(The Beginning of the End)

                                              CHAPTER 17!


It has been a week since the scandal at the company. Daniel is already out of his senses since when it happened. He is totally devastated because grandpa is seriously not giving him a listening ear. Even though the fraud has been managed, grandpa is still very strict with him and wouldn’t listen to any of his pleas.

Kelvin on the other hand is also very worried. He has his entire hunch on Mr. Emmanuel but he is still not sure about it. The man hasn’t said anything to him and he doesn’t want to ask about the flash because he isn’t fully sure of who picked it and he will definitely be in another trouble once Mr. Emmanuel knew he had the flash. 

Daniel was sitting on the bed while Kelvin sat behind him massaging his back; he sighed deeply as he stretched his hands and picked his phone. “Grandpa hasn’t replied to any of my messages yet.” He said looking worried. He sighed again as he dropped the phone. “Do you think he hates me already?” He asked Kelvin.

Kelvin giggled slowly and laughed a bit. “I am sure he didn’t hate you Dan. You are his favorite grandson, remember?” Kelvin asked back. Dan took a deep breath as he adjusted himself. “You see, I am sure grandpa is currently disappointed at my negligence of duty. He was expecting a lot from me. I am sure he is at the verge of accepting our relationship but I ruined everything.” He said as tears dropped on his face.

Kelvin chuckled slowly. “It is not your fault that the company gets duped Dan. Just calm down and allow the securities to do their work.” He said. Dan took another deep breath as he closed his eyes for a while. He opened them shortly as he was still facing the space. “Kelvin.” He called slowly. Kelvin who was still massaging his shoulders chuckled again in a response form.

“There is something I need to tell you. I really planned on talking to you about it when grandpa finally agrees but with the way things are, I think it is better I take it off my chest.” He said. Kelvin wasn’t surprised. He has already known what Dan is about telling him because that is the obvious reason that makes Mr. Emmanuel want to steal from him. The only thing that baffles Kelvin is that he doesn’t know who is responsible for the recent fraud? “Or has someone found the flash apart from Mr. Emmanuel? Or is it Mr. Emmanuel all these while?” Those are the questions he kept on asking himself.


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He was still thinking when he heard Daniel talking. “I know this will shock you but believe me, I have no intention of lying to you. You see, I am not a member of your family. I am not your cousin. I am only a boy who was pitied by grandpa and he adopted me as his. To be honest, all this wealth is mine according to him, but he is not satisfied with my maturity yet and that is why he hasn’t willed anything to me yet.” Daniel explained with tears on his face.

He slowly wiped his face as he continued talking. “You see, I came out to him a few months ago and told him about us. He agreed and promised to bless our relationship if only I can make you mine. I am sure grandpa is about fulfilling his promise when all these happened. My main concern here is that he might reject our relationship thinking that I won’t be able to take care of you.” Dan added as he burst into tears again.

Kelvin hugged him tightly for a while as he comforted him. “I know it is not easy Dan, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will be here with you. I genuinely love you Dan and I promise I will consider you first no matter what happens in the future.” Kelvin said as he hugged Dan tightly. 

He honestly wants to tell Dan everything but he is just confused at the moment. He doesn’t even know where to start from. Should he start from the point of telling him that he has been impersonating the real Kelvin all these while? Or should he start by telling him how he betrayed the company and stole the information? All these have been eating him up because he doesn’t even know where to start. 

One thing he is sure of is that he genuinely loves Dan and will go to any length to keep him for himself. They were still hugging when Dan’s phone beeped. It’s a message from grandpa that demands him to be in the house alone and right away. He quickly stood up and picked his car keys while he hurried out. Kelvin wasn’t feeling too good about it, his instincts were telling him to confess instantly but he didn’t know how to do it.

He quickly called out Dan as he reached the door. “No matter what happens Dan, just know that I will always love you and will always be here for you. And regardless of what will happen in the future, promise me that you will consider and listen to my explanations.” He said with a worried voice. Dan was confused at Kelvin’s statement. He couldn’t reply but only nodded his head as he walked out and headed to grandpa’s house.

Kelvin fell back on the bed as tears started rushing out of his face. This is the first time he has regretted everything he did right from the day he accepted the surgery. He felt like he had wasted Kelvin’s life and betrayed Dan’s love. He continued crying and wailing in the room for a while before he stood up and decided to confront Mr. Emmanuel. “At least, I should make one thing right among the bad things I did.”  He said to himself as he picked his keys and headed out also…


There is nothing more exhausting than the feeling of shame and regrets. You will not only have to deal with the inner torture, you will also have to live hiding from the society. This is obviously the hottest pack which Karma serves, you won’t only have to bear the consequences of your actions, and you will always have to live with the fear of the society judging and condemning you.

Sarah was sitting alone in the cell room where she was detained, it has been over a week since they were arrested and the judge postponed their court hearing to a two week time. She couldn’t even get herself a lawyer, not because she can’t afford one, but because she doesn’t want to drag the truth anymore. Even her family members have turned against her hearing what she did so she doesn’t desire to live anymore.


Sarah was still sitting and crying when Ahmad and Austin walked past her cell, it is obvious they were visited and were about getting back into the cell, probably they took lawyers. Ahmad pleaded with the guard to talk to Sarah for a while and they were given a few minutes. She couldn’t look them in the eyes because of how ashamed she feels.

Austin giggled as he stared at her, seeing how she has almost run mad in just a few days clearly states how terrible and horrible she feels. “I don’t even know what to say to you Sarah, but in case we didn’t make it out alive here, I will never forgive you Sarah.” He said, staring at her. He giggled and continued talking again. 

“And if we did make it alive, I will make sure I strangle you to death after making you run mad. I will definitely avenge Ahmad’s situation and Jane’s death. You low class bitch.” Austin yelled again, staring at her. She was crying and sweating profusely while she listened to Austin run insults on her. She didn’t even try stopping him because she deserves whatever is coming her way.

Amir moves closer to the cell bar as he holds them. “Who would have thought it was you all these while Sarah? Who would have imagined that it is the holy Sarah that was behind everything? I thought you loved Jane? But you murdered her coldly. I thought you were always trying to protect Ahmad? But you watched him lose his sanity because of what you did. The poor boy has to suffer for your own actions Sarah. You are truly a devil.” Amir said, looking at her.

He sighed as he continued talking. “Now it makes sense why you continued accepting whatever decisions we made. How could you be so smart to play us all these while Sarah? You committed the crime and made us look red; you made us live in fear and self-suspense. You are a genius bitch. I regret ever knowing you Sarah.” Amir added, looking at her as she continued crying.

They walked away and left her in a pool of tears. Sarah couldn’t reply a word because she obviously has nothing to say. At this point, she was already exhausted with life. All she hoped for is to end everything; at least, she could meet Jane and ask for her forgiveness…


Grandpa was sitting on his couch in his spacious apartment as usual when Daniel rushed in. He was looking desperate as he sat opposite grandpa and greeted him. It was just a few days but he was already looking ragged and out of his senses. Grandpa sighed as he adjusted himself. “I want you to listen attentively to whatever we are about to talk about now. It is a serious issue and I wouldn’t want to pass my judgment without grasping a full version of the story.” Grandpa said, staring at Daniel.

He sighed deeply as he leaned back on his couch. “Tell me about how you started dating Kelvin.” He said with a straight face. Daniel was startled for a while and was hesitant as he faced grandpa whose eyes were fixed on him. He giggled and adjusted himself as he started talking.

“Well, it wasn’t something stressful, though I had a crush on him all those while before he traveled abroad, but we went official after his return from the states.” Daniel replied, staring at grandpa. The old man sighed a little and adjusted himself. “Have you ever noticed an unusual behavior from him since his return? Have you ever felt like he has changed? Or have you noticed any new behavior from him?” He asked again.

Daniel was quiet for a while. “I think he hasn’t changed a lot. Just a few things like driving, but he told me he learned that abroad.” Daniel replied. “Also house chores like cleaning and cooking. I knew him to be a good cook but not anymore. He despises cooking now.” Daniel added. “But why all these questions about Kelvin? Shouldn’t we be concentrating on who is duping the company?” He asked, looking at grandpa.

He slowly stood up as he walked around the room for a while. “You see Daniel. Your vision was covered because you are in love all these while. To be honest, I suspected a change in Kelvin’s behavior right from the day he returned. I also thought he was just jet lagged at first, I thought he was struggling to adapt to change between time zones, but my suspicion grew every day.” Grandpa said.

Daniel was staring at grandpa dumbfounded as he spoke. “You see, I have never underestimated what Mr. Emmanuel can do right from the beginning. I know he can go to any extra mile just to get his hands on the family’s business.” He said as he took a slow breath. 

“I received a letter from Kelvin last year telling me about how his father was pressuring him to extort money from me using his education as a reason. The poor boy was concerned and decided to let me know. I took my time to think of what to do to ease him from his father’s disturbance and that was why I came up with sharing the inheritance plan.” Grandpa added.

He sighed again as he leaned by the wall. “I was surprised when Kelvin never talked to me after that, he never sent a letter and he didn’t even care to talk to me even when he returned. That confirmed my suspicion on Mr. Emmanuel and that was why I hired a private investigator to run a check on the situation.” He said staring at Daniel who was already looking confused.

He threw some pictures in an envelope to Daniel as he continued talking. “It turns out that Kelvin was dead last year. His death was a mystery to Daniel. He died here in Nigeria. No one knew about it because no one knew of him coming home.” Grandpa explained looking confused also. He stared at those pictures of Kelvin’s dead body from the mortuary. Of course it is him.

Daniel’s hands were trembling as he was sweating profusely. He stared at grandpa who nodded his head and continued talking. “The question right now is who is that young man claiming to be Kelvin? Does Mr. Emmanuel have a hand in his son’s death or is it someone trying to extort from us? I am also confused Daniel.” Grandpa said looking very confused. “I think we need to be careful with the boy, you need to watch him closely till our investigator brings up something.” Grandpa added.

Daniel was totally shocked at what grandpa told him as he slowly picked his car keys and walked out of the house. Tears were rolling down his face because he didn’t even know where to start from. This is the most horrible news he has ever received. How can he accept the fact that the person he loved with all his heart wasn’t real all these while? He wiped off his tears as he turned his car and headed to Kelvin’s place…


“This wasn’t the plan father. How can you use Daniel’s right to extort from the company? You are putting him in more trouble.” Susan yelled at Mr. Emmanuel. He laughed out loud and faced her. “What do you expect me to do then? Should I stick to the plan that I wasn’t sure about when I clearly see a better and easier plan? How sure can you be that I will be granted the ownership of the company when I stick to the plan?” He yelled, staring at her.

She sighed and moved closer to him. “But you are involving everyone in this mess, dad. What if everything backfires and Isaac finds out you had the flash? What if Daniel finds out that Isaac took everything from him? You know he will never forgive him right? Why are you trying to ruin the boy that helped us?” Susan asked, looking worried.

Mr. Emmanuel laughed out loud again. “Well, I don’t think I will have the time to watch that drama. I have already made necessary preparations to leave the country and if you know what is best for you, you will join me in packing your stuff rather than caring about Isaac. I don’t have plans of keeping him alive anyways, and I am sure grandpa will do me that favor of ending him once they find out.” He said with a wicked smile.

Susan was about talking when the door banged really hard. It was Kelvin. He walked in with tears on his face as he walked up to Mr. Emmanuel. “Why are you doing this? This wasn’t part of the plan. Isn’t it enough already that you made me betray the man I love? Why do you wish to end me?” Kelvin asked with years flowing on his face.

Mr. Emmanuel laughed out loud. “Now I know why your friends framed you in the first place. Of course because you are dumb and naïve, thinking that everyone has a good heart. You are the most foolish human being I have ever met Kelvin. You have no other use for Isaac. It is a win-win for us. You accomplished your wish and I got mine also.” He said laughing really hard as he walked closer and grabbed Kelvin’s neck.

“Now let me tell you something. I have done a lot of horrible things which I never had regrets about so killing you won’t be hard. You cannot tell me how to plan my game. My only advice for you is to leave before you are caught. I am also leaving because I can’t stay and witness all these. And about Daniel, I never asked you to love him, I just asked you to extort him and you understood the assignment so your service no longer needed Isaac.” He yelled as he pushed him back.

Isaac was about falling from the force Mr. Emmanuel used on him when he felt someone hold him from behind. He slowly turned and to his shock, it was Daniel. His face was soaked in tears as he faced him. “Tell me everything is a lie Kelvin. Tell me you are my real Kelvin. Tell me you aren’t fake please.” Daniel begged with tears on his face.

Isaac couldn’t utter a word as they were all shocked because Daniel had probably heard them. He closed his eyes as hurtful tears landed on his face while he nodded his head. Daniel sighed as he moved back a little. “So you are fake right? Is there any single truth between us all these while?” Daniel asked again still with tears on his face while Isaac was only shedding tears. He was caught red handed and doesn’t know how to start explaining.

Daniel pushed him away as he turned and left while the police he called stormed into the house and handcuffed Isaac and Mr. Emmanuel. Isaac was pushed into the van as he was shedding tears and facing Daniel who was standing by his car and shedding tears also…

***Lil Nas-X; The One Who Walked Away!*** Playing…


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