NOTE: We will now be referring to ISAAC as KELVIN. Y’all should keep in mind that the real Kelvin is dead; this would be Isaac pretending to be Kelvin and living his life. Enjoy…

When we make our hearts determined to carry out a task, we become nonchalant about any other possible outcomes because our view is fixed on what we want to do. Our minds won’t care anymore about where we might go wrong and we won’t have any inner fear because we have already imprinted that solid decision in our hearts…


Kelvin took a quick shower and decided to change into something more fitting. He opened the wardrobe and all the clothes in there are not his type. He is more comfortable in wearing something more masculine. All these labeled brands are not his callings. He hissed as he picked a shirt and a trouser and wore them, he stood by the mirror for a while trying to check out himself. “Well, I think we matched perfectly.” He said as he picked his phone and walked out of the room.

He was walking down the stairs and checking through the post he made earlier when he missed a step and stumbled down. He was about to fall on the floor when a guy quickly rushed and held him by his waist as he fell into the guy’s arms. The guy is looking fit and well-built with a broad chest. He is strong, extremely masculine with a chocolate skin. Kelvin couldn’t take his eyes off the guy as he kept on staring at him while his heart raced faster.

“You are always clumsy shorty, what were you watching that couldn’t wait till you got to a seat? You would have fallen and broken this cute face if I wasn’t here.” The guy said as he poked Kelvin’s nose. He is sure at this point that the guy is Daniel just as Judith briefed him. He was totally carried away by the guy and couldn’t even concentrate. He now sees the reason why the real Kelvin fell for Daniel.

Kelvin was still standing staring at him when he pinched his cheeks again. “Will you come over here and gist with me about the States or will you continue staring at me as if this is our first meeting?” Daniel asked as he dragged Kelvin to the couch and pinned him on his body. “Did you add weight? You are way heavier than when you left. What have you been eating in the states shortly?” Daniel asked, giving him a suspicious look.

Kelvin is totally confused at this point. He is not even sure whether this guy is really in a relationship with Kelvin or he is just enjoying teasing him. The intimacy is very extreme and everyone will surely fall for it. Kelvin is already confused at this point because this guy is extraordinary. He doesn’t even know whether the doctors changed his heart also because why the fuck is his heart beating so fast whenever Daniel touches him. “This will surely be a disaster.” Kelvin said to himself as he stared at Daniel.

Kelvin was still thinking and staring at Daniel when he shouted his name and poked him again. “Shorty.” Daniel shouted. Kelvin got startled and quickly adjusted himself. “Oh please Daniel, stop calling me by that, I am not even short.” Kelvin complained with a sad face.

Daniel laughed out loud. “Well, I am taller than you boy and that makes you short.” He said sarcastically. Kelvin was trying so hard to act up as he kept a sad face while Daniel continued teasing him. Daniel stopped laughing for a while and adjusted himself as he wrapped his hands around Kelvin’s shoulder.

“That reminds me. What is the fate of our promise? When will you fulfill it?” Daniel asked, staring at Kelvin who kept his eyes wide open. He kept quiet for a while trying to think about the promise. Susan hasn’t told him anything about it and he couldn’t find much in the diary. He was still thinking what to reply when Daniel tapped his shoulder a little.

“Don’t tell me you have forgotten Kel. What have you been doing actually in the states? You seem to forget a lot of things. Just now you called me by my full name instead of Dan. Are you sure you are alright?” Daniel asked, looking worried.

Kelvin sighed deeply as he adjusted himself. “I am sorry Dan. I guess I am still jet lagged. Traveling between time zones usually does this to me but I will adjust in a few days.” Kelvin said, looking a bit tense. Daniel was about talking when Susan walked towards them and chipped in the conversation.

“I think he met someone in the states that wiped his memories. I am also confused about how he has changed since he returned.” Susan said, referring to Kelvin as she sat beside Daniel. He sighed deeply as he slowly stood up.

“I think you should rest more then. I will have to leave for work now. But remember to decide when to resume working in my firm. I can’t wait to have you there, brainbox.” Daniel said, looking at Kelvin. “I will see you tomorrow morning then.” He added as he patted Kelvin’s hair and walked out.

They both stared at him till he disappeared. Kelvin exhaled loudly as if he was almost caught. “That was so close Susan. You didn’t mention this part to me. How am I supposed to fit in this sexuality? And what is the deal between Kelvin and Daniel because I am seriously confused.” He asked, looking confused and worried as he started strolling in the room.

Susan sighed and adjusted herself. “Oh come on Isaac. I know this might be a little hard and that is why I decided to hide it, but I know you can do it. You see, I know my brother was gay and he has always had a crush on Daniel. But I am never sure about Daniel. His affection towards Kelvin is suspicious. I guess we will have to find out together.” She said looking at him.

He sighed deeply as he sat back on the cough. “This is just getting more complicated than I imagined. This is just exposing my heart to uncertainty.” Isaac complained with a worried face. Susan moved closer and tapped his shoulder. “I know you can do this Isaac, let’s just continue giving it a try. Remember you are doing this for yourself and Jane.” She said, trying to encourage him.

He giggled a bit and faced her. “What about the job? How am I supposed to do that? I studied computer engineering and have no working experience. I don’t even know what Kelvin studied or what he does. Working with Daniel will not be possible.” He said looking at Susan.

She smiled and moved closer to him. “My brother studied business administration and to be very honest, he is good at business management and that was the reason why Daniel wants him so badly. I think you need to study Kelvin’s works and strategies, only then will you fit in with Daniel. Remember that you must get along with that guy.” Susan said as she tapped his shoulder.

They were still talking when Mr. Emmanuel walked into the sitting room. “Of course you will have to work with him, Isaac. I know that will be quite demanding but Daniel is your strongest opponent for that inheritance. You must get close to him, learn from him and make him soft on you. I don’t care if you guys have to fall in love. Just make him so soft that he will be willing to sacrifice for you when the need arises. Only then will we be on the winning side.” Mr. Emmanuel explained with a straight face.

Isaac is totally confused at this point. It seems things are getting more complicated than he imagined. All his thought was for him to pretend to be Kelvin peacefully, he never imagined Kelvin’s life being this complicated and demanding. He sighed deeply as he closed his eyes and leaned on the couch thinking how to start off a new life trying to make a man fall in love with him…


Just as Amir thought, he arrived at his house in Lagos and met Austin and Sarah in the house. Sarah is living in Lagos state with her parents so she arrived in the house immediately and hired cleaners to take care of the house. Austin also arrived immediately the next morning after he received the shocking message.

He couldn’t stop crying. His life is totally ruined. Apart from the fact that his marriage was canceled, he doesn’t even know how to start facing his family and friends with such a humiliating scandal. He is not even sure whether his work is still valid after what happened. Austin was leaning on the couch and crying so hard while Sarah and Amir were comforting him.

“I am sure all of us have burned down our materials that night and I have been following Isaac’s life in the prison just to be sure he is still there. I don’t know who will want to get back at us by posting such things.” Sarah said as she held Austin’s shoulder.

Austin, who was still crying, gave her a weird look. “This should better be some outsider doing it because I will not take this likely when my hunch becomes true.” He said as he hissed and continued wiping off his tears. Amir giggled with a surprised face.

“Are you in any way throwing your hunch at us Austin? We are your friends and wouldn’t want your downfall.” Amir said, looking at him. Austin hissed again and stood up. “You are just my old friends. We are not friends any more man. And besides, we were friends when you ordered us to frame Isaac. So I don’t think such friendship counts.” Austin said, looking at Amir. Amir quickly flared up and confronted Austin. “How dare you blame me for what we decided on all together?” He yelled looking angry. 

Austin moved up closer to him and pushed him a bit. “Don’t dare you put the blame on us. I shouldn’t have trusted your idea from the start. We all know you were jealous of Isaac. We all know how you were dying to have what he had. You always hated him internally. And at this point, I don’t even know whether you tried saving us or have everything planned out.” Austin yelled back at Amir.

Amir quickly raises his hands in an attempt to slap Austin but Austin holds the hands instead. “Let me warn you, you good for nothing faggot. The next time you attempt to slap me, I will make sure you lose a tooth.” Austin said as he pushed Amir back. Sarah quickly stood up and stood between them. “Will you guys just stop blaming each other and let’s find a way out of this mess.” She shouted looking at them.

They were still standing, facing each other with a regretful face and panting hard when the door opened. They quickly turned their attention to the door. It was Ahmad. He was crying with tears all over his face as he stood and pointed out his phone to them. It’s an inbox on his twitter from an anonymous user. “You decided my past, but I will create your future.” The message reads.

Sarah burst into tears as she read the message while Amir fell back on the couch. Ahmad who was still crying falls on the ground. “I told you guys that it will surely haunt us. We should have allowed the police to investigate legally. All these wouldn’t be happening by now.” Ahmad said with a shaky voice with tears all over his face.

They were quiet for a while, each of them with different thoughts going through their minds. They never saw this part of their action coming. When they all thought that everything was alright. Just when they were successful and about settling down, just when they had forgotten everything and decided to move on, that was when karma decided to stir the fire up.

Amir sighed deeply as he stood up and picked his phone. “I think we should all go and rest for now. There are enough rooms for everyone in the house and Sarah has done a good thing getting the house cleaned. You all can decide whether to continue staying here or move out, but I guess it will be good if we stay together and find a solution to this.” Amir said, looking at them.

Austin also stood up and exhaled deeply. “We should get a rest for now; tomorrow we will visit the prison to make sure that Isaac is still there. I think it is important we know the root of the scandal because I can’t take this anymore.” He said with a worried voice as he picked his things and walked away. 

They all walked away to their respective rooms as Amir directed them. He sighed deeply as he arrived in his room and lay on the bed. He started reminiscing on what Austin told him earlier. Of course he is jealous of Isaac and that was why he decided to frame him. He has always hated Isaac right from the start.

Amir just couldn’t control his hate, envies and jealousy towards Isaac. As if it wasn’t enough that he once asked him out but Isaac turned him down; even though he confessed his love to him, but Isaac didn’t give him a chance. He turned him down again and again. That was the genesis of the internal hate he has for him. He was just pretending to be his friend but he always waits for a slightest chance to get back at him and that was why he suggested framing him.

Amir also hates the fact that Isaac had everything, the looks, the knowledge, the popularity, the attention and just everything. He hates the fact that Isaac was multi-talented; he is just gifted at everything. He even gets attention from men even when he is not gay. He just had everything even when he was an orphan and poor. 

He was even studying on scholarship, they were out of his league but they had to include him in their squad because he was a jewel. To top it all, Jane was very much closer to Isaac, she loved him and regarded him as her best friend, she shared a lot of personal secrets with him and that killed Amir. He felt like Isaac was taking everything that should have belonged to him. Amir hates Isaac passionately and he will continue hating him till the end of time.

He rolled over on the bed as tears kept oozing from his eyes. Even though he hates Isaac to some extent, he still has an inch of regret in his mind. He feels like he was wrong. He shouldn’t have let jealousy take over him. But the deed is done at this point and there won’t be any retreat from here. The only solution he has is to use his connection and stir up Isaac’s punishment, maybe to be sentenced to death or something more severe because he won’t allow that scandal to continue happening.

The following morning, Sarah made breakfast and they all had a bit of everything. They were all worried and couldn’t concentrate on everything. Austin drove them to the prison as they were all looking tense. They managed to get their way in. The junior prison wardens attended to them and linked them to Mr. Emmanuel’s office. He is already expecting them since he is sure Isaac would stir their fear up.

They were all sitting in his office looking tense and startled. You can tell from a look that they were all uncomfortable. Mr. Emmanuel offered them cups of coffee before he asked what brought them to his office. Austin sighed deeply and dropped his cup on the mini table in front of him. He introduced himself and his friends properly before he proceeded.

“We are Isaac Olamide’s friends. It has been years since we reunited so we decided to check up on him and make sure he is doing fine.” Austin said with a shaky voice. Mr. Emmanuel kept quiet for a while as he bent down his head. He was smiling hidden knowing that they were filled with fear. He giggled a little as he raised and nodded his head.

He folded his arms and stared at them for a while. “I am sorry that you guys came a bit late. Isaac Olamide passed away a few months ago due to a heart attack. He suffered heart failure for a while; he was receiving treatment when he gave it up.” Mr. Emmanuel said, looking at them. Ahmad who was also staring at Mr. Emmanuel let go of his cup as tears started rolling on his face.

Sarah was also crying as she couldn’t believe the shocking news. “Isaac is dead?” She kept on asking with an unbelievable voice. They were still looking shocked and tense when Mr. Emmanuel brought out his folder containing medical reports and evidence of his death including photos from Isaac’s funeral. They stared at the photos and they confirmed that Isaac was the one lying in the coffin.

They were still wallowing in their imagination when Mr. Emmanuel brought out an envelope. “I think I should give you guys this. It is the only property that Isaac had left. I guess it is a diary.” He said as he handed them over the diary. Ahmad collected and fresh tears landed on his face as he read the name carved on the diary. “All for love.” He continued crying as he opened through the pages.

It is a collection of pictures of their beautiful memories when everything was normal and when everyone among them was happy; each picture with a certain caption “why?” It is certain to them that Isaac died while trying to accept the fact that his friends have betrayed him. They were all quiet as they left the prison with a lot of thoughts in their minds.

They were all confused at this point. It is confirmed that Isaac is dead; then who is the person stringing up their past life? “Or do you think it is Isaac’s ghost trying to haunt us?” Sarah asked with a scary voice. Austin hissed as he gave her a weird look. “Come on Sarah. Stop saying nonsense.” He said as he hissed.

Amir giggled and adjusted himself. “I am certain that the person doing this has a lot of information about us and that person must have a connection with Isaac. I think we should visit Isaac’s orphanage and ask about his properties.” Amir suggested as he quickly stood up from the seat he was sitting on.

They all agreed with him as they all headed to the orphanage. But to their greatest surprise, everything has changed in just a few years. Even the workers they were acquainted with were not there anymore. The only person they found who helped them with information about Isaac confirmed his death to them and assured them that all his belongings had been burned immediately after his burial, including his systems and phones.

Ahmad and Sarah who couldn’t stop crying requested to visit Isaac’s grave and they were directed to since it is not far from the orphanage. They were all crying as they stood in front of the grave. They were silent as regrets filled their minds. The only thing Ahmad could say was to apologize.

“I am sorry Isaac. I wish I should have aborted the plan, I wish I should have considered our friendship rather than being self-centered. I just wished Isaac.” Ahmad kept on repeating as he stood by the grave shedding tears…


Isaac, who has received a call from Mr. Emmanuel telling him about his friend’s visiting the prison, quickly took a ride and followed them. He headed to the orphanage knowing fully that they will visit there to get back his properties. Luckily he met them while they were heading to the cemetery. 

He pretended to visit a different grave as he stood from an angle watching them as they shed tears on the empty grave with regrets written all over their faces. He giggled as he smiled wickedly while staring at them. “This is just the beginning of hell on earth for you guys. I will make sure you all regret what you did to me.” Isaac said as he walked out of the cemetery with a wicked smile on his face…



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