The girl who was never noticed 




There is a girl who was always by herself,


Her heart felt so heavy and tight, 


So tight, breathing became an issue. 


There are people all around her,


But no one seems to notice. 




So sad…. How her life was once happy, 


Full of love and care.


Full of laughter and hope, 


Her once colorful, charming and cheerful life


Has turned black and white. 




There was always someone there,


But now her life seems empty.


The mystery is “what actually is missing?” 


She is always masked…. Her feelings she doesn’t show, 


Emotions lost.




She once enjoyed her group of friends;


Now she just wishes them away.


For when she is by herself,


She can break free from her shell.


She can let the unhappiness break free


And unleash the devil from hell.


Darkness was her strength and comfort,


The voices in her head were all she could listen to.




Because at the end of the day,


When everyone’s in their beds asleep,


The misery surrounds her,


And the pain, it cuts so deep, 


The prayers of not seeing the next day became her favorite ritual.




She wants somebody to listen,


Someone to understand.


But when she opens up,


Nobody wants to lend a hand.


They say it’s a phase,


Shut her up and tell her she is just but a child to feel this way,


So she stopped. 




She started talking in ways that was satisfying and easy, 


This time it’s no longer in words,


But it results in terrible sores,


The sores turned into scars,


Her pain became less visible but a deathly red.


As she cry, she feels a release


From the terrible pain in her head.




Some people would say she is crazy.


Some people would say she is mad,


But she can’t resist the temptation when it arrives,


Even though she knows it’s bad.


No one will ever understand this urge.


It’s something she can’t explain.


She feels shame for the scars on her body


But always ends up doing it again, 


Self harm becomes her guilty pleasure. 




You see, this girl is a victim


Of something she can’t comprehend.


Deep in her heart she knows she must stop,


For her life she doesn’t want it to end.


But for now it’s the only way she knows


To stop feeling the loss of love and care,


Because at the moment she’s invisible.


No one notices she’s there.


 Written By;
