The room was filled with darkness and silence, the only audible sound was that of storm and thunder from the heavy rain falling outside, the night was still young and Elvis couldn’t endure the terrible night mere again. He was panting loudly and sweating profusely when he startles up from his sleep. The sound of his heavy breath wakes up Steve who was lying beside him. He saw him fooling himself into his arms, Elvis is obviously scared as he was sobbing and sweating. Steve holds him tightly and comforted him. “It’s okay Elvis, I am here.” He said holding him.

He continued comforting him until his breath returned to normal; Elvis was still crying when Steve slowly stood up from the bed and turned on the lights. He walked over the cooking canter and prepared hot tea for him. “This should help with the cold.” He said as he handed over the cup to Elvis. He collected and sip a little. “Thank you Steve.” He said as he sniffles. He sighed silently and adjusted himself. “I hate seeing myself in this situation Steve.” He said wiping off the drop of tears on his face. Steve adjusted himself also as he moved closer. “What is really happening to you Elvis? Are you sure you don’t want to share it?” He asked with a concerned face.

Elvis sighed as he sipped the tea more. “I hate remembering it Steve. There was nothing good in there. my childhood has been a mess and I am still facing the consequences of someone’s mischievous acts on me.” He said. He exhaled loudly as he faced Steve. “Do you know why I really hated Eunice?” He asked while Steve nodded his head. Elvis sighed again and nodded his head also. “I myself can’t pick put a particular reason. I force myself to like her but I just couldn’t do it. Whenever she is being too close, I can’t help but hate her more. I hate her with all the guts in me. I couldn’t help it but remember the worst experiences of my life and I see those horrible moments through her eyes.” Elvis said.

He adjusted himself a little. “I was just 9 years old when I lost my mom and my dad took in a new wife. I was happy all along thinking I would have a new mom, little did I know that hell was brought to my domain. Whenever I was sleeping in my room, she would walk in and make me do all sort of nasty things to her body, she would make me lick every part of her body while she moans in ecstasy. I always thought it was fun because I was too young to understand that I was being molested, not until when I was thought about gender based violence in school.” He said as he took a stop and exhaled loudly.

“My father was always on business trips you know, but whenever he comes back and I decide to complain, the fiery look on her face will make me frightened. I once picked up courage and told him about everything. My hands were trembling and my whole body was shaking obviously. I was sweating profusely as I stood before them and explained with my face down. My father didn’t believe me because she was always caring for me around him. I couldn’t sleep the following night. I was in the room crying silently when I heard the door opened slowly. I saw her walked in quietly holding a small whip. I wanted shouting but she dragged me quickly and closed my mouth. -Come on baby boy, you should be familiar with this already. Why do you like giving us a hard time?- She whispered into my ears.” Elvis narrates.

“I was shedding tears and struggling really hard to escape but she whipped again. -I am sure you wouldn’t want me to use this on you all night right? Or would you want me to convince your dad against you leaving for boarding school?- Those were the words she always threatens me with. I continued shedding tears as I watched her stripped me naked and made me sucked her as usual. She would dangled her breasts to my face and made me sucked him for a while. I will always sob while I regret having such a useless father that doesn’t care about my welfare. After she has climaxed, she would collapse by the bed and rest for a while before she grabs her stuffs and threaten me if I ever exposes her.”

“I always have no option but to cry helplessly. That was how I spent almost 13 years of my life until I finally got to leave home for senior secondary school. This is the reason why I hate home Steve, I barely talk to my father, even if he calls, I find it hard speaking to him because it feels like he would never believe me. This is also the reason why I hate Eunice. I always feel suffocated around her with the way she is trying to force herself on me.” He said as he continued crying. Steve hugged him tightly and comforted him for a while. “It is fine Elvis; you don’t have to force yourself to what you cannot do. I real understand you.” He said as he comforted him till he gets him back to sleep…

It is almost late in the morning when Steve wakes up Elvis who was still sleeping like a baby. “Wake up sleep head; we will be late for the clearance submission.” He said as he dragged the duvet off him. Elvis groaned a little with his eyes still closed. “Can’t we have a few minutes more, I am still sleepy.” He said while yawning. Steve dropped his towel as he walked to the wardrobe. “Unless you want Mr. Ola to come get you himself, you would better get up.” He said trying to pick up a shirt while Elvis jumped up and rushed to the toilet as he heard Mr. Ola’s name mentioned.

Steve hissed as he couldn’t find a shirt. “Are you moving in with me or what exactly? Why are your clothes all over my wardrobe? I can’t even find a shirt to wear.” He yelled at Elvis who was still in the bathroom. Elvis laughed loudly. “You can use mine then.” He said still laughing. “Yours are also dirty.” He yelled again in an angry voice. “You will surely do the laundry after school today; I can’t have you freeload here while you do nothing.” Steve nagged as he prepared breakfast…


Charles was standing by his car outside the hostel; his attention was on his phone as he was about calling Steve. He paused as he sighted him walking out alongside his friend. He quickly waved at him with a smile. Steve was startled seeing him. He sluggishly walked over and faked a smile. “I told you not to come today.” He whispered before Elvis arrived at the scene. “Good morning boys.” Charles greeted as he stared at Elvis who was also staring back at him. Steve chuckled as he greeted back. “This is my boss Elvis.” He introduced them and Elvis also greeted with a smile. He couldn’t take off his face on Charles while he drives them to school because he was sure he knew the face.

Elvis alighted from the car while Charles parked by the school’s gate. Steve was still in there talking to his boss. “So will you come to my house after school today?” Charles asked looking at Steve. He nodded his head. “No please, I can’t do that. I have a lot of chores.” He replied with a stern face. Charles giggled. “Is that your friend? He looks familiar.” He asked peeping at Elvis. Steve sighed deeply. “You have no right to invade my life Charles, what happened between us was just a coincidence. I am not your responsibility and you don’t have to always take care of me. You are making my life difficult because I always have to explain why my boss is taking extra care of me.” He sparked.

Charles smiled as he slowly placed his hands on Steve’s laps. “You are the one making life difficult for yourself dear. You are also making it difficult for me. I would have not bothered you this much if you have agreed to date me. You wouldn’t have to explain to anyone Steve.” He said as he sighed and took a breath. “I met your friend last week in the bar. I was about having fun with him when a man took him away. I can tell you this Steve; we would really make a good trio if you can bring him in to this relationship.” He said with a smirk on his face.

Steve pushed away his hands. “I regretted having a thing with you in the first place already. You are nothing but a pedophile. And let me tell you, if you go anywhere close to Elvis again, this situation-ship will end in the court.” He said as he opened the car. “I bet you are still hoping to get good remarks from my organization right?” Charles threatened. Steve smiled bitterly as he faced him. “I dare you to temper with my grades Charles, I dare you.” He said as he hissed and stormed out of the car.

He managed and wears a smile on his face as he approached Elvis. “Are you discussing work even on your day offs? Your boss is really workaholic but he seems nice.” Elvis said. “He looks familiar by the way.” He added as they took off. Steve sighed. “You have no idea how demanding he can be, but I don’t think you know him from anywhere.” Steve replied as he panicked. “Enough about me now, I think you should clear things with Eunice once and for all. Make her see reasons why you can’t date her. I am also getting disturbed with the way she throws herself at you.” Steve added as they sighted Eunice approaching them. he walked ahead with Matilda and left the two to talk.

They sat under a tree for a while with no one saying a word. After a while of silence, Eunice took a deep breath and faced him. “Elvis, I don’t know how to start up this but I really want to apologize on behalf of my brother. I know he has been hard on you at work but I recall don’t want that to affect our relationship. I honestly love you Elvis and I want to make the best out of this.” She said looking at him. Elvis sighed deeply as he grabbed her hands. He stared at her for a while before he speaks. “Eunice, I want you to know that your brother isn’t standing between our relationship, in fact he has been a nice man these days. There wasn’t any serious thing between us and that is not his fault.” He said looking at her.

He adjusted himself as he continued. “I really wished I could help myself about you, I really wished I could try and love you Eunice; but whenever I try to, your presence stroke a hidden secret in me that got my life shattered. I feel suffocated whenever I see you around. I would really be happy if you will respect my privacy and stop throwing yourself at me Eunice. I would really appreciate that because I can never see myself loving you and I really don’t want to waste your time.” He said as he slowly stood up.

The echo of her voice in the quiet garden made him turn around. “But can’t we try a bit longer? I would surely wait for you to heal from your wound Elvis. I will gladly wait if you will assure me of your love.” She begged with tears running through her face. He nodded his head and walked away without saying a word. It is bad enough that he told her his mind, if he eventually tells her not to wait any longer; he would only end up breaking her heart more. It’s better if he just leave without a message. Hopefully she would understand that there will never be an opportunity from him.

Eunice stood up also with tears rolling on her face as she stared at Elvis walked out of her sight. She took a deep breath as she wiped off her face. “At least, there is hope in the future. I will surely make you mine Elvis, I will prove to you that you can love me; and I will prove to my brother that my love for you is genuine. I WILL SETTLE THE THING BETWEEN US!” She said with a smile on her face…


Elvis was lying happily on the bed after a long day at school and with the good remarks he obtained from Mr. Ola, he phone beeped while he quickly rushed to it. It was a text message from his boss. “Come prepared on Monday, we will be attending a business trip to the North. It’s a three days trip.” The message reads. He was jubilating as he reads the news to Steve. Elvis was extremely happy as he packed his box, little did he know that his life is about to change forever…

***UNDER THE INFLUENCE By Christ Brown! Playing…***




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