It was late in the morning when Alvin wakes up to the rays of sunlight piercing through the window shined on his eyes. He sluggishly opened the eyes and picked up his phone. “Holy fuck!” He shouted as he saw the series of missed calls from John on the screen of his phone. He quickly jumped out of the bed and began wearing his clothes while Henry also opened his eyes. “What’s going on?” He asked looking at him. Alvin was in a hurry so he didn’t reply on time. “How could you allow me slept off like that Henry, I told you I have to work.” He said as he grabbed his phone again. It was John calling but he couldn’t answer because he is definitely sure that John will yell at him. He barged out of the room immediately and left Henry still on the bed. Henry sighed deeply as he gets back on the bed and closed his eyes.
The door opened and he exhaled slowly. “Don’t you have to work again, or are you ditching them again?” He asked with his eyes still closed thinking it was Alvin. The silence that followed his question made him curious that he quickly sat up and opened his eyes. Jay was standing right in front of him. Henry sighed again as he leaned back on the bed. Jay giggled as he strolled around the room. “You are disappointed for seeing me right? You hoped it was him right?” He asked with a bitter tone. Henry took a deep breath without saying a word as he watched Jay walked aimlessly around the room. “So it has gotten to a point that you will ignore my calls all night because you have that boy sleeping over right? What exactly are you playing at Henry? This foolishness has to stop unless you are finding excuses to sleep around.” Jay lamented looking angry.
Henry sighed again as he adjusted himself on the bed. “Look Jay, you already know what te plan is right from the beginning. This thing between us is supposed to distract Alvin from work and it’s being effective. I think you are just over reacting over unreasonable matters.” He said with a fierce voice. Jay giggled as he stared at Henry. “Seriously Henry? You call this over reacting? Are you seriously calling me unreasonable? For how fucking long are you supposed to distract this boy and what have you been able to achieve all these while? You are just using this as an excuse to sleep around with him. I am not sure whether you truly want to break Alvin’s team.” Jay yelled looking at him. Henry hissed as he crawled down from the bed. “I don’t want to argue with you Jay, it’s too early and we have a long day ahead.” He said as he walked towards the bathroom but Jay holds back his hands.
“Just be honest with me Henry, give it to me and I can comprehend because I haven’t seen the effect of all these shady affairs you have with this boy. At this point, I am beginning to contemplate whether you truly had an issue with his colleague. Where the fuck have you guys met? And which of your exes has he snatched away from you?” Jay asked staring at Henry who was speechless. Jay giggled and nodded his head. “Just as I expected Henry, now tell me the truth that you have been enjoying those escapades with Alvin. Tell me you want it all these while Henry. How could I be such an idiot? I mean it will be a win for you either ways because even if Alvin wins, you can sponsor yourself and live abroad with him right?” Jay asked again with tears scrolling down his face. He quickly wiped them off as he stared at Henry whose face was down. “Four years Henry, I have given you four years of my life and this is how you choose to repay me? After all the love, care and sacrifices I have done to you? You think I deserve this?” He asked with tears on his face.
Henry hissed as he faced Jay. “Oh please Jay, don’t even start with your emotional blackmail. We all know that you have been with me all these years because of your career. You are pretty sure that your career will shatter if you dare leave me and that is why we are still together. you know pretty well that we have both checked out of this relationship and what we have now is just a public service; so don’t even think you will make me feel guilty of anything.” He said as he turned and walked to the bathroom. He slowly turned as he reached the door and faced Jay who was still shedding tears. “It will be of your own good if you decide to keep this to yourself until this project is your done. I don’t care if we lose this competition because you know I am capable of living a lavish life. If you decide to break things now, that is your own cross to carry. It will be of the best for you if you stay out of whatever the fuck is between me and Alvin.” He said as he entered the bathroom and banged the door behind him while Jay fell on the ground and continued crying…
Charles giggled as he wiped off the drop of tears on his face. “You really think that is possible John, can’t you see how he spends every minute of his life with Henry? He doesn’t even care about me anymore.” He said looking at john who was trying to console him. John sighed as he tapped Charles’s shoulder. “You can’t conclude if you don’t give it a chance. I am sure this idea will be a win situation to us all. We will be able to upgrade the team’s chances of winning while you will get to obtain your boy back. Remember no other team has portrayed LGBTQ content throughout this contest.” John said looking at him. Charles was quiet for a while before Maya also chipped in. “That is actually true Charles, I think you should give that a chance. Besides, I don’t think Alvin will reject the idea, he will do everything to win this competition.” She assured him as she nodded her head. They were still talking when the door opened.
Alvin walked into the studio panting really hard. “I am very sorry guys; I was carried away and lost track of time.” He said as he walked towards them. He was expecting an earful from John but it never came so he stared curiously at them. “What’s going on? Aren’t you going to yell at me for delaying the shoot?” He asked curiously. John giggled as he stood up and walked closer to Alvin. “Leave that aside, you are here already.” He said as he placed his hands on Alvin’s shoulder. He sighed deeply as he handed a script to Alvin. “You see we want to change our final part of the short film Alvin. You are aware that our team is slacking and we have to perform an extra ordinary miracle to make up so we can win.” He said looking at him. Alvin giggled a little. “Just get straight to the point John.” He said looking into the script. John sighed as he continued talking. “Well Maya and I conclude on the idea that you and Charles should shoot the final sex by the beach scene.” He said looking at him.
Alvin was a bit puzzled as he stared surprisingly at John. “Seriously, what are you talking about John?” He asked looking surprised. “John grabbed his shoulders again as he continued speaking. “I know that might sound too forward but I figure that is the only extra ordinary thing we can present to make our team win. No any other team has presented such content before and I am sure it will be welcoming to everyone. We just have to make it perfect and real.” He said looking at Alvin. That was when Alvin opened the script and checked the extreme scenes in it. Everything seems so matured and extreme. He is definitely sure that the scenes will be exquisite but the problem is he doesn’t know how to act real with Charles in such situation after what happened between them. He sighed deeply and raised his head as he watched Charles who has a smile on his face. Alvin exhaled loudly. “God see me through this.” He said to himself as he nodded his head in agreement…
The set was perfectly arranged by Maya, she was the one that wrote the script so she arranged everything after making a deep research on gay sex. It was towards evening when they started shooting, there was a silk bed laid by the beach with lots of fruits by the side. Charles was laying on a beach couch with just a short when Alvin walked flaunting his butts, he walked from behind Charles as he stood in his front. He was holding a jar of honey. The slow and romantic music playing in the background rhythm with the motion to which Alvin sat on Charles laps, he slowly deep his fingers in the honey and placed it on Charles’s lips. “This is the only food I can offer for now.” He said in a seducing tone. Charles licked his hands and looked up to his face. “Do you mean the honey or this?” He asked as he spanked Alvin’s ass. Alvin moaned softly as he poured the honey all over their bodies. “I mean both.” He said pointing at the honey on his body.
Charles giggled as he slowly bent his head and started licking the honey on Alvin’s body. He picked him up slowly and laid him on the silk that was spread on the floor. Alvin was moaning softly as Charles licked all over his body. He struggled and turned Charles over as he started licking the honey on his body also. He picked up the jar again as he moved down to Charles waist and applied some honey on his dick. Charles was moaning in pleasure as Alvin sucked his dick gently with the honey on his dick. At this point, Charles has removed the pants on Alvin’s waist as he started fingering him slowly. Alvin turned his back with his butt facing Charles while he continued sucking him and Charles started eating his ass. They were both moaning in pleasure while recording the exquisite scene on camera. After a while of romance and intense fuck, Alvin quickly picked up his clothes and left the set while Charles stared at him. Tears started scrolling on his face, he actually thought this would bring back Alvin to him but he is afraid that he is losing Alvin for good.
He was wiping and packing up from the scene when someone walked from behind him. He heard his name called so he turned to the person calling. “I have a solution to bring back your love to you.” Jay said looking at Charles who stared back at him with confused face. Charles smiled bitterly as he watched Jay talked. “Henry has been using excuses to sleep around with Alvin, I am sure he likes him and he will definitely do anything to get him. I am telling you this Charles because you will lose Alvin for good if you don’t make a move on Henry. We need to sabotage him.” He said looking at him. Charles giggled a little. “And what do you get out of this? What is in for you?” He asked curiously. Jay smiled back at him. “You aren’t the only person afraid of losing Alvin, I am afraid of losing my career and that ends if I lose Henry. So this is a win for everyone, you get Alvin back while I get my career together with Henry. It will come in handy for us all.” Jay said with a wicked smile on his face as Charles also smiled and they shake hands…


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