the nose…


Then Bobby fell on the ground immediately..


Sholly: 😂😂 I haven’t even started and you’re falling? We still have long way to go man! I’m going to take my time and bèàt you eeh… 


Allen: making several noise…. asking sholly to stop what he was trying to do..but he ignored him…


Sholly: then he raised Bobby up…. And saw bloood running from his nose slowly..

Awwwn… So soon? Awwwn…you’re bleédíñg? 


Allen: feeling so week to stand up..

But still trying to reach out to sholly…


Sholly: began to nodd bobby on the nose and forehead.. continuously…

At least up to 10 times…


Bobby fell on the ground breathing very fast…while bloood runs from his nose and his fore head already swollen up..


Allen: 😳😳😳😳…. Trying to get up…but his legs and hands were tied up too.. he couldn’t do anything…but make out noise..


Sholly: breathing heavily….and then smiling and watching Bobby trying to get up..


Then he climbed his body….and pressed Bobby nèckk so tight..


Bobby: trying to grasp air…


Then sholly released him for few seconds….

Then he started púñching him on the face… continuously…. And calling him several names…as he does that..


Bloood started splashing out from Bobby’s mouth and face… And even touching sholly’s body….


Allen: oh God….. This retired thúg will keel this boy! He said in his mind while watching how sholly continually púñch Bobby non-stop..


Few seconds after…Allen then use is tied legs to pushh the pillow on sholly… Telling him to stop…


Sholly: what? He stopped and asked Allen.. while breathing very fast..


Allen: shaking his head very fast.. asking sholly to stop..


Sholly: huh? I should stop? Why? This boy doesn’t deserve to livee…. 


Allen: still shaking his head in disagreement..


Sholly: ignored him and continue púñching Bobby on the same spot over and over again…


Few seconds after that..


Bobby: busted into tears…. Please forgive me..he said very slowly and powerlessly….


Sholly: scoff… huh? Sorry?


Bobby; please I’m sorry.. please I’m so sorry have mercy on me.. he cried and began to plead..


Allen: looking at sholly…


Sholly: noticed Allen’s mood changed..then he stood up from Bobby..


Then went to where Allen was tied up…then he loose him..


Allen: gives sholly a very hot slaap 👋 immediately..


Sholly: looking at him and breathing very fast on Allen’s face


Allen: you want to keel him? Huh? Do you want him to diee in your hands? What will I do if he diees here? Small béàtîñg was enough.. you almost keeled someone shola..


Sholly: kept quiet and didn’t say anything… And was just looking at Allen… Because he knows he was only saying that because he cares for him…


Allen: move from my way..he said and pushh sholly awày..

Then went to where Bobby was lying bleédíñg..


Oh God…I told you stop sholly…now see..


Sholly: I wouldn’t have stopped if he didn’t begged..he should be lucky he begged me… He’s an ànimal.. doesn’t deserve to be treated as human..


Allen: hmmmm…..


2 hours later…..


Allen: using hot water to press Bobby’s face gently… 


Bobby: sleeping on the bed… 


Sholly: are you serious right now? What’s wrong with you? This idioot almost keeled you and here you are taking care of him? He said angrilyy


Allen: ignores him and continue with what he was doing..


Sholly: you’re ignoring me now or what? He said angrilyy


Allen: you’re disturbing me… Allow me focus on what I’m doing..we should be greatful this boy didn’t diee on your hands… 


Sholly: stand up from there…! Who cares if he diess…? Do I look like I care? I’m not remorseful about anything.. 

I said stand up from there… And stop taking care of him….


Allen: ignored him and continue… massaging Bobby’s face gently…


Sholly: got angryy and kivcked the water.. are you stupeed? I’m talking to you! I said you do stop!


Allen: got pissed off…

Ignored sholly and trying to pick up the rubber that sholly kivcked…


Sholly: got more angrierr 😠..and kivcked the rubber again….


Bobby: that woke him up.. but still closed his eyes pretending to be sleeping..


Allen: slaap sholly… Do you think I’m happy doing this? Huh? Do you think I’m happy taking care of someone that hàrmed me few hours ago! Do you know how I’m feeling right now? I’m not sad because he tiedd me up… I’m more sad because someone I have known for almost a year turns out to be this wickédd… I’m feeling so betrayed right now… I have loved and cherish him so well all this while.. I never for once thought he will ever do this to me.. he said cryiñg bitterly 😭😭😭


Sholly: let me get you water and massage your face…. I don’t want to listen to what you’re saying..


Allen: I’m fine… He said and went to the kitchen to get another water to continue massaging Bobby..


Sholly: omg…what kind of person is this? He said angrilyy.. while looking at him..


Allen: coming back with some hot water and heading towards the bed where Bobby was lying down..


Sholly: angrilyy kivcked the water from Allen..

Luckily Allen was able to shift away from the hot water…


Allen: are you stupeed? What is wrong with you..


Sholly: I won’t allow you take care of this animall while I’m here.


Allen: shola… Can you just stop what you’re doing? We shouldn’t be fightingg over this please… just allow me take care of him so he can leave when he wakes up.. and that is all..


Sholly; hmmm… Okay…do that in five minutes and after that I will wake him up myself…so he go..


Allen: okay thank you…

Then he quickly fetched another water and deep in  The towel……

Please can you help me get…


Sholly: get what? He shoutéd angrilyy…


Allen: it’s okay nothing.. don’t worry..


Sholly: just tell me what is it? 


Allen: please can you help me get some drugs outside please?


Sholly: what?… I should get him drugs? Never!


Few minutes after that..he left to get the drugs 🙄….


Allen: then began to massage Bobby’s face gently…. 


Bobby: listened to the whole conversation since he woke up…


I’m actually not a human! 

I don’t deserve to live!

Sholly should have keeled me.. yeah I deserve death… He said In his mind while tears began to roll down from his eyes..

How can someone I just finished húrting still consider me this way? Still treating me and standing for me!.. despite all what I did..

Even the sholly still went and brought drugs… despite the hàtè and àñgér in him towards me.. he said In his mind and continue cryiñg..


Allen: saw tears coming out Bobby’s eyes…

Hmmm why is he cryiñg? He said while looking at him


Bobby: open his eyes immediately…


Allen: you are awake?.. 


Bobby: nodding his head in agreement..


Allen: then he carried Bobby’s..

Let me call your ex to come pick you from here…

He said and dialed the ex number….


Few seconds later he was done speaking to him on phone….. 


Bobby: I’m sorry! He said slowly.. 


Allen: I don’t want to here anything from you again… Once your ex comes  here…. Just followed him Quietly and don’t say anything to me…. From today don’t ever talk to me…. I don’t need your apologise or what so ever… And don’t even think I’m. Happy doing this to you… I mean taking Care of you after everything… This is my last relationship with you!


Bobby: after hearing all of that…he felt so much quilt in him and couldn’t say anything again and just continue cryiñg….


Allen: controlling himself not to tear up.. while still massaging Bobby…


Few minutes after that sholly came back..

And Bobby’s ex followed him immediately..


They both entered the room….


Bobby’s ex was shocked seeing the condition he met Bobby…


Few minutes after that..

Allen open Bobby’s phone and deleted the video and also deleted his contact..then gave Bobby’s ex the phone and thy left….


Sholly just sat on the chair watching how everything unfolds…


Allen: started cleaning the whole room despite how tired he looked…


Sholly: babe…. You need to rest! It’s too much on you….


Allen: continue with what he was doing..


Few minutes after that he was done with the cleaning…then he entered the bathroom, took his bath and came out…


Sholly: what will you eat? Let me go and get you something!


Allen: I’m fine…. don’t worry about me..

Thank you for coming to my rescue..


Sholly: I’m asking you what Will you eat? 


Allen: I said I’m fine..


Sholly: come…


Allen: what?


Sholly: I say come!


Allen: then moved closer to him


Sholly: I’m sorry for shouting at you earlier.. please…I didn’t mean to do so..I’m sorry ok!


Allen: it’s fine.. I understand.. I know you did that because you care for I’m not angryy


Sholly: yes I know.. but I shouldn’t have shoutéd still… I’m sorry okay..


Allen : hmmm…. It’s fine


Sholly: so what will you eat?


Allen: I will cook something from my kitchen.. I lost my appitete for now…


Sholly: no baby…. I don’t want you to do anything again today… You have done more than enough..

Let me just go out and get us something ok..


Allen: alright thank


Few minutes sholly was back… He bought bread, meat, pepper fish and some drinks…


They ate together… after that was lying on the bed together..


Sholly: babe please can you promise me something?


Allen: what is that?


Sholly: please don’t associate yourself with that guy again…. I know you so well….if he comes back and beg you, you will still accept him back as a friend


Allen: hmmmm


Sholly: I’m serious please…you need to be careful… You never expected he was this dangéróus..but look how things turned out to be..


Allen: it’s ok babe.. I will!


Sholly: okay thank you babe…hope you’re not feeling any pain again?


Allen: I’m fine now.. thanks


Sholly: ok


Allen: so how was the one year? Howfer your work?


Sholly: smiles I was planning on telling you everything too.. 

Well…it’s wasn’t easy..but  with God and help of my Aunty..I was able to secure some clients who I worked for..and since then it has been a blessing.. I moved to a different apartment now… But not that big shaa… I wanted to do so with you..


Allen: do what with me? 


Sholly: getting an apartment with you.. I wanted you to be the one to select the kind of apartment you want us to stay… 


Allen: hmmm really? Why me


Sholly: I’m doing all of this for you! I don’t have anyone else… No family nobody just you! Except for my aunt.. but she’s doing well by herself so no need giving her anything..


Allen: hmmm…. You’re doing too much! You need to be thinking about yourself too.. don’t put me first in anything please..


Sholly: hmmm.. that’s how I want everything to be…. I love you so much ❤️… I’m not regretting anything..


Allen: hmmm… Really?


Sholly: yes of course 😊


Allen: well I also something important I wanted to tell you but maybe not now?


Sholly: what is that? Is there anything different again? Did I do something?


Allen; no babe… Not you…


Sholly: ok… 

Babe we will be done with our work here next week… How do we do now? You’re following me back right?


Allen: huh? Follow you? How is that possible? I’m in school here….


Sholly: hmmm so what do I do now? 

I don’t think I can cope with it…. It’s too far…


Allen: hmmm…. Don’t worry I will be done with school in the next 4 years…


Sholly: 🙄🙄🙄 so I should wait for next for years?.. 

Babe or should I just continue staying here with you? Once I have any job them I traveled to go do it..


Allen: if I bitte that your mouth 😒.. what nonsense are you saying..


Sholly: hmmm what do you suggest then?


Allen: babe.. I need to finish my school… I can’t leave school..


Sholly: baby what about me 🥺🥺…is the one year apart not enough?


Allen: 🙄🙄🙄


Sholly: yes na🥺🥺


Allen: don’t worry babe we will talk about this muvh later..


Sholly: okay…



Allen: yes?


Sholly: babe I’m horñy!


Allen: 😂😂😂… 


Sholly: what’s funny?


Allen: you na…you no dey shàme? See how  you said it out😂😂


Sholly: shàme for you?


Allen: hahhaha yes na..


Sholly: babe I need sexx! 

He said again sounding so serious..


Allen: hmmm 

Babe I didn’t get a condóm..


Sholly: hmmm what do we do now? I really need you now.. he said as he hugged Allen from behind… 


Allen: hmm should I just tell him? He said I his mind..


Sholly: kissin Allen on his neck slowly and softly..


Allen; turned and faced him…


Sholly: kissed his lips immediately…. I miss you baby..


Allen: hmmm baby wait first..let talk about this first..


Sholly: hmmm.. no baby let just continue kissing… 


Allen: but baby no coñdom..


Sholly: ignored and continue kissin..


Allen: Turned on already.. and responded to kiss…


They both started kissin passionately. Then sholly climbed Allen’s body very fast..and continue kissing him… His diick was fully erectt already..and Allen was already in the mood…and also wasn’t ready to stop sholly..


Sholly without wasting time removed his clothe and continue kissin..


As he was about removing Allen’s cloth…then he felt a sharp  pàíñ on his chest..


And stop..


Allen: what’s is babe?  He asked immediately..


Sholly: moáning in pàíñ…. 


Allen : baby what is it? You’re scariñg me…


Sholly: fell on the bed…still moáning in pàíñ


Allen: quickly stood up..


Sholly: started coughing out continuously…. 


Allen: confused on what to do.. babe what’s wrong.. answer me please..what is wrong?


Sholly: bloood started coming out from his mouth after several minutes of coughing


Allen: Jesus Christ 😳😳… bloood? He shoutéd..

He quickly rushed out and called his neighbors..


They all rushed in and took him to the near by clinic..


The clinic immediately directed them to the federal medical center… because they couldn’t attend to the issue…. Due to constant bloood coming out from sholly’s mouth..


They eventually got to the general hospital… 


About 5 hours later… 

The nurse called Allen and asked him to go see the doctor at his office..


Scene 2 ( Allen and doctor)


Doctor: what about his parents or family relation


Allen: he’s the only one here sir…. I don’t think he has any family members.. just tell me what is happening sir…


Doctor: hmmm… Can I ask you few questions?


Allen: yes sir..he said very fast..


Doctor: is he a smoker? 


Allen: hmmm.. yes but he stopped a long time ago..


Doctor: how long? 5 years ago?


Allen: no sir.. just a year Ago..


Doctor: smiles…. That’s not long ago…

The smoking as done so much hàrm on him..


Allen: ahhh…🥺🥺


Doctor: yes… It has affected his heart so much… 

See the X-ray for yourself..

He said and pointed it to Allen.. you see all those areas around the heart…those are the affected part and it’s spreading very fast…


Allen: 🥺🥺🥺 God why now?


Doctor: yes… If it continues to spread in such way… I’m scàred to say he won’t have much to lívè again… Just few months maximum…


Allen: heart béàting so fast…so what do you suggest sir? What should we do? I man what can I do? Is there no cure or what? He said while beginning to get teary


Doctor: when it comes to the issue of the heart… It’s usually difficult to profer a solution… I mean a one way solution… For now we will have to study him closely and watch the best way to attend to him… Hopefully something nice comes up.. 


Allen: so doctor you’re saying no guarantee ?


Doctor: hmmm we have also seen some cases where by little or no effort was made on the patient and he got better… All he was living on was prescription from nutritionist….there are some kind of food which also helps… But it’s only worked in about 0.5% of those that have being diagnosed with this issue..


Allen: exahales slowly…. It’s fine I understand doctor.. 

Can we see him please?


Doctor: yes sure…


Then Allen left the doctor’s office immediately


Scene 3( Allen and sholly)


Sholly: already awake just staring at the things in the room he was kept..


Then Allen came in… wiping his tears very fast so sholly won’t notice..


Sholly: pumpkin..he said very fast smiling and happily looking at Allen 😁😁


Allen: hi babe he said slowly….. Hope you’re fine now! You got me scàred over nothing… 


Sholly: oh really? So it’s nothing serious? Smiles I thought as much…

When will the doctor release me… 


Allen; don’t worry dear…. Very soon… Very soon okay

He said smiling..


Sholly: I don’t like it here… I can’t remember when last I entered the hospital..I hàtè the smell here..


Allen: yea… I know..

Very soon ok.. let just wait small ok…. ☺️☺️

He said trying so hard to be fine..


Sholly: okay… baby.. sorry! About earlier..


Allen: smiles….. Your mouth…


Then they both smiled at each other 😁


2 days later…


Scene 4( sholly and doctor)


Sholly: I have been here for about 3 days now doctor and you people keep telling me I’m fine..if I’m fine let me just go.. 


Doctor: hmmm… You will be fine..


Sholly: I will be fine? Doctor tell me what’s wrong with me…


Doctor: hmmm ok

Here is it….( Then he explained everything to him same way he did for Allen)


Sholly: 😳😳😳😳… 

Why didn’t you tell me since and why did you tell Allen and not me..


Doctor: he said he is your only relation here…


Sholly: hmmm


Scene 5( Allen and sholly)


Allen: babe come as eat fast please..the doctor said you should be eating well… And I have contacted your working place..your boss said they will check on you later today…


Sholly: hmmm why didn’t you tell me what the doctor said…


Allen: what do you mean..the doctor said you will be fine… Please babe just eat first


Sholly: so I might diee anytime soon?

Is that why you’re acting this way? 


Allen: hmmm sholly…


Sholly; the doctor explained everything to me… So stop acting this way..


Allen: babe stop…. 


Sholly; are you not going to scóold  me? Are you not going to blàmé me?

What are you waiting for? 

Ain’t you going to say you warned me to stop smokin but I didn’t stop..


Allen: arranging the cooler he brought food with.. ignoring what sholly was saying


Sholly: so when are you going to leave me? Now? Today or tomorrow?


Allen: babe I have served you you’re food… Please let eat..


Sholly: scoff…. Why are you acting like you’re not angryy? I know this is your opportunity to révenge for all the húrtful words I said to you then…it’s your turn now… 

Say your mind now….


Allen: hmmmm… Shola what’s wrong with you? 

Are you eating or not?


Sholly: angrilyy pushh the food away…


Allen: stood still watching him..


Sholly: breathing very fast… What? Won’t you say what you want to say to me? Say it..stop keeping it..


Allen: you want me to talk? Huh? You really want me to talk right now?he said getting pissèd off


Sholly: 🥺🥺🥺 pumpkin..


Allen: don’t pumpkin me… What is wrong with you? Why do you think I will blame you and leave you after knowing about This..


Sholly: 🥺🥺🥺I’m sorry pumpkin…I’m scàred….

Please don’t leave me please.. please I beg you 🥺


Allen: hmmm..


Written By:

           Love TB


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