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It was an early Saturday morning, Eunice seems restless as she keeps sighing while strolling within the room; her finger was in her mouth all the moment as though she was regretting something. She exhaled and inhaled loudly as she paraded around the room. She stared at her phone that was on the bed for a while and nodded her head. The phone wasn’t beeping or ringing at all. She took a deep breath as she sat back on the bed. Matilda, who was also sitting on the bed moved closer and patted her shoulder. “You should calm down; he might still be pissed off at how you disrespected him.” She said looking at her.

Eunice sighed deeply again. “You don’t understand Matilda. Adam was never like this. I am sure he would call to make sure of my whereabouts no matter how angry he is at me. I just know my brother.” She said with a worried voice. “I just hope things are alright at the moment.” She added looking exhausted. Matilda stood up from the bed and faced her. “Then I bet you should better get going home to confirm if he is alright. I can’t continue seeing you like this, I hate being in suspense.” She said as she headed to the bath room. Eunice sighed as she lay back on the bed. “As if it will be that easy facing him now!” She murmured.

Matilda laughed a little. “Seriously Eunice, you are hilarious. You think Adam doesn’t deserve an apology after you have disrespected his honor over some boy? This man has been there for you all your life; he had put his business at stake a multiple times just to grant your childish wishes. I think you should reason with him this time that he chooses his business over your lust for Elvis. We all know you want to be in bed with the boy.” She said giving her a fiery look. Eunice sighed again as she rolled over on the bed. “For Christ’s sake Matilda, I am really serious about Elvis. I know it might have started with just a lust but I am really in love with him now. I don’t know how to stop myself.” She said with a worried voice.

Matilda sighed silently. “Whatever it is, you shouldn’t have disrespected your brother. He has the right to sack Elvis from his company. You should go and make things up with him before it’s too late. Who knows, he might consider taking Elvis back. You being stubborn will only worsen the situation rather than bringing a change.” She said as she walked into the bathroom. Eunice sighed as she pounder Matilda’s words for a while. She stood up quickly as she picked her phone and walked out of the room..,


Elvis slowly walked out to the living room, he tiptoed around the room as he stared at the portraits and arts that were hanged on the wall. He took a while staring at Adam’s picture, imagining how a man like him can be successful at such a young age. He was still staring when he heard the sound of cutleries clicking. He turned quickly and it was Adam, sitting comfortably at the dining table and eating. “You can join me for breakfast after you have finished staring and cursing at me probably.” He said with his eyes fixed on his phone. Elvis who was startled walked quickly towards the door. “I think I am okay for now, I will just head home.” He said as he approached the door.

“Come back here.” Adam yelled as he pointed at the seat opposite his. “Do you think the security guards will let you out of this estate on your own?” He asked sarcastically as he stared at Elvis who walked sluggishly to the dining table. “Now take a seat and eat; I know I don’t have a good image in your eyes, but I am not that bad to let you leave my house starving.” He said as he continued eating his food. Elvis sat slowly as he picked the bowl of noodles and dig into it. Adam coughs a little while looking into his phone. “By the way, you should pick up your clothes from the laundry before living. You puked all over yourself last night; I had to change you into something. What were you thinking that you drank that much? Such a burden!” He lamented.

Elvis was already staring at him with his eyes and mouth widely opened. He wanted to talk but he was over shocked and kept on stammering. Adam sighed again as he adjusted himself and faced him. “I don’t know why Cleo kept on insisting I hire you back. That lady is threatening to resign if I don’t. I honestly want you to know that business meant everything to me Elvis. I am giving you this chance because of Cleo, so don’t disappoint her.” He said with a serious face. Elvis nodded his head quickly. “I assure you that I will try my best this time around Sir. I am really grateful for your honest gesture.” He said with a smile.

They were still eating when the door to the room opened. Eunice walked in sluggishly with a worried face. She was shocked and startled when she met Elvis at the table. “You? What are you doing here?” She asked quickly as she rushed and sat beside him. Elvis was quiet as he continued eating. She quickly moved over to Adam who was already leaving the table. “What is he doing here brother? Have you forgiven him already?” She asked looking excited.

He stood up slowly and sighed a little. “Well, thanks for disrespecting me last night, I went to the bar and met your drunken friend getting molested.” He said as he walked away. “Grab your stuffs boy; I am dropping you off right now.” He said as he entered his room. Eunice was excited as she stared at Elvis who wouldn’t stare back at her. She was all smileys but he ignored her as he picked up his clothes and followed Adam who headed out of the house.

It was a silent drive for a while until Adam broke the silence; he giggled a bit and faced Elvis as he parked his car by the hostel’s gate. “You shouldn’t do that next time. It is dangerous for a boy like you.” He said looking at him. Elvis was quiet for a while before he faced Adam. “A boy like me? What does that mean?” He asked curiously. Adam sighed deeply and adjusted himself. “The world is changing rapidly by every move of a day; people are exploring different versions of themselves. People are finding out more truth about themselves. The good ones try to keep those things to themselves while the bad and curious ones try to force them out. Just like that man’s situation with you, I hope you understand what he was trying to do?” He asked looking at him.

Elvis was stammering as he speaks. “I do.” He said briefly. Adam sighed and adjusted himself. “I honestly felt bad having been the reason why you have to experience that trauma. Do let me know if there is anything I can do to be of help. I will surely be here for you.” He said as he slowly placed his hands on his shoulder. Elvis nodded his head as his heart started beating a bit faster. “Thank you very much for helping me out and I really appreciate your kindness.” He said with a shaky voice as he slowly opened the door. “Elvis!” Adam called he was about leaving. He slowly turned and faced him. “See you on Monday.” He said with a smile as he waved. Elvis also smiled as he waved back.

Adam exhaled loudly as he bent his head on the steering. “What the heck is happening to me? Why is my heart beating so fast?” He asked himself as his heart race faster. He quickly wined down the glasses as he gasped for fresh air. His heart was beating loudly and faster as he could feel Elvis all within him. “No! No! This isn’t right.” He said to himself as he drove his car away…


Elvis walked sluggishly to Steve’s room instead of his, he met Steve roaming up and down trying to reach someone on phone. Steve quickly rushed and holds Elvis as they sat on the bed. “Where have you been since yesterday? I have looked everywhere for you and I have been trying to reach you but you weren’t answering. What has happened to you?” H asked curiously. Elvis was quiet for a while until Steve pressured him to talk. “Calm down Steve, I am fine now. I actually went to the bar to have few drinks, I was almost molested by a man but luckily, Adam saved me and took me to his house.” He said as she lay on the bed.

Steve was shocked. “What? Hope nothing happened to you?” He asked looking worried. Elvis sighed silently. “Nothing has happened Steve. Just that…” He was talking but he kept quiet for a while. Steve became curious at the moment. “Tell me what is going on man.” He asked pushing him. Elvis sighed deeply. “Why do I feel like Adam has been acting strange since morning. He wasn’t harsh anymore, in fact, he was more caring.” Elvis said looking curious. Steve was quiet for a while. “Well, he might have regretted putting you in that situation.” He said as he stood up. “I will make some noodles for you, I am sure you are famished.” He said.

Elvis adjusted himself. “It’s fine. Adam made food at his place.” He said briefly. Steve was jaw dropped. “He cooked for you?” He asked with eyes wide opened while Elvis nodded his head. “He is sure acting weird then.” He said as they both stared at each other with different stuffs running through their minds. “I will take a nap. I have to return to work on Monday.” Elvis said as he covered himself with a duvet. Steve was still standing in shock as he slowly leaned on the wall. “I just hope this isn’t what I am thinking…” He said to himself…


It has been a week already and work has been nothing but perfect to Elvis. He arrived office as early as he could and prepare Adam’s coffee; he got his schedules ready and presented them in his office immediately when he arrived. Adam took a sip of the coffee as he goes through his schedule, he paused fr a while as he sips the coffee again. He nodded his head a little and looked at Elvis. “You’ve improved your coffee lately.” He said briefly while Elvis giggled a little. He continued reading the schedule for a while before he dropped it. “Confirm the afternoon meeting with Beauty Palace hotel, arrange everything and inform me in due time.”  He said as he was sipped the coffee again.

Elvis quickly picked up the paper. “But I thought it will get shifted Sir, Cleo called in sick and she is the person handling the contract.” He said with a worried face. Adam adjusted himself as he concentrated on the computer. “Then you should take over, why are you an intern then? You need to start handling such things.” He said. Elvis was about talking but Adam interrupted him. “Stop whining and get to work Elvis. It’s just and introductory meeting. Call Cleo and ask for tips.” He said as he gets back to his computer.

Elvis walked out immediately and dwelled to his system as he started preparing the necessary things. He called Cleo and she gave him the ideas he needed for the presentation. He prepared everything before the period and get Adam went through them. He was so determined not to blow up another opportunity again so he rehearsed a little at the restroom before the meeting hour.

The meeting started but Elvis was looking very nervous and anxious. Elvis who was sitting beside him placed his hands on his laps. “Calm down boy, it will be alright.” He whispered to him. Elvis sighed deeply as he stood up and started presenting his advert ideas to the clients. Everyone was awed as they stared at him vent out his ideas which are relating more to the modern world and younger generation.

“I think the videos to be used for the advert should focus more on the luxury section of the hotel like the pool, the party halls and the restaurant. These are places that attract customers especially the younger generation. I would personally patronize a hotel with good scenery of a restaurant. So I think you need to work more on making such places lively and comforting.” Elvis said as he was presenting.

Adam stared at Elvis lustfully as he presents his ideas slowly and calmly. That was the moment he took a few minutes and stared at how alluring the boy is looking. Tall, dark skinned with cute round lips, his skin was glowing to the lights of the room and his body was swaying beautifully as he swing around his hands. His mind was totally absent even when the meeting was over. All he could think of was Elvis as he stared at his average and light body. He rushed back to his office panting and suffocating really hard as he stared at the bulge in his trouser. He quickly picked up his phone and placed a call to one of his regular boys. “Come to my office right now.” He said as he hanged up the call.

The boy who was also as same age as Elvis showed up in the office few minutes later. Adam was already sitting on the couch at the corner of the office with his dick throbbing in the trouser. He quickly ordered the boy to suck him while he gets to work immediately. He was moaning softly with his eyes closed but all he could imagine is Elvis’s face. His dick started shrinking slowly; he opened his eyes and pushed the boy away. The boy got pissed and stormed out of the office.

Adam stood up as he started strolling round the office. “No, this isn’t right. This can’t be what I am thinking. Not Elvis please.” He said to himself as he burst into tears…