One night stand with a thúg (Episode 19)


Scene 1 ( continuation from last scene….)


Bobby: hmmm….. 

What’s wrong with me self….how did I made it too obvious that I didn’t want to associate with him again?.. my bàd 🤦🤦 he said and sat on his bed….

Then he brought out his phone and sent a message to Allen

” I’m sorry dear for my sudden change of attitude… I’m deeply sorry 💔… please forgive me! I will come over to your side later today….cook something nice ok..!

Then he sent the message and lied down on the bed thinking…


Scene 2 ( Allen trekking back home…)


Allen: message Beeb entered and he brought out his phone from his pocket and saw the message Bobby sent..


Hmm.. don’t come to my side…I said that was my last conversation with you.. he said to him self while still trekking back home..


Few minutes later he got back to his apartment..


Then a call from Allen’s Mom came in..


On call..


Allen: hello mom..


Mom: my baby are you?


Allen: I’m fine mom.. how’s your family?


Mom: we are doing fine dear…. 


Allen: ok mom..


Mom: I called you to tell you something!


Allen: alright what is that?


Mom: I’m pregnant!


Allen: 😳😳 WOW really? That’s so nice mom… Congratulations


Mom: thank you dear….


Allen: you don’t sound to Happy..


Mom: how can I be, when you know the reason


Allen: about your man’s family right?  Don’t worry Mom everything will be fine…they will accept you either they like it or not…

Not after you are even pregnant now….


Mom: I pray so dear.. because I don’t want to be a single mom for the second time again.


Allen: don’t worry Mom.. just hold your man very tight..


Mom: smiles I will..

Before I forget…I wanted to tell you I saw a Sim card Inside your back here.. should I throw it away or what?


Allen: hmmm that is my old sim card..

Just keep it mom….


Mom:is that the place shola numbers is?


Allen: hmmm… Yes mom


Mom: so you still haven’t called him and told him everything?


Allen: hmm no mom…it’s of no use mom.. besides he should have moved on now… He didn’t even bother to get to me too..


Mom: how can he get to you when the your number is going through..


Allen: hmmm mom…


Mom: that’s the truth…you’re giving excuse but it’s not working….


Allen: hmmm.


Mom: or you don’t like him anymore?


Allen: hmmm moooom…. He said stressing it..


Mom: I know you still do… Is that not the reason why you wanted to apply unilag before?


Allen: who said so mom🙄


Mom: you think I didn’t understand your plans then..😂😂 I did my dear.. I purposely didn’t want to let you go..

That’s why I said you should chose school here in the North..


Allen: I know too mom…I know your reasons….I just descided to act obidient 😂😂


Mom: funny boy…how is school?


Allen: fine mom…. Studying is not easy…


Mom: it’s not my dear…you just have to keep on trying..


Allen: I will mom….

You remember that our plan?


Mom: which plan dear?


Allen: that one now about my status..


Mom: oh oh yeah I remember….


Allen: well one guy failed the test….


Mom: hmmm….so soon? You already having suitors? In year one?


Allen: 🙄🙄 yes mom..


Mom:hmmm what’s the name?


Allen: Bobby..


Mom: which kind name is this? He’s a player dear run from him!


Allen: 😂😂😂 I know mom.. since I told him about my status he stopped communicating me..


Mom: hmmm don’t worry dear…. It will be fine

The right person will come for you okay!

You know we agreed already that you won’t go back to your old ways..


Allen: smiles yes Mom….I can’t go back again…this is my second chance to love a worthwhile life….and I’m embracing it with my all in all..


Mom: awwn that’s my baby boy….I’m proud of you dear… Please stay healthy and always be careful okay..


Allen: yes mom…. I will thanks…

Take care of yourself too

And the baby Inside


Mom: hahaha ok dear bye


Allen: bye mom… 


Call ended..


Allen: hmmm… It been a long journey for me.. thank you so much mom… He said in his mind while looking at him self in the mirror… And trying to remember what happened a year ago


 One year ago……( What happened through out that year)


Scene 5( Allen and Allen’s Mom that first night Allen came back home)


Mom: alright good night


Allen: good night mom..


Then Allen’s Mom left to her room


Allen: hmmm…. How do I  cope now God… Can I really do this? He said while cryiñg slowly..


The following day in the morning..

Allen’s Mom came to Allen’s room to see him..


Mom: you’re still sleeping?


Allen: cleaning his tears very fast…. No mom! I’m not sleeping..


Mom: you’re still cryîng? Don’t tell me you didn’t sleep through out yesterday?


Allen: no mom I slept.. I just woke up not long ago..


Mom: hmmm…. Allen the deal is already done…you don’t have to live your life this way… Please get yourself together please… I don’t think I can afford to loose you…


Allen: mom…it’s not easy 😭😭 I couldn’t even sleep yesterday.. I have been thinking about how I’m going to start all over with this sickness…. Mom I can’t ah swearr..


Mom: hhmmm…. Allen

It will be fine… Get your self together… Okay

Stand up and take your bath okay…. Let me cook something for you so we can go see the doctor…


Allen: ok mom…he said while still cryîng….


Mom: fast fast.. I will be waiting for you here okay… 


Allen: no mom just go okay…. I will take my bath and come meet you in the sitting room


Mom: no I won’t go… I want to see you entering the bathroom myself…. Not sitting and cryiñg again..


Allen: hmm ok mom…he said and entered the bathroom….


Mom: sat on the bed waiting for him to come out… Then she saw the little bag Allen came back home with….


Hmm…. what is Inside his bag self… She said as she carried the bag to check…

..then she starts removing the clothes bit by bit and finally go to a white paper at the bottom of the bag…

Hmm what is this again? She said as she opened the paper and saw HIV test at the top..


🤨🤨🤨What is all of this? I’m not even understanding what they are saying…she said and scroll down and saw a place where they wrote 

Robert James


Robert James? Who’s Robert James again? 


Then she folded the paper and dropped it on the bed..


Allen Allen be fast I’m waiting for you!


Allen: mom I say go, I’m coming out when I’m done..


Mom: no I’m waiting for you  here…she said while she carry that latter again… 


Allen! Who’s Robert James..


Allen: coming out of the bathroom…. You said what mom?


Mom: I say who’s Robert James?


Allen: 🙄🙄 Robert James? Where did you get that name from? 


Mom: pointed the letter to him…


Allen: what’s this mom?🙄he said and collected the paper..


Mom: read it yourself na…


Allen: opened and saw HIV test..

Mom 😳 why did you see this?


Mom: from your bag na


Allen: my back? Why did you enter my back


Mom: why can’t I enter your bag? 🙄

So who’s Robert James?


Allen: mom I’m not seeing any Robert James…this is my HIV results later..


Mom: check the down na…


Allen: 😳😳😳 why is Robert James written on it? I thought it should be my name there


Mom: hmmm…. Or maybe it’s the name of the doctor that did the test….


Allen: hmmm I really don’t know mom…. Maybe it’s! Let me not raise my hopes and emotions…he said and dropped the letter on the bed….


Mom: hmmm…. If this is your results at least there should be a place where it carries your name


Allen: hmm mom just forget about this….let forget this…. I have HIV already… don’t want to get confused..


Mom: I’m coming let me ask my guy something


Allen: no mom.. why must he knows about me…. Don’t tell me you already told him I’m positive


Mom: hmmm I didn’t tell him.. but he’s in to medical line.. he should be able explain this for us na.


Allen; mom just stop please.. I don’t want… 

Keep the letter please..


Mom: what is wrong with you..? Is there any hàrm in trying?

at least your name is not written there..


Allen: ok go and ask him yourself.. I’m not going


Mom: alright dress up.. I will be waiting for you….


Before you continue, did you know that we changed our whatsapp contact temporarily, to enjoy seeing more of our content on whatsapp please reach out to us using the link before

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Allen: ok mom..


Then the mom left..


Scene 6( Allen’s Mom and her fiancee Derick)


Mom: darling please come help me check this thing


Derick: what’s that Love?


Mom: this letter what does it mean?


Derick: collected and read through it..


Hmmm the person here is HIV positive..


Mom: oh really? Which person?


Derick: the name written below Robert James..


Mom: 😳😳😳 so you mean this result is for this person? 


Derick: yes love.. who owns the result?


Mom: thank you Jesus…she shoutéd!

Oh thank you Lord 🙌..


Derick: why thank you Jesus? What happened? 


Mom: she ran to Allen’s room immediately


Scene 7( Allen and his mom)


Mom: barge in immediately….  


Allen: mom..I’m still dressing…he said while trying to hide his diick..


Mom: I told you.. that results is not yours!


Allen: 🙄🙄 mom stop please….


Mom: I just asked Derick he said the result is for the name written on it


Allen: 😂😂😂 


Mom: why are you laughing?


Allen: mom you’re funny? That was the result the doctor gave me..


Mom: and so? It might be mistake..


Allen: hmmm just stop this please..I’m beginning to accept myself this way..


Mom: what’s wrong with you she shoutéd…. Just be hopeful..


Allen: getting teary…. Mom let just go the hospital and begin my process.




Scene 8( Allen and his mom and doctorat the hospital)


Mom: doctor please is it possible to run another test so we can be sure?


Doc: yeah sure ma…

Because according to this letter this result is for the name written here but at times they do make mistake with names….the results might be his own and they mistakenly put a different name…. Anything can happen you know..


Mom: hmmm ok doctor let run a new test..


Allen: mom stop this please.. doctor please let start the process..


Doctor: young man.. there’s no hàrm trying you know..


Allen: I don’t want to get my hopes raise on nothing…


Doc: hmm sleep your heart.. if it comes out positive.. you continue to embrace yourself… 


Allen: hmmm


3 days after that… 


Scene 9( Allen, mom and doctor)


Allen: thank you Jesus…thank you Lord 🙌 thank you Jesus…he Continued to shout while running inside the doctor’s office..


Mom: oh Lord thank you! 


Allen: ran and hugged his mom so tight.. thank you so much mom…. I love you so much.. he said while still cryîng….


Doc: congratulations 


Allen: thank you so much doctor…. I’m so greatful.

He said while still sobering..


And that was how the story changed!  After that he registered for external examinations.. and gain admission to University…


*******( Flash back ends)

Allen: few tears dropping from his eyes..

Hmm thank you God for giving me another chance… He said while he stood up from the bed..


Immediately after that he heard knock on the door..


Allen: who’s there? 


Bobby: it’s me Bobby


Allen: I said I don’t want to talk to you again..


Bobby: open the door na.. I’m sorry okay!


Allen: opened the door…

Ain’t you scared again?


Bobby: I was never scared.. he said and entered..


Allen: hmm… 


Bobby: I’m sorry….

Let me be honest to you Allen.. I’m a player! I don’t think I need hiding it for you again..


Allen: I know.. it obvious Bobby.. your sweet mouth and talks are evidence… That’s why I never took you serious

With what I have been through.. I don’t think there’s something you would do that will surprise me dear….


Bobby: hmm..


Allen: Yes… Let me tell you my story..


Bobby: hmm finally….

This story you have been saying you will tell me..


Allen: at age 11, it’s all started…… Bla bla bla bla bla ( explain everything to Bobby from beginning to the end..but didn’t tell him the part of him no actually being positive)


Bobby: 😳😳😳😳 only you all this things? In Lagos? You have mind oo… I think you owe the sholly guy alot…. You guys shared something really nice… But he fvcked up at the end….even though I know I would have acted that way too or even More.. but he shouldn’t have said all of those things to you…. He should have quietly left you…


Allen: hmmm.. even though I’m angryy at him…. Some part of me just wants to forgive and forget everything..but it’s not easy…. Moreover we are not together again…. And I don’t think we can meet again… 


Bobby: hmmm… Sorry about that..


Allen: it’s fine..thank you


Bobby: so can we go back to being friends? 


Allen: are you not scared of getting the virus again?


Bobby: stop joor….stop using that against me… I already apologized!🥺🥺


Allen: hmmm I’m just telling you bro careful around..


Bobby: hmmm it’s only through bloood na…. 


Allen: so you know and you still ran away?


Bobby: I’m sorry….no vex abeg 🥺


Allen: okay oo…


Bobby: can I ask you?


Allen: what please?


Bobby: do you still like sholly? If you happen to meet him will you still want to be with him?


Allen:hmmmm……. ?


Scene 10( sholly on call with his boss)


Sholly: shhh sir that’s too far oo.. how many weeks are we spending?


Boss: this is a federal contract! I have been waiting for this opportunity for years..

No I have finally gotten one.. and you’re saying it’s too far?


Sholly: no boss sorry.. just that I have never been to the north before.. I only hear about them!


Boss: you will go and know it next week..


Sholly: hahaha okay sir


Boss: pick 2 from your boys that will go with us… I will inform others to pick 2 from thier boys also… Don’t pick the lazy ones oo


Sholly: not all Sir… 😂


Boss: ok.. don’t take any work you know you can’t finish before next week oo


Sholly: ok sir understood… 


Call ended..


Sholly: immediately dialed Ade’s number


On call..


Sholly: hey guy


Ade: sholly boss?


Sholly: get ready we’re going to Niger State to work!


Ade: Jesu😳😳 Niger what?


Written By:

           Love TB

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