The most difficult battle to fight is being in a realm with the people you love the most. That dreadful journey of walking through your heart desires alongside your loved ones as your rivals; that scary moment of having to decide between what you want and what you have to do. Such moments are the most scariest and dangerous.

Adam walked sluggishly after parking his car in the compound to the building. He hesitate a little as he noticed the lights still on which means someone is still in the house, probably Eunice. He sighed as he tiptoed and opened the door. He was careful hoping not to meet her, but to his surprise, he heard a vice called him. “My son!” His mother called from over the dining table. His heart skipped a beat as he turned slowly and walked over. “Join us for dinner.” She said with a smile. He chuckled a little as he rejected nicely. Eunice leaned to her mom and holds her hands. “Look mom, I told you that he is still mad at me.” She said with a clingy voice.

He chuckled with a weird smile as he slowly took a seat by the dining. He was about speaking when his mother interrupted him. “I know what has happened my son and I already bashed her out for her reckless behavior. I already told her it’s not proper to mix pleasure with business, you should forgive her son.” She said holding his hand.

He was quiet for a while before he nodded his head. “I don’t have a problem with Eunice going after the guy, but she should definitely not interfere with my business, I am so done with her silliness. She should be searching for a husband material at her age not a guy to flirt with. The last time I checked, the boy isn’t giving her face at all.” He said looking angry. Eunice murmured as she leaned to her mother again. “But we were getting along pretty well before you decide to sack him; and I am sure he will fall for me.” She said. Adam hissed as he stood up. “Then good luck to you Eunice.” He said as he walked to his room.

He banged the door behind him as he hold his chest and crawled to the bed, his heart was beating faster as he was barely breathing. He slowly sat on the bed and loosen his tie, he was sweating profusely as he closed his eyes and lay on the bed. The only image that his brain could generate at the moment was Elvis’s face. With the recent experience he had, he realized that he is in deep trouble. The thought of Eunice being adamant about Elvis’s love and the language which his heart is speaking about the boy made it clear to him that he has falling in a big trap. How will he tackle this situation knowing well that his sister will not back down at this situation? “This is surely a critical condition between us.” He exclaimed with his eyes closed.


It’s early in the morning when Elvis arrived at work. As part of his morning schedules, he prepared Adam’s coffee and takes it to his office; he was surprised seeing Adam already at work. Elvis was curious as he quickly looked at his wrist watch. “An am not late, why is he this early?” He asked himself as he walked slowly to the table and dropped the coffee mug. “Good morning sir.” He greeted with a smile. Adam smiled back as he answered gently. “What are we having for today?” He asked as he picked the mug and sipped the coffee.

Elvis adjusted   himself as he reads out the schedule. “It’s actually not much sir.” He said agter reading them out. Adam giggled as he handed over some files to him. “Okay then, cross check and edit these scripts then. I need them right away.” He said looking at him. Elvis nodded his head and collected the documents and turned to leave. He was walking when he heard Adam called him back. “Where are you going? Sit here and work them out.” He said pointing at the seat opposite his. Elvis stood with his eyes wide opened. “But there is no one at the reception sir.” He complained.

Adam giggled. “It’s okay, I really need you to concentrate at those files, so sit here and do them. Besides, we aren’t having many visitors today.” He said. “Let me know if there is something you don’t understand.” He added while Elvis slowly sat opposite him and started working on the files. He was feeling uncomfortable because he noticed Adam peeping at him from time to time. He feels suffocated having to work under the same roof with him. He is even more worried because he has been stuck for a while and didn’t know how to ask him.

After a while of contemplating, he chuckled a little and faced Adam who is pretending to be working rather staring at the boy. “Excuse me sir, this paragraph is a bit confusing.” He said turning over the system to him. Adam sighed silently as he stood up and walked over behind him. “Let me see.” He said as he placed his hands on Elvis’s shoulder and stared at the system. He could feel the sound of his breath as he inhales and exhales. Elvis’s heart was beating really fast because Adam was standing really close to him. “Oh, this is really simple, just edit the ending.” He said pointing at it.

Elvis couldn’t talk rather he stammered. “Okay sir.” He said briefly. He was still in the hot seat because Adam was still standing behind him and holding his shoulder, he was sweating profusely as he types sluggishly on the system when Cleo opened the door slowly. They both turned quickly and stared at her as she walked slowly towards them and giving the a suspicious look. “What do you want Cleo?” Adam asked curiously.

She continued walking over with a suspicious look. “It is lunch hour and I couldn’t find him. thought I should check him here. Turns out he is with you.” She said pointing at Elvis. Adam sighed as he walked back to his seat. “Oh yeah, he is helping me out with some files, they are urgent.” He said. “You can have lunch now, but be back on time please, there is still more left to do.” He added looking at Elvis.

Elvis who was already paranoid stood up and walked out quickly. He was about opening the door when Adam called him back. He slowly turned and faced him with Cleo behind him. “Don’t forget to get mine also.” He said while Elvis nodded and followed Cleo out. He exhaled loudly as they stepped out of the organization. “Thank goodness Cleo, you are a life saver.” He said with a heavy voice. “I really don’t know what has come over Adam these days.” He added as they walked.

Cleo chuckled a little. “What was that back there?” She asked sarcastically. Elvis groaned. “Oh my God Cleo, you ask as if I know what’s happening with him. Honestly, I am confused with him these days. He is being extra nice and less hostile. It’s seriously becoming suspicious.” He complained with a worried face. Cleo sighed lightly. “Oh please Elvis; stop complaining. We all know you like it this way.” She said mockingly. He sighed and nodded his head without saying a word. They had lunch and he ordered Adam’s food as they left back to the office. “This is the first time you ordered something healthy for him.” Cleo said referring to the takeaway. Elvis giggled with a smirk on his face. “I always order this Cleo, stop being nosy. It’s not as if he will eat it anyways.” He said as he walked passed her into the office….



It has been a week and Adam has been nothing but a great boss to Elvis, he isn’t being hostile with him any longer, he treats him good and also applauds all the works he does. Elvis technical spent almost half of every day working in Adam’s office and that has caught the attention of some of the staffs especially Cleo. She has been noticing Adam for the few days and she is sure something is going on in his mind.

Adam was working in the office when Cleo slowly opened the door and entered, almost as usual, she met them on the table having working together. She stood quiet for a while and stared at Adam. He was sure she has an important discussion with the kind of look she was aiming at him. Elvis observed how serious Cleo was, he slowly stood up and cleared the table. “I will print these copies at the reception.” He said as he picked up his system and walked past Cleo. She nodded her head as she stared at the boy till he closed the door behind him.

Cleo giggled as she walked over and sat opposite Adam. “For a boss and an intern, I feel your relationship with Elvis is getting out of hand; people are beginning to talk and it feels you are assigning part of my job to him.” She complained gently. He took a deep breath as he leaned on the table. “This appearance is giving me more of Cleo as a friend not Cleo as my secretary. Spill it out Cleo.” He said looking at her with a smile. She giggled again with a bitter smile on her face as she slowly stood up and wandered around the office for a while. “I am sure you missed studying and living in the United States right?” She asked sarcastically. Adam was only following her movements with his eyes without saying a word.

She sighed as she sat back on her chair and crossed her legs. “I’d really hope people would realize that they are approaching fire with their eyes opened before they fall into it.” She said looking at him. Adam was quiet for a while before he adjusted himself. His mouth was totally dry but he managed and swallowed a little. “I don’t know what you are talking about Cleo. Stop beating around the bush.” He stammered.

Cleo laughed bitterly and concentrated her gaze on him. “I’d really hope you don’t really know what I am talking about, I would have taken my time to explain it more to you. But you are pretty sure Adam that this game you are about playing will shatter a lot of lives.” She said looking at him. “Apart from risking yourself to this prejudicing society, I see you toying with the lives of your loved ones.” She added with a straight face. Adam took a deep breath as he stared at Cleo, he is fully aware of what she meant. “What do you expect me to do Cleo, you can testify that I have been holding back myself these few days; I really hope I could keep it in but my heart keeps on throbbing in out. I don’t really think that I can keep it in me any longer.” He said with a worried face.

Cleo smiled as she slowly stood up. “Keep on trying hard Adam. Keep on trying and reminding yourself that you have no place in that place. Keep on trying and telling your heart that it is not meant for you. Save yourself and your loved ones Adam. I really can’t narrate this black story to anyone. I am sure this will only end in premium tears.”  She said looking at him as she walked away.

Adam stared at her till she reached the door and turned to him. “Keep on reminding yourself that Elvis is out of your league, that boy should never be part of your fantasy list. I am not being homophobic towards you Adam, but I really wouldn’t want this to end your relationship with your sister.” She said. She was about leaving when he called her back. “But can’t we be selfish at some point? Aren’t we supposed to choose our self-happiness first?” He asked looking at her. She nodded her head while staring at him. “Being selfish comes with a great consequences Adam.” She said as she closed the door gently behind her and leaves.

Elvis entered the office immediately after Cleo. He met Adam sitting on the chair with a weak face. “I am done sir, it is closing hour already.” He said looking at him. Adam sighed as he stood up and grabbed a few things. “I will drop you off then.” He said as he walked out while Elvis followed him. He drove him off to his hostel and watched him enter.

His heart was throbbing seriously while he drives home, he couldn’t tolerate his feelings any longer. He really wished he could confess his love to Elvis but Cleo’s words are still rounding in his head. He really didn’t want the situation to affect his relationship with Eunice but he couldn’t help himself either. His only solution at this point is to be selfish after all, we all have to be selfish at some point…