(Names of  respondents involved in this interview appear in abbreviations due to safety and confidentiality)



Hello pride family, my name is ODAFE U and welcome to PRIDE TV Sunday exclusive where I’d be interviewing different people in the Nigerian LGBT community to tell us about their experience and share their story with us.

NF is a Nigerian queer woman  and she would be sharing with us her experience in the LGBT  community in Nigeria




ODAFE U: So tell me,If you had the chance to write off the anti gay law/SSMPA(same sex marriage prohibition act) in Nigeria,Tell me would you do it ?

NF: Yes I would

ODAFE U: do you think we are ready for equality and freedom?

NF:We all want that freedom and equality, although I still doubt if we are ready for that, being that it comes with a lot

ODAFE U :  I understand the fact that it comes with a lot but do you think our community in Nigeria is strong enough?

NF:NO! , the  Lgbt community here in Nigeria isn’t Strong enough

ODAFE U: So tell me, what has your queer experience in Nigeria been like ?

NF: It’s really been a whole lot. Initially I  thought I was just possessed with an evil spirit  spirit, but I later came to terms with my sexuality much later since all the prayers, fasting and self discipline didn’t work.

At secondary school, I was involved in a gay situation , a boarding school. Although I didn’t do it, I was only implicated. I took blame for knowing such an act was going on but didn’t report to the authority.

That’s to say, I was  somewhat part of them as my principal would say then

We were called out in the assembly ground, about 7 of us. Labelled as homosexuals before the whole students, It was some hell of a crazy moment for me.My parents had to get involved in it and  ever since then, they’ve had their suspicions on me.

ODAFE U: I’m sorry you had to go through that experience,Hope you got through it fine?

NF: I did. It made me stronger in a way

ODAFE U: That’s great , off to the last question.

Any plans of coming out ?

NF: I lay off every possible suspicions they could ever have. I look forward to coming out plainly to them. But maybe not just now. I have to  be so independent by then

ODAFE U: Great

NF: yeah, Is that all?

ODAFE U: yeah

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us

We at pride tv hope for better days for you and we love you

NF: Thank you!