GENRE:  Romance, Mystery & Adventure.



Have you ever gone out of your way to protect your love life or yourself? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you will have no choice but to be selfish and choose yourself? Have you ever been in a situation where you feel betrayed and cheated on by the people you trusted the most? Follow the story of 6 friends who are entangled in the realms of love, fame and jealousy to find out more about love and sacrifices.

Isaac, Austin, Ahmed, Amir, Sarah and Jane are university friends who were opportune to live life to the fullest with a lot of stories to tell and secrets to hide. While celebrating their graduation, Jane was brutally raped and murdered in a secret hotel. In fear of being framed, her group of friends had to frame one of them by putting the blame on him and moving along with their life afterwards. 

Isaac, who was framed out of the blue and sentenced to life imprisonment, was left shattered with lots of questions. In the adventure of seeking answers to his questions and revenge for Jane, he had to stop his own life and assume the life of Kelvin who died without explanation.

How will Isaac cope living in Kelvin’s life? How will he be able to fit in? Will he be able to adjust to living in Kelvin’s life when he found out Kelvin was a homosexual? How will he be able to accomplish Kelvin’s wishes of bringing his unrequited love for Daniel to life? Will he be able to get answers for all the questions he has and also a revenge for Jane?

Follow me as we reveal the mysteries and twists in the lives of this young generation…






“Order. Order…” The chief judge shouted as he hit the gavel on the table in front of him. He sighed deeply as he faced the crowd who were eagerly seated in the court waiting for the judgment. He slowly turned his face to the young man who was detained in chains. 

“Mr. Isaac Olamide; according to section 321 of the Nigerian criminal code, you are here by sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for drug dealing, rape and murder of Miss Jane Wilson.” The chief judge said as he slowly stood up and headed out of the court.

The whole premise was filled with noise from the audience. Isaac slowly bent his head as tears started flowing on his face. A group of police men walked towards him and grabbed the chains wrapped around his hands as they escorted him out of the court. 

He slowly raised his head and faced his friends who were staring at him as he entered the police van. “This is not over.” He said to himself while staring at them as the van started moving.

The group of guys stared at the van till it disappeared. Austin sighed deeply and folded his arms as he watched the car drive out of their sight. “I hope all these will be over now.” He said as he turned and faced the rest of his friends. Ahmed who was also looking worried nodded his head. “I also hope it ends here. I am exhausted.” He said with a worried voice.

Amir giggled a little with a smirk on his face. He adjusted himself as he folded his arms. “This will never be over as long as we remain friends.” He said with a weird face. They all stared at him confusedly. “What are you trying to say Amir?” Sarah asked curiously. Amir smiled again and sighed deeply. He closed his eyes for a while and opened them.

“You all are aware of the secrets we shared. You all are aware of the dirty things we did. You all are aware of what each and every one of us has gone through. As long as we will continue this friendship, then those memories will live in us and continue hunting us. I think we should end everything here and right now.” Amir said with a straight face as they all stared at him.

He sighed and continued talking again. “We have already graduated from school, I think the best thing to do is to move on with our separate lives and leave everything that happened behind. Let’s forget our friendship and all the memories, including Jane and Isaac.” He added looking at them. Sarah sighed deeply and faced him. “I think that is right. Let’s move on with our lives and leave everything behind.” She also suggested.

Ahmed, who was still shedding tears, faced Amir. “Are you guys sure we are doing the right thing? Are you sure this won’t affect our future?” Ahmed asked with a scary tone. Austin sighed deeply and held Ahmed’s hands. “Oh please Ahmed. Why are you always afraid? This will be the best solution for us. This will save us and our future. I promise you nothing will happen.” He said, looking at Ahmed.

Amir sighed again and moved closer. “If that is the case, then; I will be heading back to the north immediately. I will forget everything that happened between us. I will bury all those secrets in my heart till I die. And I hope you all will do the same.” He said confidently. He giggled a bit as he continued talking. “I know this won’t be easy for all of us, but you all should know that we are all doing this for ourselves. It is ALL FOR LOVE.” He added looking at them.

They all stared at each other as they nodded their heads. “Then let’s all meet at our usual spot by 8:00pm tonight, let’s all bring along our diaries, hard disks, albums and all exhibits that contain our details. We will burn down everything and it will all be over.” Austin suggested and they all agreed as they all left the court premises back to their respective homes. 

They met at their usual spot as promised and burned downed everything relating to their friendship. They were about leaving when Sarah called back their names. “What if something happens again in the future? What if the need to contact you again arises?” She asked, still shedding tears. 

They were all quiet for a while at her question. Amir faced them and smiled. “Should anything happen in the future, my house will still be available to reunite. I am not selling it off. I will leave it for emergency meetings.” He said as he turned and walked away. 

They all disappeared from the spot shedding tears with heavy thoughts in their minds. It wasn’t easy to break up a friendship that was built for years, not just an ordinary friendship, it was a friendship filled with memories and secrets. They all thought it was over, little did they know that karma will surely help reap every seed that was sowed…



Jane quickly rushed out of the exams hall, throwing up her pen and other writing materials in the sky. “I can’t believe this is our final paper guys.” She said looking very excited. Isaac who was walking behind her wrapped his hands around her neck. “It is seriously unbelievable. It still looks like a dream that we have graduated.” He said smiling.

They walked to their usual spot behind the department and sat under a tree as they began snapping pictures. “I think we should celebrate tonight in a grand style. What do you all think about a pool party?” Austin asked with a smirk on his face. They all smiled back staring at him. “Let’s spice it up with some booze and pills.” Amir added with a smile also as they all nodded their heads knowing what he meant.

Isaac sighed deeply, looking very disappointed. “I wish I could join you guys, but I need to be with my girlfriend tonight. She has been patient throughout my exams and I am sure she won’t wait any longer.” He said looking so worried. Jane sighed as she tapped his shoulder. “You shouldn’t worry besty, I assure you that I will have double fun with you.” She said mockingly and they all laughed hard…

Isaac Olamide, Austin William, Ahmed Karim, Amir Musa, Sarah Samson and Jane Wilson are a group of university friends. They are all teenagers who grew their friendship right from their first year of university. They were so close that a lot of people think they are all related. Despite their social differences, they still love and care for each other a lot.

This group of friends is known as the scared friends, they referred to themselves as 4 moons & 2 stars. They are known to be among the brilliant and also naughty students. They have a lot of dirty secrets between them which they help each other keep. Despite their notorious acts, these friends made sure they study hard and treasure their friendship which is full of secrets…

Amir was sitting by the pool with a guy talking and drinking; they were clearly flirting and cuddling each other. He slowly stood up and removed his singlet as he dropped it on the guy’s lap and walked away. The guy quickly followed him and they walked to the restroom. Amir dragged the guy closer and began kissing him aggressively. They continued kissing for a while before he turned Amir over and started fucking him. They were both moaning loudly until they both released. 

Amir quickly picked up his short and shirt as he wore them and opened the door. “How can I contact you again?” The guy asked, looking at Amir. He smiled and turned at him slowly. “There shouldn’t be any contact after a one night stand.” He said as he banged the door and walked away. 

That is the typical nature of Amir; he is a notorious gay guy. He seduces guys into sleeping with him and brushes them off immediately. He has never been in any relationship, he always has a one night stand and that is enough for him. A lot of rich and cute guys have fallen for him but he never gave any single guy a chance.

He slowly walked back to the pool side where his friends were drinking and celebrating. It is almost 1:00am in the morning. Amir slowly dragged a chair and sat with his friends. “I think we should leave guys.” Ahmed said as he picked up his phone. “I will call Jane.” He said as he began dialing Jane’s contact but she wasn’t answering. He continued trying but there was no response.

They all became worried and decided to look for her around the hotel. They asked a few people and no one seemed to know her whereabouts. They were still searching when Austin picked up his phone that beeped a while ago. “Guys, Jane sent me a message an hour ago. It says room 105.” He said, showing them the message. They were all surprised as they stared at each other for a while. They decided to check the room and find out what she was doing.

Sarah opened the door slowly but she almost fell when she found Jane lying naked on the floor. She quickly moved to the wall looking shocked. Ahmed who was also shivering managed to move closer to her. He tried shouting out her name but she wasn’t responding. It is clearly visible that Jane was raped. “I think Jane is dead, guys.” Ahmed said as he busted into tears.

Austin quickly locked the room as they all stood looking shocked and curious. They were all scared at the moment. Everyone among them was shivering and mute. They started wandering around the room thinking of a solution to the problem. Sarah looked around the room but there were no security cameras. They clearly can’t report this to the police because they will be held responsible.

“What are we going to do guys? Should we call the police?” Ahmed asked as he was shedding tears. “Are you out of your senses Ahmed? We can’t report this or we would be held responsible. Look around the room, there are no cameras to prove our innocence.” Sarah said looking worried also. “Let’s think of a solution then.” Austin said as he sat by the bed.

Amir who was sitting on the couch with his head locked between his legs slowly stood up. He walked close to the dead body and stared at her for a while. “One of us has to take the blame of killing Jane because I am sure her family won’t let this slide.” He said looking at them. Sarah hissed and faced Amir. “You must have gone mad Amir. Who do you expect to take the blame? Probably you will then.” She said sarcastically.

Amir sighed deeply and walked around for a while. “Think about it guys, we don’t know who did this to Jane, but I am sure we all won’t accept to take the blame. We also can’t report this because we would be the first suspect. But I think I have a way out of this.” He said, staring at them.

“Just say the fucking way out Amir and stop keeping us in suspense.” Austin yelled. Amir sighed deeply as he sat back on the couch. “Isaac would take the blame. We will have to frame him.” He said looking so confident. They all stared at him surprisingly. “I can’t do this guys, I would rather have the police investigate and find out the culprit than frame Isaac.” Ahmed said with tears rolling on his face.

Amir sighed deeply and stood up again. “I know that will sound a little bit harsh. But you all should think it through. Isaac is probably at his girlfriend’s place right now. We can manage and take Jane out of this hotel as a drunken person, we can meet up in time to drop her at Isaac’s place then file a report of drugs on Isaac. You all can see how Jane is drugged before being raped; there won’t be much investigation before he will be executed. Besides, he is an orphan so no one will press harder charges.” Amir explained looking at them.

They were all looking tense as they stared at him. He sighed deeply and continued talking. “This is the only chance we have not to jeopardize our futures. It’s either we blame it on him or we all fall into it. I know this is a wicked plan but we all need to consider ourselves first. This is a survival race and only the fittest scale through. This is ALL FOR LOVE.” Amir added.

Sarah sighed deeply as she sat back on the bed and locked her head on his palms. “But this won’t be fair to Isaac. How can we face him after we do that? What if the plan didn’t work and the culprit was later discovered? What will happen to our friendship? I honestly can’t do this.” Sarah said, still crying. 

Amir quickly walked and sat beside her. “No one will know about us filing the complaint. We will use an anonymous number to call the police. And remember that Isaac is staying in a rented apartment off campus, no one will see us dropping Jane off.” Amir said, trying to persuade them. They all kept quiet for a while thinking of the critical suggestion of Amir. It is a very terrible idea but they don’t have any choice. They have to follow his steps just to secure their future. Indeed it is all for love…

Isaac came back to his apartment after his girlfriend dropped him. He walked into his room and found Jane lying on his bed with pills spilled beside her and a glass of wine. He smiled and covered her with a blanket. “She must have driven back to my place after getting drunk last night.” He said to himself and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. He finished taking a bath and walked to his kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After eating, he sat on the couch and started watching his favorite show. He was still there when he slept off. After a short while, he heard a huge knock on his gate. He quickly walked out and to his surprise; there were a bunch of police men with a search warrant to search his apartment. They pinned him down and walked in straight to the house.

Isaac was shocked. He was still standing with some of the policemen outside when he saw them bring out Jane lifeless on a wheel bed. “You are under arrest Mr. Isaac for the drugging and murder of Miss Jane.” One of the men said, pointing a gun at him. Isaac was devastated as he stared at the policemen who ganged up on him and forced him into the car.

He has a lot of questions running through his mind all the while that he was arrested. A lot of thoughts have been going on in his brain. He had a lot of questions that needed to be answered but no one could answer them for him, rather he was stalked and being questioned. All he wants to know is the reason why Jane was raped. He is sure that someone is trying to frame him but he couldn’t point out the person.

To worsen the matter, his friends clearly denied him. He could see the look of fear and regret on Ahmed’s face as they gave testimony against him in court. Isaac is sure that a lot happened in the party and he must find out about it. 

He sighed deeply as tears rushed down his face while lying in his prison room. He couldn’t believe that his friends actually betrayed him. Of course they did. Isaac wiped off his tears as he began thinking of a means to get back at them. He vowed to do any possible thing to avenge Jane’s death. He will do this for Jane, even if it involves committing crimes…


Susan nodded her head as she listened to Isaac’s story. It has been years since she was pressed to hear his story but he decided to share it today. Tears were flowing on her face because she pities the young man. He is of course living a life he shouldn’t; he is taking the punishment of what he didn’t do. “Your story is the most tragic story I have ever heard of Isaac. I wish I could publish it but I think there are a lot of things missing in it.” She said, staring at him.

Isaac smiled and faced her. “What is missing again in this story Susan? A lot has happened already. I am already exhausted. I don’t have any strength to fight any more. Everyone in my life has turned their back on me. What else can I do?” He asked with tears on his face.

Susan took a deep breath and adjusted herself. “Of course something is missing Isaac and that is Karma’s side of the story, and for that, I will help you fulfill it.” She said, staring at him. He stared back at her confusedly as she adjusted herself and continued talking. “I am sure you will be surprised how I always have access to stories from the prisoners’ right?” She asked and Isaac nodded his head.

“Well, my father is the chief warden of this prison. I have talked to him severally about you and he is also concerned. But there is a single problem, Isaac. We can’t get you out of this prison except if you are dead.” She said looking at him. Isaac was terrified. He quickly moved back pointing at her. “Who sent you to kill me Susan? I am sure someone did.” He asked, pointing at her.

Susan was about talking when the door to the room slowly opened. The man walked in and sat near Susan. “Of course no one did. You see Isaac, I will be straightforward with you, it might be a stupid idea for you but I assure you that it is a win-win situation for all of us.” He said looking at Isaac who was totally confused at the moment.

The man took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a while. “I am Mr. Emmanuel, just as my daughter here said; I am the chief warden of this prison. I have a son that was late last year. He died abroad where he was studying. Kelvin was the key to my family’s succession but he is no more. Everyone thinks he is currently studying abroad and awaits his return in two months but I can’t announce his death.” Mr. Emmanuel explained.

“My father is a wealthy man; rich is an understatement for the treasures and properties he has possessed. He has a lot of landed properties both home and abroad and money in different bank accounts. For that reason, my brothers and I tried stealing from him but our plan was futile. He found out and promised not to give a single dime to us except to our children. That is why I need Kelvin back.” Mr. Emmanuel explained again.

“So, I will help you out of this prison, do a surgery on you to take Kelvin’s face and when you get back my inheritance, I will allow you to live your own life. I will make you successful and never bother you again. You will have a choice to take off Kelvin’s face afterwards or leave it, it will all be your decision.” He said, staring at Isaac.

Isaac was already sweating profusely at this moment. This seems to be the hardest decision of his life but what else can he do if not accept the offer? This will be the only means he can escape and avenge Jane’s death. He slowly faced Mr. Emmanuel with a smile as he nodded his head in acceptance. Of course it is risky but then, IT IS ALL FOR LOVE!



        Written By:
