The annoying sound of alarming that was ringing loudly and piercing in their ears wakes Steve up; he sluggishly pushed off Elvis that was partially cuddling him and bit his head. “You should turn off your alarm whenever you are sleeping at my place, it is annoying.” He said as he dragged the duvet and covered his head. The alarm went off for a few minutes and continued ringing later. Steve was pissed this time as he hits Elvis again. “Get up boy; it is past eight in the morning already.” He yelled at him.
Elvis who was still speaking in his sleep stretched his hands sluggishly and picked up the phone. His eyes were blurry when he took a glimpse at the screen. It’s 7;40 am already. He widened his eyes as he quickly jumps off the bed. “Holy shit; Mr. Adam will definitely kill me today.” He said as he stormed into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and get ready hurriedly while he left the house. As if luck weren’t on his side, he stood for over 10 minutes at the road before getting a ride. He was looking very worried as he kept staring at his wrist watch. “Guess you are late for work right?” The young man who picked him asked.
Elvis wasn’t concentrating, so he just nodded his head. The man smiled as he speed off the car again. “Lucky you I am going your way, I am also late though.” He said with a smile. Elvis smiled back and took a deep breath; at least, he has gotten a ride to work. The drive was long and quiet until he talked. I will be alighting at the next junction.” He said pointing at the location. The man slowly parked the car and sighed slowly. “Here we are man.” He said as Elvis opened the car quickly. “Thank you for the ride.” He said while he interrupts the young man and headed his way quickly. The man nodded his head as he watched Elvis walked away. “I was hoping to ask for his name.” He said to himself as he picked up his phone and sent a message to someone…
Elvis was panting really hard when he rushed into the reception; his heart was racing because he was late already. He was shocked when he met Mr. Adam at the reception standing by the canter and going through some documents. He slowly walked towards him and dropped his bag. “Good morning sir.” Elvis greeted cautiously. Mr. Adam closed the newspaper he was reading and dropped it on the counter. “You do realize that I can’t be waiting for you before I work right?” He asked giving Elvis a fiery look. He nodded his head looking so pitiful. “I am very sorry sir, I slept off and didn’t notice the time.” He apologized.
Mr. Adam hissed slowly. “There is something called alarm; make use of it boy before you use you incompetency and slack off my business. I really wouldn’t be coping with this if not for Cleo that insisted.” He said looking at him. Adam hissed again as he walked away, he turned after walking a bit. “I will not wait longer for my morning requirements, make haste, you already destabilized my day.” He said as he entered his office. Elvis sluggishly picked the mug and head to the kitchen to make coffee; he met Cleo who has witnessed the whole scene.
He quickly interrupts her before she starts talking. “I honestly wouldn’t be doing this here if I could have the permission to change my place of attachment from school. Your boss is an ingrate and his attitude is affecting my mental health.” Elvis said looking pitiful. Cleo sighed deeply as she walked closer and tapped his shoulder. “I know these few days haven’t been easy Elvis, but I am sure things will turn out to be good for you here. I have this positive feeling about you and I am sure my instincts won’t lie to Me.” she said trying to encourage him. He smiled bitterly as he picked the coffee mug. “Your instincts have deceived you this time around. Your boss is never and will never be a good and accommodating man.” He said as he walked out. Cleo nodded her head as she smiled and prepared her own coffee. “I am sure you will take back you statement one day.” She said to herself with a smile.
Steve was kneeling on the ground as he sticks his head in between the legs of a gentle man while sucking him really hard, the guy was moaning softly as Steve was playing professionally with his cock in his mouth. He slowly stood up and reached the guy’s lips as they get locked in a passionate kiss. They were both moaning while kissing; the young man stretched his hands in the drawer attached to the table and picked up a small pack. He used a handful amount of lubricant and started fingering Steve, after a while, he jumped off the table and turned Steve over, bending his head to the table as he started fucking him slowly. They fucked for a while before they started moaning loudly and kissing passionately. “This is fucking good.” The guy said as he was seated back on the table and watching Steve getting dressed in haste.
“Why are you so much in a hurry to leave every time we had a session? Won’t at least wait for some tea or something?” He asked staring at him. Steve sighed as he arranged himself. “I already told you, there shouldn’t be any form of acquaintance between us apart from this; I really don’t want a complicated situation.” He said as he picked up his bag. The young man sighed as he slowly stood up and moved closer to Steve. He hugged him for a while and sniffed his neck a little. “I am beginning to loose myself Steve. I don’t really know if I can continue with this friend with benefits of a thing. I want more Steve. I am getting greedier day by day. I want the all of you.” He said as he sniffed his body again.
Steve sighed deeply this time as he slowly detached his body from his. “I already told you about this before we started Charles. I already made my intentions clear that I wasn’t ready for anything intimate. So if you are having any feelings apart from what we agreed on, I am sorry but I will not be responsible for them.” He said as he picked up his phone and head out of the office. He slowly turned as he reached the door. “And I think we should slow down with doing it in the office, I am just an intern here. Staying too long in your office with create suspicions among your staffs.” He said as he opened the door and walked out.
Charles sighed deeply as he sits back on the chair and closed his eyes. He is clearly aware of his situation with Steve and he already promised not to rush him about it, but he just couldn’t bear the loneliness these days as he needs a real partner that will be by his side all the time. He is too grown for a friend with benefits affair. He took a deep breath again as he opened his eyes and stared at the door. “I just hope I find what I seek sooner.” He said to himself…
Cleo was with Elvis as they strolled back from the restaurant where they had their lunch break, she is technically getting closer to him every day, trying to make him relaxed in the company. They were talking when he interrupted her as he sighed a little. “You know you don’t have to stick with me every time right? I don’t want other staffs to be gossiping about it. I know you are trying to help but I really don’t want to tarnish your image.” He said looking at Cleo. She laughed hard for a while that made him embarrassed. “Come on Elvis. I am just being nice in the little way I could. You don’t have to feel bothered.” She was still talking when they got interrupted by a loud car driving into the premises.
The flashy pink car drove fast with loud music playing in it. The driver hesitated for a while before turning off the music. They stood numb while staring at the car. Cleo hissed as she holds his hands while they continued walking. “What is spoilt brat?” She said as she hissed again. “I honestly hate the way Mr. Adam is pampering and treating this girl like a kid; she is so disrespectful and has no regards for anyone.” She said as they stood by the reception. Elvis laughed a little. “Well, I think that’s a trait in their family, you are quiet aware that your boss lacks regards to people right?” He asked sarcastically.
Cleo sighed as she leaned on the canter. “Adam is just being a boss, you should know that’s how bosses behave. How do you expect him to handle a company filled with lazy asses staffs who just want the money without working? Of course he has to be strict. But trust me, you need to see Adam when he is being the normal him, you will definitely like him.” Cleo defended. Elvis giggled as he continued arranging the files on his desk. “I can’t wait to finish my internship and leave this place Cleo; I can’t keep up anymore with that man.” He said as he concentrates on work.
The tingling sound of shoes matching the tiles that blended with bubbles of chewing gum caught their attention as they quickly stared towards the entrance door. She walked majestically with her face covered in big sun glasses and her coiled wig almost covering her entire face. They stared at her as she walked closer. “Hey Cleo.” She greeted briefly as she removed her glasses and flanged her hair back. She slowly brought back her gaze at Elvis who has been staring at her also. “What???” They both chorused in shock as they mentioned each other’s name. “What are you doing here?” They asked each other again at same time. Cleo who was shocked also quickly interrupted them. “Will you both stop repeating each other’s question and explain to me?” She yelled and stamped the desk.
The noise coming from their high pitched conversation caught the attention of the staffs as they all peeped out from their offices. ,r. Adam walked over to the counter and dismissed Cleo. “And you should be busy arranging the files I sent you for the meeting instead of playing around.” He yelled at Elvis before he turned over to Eunice who was still standing in shock. “Will you show some decency to yourself and stop staring at the boy? What are you doing here by the way?” He asked looking at her. “I was just …. I was just checking on you.” Eunice stammered. Dam hissed as he turned and walked to his office while she followed him. “For Christ sake Eunice; I thought we have talked about this? You will have to intern at another organization especially now that Elvis is here.” He said as he sat on his seat.
She sat opposite him and tried pleading with him but he was very adamant. “You know surely how I hate teenage dramas right? I wouldn’t have agreed to his internship if I found out earlier that he was the boy you are crushing on; and I have been searching for an excuse to send him packing but Cleo has been getting into the way. I really don’t want to involve in your man problem again.” He said. Eunice leaned closer on the table and wore a pitiful face. “Come on brother, even my stars wants you to help me. I agree to attach with a different organization but you will have to help me court Elvis. I am honestly serious about him this time.” She pleaded.
Adam stood up as he picked his phone and car keys. “I am not going into this mess with you Eunice. I have made myself clear; and I am forbidding you from visiting the company except with my permission, I will not have you tarnish my image Eunice.” He warned her strictly as he pointed the way out. Eunice sluggishly walked out as he walked behind her. She tried pleading to talk to Elvis but he refused as he saw her off the company before he also left.
Cleo quickly walked back to the reception and met Elvis still standing in shock and panting; he was trying to catch his breath. “Don’t even ask Cleo; not now.” Elvis said as he looked at Cleo who kept on staring at him. She quickly interrupts him by placing her finger on his lips. “Oh please Elvis. Tell me about it and give me a full gist.” She said as she walked around and sat beside him. “You are such a gossip Cleo.” He said and they all laughed. “Well, someone got to keep the organization updated.” She said and they laughed again.
Elvis sighed deeply as he leaned on the wall. “You see Cleo; it’s kind of complicated situation here. Eunice is actually my course mate, she has been asking me out for a while but I kept on rejecting her. Honestly; she is too spoiled for me and I don’t find her attractive. I really didn’t know this is her brother’s organization before I applied; I wouldn’t have done that because I can’t stand her guts.” He said as he paused a little and continued after taking a breath. “My concern here is that I can’t change my place of attachment because I can’t have that permission from school. I am just worried because this situation might affect my performance review from Mr. Adam and that will ruin my grades which are already deteriorating at school.” He said looking worried.
Cleo was quiet for a while. She nodded her head and giggled a bit. “That is really a fucked up situation.” She said as she adjusted herself. “You don’t have to worry about it though. As long as I know Mr. Adam, he will do anything to make Eunice happy. So the only thing you have to do here is to form an acquaintance with Eunice so you can save your grades. I don’t know if you will have to fake it. But I assure you that you wouldn’t want Mr. Adam’s wrath once he realized you are rejecting his only beloved sister.” She said staring at him. “Think about it Elvis, you can actually fake it for a while to save yourself and your grades, I know it’s selfish but we all have to be selfish at some points in our lives.” She said as she tapped his shoulder and walked away.
Elvis sighed deeply as he closed his eyes and leaned back on the wall. He found himself in a strict situation where he have to choose between saving himself and betraying others, but one thing he is sure of is that he will do whatever he can to have good grades. At least, he is doing it for the betterment of himself and just as Cleo said; we can be selfish if it involved saving ourselves…


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