HOMOSEXUAL AND A MURDERER.


I had totally forgotten and taken my mind off what transpired at the bridge 3 days ago.


Am I not too foolish to be called a Nigerian?


I had thought that as I was not connected to Scorpion and Pepper in any major way, I would not be traced to the scene of their last breath. Moreover, it was just the three of us there. As it happened that I wasn’t shot at, it was logical to shut up and act as if I wasn’t there. But who, especially in this our Nigeria, would witness a murder scene and continue living like nothing happened? Whether they were directly connected to it or not.


Damn! My naivety… No. Outright stupidity, rather, too grab.


I didn’t even mention the incident to Bella because I didn’t want her to compound the whole issue of me risking my life to please Tornado. I had wanted to tell him when I called him to apologize but he hurriedly hung up saying he had to catch some sleep because he had a test the next day.


The issue now wasn’t who I told or not. It was proving my innocence to the families of the deceased or facing a death sentence for murder. The policeman with tobacco-stained teeth had dropped a not-so-subtle hint that they knew I was homosexual.  I couldn’t fathom how they had guessed it but from the look of things, it was instrumental to the case. Did they carry out an autopsy on the bodies and found traces of recent sexual activity? Nigerian police still dey do autopsy? I’ve never heard of that. They only worked with leads and investigations.  Wahala o por. Homosexual and a murderer. I should come out as The Coloured Murderer.


As I sit here, a week after my arrest, explaining the whole scenario to Bella and Franco while I hungrily wolf down the food they came along with, I am very scared. Today is the last day of the one week given to me to confess my crime. By tomorrow, I would face torture in continuance. I can easily see the pain and fear in Bella’s eyes. She didn’t even flinch as I narrated the part where I had to hoe it out with the guys. Late guys, I mean. The girl clearly understood the principle of using what one had in procurement of one’s needs. This was the sixth time they had visited me this week and until now, I had held back this part of the story from them.


Franco, on the other hand, wore a seething expression.  His thoughts could be that I was a cheap slut who would immediately offer up my body in any situation that required so, anytime, anywhere. Or he was just angry at the situation in general. If situations were reversed and he was in my shoes right now, I wouldn’t come visiting, talk less of listening to the crap of fucking two thugs to get out of trouble while my love request was left pending. The guy truly cares.


Right now, I really do not give a hoot about what anyone thinks about me. They say he is who on the ground, fears no fall. I shut my conscience against the opinions of others on Tuesday when some members of the Student Scripture Union had come to seek facts and compare with what they had under the guise of visitation and prayers.  They began with pleasantries and a little while after, the torrents of questions poured in. They had gotten wind of my clandestine behaviors.


They also came with the discussion of my immediate replacement and removal.


I remember laughing, to their amazement. A cold, dry and sarcastic laugh.


I wasn’t always a member of the S.S.U. I become their President through fiscal power. After attending one of their power-packed Friday services and falling head-over-heels for their caramel-skin-with-chocolate-topping assistant pastor, Reuben, the rest was history.


These were the same people who taught me that God is with me in times of danger and despair. Now, where are they who made me believe in Him in my time of adversity? The bible will bring comfort in the time of pain, you had said. Are you here to guide me through it with words of encouragement? You who helped build my faith and cemented my trust in him, where are you off to?


I gave them what they wanted, relinquishing every benefit and advantage that came with it. They had promised undying friendship and so-called eternal support before leaving. I also mentioned my plans of self-excommunication, as I had called it.


Christ, himself, had suffered for the church. Why are today’s Christians trying so hard to make the religion look so rosy and devoid of any form of challenge and catastrophe?


My mind wandered off a bit to Tornado. What would he be doing by now? Immediately I was arrested, he was the first person I called. He’d promised to come and see me as soon as he was done with his test. I kept calling before I eventually handed my phone over. Till now, he’s still yet to show up. Maybe he is just really busy or he is still not done with his test. I refuse to believe he has abandoned me here. I am sure he will come see me soon. Maybe when I am in jail or on the day of my death sentence, as the case maybe. Tears started to well up in my eyes and trickled down. Why couldn’t he see how I love him?


“Please stop crying, Tshez”, Bella said. She stood up to come sit by me, put an arm around my shoulders and drew me into her bosom, like a mother would. She was my biggest support system. “I believe you and I know we will find a way to get you out of here, okay?” I knew she was close to tears as well, from the tone of her voice.


Franco cleared his throat and began talking.


“Why did you hide this part of the story from us at first, Tshezi?”he questioned, looking me dead in the eyes.




Why did I even do it at all? I just thought it was of no importance to the situation.


“Answer me”, he said, raising his voice dangerously and interrupting my thoughts.


“Don’t yell at me, please”, I threw back at him, venomously. “I didn’t see it as necessary to the situation at hand. Just as it isn’t important to tell you of my recent sexcapades”.


“Guy, you are something else”, he retorted. “You are so bent on covering your shameful action, forgetting the fact that it is the key to unlocking this puzzle”. We were now attracting unnecessary attention as we were not alone in the visiting hall.


“I don’t understand”, Bella said. “How can sex with them uncover their killers?”


“I nor know for am o”. I said as I threw my hands in his face. “Why did you come with him, sef?”, I said to Bella. I was already annoyed. Why was he allowing his jealousy to get in the way? “If you are going to make decisions and start saying nonsense because of how you feel right now”, I continued, “you might as well leave. I don’t want stress at this point of my life”, I said as I picked up the Coke they had come with.


“I am sorry if what I said offended you but it is the truth”, he said. “Look at it like this”, he continued, “for a fuck as elaborate as the one you described now, it must have been well over 45 minutes…”


“And so?”, I interrupted. “And so, Oga detective? Does that correlate to the fact that they died immediately after?”  I asked him, still seething. ‘’I was still cleaning up when they died”.


Bella was now making gestures to tell me to calm down and allow the young man to speak without further interruptions.


He continued, his face placid, like I was a child throwing tantrums over sweets. “If they were killed immediately after, it means their killer must have been there, watching and waiting”. He paused. “According to your story, they died about three or four in the morning. If they were to be assassinated, probability says they would have not died that day. Do you understand, at all?”, he asked.


“Please, continue”, I replied.


“They would not die that day because they were at home in bed or something and only a fool would raid Tornado’s hood to kill his goons.”


I was rapidly catching up on his point now. The day before they were killed, Tornado had sent his boys home, leaving just Scorpion and Pepper behind. When I asked, he’d said that he wanted quality time with me without the whole world hearing my moans while he stroked my guts real good. He had also mentioned something about keeping an enemy close.


“Which means the killer is from the inside”, I said. “It was just the four of us at home so no one else knew Tornado had sent them out with me. Could it be…?”  My eyes widened with horror as the realization hit me in the face.


“Talking about leads”, he continued. “Who do you think must have reported you to the police?”


One of those bullets must have been meant for me, I realized.






Back in my cell,


Yes, I have been moved to a cell, awaiting torture. I desperately miss my spot in the canter area.


Isn’t it ironic that I almost tore Franco in two, even when he was trying hard to crack the mess I’d gotten myself into. Why am I so hostile to this guy, ?


After walking me out of the visiting area, he pleaded with the policeman in charge for some privacy. I’d unexpectedly and inexplicably shuffled my body into his arms for a hug and a broad chest to lean my head on. He hugged tightly, bringing his lips to my left ear and whispering sentences of hope and support. This, too, soon led to a kiss. Our very first kiss. I’d slowly brought my parched lips and dry mouth to the succulent touch of his lips. His breath felt warm and energizing on my face. It had a whiff of his musk and a subtle hint of his cologne, as well. I just wanted to drown myself in his breath and kisses. Involuntarily, my hands were clawing at his flies.


We had been broken apart by the raspy voice of Joseph, the warder.


Speaking of Joseph, He has been so nice to me since I arrived at this station. He helped me run small errands and pass messages on the outside during closing hours. He bought me food with his own money, sometimes. It was he who had told me the families the deceased had laid charges of me trying to force their children into homosexual acts. I immediately came out to him and gave him a complete version of the story on ground. He also confided in me about his 28 year old gay son who he was helping to work his passport and other necessary documents to help him get out of Nigeria into a safer space where he could be free to be himself. He had collected my number, believing my innocence and knowing I’ll be set free.








I broke into a smile and halted my typing as I remembered the events of the day.


Tshezi kissed me.


Our first kiss and it was breathtaking. I noticed how he was desperately trying to tear my trousers off.


Raw need.


Maybe he was finally getting the picture I wanted him to see. I am glad I opened his eyes to the basket of rotten tomatoes he had chosen to befriend and before leaving, I had sworn to get him out at all costs.


This might be my chance of proving how valuable an asset I was.



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