There was an awkward and prolonged silence that lasted for a while with Alfred standing and waiting by the door while Alex was still figuring out what he was doing at his place by that moment. A lot of thought has occupied his mind as he wonders if Alfred had met his parents arguing down stairs. The silence was broken when Alfred giggled and tapped him by the shoulder, what’s up with you, won’t you let me in? He asked. Alex giggled as he moved by the way and allowed him in. He was stammering as he followed Alfred who jumped on the bed and picked up a game pad while he started playing immediately. Alex was stammering as he started a conversation. “Why are you here by the way? We just met at school like a few hours ago.” He asked with a tensed voice. Alfred chuckled with his eyes still fixed to the large screen of the plasma television hanged on the wall. “Well, I was bored at home and decided to check on you, I didn’t know I would meet you crying.” He said without looking at him.

That was when it occurred to Alfred that there were tears on his face. He quickly wiped them off and moved closer. “The thing is my parents…” He was still talking when Alfred interrupts him. “By the way, I met you dad down stairs.” Alfred said with an exciting voice. Alex was quiet for a while. He gets more worried as to what transpired between his father and Alfred; he doesn’t want anyone knowing the situation of his family. He moved closer and sat by the edge of the bed. “Oh, you’ve met him? What happened though?” Alex asked curiously. Alfred was still concentrating on the TV game while he answered. “Oh, we just greeted. And he praised me for helping his son with school work. Your pops is cool man.” He said with a smile on his face. Alex exhaled loudly with a relief as he lies on the bed. He was relieved that he doesn’t have to give any explanations to Alfred. He was still lying when he heard Alfred’s voice again.

“Why were you crying though?” He asked briefly. Alex quickly sat up as he wiped off his face again. “It was just allergies.” He replied as he also picked a game pad. “You know what, let’s play a match. I am sure going to screw you up.” He said as he adjusted himself. Alfred laughed as he also scooted over. “You don’t want to mess with me boy.” He said while they started playing.

The game was really interesting all the while they were playing, the room was filled with laughter and interesting arguments about who was winning each. They were in that happy situation when the door opened. Alex’s mother walked in with a tray filled with fruits, snacks and drinks. She was fully dressed in an expensive outfit with her face glammed with makeup and jewelries on her body. She walked majestically as she dropped the tray by a mini table in from of hem. “You guys can have something to munch before dinner is ready.” She said with a smile. “Alfred will be staying for dinner right?” She asked looking at him. He nodded with a smile and she also smiled and left. Alex wasn’t surprised seeing his mother fully dressed with heavy makeup and accessories after what transpired between his dad and herself, he was more surprised on why his parents are being friendly to Alfred all of a sudden. They haven’t been like that with anyone among his friends before, even though he has a few. All they do is tries their possible best to make him look better than others, but with Alfred, it’s different, they show him his weakness and wishes he were like Alfred. Alex nodded his head firmly as he stared at Alfred who was having a bite of the goodies gently and playing the game happily, he realized that he just sat with Alfred for hours without getting bored or having any panic attack. Of course something is special about this boy and he couldn’t wait to point a finger at it. He also smiled as he devoured on the fruits…

After a short while, they heard Alex’s mother calling on them. “I hope you survive dinner with my family.” Alex said as they walked down the stairs while Alfred chuckled. They arrived at the dining table and Alfred was frozen for a while. The table is filled with all sort of delicacy, as if it were a feast but it’s just a dinner for four, his legs were numbed but his raised them slowly and took a seat beside Alex. He couldn’t possibly count the amount of dishes that are on the table, and each plate is filled with a mouth-watering delicacy. Alex on the other hand wasn’t surprised with the sudden change of atmosphere in the house; after all it is what his parents are good at; hiding their weakness.

Alfred was still in that puzzled situation of thinking what to devour on when he heard Mr. William’s voice echoing in his head. “So tell us about yourself Alfred.” Mr. William said as he slowly dropped the glass of wine he was holding. He almost choked on the seafood soup he was about to swallow as he dropped the spoon and faced Mr. William who was still staring at him. Mrs. William also smiled as he chipped in the conversation. “Yeah, I also want to know about Alex’s new friend.” She said with a smile.

Alex faced Alfred with a smile and nodded his head. Alfred also smiled and nodded as he adjusted himself and started speaking. “Well, I am an orphan, I am living with my mother. T be honest we are just normal people trying to survive every day. My mother and I are fish mongers; we catch fishes from the small river around my settlement and sell them to tourists. My mother is a good fish griller, one of the best in the settlement. I obtained scholarship into bright field university to study and hopefully change the status of my family one day.” He said looking at them. There was a prolonged silence on the table; Alex’s heart was beating really fast knowing for sure that his parents will kick Alfred after learning his poor background. His fear was shattered when he heard his father’s voice chuckling. “You will have to grill those fishes for us one day then.” Mr. William said and they all laughed.

The table was brought to life as they continued conversing happily while Alfred tell more about himself and his educational achievements. Alex was perplexed but he knows that the only reason his father is accepting Alfred is because he thinks his son will benefits from his education. Never the less, Alex was kind of happy knowing that he will have a new friend who can relate to his parents and bring joy to the house. He feels secured being around Alfred than he has been in a long while. That is when it occurred that a lot has been changing gradually in his life with Alfred around. A lot has been happening slowly that could change his life. He slowly looked at him as he converse happily with his parents. Alex also smiled and his heart gets filled with this inner joy, at least he has a friend who can unite his family like that and of course, someone he feels so secure to be around. This feeling is escalating in his mind and he couldn’t wait to explore every bit of it…


Alyssa was standing by the library waiting for Andrew as they have scheduled to meet up and make some research about their work, she was hissing as she keeps checking her time. He has kept her waiting for over 30 minutes. He heart was filled with rage when she sighted him walking carefree towards her. She landed her fiery eyes on him but he ignored her and walked straight into the library. One can tell he did keep her waiting deliberately just to provoke her. Alyssa nodded her head as she walked behind him and get straight to the corner where she was supposed to get materials. E followed her immediately because he obviously didn’t know what he is to do. “What are we supposed to find?” He asked briefly as he picked a comic book and dived in it.

Alyssa ignored him while she continued with her work, after a while, he has already picked his phone and was fully concentrating on it. She never gave him an attention because she knew he couldn’t contribute with dime knowledge. After she has gathered a lot of references, she walked over to another shelf to look more. Andrew followed her furiously as he started inquiring when they are to leave the damn library. “Can’t you see it’s almost time for my football game? You should just get this done with.” Andrew yelled looking at her. Alyssa hissed as she faced him while leaning her back on the shelf of book. “May be if you had made yourself useful instead of being useless, we would have got this over with. I am sick of being stuck with you also.” She said furiously. Andrew was furious at her words as he gathered his fist to throw her a punch. He got stuck with his hand close to her face as he stared at her eyes and he was panting really hard. She was waiting for him to land his hands on her but seems he got frozen or something.

“Go on Andrew. Punch me up.” Alyssa said while he was still staring at her and sweating profusely. She hissed and pushed him away that he fell on the opposite shelf. “You can make yourself useful by packing up those books.” She said as she walked out of the library. Andrew was still on the floor with books all over while his heart was racing faster. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she walked away. His heart was beating in a strange way that he never experienced before. He couldn’t explain what stopped him from punching her; it was as if her face was covered in a precious diamond that shouldn’t be tempered with. He was still being delusional and staring at the blank space when he realized he was still lying on the floor. That was when he quickly gets up to other students staring and laughing at him. He wasn’t worried because his heart couldn’t interpret the reason why he acted that way just now and that gets him more anxious. “What is wrong with me?” He asked himself as he walked out of the library confusedly…


“Oh please Alex. It is getting late already; everyone has probably left the school by this hour. Who are you waiting for?” Angela asked eagerly as she was standing by the car trying to persuade Alex to leave. He kept stretching his neck as if he was finding someone; he looked worried and eager hoping to meet the person desperately. Angela kept pressuring him but Alex has no signs of leaving of course until he meets the person he is waiting for. After a little while, he sighted Alfred walking towards the gate with Alyssa. They waved at each other while Alfred smiled and winked at him. Alex also smiled as he kept on waving till Alfred disappeared. He was having a huge smile on his face as he sighed and entered the car. He exhaled loudly still with a smile on his face. One can tell from his looks that he has his wish granted at that moment.

Angela who was curious and shocked at what just happened couldn’t hide her curiosity as she joined Alex in the car. She stared at him as he couldn’t stop smiling while he drives the car. She called out his name but he was carried away in thought that she has to tap his shoulder and he got startled and turned to her quickly. “What was that just now Alex? When did you become that close?” Angela asked curiously. Alex smiled as he continued driving without saying anything while Angela kept on pestering him.

He sighed deeply and parked at her gate as they arrived. “I don’t really know what is going on with me. But I have been happier these days that I have been spending with Alfred. I feel really confortable and alright around him. I really get to be myself without any panic attack.” Alex said looking at Angela who has her mouth wide opened. “Are you in love?” She stammered while she asked. Alex was quiet for a while before he answered. “If this is what love means, then I think I like Alfred.” He said nodding his head with a simile…

***That’s What I Want by Lil Nas X playing…***

Written by Msquare…