No matter how sour our past was, no matter how horrible it was and no matter how terrible it was, there would always be some happy memories which whenever we look back at them, we find a certain happiness that cannot be altered. Even if those memories turned to our greatest nightmares, we will still have a part of them that blossoms like a garden of flowers… 


Kelvin sat on his bed packing up his stuff while preparing to visit the family house; he wanted to make sure that he didn’t take any material that would make Daniel suspect him. He was selecting the clothes to pick carefully when he stumbled on an album from his personal belongings. It was a photo album they took at Jane’s 20th birthday party.

He slowly adjusted himself as he leaned on the bed and started opening through the album carefully. He could remember the exact day that those beautiful pictures were snapped. He could still see the happiness, peace and comfort on their faces. He could still remember the beautiful memories of the birthday party; that was surely their greatest and last hangout all together before their final exams. 

Kelvin smiled with a drop of tears on his face as he flipped through the album with flashes of the past running in his brain…


They were all sitting by the beach while celebrating Jane’s birthday party. It was a very magical moment. One can tell from a single look how happy the teenagers were. They all raised their glasses high in the air as they made a toast. “To long and happy life filled with joy and prosperity.” Sarah cheered as they all rocked their glasses and sip the wine in them.

“To happy relationships, faithful partners and happy families.” Ahmad also cheered and they all burst into laughter. He frowned his face as he dropped back his glass. “Come on Ahmad. None of us is even faithful or in a serious relationship but you are here making a wish.” Amir said and they all laughed again.

Jane, who was still holding her glass, also smiled a little. “Come on guys, he is just making a wish and I am sure we will all settle down one day.” She said with a smile. Austin laughed out before dropping his cup. “That will be after you have dated over half of Lagos men.” He said and they all laughed again.

“Well, enough of partners gist, let’s play a game guys, I am getting bored.” Isaac suggested as he also dropped his cup. “Should we play NEVER HAVE I EVER?” It has been a long time since we did that. Sarah asked, looking at them. Jane adjusted herself and nodded her head. “Yes, let’s do that. I will go first since it’s my birthday.” Jane said with a smile.

She rolled her eyes before she started. “Never have I ever been in a serious relationship.” She said as she stared at them waiting for their reaction. None of them took a glass of drink so it means none of them has been in a serious relationship either. Amir laughed out loudly. “Y’all are seriously corrupted.” He said and they all laughed again.

Ahmad folded his arms as he cleared his throat. “Never have I ever had a crush on a friend.” He said as he also stared for their reaction. Jane slowly picked up her glass and sipped the wine, indicating that she had a crush on a friend before. Isaac laughed and faced Jane. “Spill it out girl. Who have you had a crush on?” He asked, laughing.

She was also laughing as she tried removing her hands from his grab. “It was nothing serious guys.” She said but they were all giving her a suspicious look. She giggled a little and faced Isaac. “It was you Isaac, I had a crush on you seriously. But this entire friend’s code is killing the vibe. I wished I didn’t meet you as a friend though, you would have been my man.” She said with a bitter smile.

The whole table was silent for a while as they all stared at Jane speaking up her mind. She was seriously courageous and would express her feelings anywhere. Jane’s obvious feeling for Isaac was unavoidable because she would always bring up the topic whenever the need arises…


Kelvin smiled as he flipped the last page of the photo album, he surely missed those moments when their friendship really meant a lot. If only he could turn back the hand of time, he would have retained those moments so they will all stay happy forever…


It’s a Friday evening. Austin was sitting in his room alone with a swollen face. He must have been crying for a while. It’s really a hard situation for him at the moment and all he could seem to do was to cry and pray. It’s even more embarrassing that he would have to lock up himself just to pour out his inner emotions.

He was still sitting on the bed shedding tears when his phone ranged, it was a call from his mother. This is the first time she is calling him since after the scandal and he is sure she is about serving shocking news. He sluggishly picked up the phone and greeted her. She replied briefly with an unpleasant voice. He is sure that the woman is still angry about his marriage.

He was still thinking on what to tell her when he heard her voice echoing in his ears. “Your in-laws have returned your bride price and other gifts you sent to their family, the girl has called off the wedding.” His mother said. The news didn’t shock him because that was the exact thing he was expecting. No girl will agree to continue a wedding with such a horrible scandal on the wedding eve.

He was still on the phone when she continued talking. Austin started shedding tears as he heard her brief him about his business, all his clients are withdrawing their previous orders from his store. He is currently losing a lot of money and his store is running bankrupt. Luckily his brother is trying his possible best to save the little part he could. Austin owns one of the largest electronic stores in Port Harcourt, and due to the scandal, everything seems to be crumbling.

He slowly dropped the phone as another set of tears landed on his face. This is definitely going to be the end for him. His life is crumbling for sure and he has no way to fix it. He stared at the blank air as tears continued flowing on his face. He slowly walked down from the bed and managed to pick his car keys as he walked out of the room. The house was quiet as if everyone were not around so he managed to drive out to a nearby bar. He ordered a couple of drinks and in a short while, he was already drunk…

The following morning, Austin wakes up in a strange apartment. He was lying naked on the bed and staring slowly around the strange room. His memory was blank and he couldn’t remember what happened last night. All he could remember was some strange girl calling out his name and hitting on him. That was when it occurred to him that the strange girl brought him home. He was still trying to recall what had happened when the door to the room slowly opened.

He watched her as she walked to him with a cup of coffee; she sat by the edge of the bed and offered him the cup. “Good morning Austin.” She greeted with a smile. He couldn’t remember the girl’s face but he is sure she looked familiar. He sluggishly collected the coffee from her as he kept on staring at her with a strange face.

She smiled at him as she adjusted herself and leaned on the wall. “I am sure you couldn’t remember me right?” She asked with a smile as he nodded his head in confusion. She giggled a little and faced him. “Claire Wills, Lagos state university.” She said with a smirk on her face. Austin, who was looking astonished, quickly dropped the cup by his side. “Claire. Wow, you have changed a lot, I couldn’t remember you.” He said, still looking surprised.

She smiled again as she moved closer. “You are also looking great Austin, I had to crack my brain before recalling your name. I mean, look how manly you become.” She said and they both laughed. Austin stared at her again. “But seriously, you are exceptional Claire, you couldn’t believe my eyes.” He complimented.

They laughed again for a while trying to build up the atmosphere. Claire adjusted herself before she talked again. “Were you mourning your friend last night? Heard what happened between you all and how he ended up in prison? That must be such a waste.” She said looking at him. Austin begins stammering as he couldn’t bring up a reply.

Claire tapped his shoulder slowly. “That’s his luck though, I am sure he got what he deserved, and by the way, how about the rest of your gang?” She asked, staring at him. Austin stared back at her for a while. “Well we are all here in Lagos; we will be staying here for a while.” He said, staring at her. She smiled as she stood up again and headed out. “I think it will be nice when we all hang out together sometimes.” She said walking out of the room.

Austin was quiet for a while and thinking about what she just said. She later walked back into the room after a while with a tray of food as she offered him some noodles. He was actually very hungry from the drink last night so he started eating immediately. He paused after a while and faced her. “About hanging out with the other gang members Claire, can we just keep this between us? I just don’t want to make things more complicated than they are.” Austin asked, looking at her.

She stared suspiciously at him for a while. “What are you talking about Austin?” She asked curiously. He sighed deeply as he put away the bowl of noodles he was eating. “Things are a bit stirred up right now Claire and I don’t think we should talk about it, let’s just keep this between us, you don’t have to meet every one.” He pleaded. 

She giggled a little with a smile. “Well, in that case, I think we are allowed to continue doing this secretly.” She said as she quickly jumped on his lap. Austin quickly moved back. “But Claire…” He was about hesitating when she placed a kiss on his lips. “I couldn’t get enough of you from last night Austin.” He said as she continued kissing him passionately. They continued kissing passionately and aggressively as they made out again…

Claire smiled as she saw Austin off. She stood by the door of her apartment as she watched him drive out of the premises. She giggled a bit and smiled with a smirk on her face. “You will definitely be a great help for me Austin, I will surely use you to get back at your gang for what you have done. Y’all will definitely pay for it.” Claire said as she nodded her head and walked back into her house.

Austin was totally confused as he drove back to the house. He is sure that what he currently does was not right; he shouldn’t have hooked up with Claire, not at this critical moment. But then, that surely helped his desperate situation. He felt freed and relieved for a while. To be honest, he enjoyed every moment he had with Claire from last night and he is willing to keep it moving and a secret between them as long as Claire will keep her promise of not making any trouble…



It was during their final year, while everyone was practicing so hard for their final exams. Claire who was a drug addict, couldn’t take the heat anymore so she kept on pestering Ahmad for some pieces of drugs. Ahmad was strongly hesitant and didn’t dispense any to her; he strictly doesn’t do drugs especially during exams. He wouldn’t want any student to be caught red handed.

They were all sitting around the campus waiting for the exam hour when they heard the security guards shouting at someone as they escorted her to the university’s senates building. It was Claire and rumor has it that she was caught with exhibits and drugs in the exam hall. Jane started sweating profusely immediately when she heard that. Ahmad quickly faced her. “Don’t tell me you gave her those drugs Jane?” Ahmad asked, looking worried as Jane couldn’t say a word which implies she did.

He hissed loudly and hit his head. “I warned you guys to be careful. What if she mentioned our names at the senate’s meeting?” Ahmad asked, looking worried. Jane was only shedding tears and apologizing. Sarah sighed deeply as she sighted the security guards approaching them. “Guys, I am sure Claire has mentioned our names already. We will have no choice than to turn her down.” She said quickly as they pretended to be reading.

The security guards escorted them to the senate’s building and Jane was still trembling. They were accused of dealing drugs and they denied it immediately. Amir who was standing in the front quickly raised his hands and he was allowed to talk. “Everyone knows Claire is a drug addict, and she recently broke up with her man, maybe that was what triggered her addiction.” He lied looking at Claire.

They all ganged up and lied against Claire so they could save their future. Claire was instantly rusticated from the university. She couldn’t say a word or try to defend herself, even though she was at fault, but at least she would have received a less severe punishment if the gang of friends didn’t team up against her…


Austin has already made up his mind to continue seeing Claire; at least she promised not to cause any trouble for now. He parked his car and walked into the house as he reached home. He walked in and met Ahmad lying on the floor, he must have passed out from excess drinking and crying. He quickly managed to pick him up and drove him to the hospital…


Daniel’s family house is actually more than what Kelvin expected. The house is big with a lot of family members. Almost everyone is having an apartment in the enormous estate and that is including Mr. Emmanuel. They always have a time in a year where everyone in the family has to return home to celebrate the blessings of God upon their family. 

Kelvin is very surprised seeing how large the place is. He has never expected it to be that serious and that makes him understand why Mr. Emmanuel and his siblings decided to steal from their father. Seeing the old man and what he acquires makes Kelvin realize why Mr. Emmanuel will do everything just to have part of Kelvin’s inheritance.

Daniel is the eldest grandson of the family, he controls a lot of their grandfather’s activities and helps him out a lot on his businesses. He is no doubt my favorite grandson. Daniel lost his parents at a young age so he was raised by his grandparents and that was how he became closer to them. Kelvin was still looking surprised as they drove around the estate, a lot of family members were greeting him but he only had to pretend to know them. 

They arrived at their grandfather’s apartment and they met him for dinner. He happily invited them to join him because he likes and misses Kelvin also. “So you couldn’t come to see me on your own right? Does it always have to be Daniel dragging you here?” Grandpa asked, referring to Kelvin who was still looking tensed.

Daniel laughed for a while. “You should be grateful he came today grandpa, it has to take me seven days of fasting and prayer just to drag him here.” He said and they all laughed. They talked happily with the old man for a while and that was when Kelvin realized how an introvert the real Kelvin was. The boy lived a private life away from his family…

They walked out together to Daniel’s apartment. The place was really nice and clean. Kelvin saw a wonderful cactus plant and stared at it for a while. “Remember that? I have been taking care of it for a while now.” Daniel said, referring to the little plant. Kelvin smiled a little. “It is really beautiful. Where did you get it from?”  He asked while touching and admiring the plant.

Daniel paused for a while as he walked up to Kelvin. “Are you serious right now? You forgot how I got that plant.” He asked, looking at Kelvin surprisingly. Kelvin nodded his head trying to look less suspicious. Daniel sighed deeply as he moved closer. “That was the plant you got for me before you left for the States. You were so afraid that I would be bored alone so you had me take care of it.” Daniel said, looking at Kelvin.

Kelvin smiled a bit. “Is that so? Well I totally forgo about that.” He said briefly. Daniel sighed deeply as he sits on the couch. “Well, I am heartbroken; I thought I was doing something great all these years.” He said looking disappointed. Kelvin quickly sat beside him and held his hands. “I am sorry boss. It just slipped my mind.” He apologized bringing his face so close to Daniel’s.

Daniel couldn’t help but stare at how cute Kelvin’s face was. At this point, he honestly wants to have him for himself. He kept on moving his face closer trying to reach his lips while Kelvin was honestly trying to apologize and looking cute at the same time. Daniel almost kissed him but he has to try so hard to restrain himself. “Just go take a shower Kelvin, it is getting late and we have to attend work tomorrow.” He said as he pushed Kelvin to the Bathroom.

Daniel sighed deeply as he leaned back on the couch. He doesn’t know why his feelings keep on piling up these days, and no matter how hard he tries to show his feelings to the boy, he seems too innocent to understand what he means. He just wish he can fight his urge and endure these few days that Kelvin will be staying with him because holding it is fucking hard.

He stared at the bathroom door while Kelvin was still inside. “I just hope I will be able to fight my urge Kelvin because I don’t think I can guarantee your safety, I feel like having you all to myself.” Daniel said with a desperate voice…


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