The prolonged silence that occupied the office was broken by Mr. John as he sighed and leaned forward on his table while he stare at Andrew and Alyssa who were standing right in front of him. He nodded his head as he pushed his tablet over to them. “I like the concept of your work Alyssa, but there is a reason it is called a group work. Why did you exclude Andrew’s name in this submission?” He asked looking at Alyssa who has her hands folded to her chest. She exhaled lightly as she started talking with a soft voice. “I have tried reaching out to him sir, but he wasn’t complying and time isn’t by my side.” Alyssa complained looking at Mr. John.
Mr. John nodded his head and took his gaze back at Andrew. “And why didn’t you contribute to the research?” He asked looking at him. Andrew was stammering as he speaks. “I was occupied throughout the weekend and moreover; I couldn’t reach her as I do not have her contact.” He defended. My. John sighed deeply as he leaned back on his seat. “Whenever something is tagged team work, you are supposed to try your possible best to indulge all members in it, not moving forward alone or leaving the work with a single person. You have to work as a team.” He said looking at them while he paused a little before he continued speaking. “I would have graded this work but I want to have your input on it Andrew, so you guys have to rework this as a team and you have only a week to do that.” He said as he dismissed them.
Alyssa walked out of the office with a grumpy face while Andrew walked behind her. “You could have saved us this stress by simply adding my name to it. Now we have to redo that shit again.” He said furiously. Alyssa hissed as she continued walking without turning at him. “The last time I checked, I am the only one redoing this, it’s a new work for you.” She said as she walked out of him. Andrew hissed loudly as he walked towards his friends who were sitting by their cars. “What’s wrong man? Why are you looking grumpy?” A friend asked as noticed Andrew’s mood. He hissed as he jumped on his car. “I can’t believe I will be stuck with that scholarship girl for another week. The professor rejected our submission.” He said with a sad face. “I fucking hate her audacity.” Andrew added. His friend giggled while he faced him. “Be careful what you hate man, it might turn to what you will love desperately.” He said and they all laughed. “Not that local girl man.” Andrew said and they laughed again.
Kelvin; his friend laughed as he chipped in the conversation. “You know I also heard of the same theory, and of course it do happen in movies. It’s kind of enemies to lovers something. Just try and be careful guy, it won’t look good on you if you fall for the poor scholarship girl.” He said looking at Andrew. Andrew hissed loudly as he jumped down and entered his car. “I made it clear to you guys that I will never ever consider that girl as a friend not to talk as a girlfriend. It seems you guys are downgrading my status.” He yelled staring at them as he entered the car and zoomed off…
Alex and Angela were sitting in Alex’s car while they stare at Alyssa’s and Andrew’s drama. Angela who was very observant smiled and nodded her head. “Do you think there is something with those two?” She asked still staring at Andrew who was playing around with his guys. Alex laughed a little as he adjusted himself and picked a tissue paper, he wiped up the juice that spilled on his laps due to the sudden laugh. He adjusted again and chuckled a little. “Andrew and Alyssa? For crying out loud; you want to start shipping Andrew with a scholarship girl? Have you forgotten that is almighty Andrew?” He asked as he laughed again. Angela adjusted and moved closer. “Seriously Alex, it is giving kind of –Rich boy and poor girl- vibes.” She said being optimistic. Alex laughed really hard this time around. “Seriously, I know you are really a good shipper but this ship isn’t going anywhere, you better don’t waste your time sailing it. Andrew that doesn’t even keep poor friends, talk less of a girlfriend?” He asked rhetorically as he busted into laughter again. Angela sighed and nodded her head. She was sure that she could feel some chemistry sparking between them; her hunches have never failed her and this will surely not be the first one to.
“That aside, how did you escape the party at Andrew’s last night? I am sure your dad doesn’t subscribe to your sickness lies anymore.” Angela asked staring suspiciously at Alex. He laughed again for a while. He was about speaking when Alfred knocked at the car’s glass. “Hello rich boy.” He said with a charming smile. Alex slowly wined down the glasses and rolled his eyes at Alfred. “That isn’t my name, you know that.” He said with a stern face. Alfred chuckled with a smile. “Have you received the scores for the assignment? I told you I would deliver well.” He asked looking at him. Alex sighed again as he mumbled silently. “Does he have to brag?” He said to himself. Alfred heard him so he smiled again. “Anyways, when is our next plan kicking? I can’t wait to dive in your pool again.” He was still talking when Alfred interrupted him. “You know what? I would speak to you later.” He said as he quickly wind up the glasses and start off the car.
Angle was kind of confused as she stared at Alex suspiciously. She was about speaking when he quickly interrupts her. “Oh please Angela, don’t attack me. You can see I am driving.” He said trying to avoid the conversation. Angela nodded her head as he stared at him more closely. “You would tell me whatever that guy was talking about Alexander.” Angela said as she points a finger at him. Alex sighed as he slowly packed the car at a spot after they have left the school. “Well, it was kind of a confusing story.” He said looking at him while Angela hissed. “We all know that my brain isn’t a dullard, so I can comprehend.” She said staring anxiously at him. Alex sighed as he narrates the incidence at his place. “I just saw an opportunity and decided to grab it. You won’t believe how confortable my dad was with Alfred. I myself was surprised to see him at my place.” He said while Angela stared at him curiously.
He sighed as starts the car again. “Oh please Angela, I know what you are thinking and there is nothing of such.” He said as he drives. Angela sighed and nodded her head. “Just that it’s surprising how you guys had a conversation without you having a panic attack, like were you that confortable with him?” She asked curiously. Alex was quiet for a while as he slowly parked the car at Angela’s gate. “I think its high time you open your heart and face whatever its in their Alex, aren’t you tired of being curious about your own feelings?” She asked looking at him. Alex nodded his head. “There is nothing like that Angela, Alfred is just a poor kid that wants to experience a rich lifestyle, I just want to use him as a break through from all those stress at home. That’s totally out of what you are thinking.” He insisted. Angela nodded her head as she opened the car. “It’s alright if you insist.” She said as she left and closed the door behind her. Alex sighed as he stared the car and drives away…
He was so exhausted from school when he arrived home; he sluggishly opened the car after he parked among other luxurious cars that are parked in the compound. He slowly walked towards the main house while the workers around the house were greeting him. Alex was just nodding as he increased his pace when he heard the hideous voices of people echoing from the house. he is sure his parents are into another fight and he can’t seem to figure what that is all about. He exhaled loudly as he opened the door and entered. They were both quiet for a while when they saw him arrived. He stared at his father who was panting really hard as if he had just finished fighting a giant bull. He nodded his head as he slowly took his gaze back to his mother who was standing by a corner in the spacious sitting room with bruises all over her body.
Alex couldn’t hold his tears as he rushed upstairs. He could hear his father’s vice as he continued yelling at the woman. He could hear their voices echoing as they continued fighting and arguing. He fell on the bed while he was also crying really hard and his body was trembling. What’s the essence of living such a life? A life were one can only appear happy to please the society but lives in agony and fear in their house. A life where one can never have peace of mind whenever they are in their houses but will go to extra length to fake happiness to the outside world. A life where one’s comfort zone become their night mere? Alex keeps asking himself while he folded his head between his legs. Tears keep oozing from his eyes.
He has been in that situation for hours till he could no longer hear his parent’s voices downstairs. He suddenly heard a knock on his door but he ignored it, the person at the door was persistent while he was adamant and not responding. After a while of knocking, he was surprised when the door opened and behold, It was Alfred. He was speechless as he stared at him while he stood by the door with same alluring smile on his face. Alex couldn’t comprehend whether its fate or coincidence that kept pushing the boy at his difficult times, but at this point, whatever it might be that is sending Alfred his way; he is ready to accept it…

Written by Msquare…