One night stand with a thúg (Episode 15)


Scene 1 (continuation Allen and sholly)


Sholly: stop cryiñg please pumpkin… I’m sorry, I never knew you were passing through all of this.. I’m sorry for not getting to know you better.. I’m sorry pumpkin..


Allen: pushedd him awày.. you’re sorry? Sorry for what exactly sholly? What did you do?

Can’t you understand what I just said? How is what I said any of your fault? Are you with me 4 years ago? Why saying sorry?


Sholly: babe… I know I wasn’t here years back.. but I’m here now.. had it been I planned my own life well.. I know you would have stopped..


Allen: you’re saying rúbbísh.. please leave here and don’t come again..


Sholly: no baby please I won’t leave never! 


Allen: are you a foool? I said I’m a hook up person.. that’s how I survive.. what else do you want to do with me? Am I not irrítatíng to you?


Sholly: irrespective of how angryy I’m.. what else can I do.. I love you and I can’t afford to loose you..

He said while he hugged him again..


Allen: you this foool…he said and angrilyy pushedd him away..


Sholly: what! He shoutéd..


Allen: using his hands to clean the little tears dropping from his eyes..


Sholly: answer me..what is it? He shoutéd again..


Allen: leave this place right now.. you can’t decieve me with this all good attitude..I know you’re angryy at let it out..stop trying to be a good guy ad saint..

I’m ready for any descion you’re going to make..


Sholly: what’s wrong with you? What else do you want me to say? What do you want me to say to prove to you that I’m ready to accept you with all this flaws?.. 


Allen: accept me? How can you accept someone like me.. I said I have sleépt with over 200 guys.. is that not getting you angryy?..ok listen to me..even when we were dating…I still sleep around with different men..they fvck me for money.. hope you get it now?


Sholly: why are you forcing me to get angryy at you? Alright, sincerely I’m so angryy at you.

Like so so angryy at you.. but the love I have for you is not making me to see all of please let just be fine..


Allen: we can never be fine together sholly..let not decieve our selves..

You won’t see me well.. different thought will come to your mind when you see me..and I don’t think I bare that..

So sholly let just end everything..


Sholly: we should end everything? Is that what you’re saying?


Allen: yes..


Sholly: so you can continue with your hook up.. spreading your legs for money? 

Huh? Is that your reason?


Allen: yes that’s my reason..


Sholly: it’s alright then.. it’s fine.. I should leave right? And never come back right?


Allen: yes! Leave


Sholly: it’s okay I’m leaving.. he said and opened the door to leave..


Allen: busted into tears 😭😭.. don’t leave me please.. please don’t leave me..he said while cryiñg..


Sholly: turned and looked at him… You said I should leave..Allen you’re so selfish.. despite all of this..I’m still the one apologizing…yet you have the mind to tell me to leave… I will leave so you can know my true worth..

He said angrilyy, shút the door and left..


Allen: ran to the door step and started cryiñg 😭… No don’t go please..



After that he fell on the bed and continue to cryy… Bitterly


Allen: sholly please come back… I can’t do without you.. I love you!..he said in his mind while still cryîng..


Some minutes later he slept off..


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The following day..

Scene 2 ( sholly at his apartment)


He was lying down on his bed staring at everything in his room..


Sholly: I’m supposed to be angriéd..but it’s not even coming.. I’m the húrt yet I’m the one apologizing…hmmm

I don’t know how I got my self into all of this triangle and coming out of it is like a nightmare… I don’t know why I love that idioot so much… I couldn’t even sleep yesterday throughout.. even up till now I’m still thinking about him.. I wish I have the power to remove all this feelings from me..

But what is the next step now… I can’t afford to loose him.. never! 

I just have to become strict on him that’s all.. 

But I have to work on my self first.. this bus stop work I’m doing is not fetching me anything tangible.. I need to get something more.. I can’t continue this way… 

If I must want him to stop all this attitude..I must make myself useful first..

But how do I go about this? I don’t even know anyone to reach out too…all my circle are just like me. Useles bunch of thúgs..  hmmm who do I call now? Who do I contact now?.. he said while thinking so hard.


Yes. Yes..yes.. hmmm but it’s been over 10 years I saw her last.. would she still he staying there?


Hmmm let me give it a try.. he said as he stood up from his bed and quickly wore his clothes and head out immediately..


Scene 3( Allen at his apartment..)


Allen: Carried his phone… And dialed sholly’s number..

It rang but no response.


Hmm.. he’s not picking y my call.. please sholly come back to me..I’m sorry..he said to him self while dialing sholly’s number..


Scene 4( sholly… Along the road side)


Sholly: where is that her apartment again self? Hmm.. he said while looking around..


Few minutes later he got to shop and asked the lady there


Sholly: ekaro ma..( Good morning ma)


Lady: ekaroo kile fe ra( good morning what do you want to buy)


Sholly: ejo mo wa obirin kan ni aunty titi( please I’m looking for one lady called auntie titi)


Lady: oh Aunt titi? She said and smiled..they have moved to thier own house in GRA 


Sholly: Oh.. side wo?( Which side)


Lady: sorry  please who are you? I can’t just tell you her address..


Sholly: she’s my mom sister..


Lady: hmmm ok

They are in number bla Bla bla in GRA


Sholly: okay..ese gan..

( Thank you so much)


Lady: ko tope..( don’t mention)


Sholly: left quickly to the mentioned address..


About 45 minutes later he got there..

He saw a very nice looking house..

Then he knocked on the door..


Some seconds later the gate keeper came and open the gate


Sholly: good morning


Gate man: yes..good morning how may I help you


Sholly: please I’m looking for Aunty titi


Gate man: from where?


Sholly: she’s my Aunty..


Gate man: ur Aunty? Since when..why have I not seen you before..and besides the way you’re looking self..I don’t think she will have any family member looking this way


Sholly: hmmm.. oga pack well oo.. just answer the question I asked you 


Gate man: see this boy..are you talk to me that way?


Sholly: he be like say you want collect abi? Is she inside or not simple question..


Gate man: I don’t know.. please leave this place..he said angrilyy and wanted to close the gate


Sholly quickly push the gate so he won’t be able to close it


And they started draggiñ..


The noise made aunty to come out..


What is happening there?  she asked


Gate man: thieff.



Aunty titi: thieff ke?


She said and came closer.. because she believed the action going on there doesn’t appear to be like what the gate man said..


Sholly: eventually pushh the door and entered..


Aunty titi; 🤨🤨🤨 what is going on? Who are you?


Sholly: ekaro ma( good morning ma..)


Aunty titi: oh karoo oo( morning)


Sholly: it’s me shola!


Aunty titi: shola? From where please?


Shola: omo egbon yin..( your elder sister’s son)


Aunty titi; 😳😳😳😳 jesu.. shola Iwo ni?( Jesus shola is this you?)


Sholly: Beni ma..( yes ma)


Aunty titi: OMG come inside come inside…she said while pointing towards the door..


Gate man: 😳😳😳 na family member!


Sholly: Turned and looked at the gate man.😠😠


Aunty titi: OMG.. shola this is you.. after so many years? She said while both of them entered the living room..


Sir down my dear..


Sholly: thank you ma..

He said and sat down..


Aunty titi: Mary! Mary! Mary!… Bring something nice we have a visitor… She said to the house help..


So tell me.. what happened to you?where did you go all this years? 


Sholly: I have been in Lagos ma…


Aunty titi: you have been in Lagos all this while? Where are you staying? How are you coping?


Sholly: just managing ma..


Aunty titi: I remembered then when your mom passed away… I warñed you about follow those boys on the street but you didn’t listen to me… Now see how you’re looking… Have you heard from your dad since then?


Then the house help Mary brought some drinks and snacks..


Sholly: no ma.. I didn’t go back to him since mom passed away…


Aunty titi: hmmm.. may God continue to punishh that man! What he did to my sister..

I heard he’s into politics now…at ibadan


Sholly:hmmm I had no idea


Aunty titi: yes! I can can get you his details if you want..but he got married again..the following year after your mom died…so I don’t think you will be needed there..


Sholly: hmmm…. I don’t even want to have anything to do with him again… 


Aunty titi: did you finish your school?


Sholly: I stopped school at jss2..


Aunty titi: Jesus.. you have been on the street since then? 


Sholly: yes…


Aunty titi: what is wrong with you shola.. you were very brilliant then.. see how you useles yourself now…


Sholly: sorry ma…he said calmly..


Aunty titi: so which work are you doing now?


Sholly; I work at bus stops….


Aunty titi: 😳😳 agberoo? You turn your self to agberoo? 


Sholly: kept calm.. just listening to her..


Aunty titi: oga oo.. how can we even help you now when you don’t have any certificate….not even secondary school own..


Sholly: I can do any hàrd labour work for company and other stuffs…I just need something better than staying on street..


Aunty titi: keep quiet..what are you saying? How can I allow my own son to be doing hàrd labour work….

Do you think you’re not my son or what? My sister’s child is mine also… Even though all my children are no longer here..they are all outside the country now..

Hmmm let me see what I can do… Do you have any skills like any hand skill


Sholly: none ma…. He said calmly and shyly 


Aunty titi:eeh? Then what have you been doing with your life all this years…. Smokin and drinkin? Taking girls out?


Sholly; no ma.. sorry ma


Aunty titi: sorry for your self… But which skills would you like to learn? 

Do you have one?


Sholly: not really..I will think about it ma..


Aunty titi: okay no problem…. Or will you like to leave the country? I can talk to my first son.. remember him abi?


Sholly: yes I remember him..


Aunty titi: so will like to go join him maybe he can get you something over there


Sholly: no ma…. No I don’t want to leave the country..I will think about something or probably a business.. 


Aunty titi: ko buru..( not bad) anyone you want just tell me okay.. 


Sholly: okay ma..


Aunty titi: first thing first..this your hair.. I don’t like it…. Not a bit..

Which kind of style is this one again…. As far as I remember you’re not born with a dreadlocks.. so where did you get this from…. And at your age you’re still keeping this hair? Eeh shola? Answer me…she scólded him


Sholly: sorry ma…


Aunty titi: you better go and Barb hear me?


Sholly: okay ma…


Aunty titi: what will you eat? Let me tell the house help to cook it for you.


Sholly: I’m fine ma.. maybe next time.


Aunty titi: tí no ba gba etii eeh( if I should slaap you eeh) is it in my house you’re house you’re saying next time? See his head..




Mary: answered from the kitchen.. yes ma


Aunty titi: take out some vegetables soup and turn  Amala for my son here…

Now now please!


Mary: ok mommy..she answered


Aunty titi: she will prepare it soon and serve you okay? 


Sholly: ok ma..thank you.. he said calmly..


Aunty titi: okay dear..


Some hours later he was done eating and ready to go..


Aunty titi: you’re going now? 


Sholly: yes ma..


Aunty titi: alright wait for me…let me get you small change..


Few minutes later she came back..


Please manage it my dear…she said as she pointed some money to sholly


Sholly: eae gan ma( thank you so much ma)


Aunty titi: it’s alright give me your number.. I will call you ok


Sholly: gave her the number..

After that he left..


Scene 5( Allen at his apartment)


Allen: still cryîng.. thinking sholly already left him for good..😭😭

Then he carried his phone and called him again…. It rang but no response still..


He say on The bed and increase the tears…


Scene 6( sholly back to his apartment)


Sholly: hmm.. should I call this a prayer answered or what? Well not yet..let me just wait and see… He said as he removed his phone from his front pocket..

Then he saw several missed calls from pumpkins 😘


Hmmm my phone is on silent self…he said while staring at the phone..


While still doing that a call came in from pumpkin..


Sholly: I won’t pick your call now..not yet! He said while he dropped the phone on the table and entered the bathroom to ease him self…


What will I do now? Which work or business can I even tell her I want to do..this one I don’t have a certificate… I should remove my mind from easy jobs… 

Exhales heavily.. what can I do now? .. 

What if I🤔🤔.. should I just go and learn this tiling and POP? But that work is stressful.. but I heard it’s paying well..

Hmmm I think that one is better.. I will tell her that one…at least it’s better than this bus stop work….

But will that be enough to take care of pumpkin? Hmm.. someone that’s already use to big taste.. 

Hmmm and I will have to learn this work first for some months then after that I will still need to look for customers and client to give me work🤦🤦… Oh God.. I’m just confused… Who do I know? Who will give me jobs?.. well I wasn’t expecting it to come easy…at Least I even got someone that is ready to assist me.. he said as he walks out of the bathroom..


2 days later…


Scene 7( sholly and Aunty titi)


Aunty titi:it’s a very nice one my dear…it’s very nice…but do you have someone you want to learn from?


Sholly: not yet ma..was thinking you might know any good person


Aunty titi: yes yes…. I think I should know someone ooo🤔🤔 she said slowly while thinking..

Oh yeah..I remember..baba

Augustine… but he’s no longer in Lagos oo


Sholly: oh really?..


Aunty titi: yes… He’s very good at the work…. He does it better than this Lagos young guys.. majority of guys you see doing that work learnt it from him…and I don’t think he takes any personal students again.. . He usually direct them to one of his boys…but I will talk to him myself since I know him personally..


Sholly: okay ma thank you..


Aunty titi: you’re welcome….I will call you once I confirm his present location and if he’s ready to take you in for learning..


Sholly: okay ma..


Aunty titi: but be ready to travel anytime soon Incase he accepts… Infact his get ready I know he won’t decline 


Sholly: ok thank you again…he said while trying to prostrate to her..


Aunty titi: it’s okay dear..

Should I tell the house help to get you something?


Sholly; no no ma…I ate before coming..


Aunty titi: ok dear.


3 days later…


Scene 8( sholly on his way Allen’s apartment)


Sholly: hmmm it been almost a week now..I didn’t see my pumpkin.. I wonder how he will respond to my new terms! 

I know it will be difficult and looks like I’m being selfishh…but I just have to maintain my stand…. We have to start afresh…. He said as he got to the door.. and knock..


Allen: yes who’s there?


Sholly: it’s me..


Allen: 😳😳😳 quickly ran and opened the door…


Sholly: hi


Allen: 🥺🥺🥺 hugged him so tight…


Sholly: smiled… I guess he really missed me then…he said in his mind while he responded to the hug..


Then they both entered the room..


Allen: how are you? Are you fine? Are you hungry? What will you like to eat? Rice or swallow? Which one just tell me ok? He said very fast and acting like they had no issues before


Sholly: hmmm pumpkin…stop!


Allen: Baby 🥺🥺🥺… You finally made up your mind? You’re leaving me right? It’s fine.. it’s okay.. I know you would… Since you refused picking my calls for more than a week..🥺


Sholly: hmmmm… 


Allen: don’t worry it’s fine.. you’re here to say bye bye right? 


Sholly: I’m traveling pumpkin…


Allen: what? Traveling? To where? When? He asked very fast…


Sholly: I’m going to learn something at Abuja….


Allen: what are you learning? He asked calmly


Sholly: it’s one work like that… This tiling and POP and maybe painting also.


Allen: oh wow really? That’s really nice? Why the sudden change?


Sholly: I’m doing all of this for you..


Allen: shocked! For me? How?


Sholly: pumpkin…..listen to me carefully and understand what I’m about to say to you okay? 


Allen: already getting teary 🥺🥺..


Sholly: one of the biggest mistake I made was uselessiñg my life since my mom dièd…. I became stupeed, left school and so many things….met new people and began to smókè and do all sort of bàd things.. I got used to thúg life… I spend most of my life going in and out of céll…due to so many crímès I was engaged in… Eventually I met you…. And things began to change for me… I fell in love with a man! Something I never imagined… And still found out that the same man I love so much is a sexx worker…. How unlucky of me… Despite all of this here I’m still loving you on daily basis…. Wanting to be with on and on… I’m not regretting anything pumpkin..


Allen: tears already rolling down from his eyes…


Sholly:ah swearr I’m not regretting… Pushh me away but I will still come back to you…


I want to change my life…I want to work on my self.. I don’t want you to see me as that thúg guy you met in a céll… NO! I want everything to start afresh between us… Which I know will be very difficult for both of us.. because we have to leave the life we are use to already and build a new one from scratch…. I don’t know what led to you being a gày sexx worker… I don’t even care! What I want now is a new you! And your commitment…. Your full commitment


Allen: tears still dropping slowly… 🥺🥺


Sholly: pumpkin can we start afresh please? Even though I won’t be here for now can we still start afresh? Please…

Can you leave your old ways because of what we share? 


Allen: nodding his head in affirmation….while still cryîng calmly..

Yes.. you foool.. yes! I’m ready to stop everything 🥺🥺😭😭.. he said while looking at him


Sholly: smiles… Are you sure you can do that?


Allen: Yes..


Sholly: can you leave everything you got from being a sexx worker? Can you? 


Allen: exahales….then turned his face away..


Sholly; firstly you will have to leave this apartment and everything!


Allen: baby….what? I should leave everything? How is that possible?


Sholly: I want to be selfishh please… I don’t want to see you and remember all what you said about yourself… Your clothes.. your phones and everything… You’re leaving them..


Allen: baby is this not too much? How do I start over? Where do I go? How do I live and survive


Sholly: pumpkin……I told you.. I want to be selfishh! And I’m sorry about that….what I need from you is for you to trust me okay? Do you trust me?


Allen: hmmmm baby….. I trust you but…. What about me? You said you’re traveling… Leaving me alone here to start afresh.. alone? 


Sholly: just spending few months


Allen: alright let say I accept..where do I stay?


Sholly: leave that to me…. 


Allen: hmmmm baby…


Sholly: are you ready to do that? For me please!


Allen; hmmm….. 


2 days later…


Scene 9( Allen and sholly)


Sholly: on call..

Ok ma… I will tell him the address ma.. he can start on Monday right?


Ok ma….thank you so much..


Yes I’m getting ready ma.. I’m prepared..

Ok ma bye..


Call ended…


Allen: babe this room is too small 😩😩 including the toilet and kitchen..


Sholly: hmmm… Pumpkin I said no complains….


Allen: 😒😒😒 leave me alone… Shebi you’re traveling to Abuja soon… You are leaving only me here..


Sholly: just two months… I will be back na… 


Allen:😒😒😒… Babe before you go buy more pieces of clothes for me abeg😩… How can I have only 7 pairs?


Sholly: 7 days make a week! 😂😂😂


Allen: 😂😂😂😂 you’re mahd…


Then they both  started laughing together…😂😂


Written By:

           Love TB


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