Didi, is still trying to understand why lexy would do such a thing to her, she wanted to go back home to Danny (her roommate) but she thought about the words Danny would say at that moment and it will only hurt her even more, she had to go to a bar to calm herself down, “why did she choose to hurt me this way? I’ve tried my best to make her happy and it wasn’t good enough”…. she said to herself while drinking the second shot of tequila that she ordered. She was in so much pain seeing the only person she cared about the most betray her…. She cried the whole day and was lost in confusion and anger. She was feeling betrayed and at the same time wanted to take her revenge on Roxie, but she thought about the good memories she had with Lexie and was hurting the most…


she had spent her whole day at the bar and there was a girl across the bar that was watching her the whole time, “are you seeing that stud over there? she looks so pretty and cool” the girl was whispering to her friend that came with her to the bar, “yeah I saw her, but I don’t think you should approach her, she might be one of those studs that like playing with people’s emotions and is probably out here cry because one of her sugar mummies dumped her”, the friend said jokingly, “Diane!! stop saying such things, you’re just being mean and sarcastic, I’ll go and talk to her”… She said and left Diane….. She walked towards Didi and tried to introduce herself, “hello, I’m Jane, I’ve been watching you from the other end of the bar and was wondering….” she was caught short by the way didi replied, “please just fuck off, I’m not in the mood for one of you bitches trying to play sneaky games with me”… Didi was drunk and wasn’t seeing or saying things clearly anymore, it was like the influence of the alcohol she took has taken her soul to another planet… “Wow, I can see you’re drunk and probably need some lessons to bring you back to your senses” … Jane whispered to Didi’s ear, …” and what lesson can you possibly teach me?”.. Didi asked with a curious and angry tune,… “come with me and find out then”.. Jane said smiling and walking back to the position she was sitting, “what have you been saying to that stud?”… Diane asked her friend, “nothing much .. we’ll find out soon”… Jane replied, sitting and smiling over to Didi’s direction, … 


Didi got up and walked towards Jane and Diane, “do you mind if we go somewhere more private and talk?” Didi asked, she’s still drunk and her confidence was coming from the influence of the drink. “Sure we can” Jane replied and she stood up immediately, “I’m in one of the rooms in the Hotel opposite the bar so we can go there and talk” Jane replied back, Diane was trying to give her a signal asking her what she was doing, but Jane bluntly ignored and took Didi to the Hotel apartment she was in,… Jane is putting on a very hot and sexy red gown, and she’s slim and Very pretty, “Now that we’re here what is it you want us to….” she was cut short when did pulled her close and started kissing her… she held her tightly and was about to strip her naked like a hungry animal trying to devour its prey….but Diane held back trying to pull herself out from Didi.. “you’re a bit hasty and you’re hurting me”. Diane whispered calmly to Didi.. It was at that point Didi realized she was at a hotel with a stranger and tried to adjust herself. “I’m really sorry, it wasn’t intentional, I’m sorry I got you scared, I’ll have to take my leave now”… she left Diane in the room and rushed back to the first floor without even letting Diane speak, she took a Taxi home but forgot her Wallet in the room. Diane saw it and picked it up, she saw the name and details of the person written boldly..”hmmm Audrey Dickson, what a nice name, hope to see her soon tho” Diane said with a smile on her face, she kept the card at the table and went to take her bath…..


it is very late and Didi just arrived at the front of her home, the gates of her apartment were locked she had to text her roommate after calling for sometime….”I’m outside please open the gate”…her roommate opened the gate, she is dark in complexion, she had broad eyes and is a bit hairy, she is average height with curvy shape..”you’re finally back” she said yarning like someone who just woke up from her beauty sleep. “how did the proposal go? I knew she was going to love the gift you bought for her, all girls love roses and teddy and….” she pursued when she saw the way Didi was looking abnormal and tired…” she didn’t show up, and I’m a bit tired, I need to sleep,” Didi said, trying to pass the entrance of the gate and go to her room. “are you sure you’re okay?” Danny asked, seeing how sad she looked..”yeah I’m fine, I just need to rest a little that’s all.. Didi replied with a soft voice as she walked past Danny trying to take off her shoes.