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Adam slowly opened his eyes to Elvis tapping his legs. He was numb for a while trying to recollect what actually happened. He was still trying to get a hold of his breath when he heard Elvis talking. “We are going to be late for our meeting sir.” He said looking at Adam who was still sitting numb on the bed. “So it was a dream?” Adam murmured to himself as he tried to crawl down from the bed. He hissed as he picked up his towel and walked to the bathroom. “I actually thought I was kissing him.” He said to himself while he was in the shower.

After a while of wasting time, he came out and got dressed as they head out to meet their clients. The meeting was successful with the help of Elvis who presented well to the clients and they were actually impressed. Adam was spaced out throughout the meeting; all he was able to do was offer his eyes and attention to Elvis all the while of the presentation. He could only imagine himself kissing and hugging the boy just as he does in his dream. He wished he could get the same courage like the one he has in the dream.

The meeting was over and the clients invited them to dinner. Throughout the dinner, Adam’s attention was on Elvis who was getting acquainted with people on attendance and probably having a good time. Adam kept getting drinks while jealousy was piling up in his mind. He eventually got himself drunk as he walked over to Elvis and dragged him out. “We need to talk boy.” He yelled as he dragged him away to the water side. “You are hurting my hands sir.” Elvis kept on repeating as he struggled and pushed Adam’s hands off him. “Are you drunk or something? You have been acting weird since from the meeting.” He added looking at him.

Adam hissed as he pushed him back. “You are the one acting weird Elvis. What was that about? Why were you talking with those people? You are clearly exchanging contacts; seriously?” He yelled looking at him. Elvis was confused, he giggled a little and smiled. “Come on sir, we are just getting along. Besides; they are our clients; I am just getting acquainted to them; that is what young people do.” He replied with a smile. Adam hissed loudly again. “Are you that dumb Elvis or you are actually desperate? Couldn’t you see they were trying to hit on you? They were flirting with you.” He yelled furiously.

Elvis laughed again. “Now you are clearly drunk; for Christ’s sake sir, they are guys. And you don’t have to react that way; I am not hurting anyone by flirting with people.” He said as he turned to leave but Adam holds his hands back. He stared at him and sighed deeply. “What if you are hurting me Elvis? What if I am getting jealous every minute I saw you talking to someone else?” He asked looking at him.

Elvis was staring at Adam as he talked. He laughed when Adam stopped. “You are a bad comedian when you are drunk sir, I should get you to bed.” He said as he grabbed his hands but Adam was firm and wasn’t moving. He quickly dragged Elvis back and grabbed him by the neck. He stared at his eyes for a while before he kissed him passionately. Elvis was speechless and couldn’t do a thing as he stared at Adam. “I like you Elvis; I have liked you for a while now. For all the times I asked you to work in my office, for all the time I drive you home, for all those moments I take you to lunch, I just wished you could hug me and say thank you. I really hoped you could look me in the eyes and confess your love to me. I just couldn’t hold back myself.” He said looking at him while Elvis stood dumb.

Elvis nodded his head as he started moving away from him slowly, he quickly turned and ran back to their apartment. His heart was beating loudly as if it was bursting out of his chest. His body was shivering and he was sweating profusely. His mouth was totally dry but he managed to open up. The only word he could pronounce was Eunice. He kept on repeating that as he picked his bags and left the room. Adam followed him but didn’t meet him. He has already left the hotel to another nearby hotel where he spent the night and left early the following morning. Adam couldn’t sleep either, that was when he realized that he has made a great mistake by opening up to Elvis and that Cleo was actually saying the truth.


Steve was about leaving the hostel the when he met Elvis at the entrance walking in. he was surprised to see him because he trip was supposed to last a week. “What happened man? Why are you here by this time?” He asked looking at him. Elvis didn’t reply a word as he stared at Steve. he sighed as he passed him and walked into the room. He dropped his bags and lay on the bed covering his face. Steve tried to talk to him but he wasn’t replying word. He only sat up and switched off his phone that has been ringing since when he entered the room.

Steve nodded his head and stood up. “I will be leaving for work then; call me when you need anything.” He said as he turned to leave. Elvis lay back on the bed as tears started rolling on his face. He could feel his life fading away. He’d really hoped he could finish his internship successfully and earned himself the grades he deserves but Adam is making life hell to him.  This is clearly an assault to him and he must use all his guts to fight it back…

Steve was sitting comfortably on Charles’s spacious bed with just a shirt and a short on when Charles walked into the room with a stern face. He wandered around the room for a while before he faced Steve. “You know you kept me waiting right?” He asked with a stern face. Steve giggled with a smirk on his face. “Don’t I deserve a punishment for keeping you waiting?” He asked winking his eyes at him. He giggled a little as he crawled over the bed slowly and spanked Steve’s ass very hard. Steve let out a small moan as Charles moved closer to his ears. “You will surely be punished boy.” He whispered in his ears as he bites the ear slowly. Steve moaned louder. “Then don’t show me any mercy; punish me all you want; I am all yours.” He whispered to Charles.

He smiled and grabbed him harder by his ass. He watched him as he slowly walked to the drawer beside his bed and brought out some stuffs. Steve didn’t know what they are but he is gladly waiting to find out. Charles started kissing him aggressively as usual and Steve reciprocated. After a while of kissing, he quickly turned him over and puts his fully erected dick into Steve’s mouth. Charles was moaning hardly as Steve was sucking him, he was gaggling and chocking while devouring on the dick as if his life depends on it.

Charles quickly turned him down and tore off his shirt; he spanked his ass really hard again.  Steve moaned loudly and turned at him. “Eat my ass daddy.” He whispered as he started rimming his ass. Steve was screaming his name while he was busy eating his ass like a piece of cake. After a while, he quickly picked up his equipment and handcuffed Steve’s hands to the bed. He poured some liquids all over his body. The liquid tastes like a honey but it is sweeter than honey. Charles started kissing him all over his body again while Steve moaned and shouted his name. Charles will whip him with a small whip and whisper to his ears. “Call my name baby. Beg me for mercy.” He kept on repeating while whipping him with the small whip.

Charles slowly inserted his dick in Steve’s hole he moaned loudly. He started fucking him harder and kissing him aggressively. He will grab his ear at some point and bite them; he will also mention his name and whip him while still he continues fucking harder and faster.  After what seems like forever of pleasure; they both released and lie on the bed breathing heavily.

Steve groaned as he struggled and stood up from the bed while Charles was still lying on the bed; he was breathing heavily and sweating profusely with his eyes closed tightly. He looks tired and unconscious. Steve sluggishly stood up and walked to the bathroom to clean up. After a while, he came out and picked his shirt. “That was great black boy.” Charles said in a sleepy tone with a smile on his face. Steve didn’t reply a word as he watched Charles continued talking. “Our lives would have been this colorful if you agreed to move in with me.” He said desperately.

Steve smiled and stared at him. “I have already told you this and I will still repeat same Charles. This thing between us is nothing but a fling and will remain so till I get exhausted. I am not holding you down with this; you can actually leave whenever you feel tired. I just enjoy having sex with you and I hope we can keep it that way.” He said as he walked out of the room while Charles lay back on the bed and closed his eyes tightly…


It has been a week since after the business trip and Adam couldn’t get back to work. He took a forceful vacation to his farm house as he works from home. H dedicated his time at the farm house drinking and hating himself; He felt like a loser after being rejected by a boy. Cleo would call him time to time and console him to the extent that she sympathized with his situation. “I really wished I had listened to you Cleo; I really wished I hadn’t asked Elvis out.” He said to himself while to his sorrows…

Work has been nothing but good to Elvis as he was eager to finish his internship before his monster arrives. He was standing by the canter and sorting out files as usual when Cleo walk up to him. he has been trying to avoid her for a while because he is sure that Adam must have told her everything about the trip. He was about giving an excuse to avoid a conversation with hr when she holds his hands tightly. “You should at least get him out of this situation you have put him in before leaving.” She said looking at him.

He wanted acting dumb and denying her but she stared at him curiously. Elvis sighed as he sits back on the chair. “Was it my fault in anyway Cleo? Adam called this upon himself and I wasn’t even aware. He came out of nowhere to me and I got freaked out.” He defended himself. Cleo also sighed and kept quiet for a while. “But I warned you right from the start Elvis. It was entirely your fault because you gave him false hopes. Even I could swear that you were giving him green passes with your approaches. You were being extra obedient for an intern.” She said.

Elvis nodded his head. “No Cleo, I was only doing those for my grades. I never knew he had a different intention.”  He defended again. Cleo moved a bit closer. “Look Elvis; I don’t even know how to start judging this situation right now; all I want is my old friend and my boss back and only you could do that. I know this whole idea is wrong considering your relationship with Eunice but then, Adam is losing it slowly. I can’t bear seeing a successful man like him going down for a mere boy. I don’t know what you should do Elvis; but you need to save that guy before he loses his sanity.” She said looking at him.

She slowly grabbed his hands and placed a paper in it. “You should end what you started Elvis; I am sure you know the right thing to do.” She said as she walked away. Elvis slowly opened the paper and it was an address. He is sure its Adam’s address. He sighed as he closed his eyes and leaned on the wall. For a moment he started feeling guilty for what he did to Adam. “What should I do now?” He asked himself with his eyes still closed…





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