One night stand with a thúg (Episode 17)


Sholly: exahales slowly…. When did you know you have it? Since when? He asked calmly!


Allen: ignores him and continue cryiñg..


Sholly: answer me! He shoutéd angrilyy


Allen: does that matter? I have it already…what use of knowing since when?


Sholly: when did you confirm you had it?.. 


Allen: today!


Sholly: today? 


Allen: still cryîng bitterly.


Sholly: stood up from the bed… How many guys do you slept with when I was away..he asked!


Allen: what? What do you mean?


Sholly: answer me now….he shoutéd angrilyy


Allen: stood up from the bed also… What do you take me for? You think I was sleeping around with guys when you were gone? Is that what you think of me….


Sholly: answer my question… answer me!! Enough of your béàtîñg around the push.. answer me…he shoutéd again!


Allen: slapps him….

How dare you? How dare you think that about me…


Sholly: wow…. Wow wow….I said it….I thought as much! You will never change… Just 4 months away you already gone back to your old ways…now I believe you can never change.. you can never change Allen…no you can’t… He said while getting teary already..


Allen: bîttíng his lower lips angriéd… I can never change? Like seriously?  After everything….this is what you will say?


Sholly: yes! What do you expect me to say? I should beg you? I should pet you? Huh? I should kneel down for you? Hmm? What do you expect? I should embrace you? And say it’s fine? It’s not fine Allen….it’s not! He shoutéd while few years roll down from his eyes..


Allen: wow…. I’m such a big foool… It’s fine sholly.. I never expected this anyways..


Sholly: you still didn’t answer my question.. how many guys did you slept with when I was away? Answer me….


Allen: 😭😭😭😭….. Sholly I didn’t sleep with anyone intentionally… He forced me!


Sholly: he forced? Forced you how? He came to this house and forced you ? What are you saying Allen? What sílly excuse is this? I was foool thinking you will Change….


Allen: I was at my working place one day when I saw a man that took care of me when I was small…. He was the one that first Introduce me to this gày sexx…

That same day he invited me for a friendly visit at the hotel he was staying……


******( Flash back to what happened)


Allen: sir please stop….I can’t do this with you


Mr Zachariah: hmmm.


Allen: yes sir…. I will get going now….


Mr Zachariah: going? Is that not too early? You just arrived..


Allen: I don’t think it’s okay for me to be here.. I wasn’t expecting you to talk about sexx with me..

Things have changed sir


Mr Zachariah: hmm…. Nothing changed… I won’t even take long just few minutes I’m done…it been long I had sexx with a man.. because of my family..I need to be careful…


Allen: well you can check else where… sorry I can’t do that with you…


Mr Zachariah: common Allen….I love you..he said while touching him again..


Allen: stop please…sir please stop..


Mr Zachariah: immediately press him on the bed..


Allen: fighting back…. 

Sir please stop this please…. Please stop


Mr Zachariah: why are you doing this to you know you weren’t going to give me this..why did you show up then?


Allen: stop please….


Mr Zachariah: rested his full body on him….then trying to remove Allen’s clothes….


10 minutes later….


Mr Zachariah: take this money..this should be enough for you at least..


Allen: I don’t need your money please….and just know that I will never forgive you for this.. don’t call me again please


Mr Zachariah: hmmm…. This is normal something between us na..why are you acting this way?


Allen: this was how you ràpèd me years back when I was still a kid….

Up till now the impact is still on me… Please let not ever meet again….

Thank you…

He said and left angrilyy….


******( Continuation from present scene)


Allen: he forced me that day! And since then I started to feel sick and wierd over my first I thought it was something normal.. not until I went to see a doctor….he said it was normal sickness and he prescribed drugs for me and then took my blood samples..

I went back today to meet him and he told me I was HIV positive… And then he gave me confirmation letter!


Sholly: WOW…. Nice story..clap for yourself! 

WOW you should be an actor you know! Wow jus wow…he said while clapping for Allen…


Allen: what? You think I cook up all this story?


Sholly: I’m not a kid Allen…. Stop this lies of yours…. You can’t foool me or keep me with them! At first I was even cryiñg thinking otherwise….but now I know clearly you are just a random gày sexx worker who can never change! You irrîtaté me..

I can’t because I decided to change my life just because of you and all you can pay me back with is getting HIV? 


Allen: sholly I’m not lying to you…. please believe me 😭😭 he said while cryiñg


Sholly: believe you? How? From when to when? I thought you were  ready to change! But from looks of can’t! 


Allen: hugged sholly very tightly…. Babe please believe me 😭 ah swearr I didn’t go back to my old ways… Please believe me…he said begging him


Sholly: pushh him away.

Don’t touch me please…. 

Until you’re ready to come Clean to me..that is when I will forgive you.. 


Allen: 😭😭😭 babe please believe me…I love you so much.. I can’t húrt you…. Please believe me


Sholly: you know what Allen? 


Allen: raised his head and looked at him..


Sholly: can we quit this shít? I’m done! I’m tired! 

I can’t be wasting my time trying to become something good for you.. and you will pay me back this way! 

I spent 4 months thinking about you daily.. and picturing how amazing it will be if we spend the rest of our lives together… Because you already got the whole of me.. I’m not even thinking about any other person again..just you…and you came back with this? 


Allen: it’s fine sholly… I’m sorry for whatever pain I have caused you….it’s all my fault.. just know I love you so much and I didn’t go back to my old ways….me having HIV came in shock to you! It’s fine sholly….thank you for everything you did.. 

He said while trying to pack his few clothes from the room…


Sholly: where are you going to this night? I never asked you to pack your things.. I’m not that wickédd…I still have soul.. continue staying here…. I will look for a different place and stay..

He said and left the room..


Allen: 😭😭😭😭 sat on the bed cryiñg…. Oh God why me? Why did you decide to punishh me at this stage of my life….not when I thought everything was going well for me.. God why me….he said in his mind while cryiñg and picking his fees clothes..


Few minutes later….he was done packing all his things.. then he stood up from the bed… staring at the whole room… 

Then left immediately.


He got outside..


Allen: where do I go now? Exhales heavily….who do I even know?  Where do I start my life from with this virus on me! God this punishment is too much…. please forgive me I’m sorry.. he said while cryiñg…


Scene3( sholly at a bar drinking)


Sholly: God why now? Why now! I thought I was enough for him… But he proved me all wrong.. I tried my best for him…. I did all I could… Was that not enough? He said while his eyes was full with tears… Allen I don’t deserve this…. I don’t! You paid my Love for you with bad…

But I still love him so much 🥺🥺.. so so Much! How do I cope with the new him? Can I even cope? I should just go and meet him…. I should apologise for all I said to him… That was wrong of me.. I’m supposed to believe him irrespective of anything…. that is how relationship is supposed to be.. 


He said and left quickly to thier apartment..


He got there some minutes later..and didn’t meet him there..


Sholly: pumpkin… Pumpkin.. he called while trying to check the bathroom..


Hmm he left already? 

Then he sat on the bed..


Sholly: thinking about this very’s also my fault.. I was selfish.. I made him stop his old ways but left him alone at the beginning of it… How do I expect him to cope alone and Even change all of a sudden.. something he’s been doing for years… Hmm

What do I do now? 


Scene 4( Allen and Moses)


Moses: Allen what are you doing here by this time? He asked him why yawning..


Allen: I’m sorry bro… Can I stay here for tonight


Moses: come in please.


Then they both entered the room..


Moses: sorry my room is very small..


Allen: it’s fine please.. thanks for allowing me to stay..


Moses: but what happened? Why did you leave your apartment? Your rent expired?


Allen: no.. something came up.. 


Moses: care to talk about it bro? 


Allen: getting teary already 🥺🥺.. don’t worry bro… My life has become useles.. I’m finally paying for all my wrong ways and habit…




Allen: you see Moses.. I just found out that I’m HIV positive..


Moses: Jesus Christ 😳.. Bro how come!


Allen: smiles.. 


Moses: I’m so sorry bro..


Allen: you don’t have to be sorry.. I’m paying all my debt.. I have lived a worthless.. all my Life 🥺 done so many things at the wrong age.. 

And when I descided to have a change of heart God descided to open my chapter and punishh me…


Moses: hmmm.. so sorry bro! OMG HIV?ah..


Allen: don’t worry I will only stay here tonight..I will find my way tomorrow..


Moses: no can stay around please.. I heard it can only be contacted through I understand ok..


Allen: no Moses.. I can’t risk it.. when the full symptoms starts coming out…. You won’t be able to bare it.. besides I don’t even have anyone to Carter for me.. I don’t have any family here… How do I get money to drugs for HIV? Hmmm..


Moses: we can contact some NGO organisation.. I heard they do give free treatment and drugs to affected people..let give it a try…


Allen: hmmm don’t worry.. the worst thing that will happen to me is déath right? 


Moses: stop saying this bro.. please it’s not the end of life for you.. there are so many people out there living their life fully with the Virus…. Don’t keep your self isolated, you will just lead your self into depressioñ..


Allen: smiles… I’m already deprèssed Moses… The most important person in my life left me after hearing this.. 


Moses: omg… that’s wrong of him..


Allen: no.. he did the right thing.. he has done more than enough for me…I’m always greatful for everything he did..


Moses: hmmm…so what is your plans right now?


Allen: hmmm it’s only one thing coming to my mind.


Moses: what’s is that?


Allen: hmmm……


The following day….


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Scene 5(sholly at the apartment)


Sholly: pick up his phone and called Allen’s number…

But it was saying ‘ the number is switched off..

He continued to try on and on and it still says switche off….


Sholly: hmm why did he switched off his phone? 

What is going on?.. he said looking worried..


Around 10am.. he dialed the number again and it was still saying same thing… He became more worried and descided to go to where Allen was working…to check on him..


Scene 6( sholly and Moses at the mall)


Sholly: hey bro..good afternoon!


Moses: afternoon.

Please what do you want to buy?


Sholly: sorry I’m not buying anything…. I came to ask about your colleague who is working here..


Moses: who’s that please? 


Sholly: Allen please…


Moses: hmmm Allen? He didn’t come to work today.. 


Sholly: why please? What happened? Have you tried calling him


Moses: yes..


Sholly: oh really? Please what did he say? Which number did you use and calm him? I have been trying his number but it’s not going through..


Moses: sorry sir.. please who are you? 


Sholly: I’m his friend…his room mate..


Moses: hmmmm room mate? He never told me he had one…


Sholly: trust me please.. I’m his room mate.. please tell me where he’s now….


Moses: hmmm he told me not to tell anyone about it… So I’m sorry

Sir I can’t tell you..


Sholly: hmm please trust me I don’t mean any hàrm…. trust me please..


Moses: I’m sorry I can’t tell you..


Sholly: hmmm…. It’s fine then….but please do me a favor, when you see him or speak to him…. just tell him to call me immediately…that I need to tell him something urgently


Moses: alright I will tell him..


Then sholly left..

Few minutes after he  got outside.. his phone began to ring.. he quickly removed it from his pocket thinking it was Allen calling him…. only to find out that it was his Aunt… aunty titi..


Then he answered immediately..


On call..


Aunty titi: my son how are you?


Sholly: I’m fine mommy…


Aunty titi: come and meet now at home I have something to discuss with you… You’re back right? 


Sholly: yes ma…. Ok no prob I will come right away..


Aunty titi: ok mon.. duro dà è..( I’m waiting for you)


Sholly: ok ma..


Call ended… 


Then he took taxi and head to aunty titi house… 


Scene 8( sholly and Aunty titi) 


Aunty titi; Mr Augustine told me  you did well with your training..


Sholly: smiling…yes ma.


Aunty titi: alright… So what are your plans now…


Sholly: thinking if I can get contract from people around..


Aunty titi: ok… that’s why I called you here…I will  connect with a friend of mine..she wants to tile her shop… Maybe you give it a try…


Sholly: oh thank you so much ma…


Aunty titi: it’s alright.. please make sure you do it well ok….you know this is your first work here…when you do it well it pave well for more people to come…


Sholly: yes ma I will try my best..


Aunty titi: ok dear..


Scene 9( sholly back to his apartment)


Sholly: tried calling Allen again but the number still 

Saying switch off..


Hmmm 🥺🥺 where is my pumpkin? And his number is not going through since… This isn’t fault…. I should have control my àñgér and talk to him calmly… But I overreacted and didn’t even care about his feelings… My mistake!

He said while staring at his phone..


The following day around evening hours…. He went back to the mall to ask Moses if Allen had reach out to him..


Scene 10( sholly and Moses)


Sholly: up till now nothing? 


Moses: nothing ooo he didn’t call me again..


Sholly: oh God what have I done? 


Moses: if you claim he’s your room mate I thought he should have called you then


Sholly: I’m more than his roommate… 


Moses: hmm..


Sholly; anyways thank you… Please don’t forget to reach out to me when he calls you…this is my number..090…


Moses: okay..


Sholly: bye….


Scene 11(  Allen in kaduna State)


Allen descided to go back home to his mom after 4 years of running to Lagos… That was the best descion he descided to take….. 


Allen: hmmm.. how would my mom react after seeing me? I ran to Lagos without telling her..and now I’m back to kaduna! Hmmm I’m such a bàd boy.. I’m a bàd son… I just pray she forgives me when she sees me… Hmm but what will she say when I tell her I’m HIV positive? 🥺🥺 Oh God please help me…I’m sorry..

He said while looking at shops around as they get close to the kaduna pack…


Few minutes later.. they reached the pack and he took a taxi to thier old House before the left..


 He got there and stood outside peeping through the gate to see if anyone was outside…

He saw some washed clothes on line… 


Allen: this must be my mom’s clothes.. the sizes..

Hmm should I enter? Oh God I’m scàred… Please God help me! He said as he opens the gate and entered…the. Walked towards thier own apartment..


He started to perceive the aroma of jollof rice..


She’s cooking jollof rice? 

He said while trying to peep through the door..


As he was still peeping..

Then someone opened the door on him


Allen: 😳😳oh sorry…he said…


Who are you? The man asked..


Allen: oh sorry…. I was looking for someone..


Who are you looking for? He asked


Allen;. My mom! She stayed this apartment before! I guess she moved out..


Your mom? What is her name?


Allen; her name is…


Darling…..who’s there? 

Allen’s Mom shoutéd from inside..


Allen: 😳😳 that’s my mom’s voice


Man: hmmm your mom’s voice? 


Allen: mom…. He shouted..


Allen’s Mom: 😳😳😳 who’s voice am I hearing?

She said as she quickly left what she was doing reaching for the door..


Allen;’s me Allen..


Allen’s Mom:. 😳😳😳OMG Allen! She said as she reached the door..


Man: just looking at them..


Allen: ran and hugged his mom very tight…


Allen’s Mom: Allen where did you go to? Where have you been all this years… I searched for you.. I looked for you every where..


Allen: I’m sorry mom..I’m very sorry..😭😭 he said while cryiñg


Allen’s Mom: oh my poor son… She said while cryiñg too


Man: 😳😳🙄🙄 just watching and wondering what going on..


Then they all entered the house…


Written By:

           Love TB


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