Chapter 3


Mark:  What would you say you are?


Dave: My family sent me away because I’m gay and have been my entire life. So you can see that I have no interest in your wife. 


Mark: Just so you know, that doesn’t help my situation.


Dave: What, do you believe I have feelings for you? Hahaha.


Mark: Perhaps—who knows.


Dave: You are not my type, sir, I prefer younger men.


Mark: Are you saying I’m old?


David: Hahaha… No, I don’t think you’re old, And even if I’m interested in you, I wouldn’t want to interfere in your relationship with your wife. I’ve got emotions.


Melissa: Breakfast is ready!!!


Mark: We are coming!!! Put on a damn shirt, don’t come inside like that.


Dave: Yes sir. Aren’t you going to wait for me MrFerris?


Mark: Hmmm…  Stop calling me Mr. Ferris. It makes me feel old Mark is better and you know your way around.


Dave: Ok Mark… so you aren’t bothered that am gay right.


Mark: close your damn mouth don’t make me hard you any further.

Melissa: It looks like you two got along. 


Mark: Indeed, we did.


Dave: Where is Shilo 


Melissa: I have no idea.


Dave: I’ll go and invite him to breakfast.


Melissa: Go ahead; you’ll see that he isn’t a very bad person.


Mark: Mmm…  Why didn’t you add salt to the food?


Matthew: Melissa Salt is bad for both of us, and you know I’m watching my weight.


Dave: Shiloh, why are you here playing with your phone? Breakfast is ready.


Shiloh: Good morning. When my mother is not present, I only eat with my dad, I rarely eat with my parents.


Dave: And why is that? 


Shilo: My mother makes tasteless food, and she thinks I eat messy, so I’ll just have some cornflakes or whatever later.


Dave: How about if we handle it this way, you come to the table and we split my food. You talk older than your years.


Shilo: Okay, then let’s go on.


 Dave: Ok


Melissa: What took you so long? If he claimed he wasn’t hungry, you should have left. 


Melissa and Mark were in their bedroom at night when, as they both did Their evening routine, Melissa started to inquire about Dave. 


Melissa: So I suppose it was enjoyable speaking with Dave today.


Mark: Kind of. 


Melissa: Any interesting facts about him?


Mark: Ehnn not really, except the fact that his mother abandoned him Because he refused to walk and follow in his footsteps.


Melissa: poor guy 


Mark: Yeah I know can we get to the good stuff and forget about the housekeeper, please?


Meanwhile, Dave was in his room spying on the couple, as they had some dirty sex.


Dave: Damn this man eats ass so nice, He’s really into it but I know there’s something else you want to do but your wife wouldn’t allow you to. Oh my God, he’s a fetish too. I wish he was licking my feet like that right now.


Dave: Each day I learn new things about you, you are going to be mine very soon. 


The next morning while having breakfast Mark kept on smirking at his wife while they had little chit chat she would blush and look away remembering the hot sex they both had last night.


Dave: Thank you very much Ms Ferris this is Very delicious.


Melissa: Oh just call me Melissa and you are welcome so happy someone appreciates my food not like Shiloh.


Dave: He is just a kid I guess that’s why, I will be off to work now.


Melissa: Ok no problem, I will be out too soon to drop Shiloh off at his new school.


Dave: Oh that’s great, have fun at school Shiloh. Are you coming, Mark?


Mark: Excuse me? 


Dave: Oh sorry, I should have asked first. Would you like to help me in the back, or just make me some company to get to know each other better?


Mark: No I can’t, I am a CEO and also a businessman. I wouldn’t want to get my hands dirty.


Dave: Okay…  if you change your mind you know where to find me.


Melissa: Mark what did we talk about yesterday?


Mark: But I don’t want to go with him, he is not in my class.


Melissa: Stop being lazy, you fast ass, and go help him outside to burn some of this weight down. They are not needed. Before you go do the dishes.


Mark: I wish I can go back to work soon 


Right now he was crouched close to Dave as he explained how to cut the grass under the flower.


Dave: Mark are you hearing me


Mark: Uh…  yes I am, this may be off but how old are you.


Dave:  24 am still a baby right?


Mark:  Hmmm I don’t think you are technically speaking.


Dave: I was speaking metaphorically boomer.


Mark: What did you call me


Dave: Hahaha… I don’t know, what about you, how old are you?


Mark: I Am 31, I know you already think I am an old man but it just means I am more experienced than you in many things.


Dave: Of course, you are experienced but I won’t say you are old, you are still attractive and I would like to be like you when I reach that age.


Mark: Well I will consider that Because you are gay.


Dave:  You see, now having a gay friend is the best. Can you help me get the seeds in my back pocket? My hands are full and dirty.


Mark: why don’t you do it yourself




Mark: Ok uh.. there’s nothing in your pockets, let me check the other one.


Dave: Oh man you are trying to get me naked, or do you wanna see my ass.


Mark: The pants are not tight to your waist and why would I want to see your ass am not gay. HERE have your seeds. 


Dave: I didn’t say you were gay and Remember you are not my type.


Mark: You know what is done here, Byee. 



                        Chapter 4


Dave: Don’t leave me here, I was teaching you something.


Mark: No that’s not it just that you were making fun of me


Dave: Ok, I’m sorry, come and help me out.


Mark: I Am just doing this Because my wife 


Dave: Thanks ok this how this is… hey, you are sweating. Why don’t you take off your shirt?


Mark: There’s no need for a cool like this 


Dave:  We are two grown men and there’s nothing wrong with taking off your shirt. 


Dave: That wasn’t so bad was it, your body is smooth and fat. 


Mark: You just want to make fun of my body.


Dave: Hey why would I make fun of your body, stop covering your chest. You have a perfect body and you know a perfect body is healthy so stop feeling insecure about yourself ok.


Mark: I Am not feeling insecure just….


Dave: Is ok, look at me and put your hands down from your chest, look at my eyes while doing that, yeah that’s very good. Feel fresher now.


Mark: maybe


Dave: Just maybe he said seductively while running his hands along his ribs.


Mark: What are you doing…  Ahhh stop…  that.


Dave: Mr. Ferris is Ticklish oh my god I like this….


Mark Couldn’t contain his laughter as they continued laughing. They couldn’t bear it anymore and stopped. Their naked chest pressed together while panting and breathing hard.


Dave: Mark 


Melissa: What’s going on here?!! 


Mark: Is not what it looks like Honey we were just… Why are you laughing?


Melissa: You act as if you have been caught doing something bad. I saw the both of you tickling each other like kids and laughing. It was nice of you to look adorable together. 


Mark: You back so early


Melissa: Yeah I met the teacher at the door so I handed him over to his teacher and left.


Mark: Oh but at least you would have stayed around a little so he won’t feel lonely you know he’s in a new school.


Melissa: He was not the only kid there and he will be fine. Dave, did you both plant anything?


Dave: Yeah we did, it’s buried deep inside the ground, and over time it will become as tall as Mark.


Melissa: But Mark is not that tall, you are taller than him, He’s just big and Fat.


Mark: You calling me fat


Melissa: Of course look at you


Dave: Mark is not that fat, he’s chubby.


Melissa: Oh shut up Dave look at you, look at all those muscles but Mark looks at an Airbag.


Mark: Ok I’m done here I need a break.


Dave: Melissa you shouldn’t talk to your husband like that, especially in public.


Melissa:  That’s how we joke. The other day he said I look like a plank that the breeze can blow away.


Dave: And I guess you took that personally, didn’t you? Excuse me, I have to go now.


Meanwhile, Mark was inside trying out push-ups while crying, Dave heard the sniffles and walked over to him. 


Mark: What are you doing here?


Dave: If you are trying to lose weight do it for yourself and not Because of what somebody says. You have to try harder than that.


Mark: She’s right nobody likes an Airbag so I have to before she leaves me.


Dave: you know what’s yours will never leave you, don’t be too hard on yourself I like the way you are. You know some people love people with meat on them.


Mark: What makes you think so?


Dave: Because I love men with thick flesh. But don’t be bothered by younger men. If you wanna keep on losing come to me so I can teach you 

With that, he wrinkled and left the room.


Mark: what the hell is he doing to me 


Later his wife came inside and apologized to him telling him she loved him the way he was and that she would stop calling him fat or comparing him with other men which he never believed Because he knew that the next minute his wife would be calling him fat or comparing him with other men she saw in her comment section.


Melissa: Mark can you help me pick up Shiloh from school and buy us food on your way back?


Mark: I hate fast food, why don’t you just cook? 


Melissa: please Honey and I also need some money to go to the spa and fix my nails. 


Mark: But I gave you almost 800 thousand dollars a few days ago and you are asking for more.


Melissa: Mark please I need the money.


Mark: We will talk about this when I get back from picking up Shiloh from school. 


On his way out he met Dave and decided to drive with him. It was a very awkward drive as the both of them were quiet with Dave on his phone chatting and laughing which was pissing Mark off.


Mark: We are here Jackass


Dave: Ouch…  why would you call me a Jackass


Mark: Shiloh over here 


Shiloh: Hey Daddy, meet my friend Lucas.


Dave: Shiloh you wouldn’t introduce your friend to me?


Shiloh: Dave you came with Dad I didn’t see you, Lucas this is Dave he stays in our new house.


Dave: Hii Lucas, how are you doing? 


Man 1: Lucas why did you run off like that am going to tell your Dad.


Lucas: I didn’t want to leave Shiloh alone Because he was lonely.


Man 1: Ooh forgive my manners I didn’t notice you are Mattis Lucas’s Dad. 


Mark: Nevermind is fine I understand I am Mark Ferris Shiloh’s Dad and this Dave my… 


Dave: Hello, Sir I think we will be on your leave now Because we are in a hurry but I hope we meet again. Shilo says bye to your friend. 


Mattis: Oh No problem I hope we meet some other time.


Shiloh: Byee Lucas you come to school tomorrow ok I don’t want to be lonely.


Lucas: Here I will come. My papa wouldn’t allow me to stay home, he said school is important.


Mattis: I think the boys will be best of friends.


Mark: I think so too, I have to take my leave now.


Shiloh: Daddy can we go get ice cream pretty please?


Mark: Because you have been a good boy I will. 


Shiloh: Thank you !!! 


 Pen Name: Royal Austen 


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