CHAPTER 14!

The feeling of satisfaction when we have finally achieved our aim on a certain mission is extraordinary. That special happiness that storms from within us when we realize that our plans are yielding success is unimaginable. Claire giggled as she smiled and read through the message she sent to Amir. She is sure he would come to her begging. Just exposing him to Steve isn’t enough for her, she needs to do more.

Amir was sitting in his office when he received Claire’s message. He was sweating profusely seeing the contents of the message. Of course they are documents stating how his company is involved in shady business. But he is more surprised on how Claire got those documents knowing fully he is the only one that has them. He couldn’t think twice but to transfer the money Claire demanded immediately because she gave him just three hours to do that.

He quickly transferred a huge sum of 5million Naira to her as he stormed out of the office and headed home to arrange the documents of the house she demanded. He knows she is going out of her lane but that is too little to save his family’s business. He rather loses the house than to drag down the business his ancestors worked so hard to build…

“I told you to be careful with Claire, I warned you not to hand that file to her but you insisted on saying it was fake. How could you handle this now?” Sarah said to Austin as they received her message. It was Austin’s sex tape. She is demanding huge money from him also.

Austin was devastated after seeing the sex tape. He knew from the start that Claire is not to be trusted, that was why he didn’t give her the right file for Amir’s company. But he wasn’t sure of where he made the mistake. He was sure that he changed the files before handing them to her. “How do you expect me to think Claire would be that smart? I never knew I gave her the right file. I thought I had changed them.” Austin yelled back at Sarah.

She was about speaking when Amir barged into the room looking so furious. It is obvious that he heard their conversations. He walked straight to Austin and punched his face, he punched him again before he could even talk. “So it was you right? You gave my company’s secret to Claire right? Why are you so obsessed with tarnishing my image of Austin?” Amir yelled. 

Austin quickly stood up and punched Amir back. “Yes, I am obsessed with seeing you suffer. You are doing perfectly fine all these while, even in this scandal, you still find love and your business is moving well while all of us suffer. We are not the only ones in this mess Amir; you also need to take responsibility, after all, we followed your lead.” Austin yelled, panting.

Amir was about picking up a fight when Sarah quickly pushed him back and stood between them. “Guys, I think this isn’t the right time to argue or expose our bitterness. I think we should try and stop Claire from causing more trouble. We don’t know what she is up to. I am afraid she will reach Ahmad and that might deteriorate his situation.” Sarah said, staring at the guys as they were both panting so hard. They kept quiet for a while before Amir turned and walked out. “Let’s find out what she is up to.” He said as they followed him out.

They were about to leave when they met Steve driving into the compound. The mood he saw on their faces strengthens his suspicion on Amir. He tried talking to him but Amir insisted on meeting him the following day. Steve watched Amir and his friends as they drove out of the house. He is certain that Amir is hiding some things and he will try his best to spill them out…

Claire was sitting on a couch while holding a glass of wine when they barged into the house. She smiled as she saw the rage on their faces. She was actually expecting them because she knew they would definitely visit to negotiate. “I wasn’t expecting you guys that soon.” She said with a smile as she swung the glass of wine with her.

They kept quiet for a while before Sarah moved closer. “Why are you doing all these Claire? Was our crime that severe that will make you ruin our lives? Isn’t it disturbing enough seeing us live in suspense every day of our life? Why are you so determined in ruining everything?” Sarah asked Claire who was still sitting and smiling.

She sighed a bit as she dropped the glass and slowly stood up. “You see Sarah, this is what is called Karma. You guys are just reaping what you sowed so you have no right to complain. I didn’t complain when you all teamed up and destroyed my life, so let me enjoy my part of the act in peace.” She said with a smile.

She giggled as she moved closer to Amir. “It still didn’t occur to you that your friendship is just a futile one. You guys are the worst set of friends I have ever come across. All you do is ruin one another’s life. You killed Jane, jailed Isaac and now Ahmad’s sanity is at stake. You people are terrible.” Claire added, looking at them. “You have no right to judge us Claire; you are also not a saint.” Amir shouted.

Claire laughed out a bit. “I have all the right to do what I did Amir, you guys are a bunch of betrayers and you need to be taught a lesson.”  She said, still laughing. She was still talking when her stomach started gurgling and turning seriously as a strong pain pierce through her intestines. She held her stomach as she fell on the floor. They were shocked to see her in that situation. A message beeped on her phone and Sarah picked it immediately.

“Hey babe, I am sorry if I am being greedy but I think our relationship has reached its station. I will be content with this little amount of money, I am sure you will get more from your blackmailers. Take care of yourself if you are able to survive the poison. Yours love…” It seems the message is from her boyfriend who has obviously duped and dumped her.

Amir tried helping her up to the hospital but Sarah and Austin hold him back. They watched Claire grumble and shout for help before she finally died. “I guess her Karma has served her on time.” Austin said as they left Claire’s house. At least they will have a peace of mind from her angle for now. They decided to drive to the hospital to make sure Claire had not reached Ahmad…


“Do you know that feeling when guilt and fear keeps eating you up? You will have no choice than to cry internally. I always wished I had talked a long time ago. I always wished I should have fought for her. I should have let them know how it all started. All these are happening because I was afraid and selfish. I was so afraid of getting caught. Jane’s death could have been avenged, Isaac would have been alive and everyone would have been living peacefully.” Ahmad said as he was talking to Kelvin with tears in his eyes.

Kelvin slowly dropped the bouquet of sunflowers he brought to Ahmad. He moved closer to him and patted his shoulder. “You can always talk to me Ahmad. I am here for you. You can tell me what happened that fateful night.” Kelvin said, looking at him. Ahmad stared at Kelvin for a while. He is still curious about him. Even though his condition is the worst, he just feels as if he knows Kelvin from somewhere. The feeling seems familiar.

Ahmad sighed as he adjusted himself and leaned properly on the wall. “That night was the worst night of my life Kelvin. That night was the most unfortunate night of my life. I shouldn’t have attended the pool party like Isaac; or rather I shouldn’t have given it to them when they asked.” Ahmad said, staring at the blank space. He took a deep breath as he continued talking.

“I could remember clearly when Austin asked me for drugs. I hesitated giving them to him because I was scared of sharing drugs after Claire’s incident. I was still feeling guilty for her being dismissed from school because of drugs. Austin insisted on having those drugs and promised me to use them wisely. I had no choice than to give them to him because of how desperate he looks.” Ahmad explained. Kelvin was nodding his head along the story as he listened attentively to Ahmad.

“Do you know the most shocking part? Those were the same drugs I saw at Jane’s death scene. I saw them when they were leaving the hotel room, they were in hoodies and their faces weren’t visible. I suspected them at first but I never knew they would harm Jane. I could have saved her if I had arrived in the room earlier, I could have saved her if I wasn’t being a coward and allowed them to leave. I rushed to Jane while she was in pain with tears all over her face. I am sure she felt hopeless and useless at the moment.” Ahmad said as he was shedding more tears.

He slowly cleaned his face and sniffled a bit. “I couldn’t do anything Kelvin. I couldn’t do a thing when I noticed she was raped by those groups of men. I quickly tried following them but they had already left the party. I should have called the attention of our friends or the hotel management but I was so scared. I quickly rushed back to Jane but it was too late. She already had this substance in her hands.” Ahmad was crying seriously as he reached this point while Kelvin was comforting him.

 “You don’t have to continue telling me if it brings back sad memories to you Ahmad.”  Kelvin said as he held Ahmad’s shoulder. He sighed and wiped off his face. “It is fine Kelvin, I would rather tell you all these even if it makes no sense to you. For some reason, I felt like I was explaining things to Isaac and Jane. I don’t know if you are a God sent that will deliver my message to them, I just wish to take this burden off my chest before I finally lose my memory.” Ahmad said.

He kept quiet for a while before he continued talking. “I rushed to Jane and saw her lying almost lifeless; she has probably taken the substance which seems like a poison. She wasn’t able to talk properly because whitish foam kept oozing from her mouth. All she was able to say was ‘My Sunflower’. Those are the only words coming out of her mouth before she finally gave up the ghost.”

“Jane died in my hands Kelvin, I watched her struggle to live and breathe. I watched her soul leave her body painfully. I was so shattered because I didn’t even know what she was going through. I couldn’t save or help Kelvin. All I did was run away like a coward and followed Amir’s futile advice of framing Isaac. We could have done better, we could have avenged Jane’s death and saved Isaac. But our jealous, cowards and naïve minds wouldn’t let us.” Ahmad said, still crying.

“I was shocked to realize that the drugs I gave Austin and the ones I met around Jane’s dead body were the same. All these while I have had my hunch at him, but I am also confused because I realized that someone has entered my room and picked some drugs. I don’t know if it’s Austin trying to mess with me. I don’t know who to suspect because I am also being suspected. I had to do all I could to clean myself. I took Jane’s phone and texted the room number to my friends so they would find her easily. I was cruel and also scared. This is killing me slowly because I kept quiet all these while because I was being afraid.” Ahmad added as he continued crying seriously.

Kelvin was also shedding tears at this point. He couldn’t hold back his feelings as he stared at Ahmad. He felt like strangling him even though he pitied his situation. “How could you be so cruel Ahmad? Do you know all these happened because you were selfish and being a coward? Now I understand why karma was hitting you specially. You deserve all that you are going through Ahmad.” Kelvin said as he slowly stood up and unbuttoned his shirt. He turned his back to Ahmad revealing his tattoo.

“You were not wrong Ahmad. You were right. Your instincts were right. You have been talking to Isaac all these while and I am Isaac.” He said looking at Ahmad whose eyes were widely opened. Ahmad tried calling Isaac’s name but this strong headache struck his brain immediately. He struggled to talk but he couldn’t because his mouth was heavy and his eyes were turning. He heard Kelvin’s voice echoing slowly in his head before he passed out. “We will never forgive you Ahmad.” Kelvin Said as he slowly turned and walked away.

He paused and turned as he reached the door. “This is the only thing that is in my right to do. I am sure Jane will be proud of me. I am sure she died of agony for her friends not being able to save her. I have already called your family to pick you up for better treatment. If you are able to survive this, try and live a good life. If you don’t, try and earn Jane’s forgiveness in heaven.” Kelvin added as he walked out of the ward with tears in his eyes.

Ahmad continued rolling on the bed holding his head that was about to explode. He couldn’t talk at all. He tried to call out Kelvin but the words were not coming out as his head continued to bang. He could feel his brain boiling up as if it was going to pop out. He managed to press the alarm bottom and the nurses rushed into the ward. Judging from his situation and with the doctor’s instructions, they gave him an injection as they await the arrival of his family. It is confirmed that Ahmad has lost his senses and will be transferred to a mental hospital…

Kelvin drove home in tears as he quickly barged into his room. He cried for a while before he started thinking of a way to approach his friends. He brought out his system and tried logging in to Jane’s storage mail. He remembered Ahmad telling him Jane’s last words. “My Sunflower.” He slowly typed the words on his system and after a while, the storage opened.

Ahmad was devastated from what he saw in the storage. Jane was smart enough to record everything that happened that night and upload it to the mail. His hands were trembling and his face was soaked in tears as he picked his phone and called the police. 

“I am filing in a murder case of Miss Jane Wilson which happened on 15-July-2015 and a character deformation of Mr. Isaac Olamide.” He said as he was speaking to the police officer on the phone.

Steve was shocked as he received the call. He quickly picks up his car and gets some boys to accompany him to the location…


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