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The excessive loud musical noise emerging from Eunice’s room echoed in every corner of the house thus making concentration unbearable for Adam who was trying to plot out a report. He hissed loudly as he stamped the mini table in front of him and head to her room furiously, he banged on the door loudly while shouting out her name. “Eunice, Eunice.” He yelled loudly. The music continued playing with excessive high tones while he was still standing by her door but she didn’t reply at all. He hissed again as he barged the door opened, she was lying on her bed with a huge head phone in her ear as she was so engrossed in her phone.
Adam walked straight to the speakers and plugged them off the socket. That was when Eunice noticed his presence in the room. “You do realize that you are not alone in this house right?” He yelled staring at her. She was about speaking when he interrupted her. “Why are you still in bed by the way? Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for school?” He yelled again. Eunice smiled as she slowly sat up on the bed; her gradient skin was shining to the rays of sunlight piercing in the room. She dropped her phone alongside the enormous headphone as she walked to the drawer beside her dressing mirror. “I forgot to mention brother, my internship has already started and I don’t have to be going to college. I will just have you sign the forms for me; of course I will do that in your company.” Eunice said as she hands over the forms to him.
Adam was perplexed and speechless for a while. He sighed and refused collecting the forms. “There is no way I will allow you intern in my company. Internship is meant to gain experience and I don’t seeing you doing that while in my company rather you will be flirting with guys. Find a reputable place and do your attachment Eunice.” He said as she turned and walked towards the door. “But I will be comfortable with your company brother.” She pleaded. He continued walking without turning. “I have decided already.” He said as he reached the door and turned. “And stop disturbing me with loud music; I won’t hesitate sending you back to Mama’s place if that continues.” He said as he walked out of the room…
It is a cheerful morning at Adam’s Multimedia; the entire staffs were mingling and having their usual morning freedom before the boss arrives. Elvis was walking behind Cleo, the company’s secretary as she was touring him around the company and introducing him to the staffs. With his cheerful nature, he was able to make acquaintances with many of the workers. They walked round different offices before coming back to the reception again. “You are a lucky one Elvis, the receptionist is going on a study leave and that is why you are accepted as an intern. I just hope you would be able to cope.” Cleo said as she stood by the reception counter. “This is your station. I have already briefed you of your duties and I still make a printout for you. You must be careful with the boss and tends to his requests with cautions.” She said as she handed a file to him. They were still conversing when the boss walked in, everyone rushed back to their offices after greeting him.
He was walking elegantly with a stern face. You could tell from a look that everyone in the company is afraid of him. “Good morning Sir.” Cleo greeted as he approached them. he only nodded his head without saying a word as he stared at Elvis. “Oh, this is the intern boy Sir, he will be taking the receptionist post.” Cleo added quickly. Adam nodded his head and walked away. “I hope you have talked him to his duties, I hate incompetency.” He said as he approached his office. Cleo nodded as she followed him. “Yes Sir, I have done that.” She said. Adam hissed as he sat on his chair. “Then where is my daily schedules if you have done that? Aren’t he supposed to confirm all appointments and notify me right now?” He yelled. Cleo quickly walked out of the office and back to Elvis’s station.
“Are you alright?” He asked as he noticed how fast she approached him. “Oh Elvis, I forgot to let you know. You are responsible for notifying the boss of his daily schedules. I will send the appointments for you towards the close of business every day, you will follow up and confirm all the necessary meetings ahead the day after and keep a notice on his table every morning.” She said looking at him. Elvis stood lifeless looking at her, the duties he was assigned are already way too much for him talk less of adding that to it. He was still staring at her as she continued talking. “Least I forget, that will go along with him morning coffee and you must be punctual with it.” She added looking at him.
Elvis screamed as she landed. “All these added to the previous list. This is much Cleo. I am just an intern.” He said with a worried voice. Cleo giggled with a smile. “Do you really want an experience or not?” She asked sarcastically. Elvis frown his face as he started arranging files and murmuring while Cleo scrolled on her tablet for a while. “I have sent the appointments for you, check, follow up and confirm before notifying him; and do that on time.” She said as she walked away. She quickly turned and pointed at the files he was arranging. “Those are not to be arranged only; you will sort them and send them to different departments as I have shown you respectively.” She added as she exhaled loudly and walked away. “Interns just being lazy these days!” She murmured while walking…
Adam was sitting in the office and attending to work in his computer when Elvis opened the door and walked in with his hands occupied with files. He slowly dropped the bunch of file on the table alongside the coffee. Adam exhaled slowly and adjusted himself. “I am sure you are thought about manners and etiquette at some points which knocking before entering a place is among.” He said without looking at the boy. He was about speaking when Adam interrupted him. “And these files are nit sorted accordingly, go and rework on them; concentrate on the word check and reprint them.” He added again. Elvis who was already having a stressed face slowly grabbed the files and head out. He was about leaving the office when Adam called him back. “This coffee is not my taste, strictly black with no sugar.” He said as he pushed the mug away. The stressed boy slowly walked back and picked the mug as he leave the office…
It has a week already and all that Elvis encounter in the company is stress in a much complex form, apart from the loads of works he was assigned o which include editing every form of documents and presentations, following up and confirming with customers, he also have to run errands every day especially for the boss. Within a short period of time, he is already looking drenched.
“God, why does Mr. Ola have to choose this particular organization, they are slowly trying to take my soul.” Elvis murmured to himself as he walked to the boss’s office holding a coffee mug. The man wasn’t in the office so he entered straight ahead. He dropped the mug and arranged all the files on the table. “I wonder if I am sent here as an errand boy. This position is much more like a servant not a receptionist.” He murmured to himself as he turned to leave. He paused quickly with a shocked face; his heart begins beating loudly as he saw the boss behind him. “Good morning Sir.” He murmured. Adam ignored him and walked straight to his seat. “And who said you aren’t an errand boy? Tell me, is there something which you could do perfectly? I have to correct all the works you send in, and yet you are complaining? Are you sure you want a good review on your handbook?” Adam yelled.
Elvis was trying to apologize when Adam halted him. “Just leave boy.” He said pointing at the door. He watched him walked sluggishly and closed the door behind him. Adam exhaled loudly as he loosened his neck tie a little. “Eunice is really insane to some extent, what could have possibly driven her to a boy like this? A boy that is barely a grown up?” He asked himself as he hissed and turned on his computer.
He was still working at his station when Cleo walked to the canter. “Aren’t you going for lunch break boy?” She asked staring at him. Elvis nodded his head without looking at her. “There is still lot to be done Cleo, I would rather pass.” He said briefly. She giggled a little. “It will be wiser if you utilize this time and gain some energy, there will be more to be done if we get back. I am sending you files for the employees meeting and it’s a huge work.” She said. Elvis sighed as he dropped the work and followed her, his face was frown all the period they were eating, one could tell the look of resentment on his face.
“It is not that bad working as the receptionist you know, imagine being Adam’s secretary? Mr. Perfect!” Cleo mocked trying to cheer him up. He sighed slowly as he dropped his glass of water. “Do you think I made a mistake by coming here because I am already regretting. Isn’t it stressing enough that I have to do all those works? Do I have to still listen to his tantrums and complaints every day?” Elvis asked with a stressed voice. Cleo smiled and adjusted herself. “Come on Elvis, I am sure you can do it.” She encouraged. He gave a glare look knowing she was just trying to please him.
Cleo adjusted herself again. “Alright, I know how demanding Adam can be, I know he wants everything to be perfect which we all can’t cope with at some points. But trust me Elvis; I have this positive feelings that you can do it. You just have to understand what he wants. Your situation is appearing to me like a movie, the strict boss and the stubborn intern.” She said with a smile. Elvis sighed deeply and hissed. “You are not helping my situation Cleo, I am talking about how stressed I am, but all you think is a romantic movie scene. I should better order his lunch and walk myself back to the office.” He said as he stood up and picked Adam’s lunch.
She quickly followed him as they walked to her car. “I am being serious Elvis. Okay, withdraw the romance statement. But I am sure if you could calm down and study, you might really make a good secretary. Who knows he could retain you when you graduate.” Cleo said. Elvis laughed out loud. “Me? Work with that man? Oh please Cleo. I would pass.” Elvis protested. Cleo smiled as she imagined the situation in her mind.
Elvis slowly pushed the door after being granted permission to enter. He slowly dropped the food on the mini table at the rare section of the office. Adam called him as he turned to walk out. “I hope you have received the files for tomorrow’s quality assurance meeting?” He asked. Elvis nodded his head. “Yes sir, I did.” He answered. “Then do everything appropriately, I don’t want my meeting to be interrupted by your incompetency.” He said as he dismissed him. Elvis hissed as he walked back to the reception. “How could one be as cold as stone? It’s obvious why he is lonely, no friends and no love life.” He murmured to himself as he continued working…
Steve was on his study table attending to some mails from his boss when the door to his room pushed and closed loudly. He didn’t mind turning because he is sure only one person can come to his room by that time. He continued working without turning at all. He could hear him jumped on the bed and exhaled loudly. “You know my place isn’t a motel that you will just stop by anytime you are exhausted and couldn’t make it to yours right?” Steve asked sarcastic. Elvis hissed as he rolled over with an aching body. “Stop trying to be sarcastic Steve. We all know you care. Besides, I wished it’s a motel, I would have gotten a free massage may be.” He replied.
He giggled a little. “What happened today? Still rough days with the boss?” He asked again. Elvis hissed loudly and quickly sat up. “Oh my God Steve. Why did I take myself to that place and worst still, Mr. Ola wouldn’t let me change. You need to see how that man treats me like some sort of servant. He over worked me every day. Imagine an intern working overtime Steve, where does this ever happen?” He asked looking stressed. He took a deep breath and continued talking. “I just despise that man with passion. Everyone in the company does seriously, that are just there for the good pay. He is very rude and strict; he is not interesting at all. I wonder how his partners keep up with him, no wonder he is so lonely; no friends at all.” Elvis added looking pissed.
Steve slowly turned and stared at him for a while. “You know when you complain or hate people this much, that turns into something different right?” He said looking at him. Elvis groaned as he stood up. “Oh please, don’t start with your low class therapy Steve, I am off to shower.” He said as he walked sluggishly to the toilet. “Hope there is dinner for me?” He yelled while taking a shower. Steve kept quiet for a while as numerous thought are going through his minds. “I just hope my fears don’t come to pass.” He said to himself as he warms the food for Elvis…



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