PREVIOUS EPISODE                                                        CHAPTER 13!

No matter how sad our lives are, no matter how bitter our past is and no matter how horrible we live, we all have those adorable memories and moments we will always cherish and wish to have more of them no matter what. Even though we might be living in distress, we all have those sweet memories that whenever we look back at them, we can never hold back ourselves but to smile at how beautiful those moments are…

Ahmad was lying on the hospital bed with tears slowly rolling on his face as he was playing with the flowers that were kept beside his bed. That has technically become his daily routine, he will lie all day on the bed while tears flow on his face as he disrupts the flowers that are delivered daily to the hospital. They are beautiful sunflowers with adorable yellow colors and a soothing scent.

Sarah slowly pushed the door to the room as she walked in while the two guys walked behind her. Even though their faces couldn’t hide the stressful emotions behind them, they still managed to put on a smile as they all walked up to the bed where Ahmad was lying. He also smiled back at them as they walked towards him. 

“Happy birthday to you Ahmad.” They all chorused with revealing smiles on their faces. Ahmad smiled back at them as he watched Sarah slowly drop the mini cake they had with them and the flowers they brought. He wasn’t looking surprised by seeing them. He adjusted himself and giggled as he continued pulling out the sun flowers he had with him.

Amir stared at the flowers Ahmad was playing with and he slowly collected them. “Stop pulling out these flowers Ahmad, I wonder who kept on delivering them even though you always pulled them out.” He said as he sighed deeply and placed the flowers back on the mini drawer beside the bed.

Sarah looked at Amir with a surprised face. “Aren’t you the one that sent these?” She asked, looking at him curiously. Amir nodded his head. “That’s not me.” He replied. “Those are not from me either.” Austin also said looking at them. Sarah kept quiet for a while looking at the flowers. They were all staring at each other when a doctor walked in to check Ahmad’s condition. He ran a few checkups, administered injections to him and turned to them.

He sighed deeply and adjusted himself. “I am afraid your friend isn’t stabilizing the right way he should. Though he is looking quite alright than before, I am afraid that he has started hallucinating. He doesn’t recognize people he didn’t know for a while and also slowly forgets recent events. These are some symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.” The doctor said, looking at them. 

Austin who is already sweating profusely gulped a bit. “What are you trying to say doctor?” He asked, looking at him. The doctor adjusted himself again. “I am trying to say that Ahmad is slowly losing his memory. My main concern here is that he will always try to share some important events of his life because those are the only things his brain values and remembers. So whenever he is in a conversation, he will keep on repeating them.” He explained.

He stared at them for a while before he continued talking. “I think at this point you guys need to involve his family, sending in your friend here every day with sunflowers wouldn’t help the situation. I think Ahmad needs more intimacy than that now.” He was still talking when Sarah cut him in. “Did you just say someone comes in here with sunflowers every day?” She asked curiously.

“He nodded his head. “Of course, a young man always comes in and claims he is Ahmad’s friend, I am surprised not to see him with you guys.” He replied. He was still talking when the emergency alarm ranged. He quickly walked out and left them standing in shock. Ahmad was still leaning on the bed comfortably and staring into the blank air.

Amir slowly walked closer to Sarah with his hands trembling and his lips shaking. “Are you all thinking what I am thinking about those sunflowers?” Amir asked, staring at the flowers in the bin. Austin nodded his head. “I don’t want my suspicion to be right Amir. Sunflowers were Jane’s favorites and Isaac always gets them here. He always gifts us sunflowers on our birthdays and sick days. Do you think we are being haunted by ghosts?” Austin asked with his lips also trembling.

Sarah sighed deeply as she slowly walked and took a seat on the couch. “Don’t be silly Austin. Having a man walk in here with sunflowers for Ahmad means that person knows his situation and is trying to extort information from him. That person must really be digging up Jane’s or Isaac’s death.” Sarah said. “We need to send Ahmad back home.” She added with a worried face.

“Are you crazy Sarah? What if his family demanded an explanation for his situation? What if they find out the cause of this? Do you think we will be safe?” Austin yelled. Amir moved closer and held back Austin. “I think Sarah is right. We have been running from the truth, at least, let’s face it this time. We can’t keep holding Ahmad back here. It is definitely wrong because there is obviously nothing we can do to help him apart from wasting money on therapy.” Amir added.

Austin pushed Amir’s hands off him. “You guys are all nuts. I am not in for taking Ahmad back home. I won’t watch you take me to my doom.” He yelled again. Sarah, who is also crying, stirred up at Austin. “Why are you always selfish Austin? You always think of yourself alone. All these wouldn’t have happened if you allowed us to take Ahmad for medication on time. Now you also want to hold him back? Is it till he gets nuts or something? Are you even regretting all these things?” Sarah yelled.

Austin giggled. “Stop trying to pin this on me you bitch. We all knew all these were happening because of Amir’s futile plan.” He yelled. Amir pushed him and moved up to his chest. “Don’t you ever use me to cover your dirty name Austin; I admit I started all these but I regret doing it. I live every day in hatred and suspense, thinking of a way to make things better. But you Austin, you only think of yourself. You are so heartless and selfish. I am sending Ahmad back home whether you like it or not Austin.” Amir yelled with tears flowing on his face.

They were still arguing when they had Ahmad talking. “Isn’t this a punishment enough for all we did? Isn’t this a win for Isaac? Isn’t this a loss for us? We framed Isaac trying to cover ourselves; little did we know that we would have to live our lives in suspense and self-hatred. All we do every day is blaming each other for what we all did.” Ahmad said, staring at them.

He sighed deeply as he continued talking. “I am sure my life is coming to an end. I am also exhausted with all these traumas. My tears are gone and don’t have much strength to yell. I am ready to give up at this point. My only regret was that I couldn’t fight for Jane’s right and I had to frame Isaac. I am sure those two will fight to their last breath just to save us.” Ahmad added.

Sarah quickly walked up to him and held his hands. He pushed her away and turned to the other side of the bed. “Stop it Sarah, stop pushing this relationship. We are not friends anymore, this relationship failed right from the day we failed fighting for Jane. My only wish at this moment is to have a little peace in my dying days.  At least, I should have time to prepare my speech for Jane and Isaac when I get to meet them hereafter.” He said with a straight face. His eyes were wide open and there were no tears in them.  

He sighed again as he continued talking. “I know all these are punishments for what we did and I am willing to accept my punishments. All I ask from you guys is to stay away from me, having to see you is disgusting and I hate it with all my guts. You people are the worst things I have encountered in this life, and in my next life when I have a chance to choose, I will never attempt choosing you. I hate you all.” Ahmad said as he pressed the alarm bell beside his bed.

A nurse quickly rushed in to him. “I don’t want to see these people near my ward again. They are not responsible for my bills here, you already have my cards and you can withdraw all you want for the necessary treatments.” He said as he turned and faced them as they were standing with shocked faces. 

“I am trying so hard to hold onto the little sanity I have in me, it would be a great pleasure if I wouldn’t have to see monsters like you again.” He said as he slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. The nurse nodded her head as she shouted the security’s name and ordered them out.

Sarah couldn’t stop crying. Ahmad’s word’s hit her to the core. This is the moment she realized how cruel she is. She should have fought for Jane; she should have fought for her right. But all she did was to run away like a coward. She felt hate and suspense eating her up. All the things she did for love are slowly eating her up in hatred…


It’s evening, Kelvin is standing shirtless with a short by the window as he was arranging some flowers into a flower verse when Daniel walked in. He is looking stressed and exhausted. He stood by the door and stared at Kelvin. “You are slowly dominating my apartment with your likes.” He said, staring at the sunflowers which Kelvin was holding. Kelvin smiled a little. “That is what you get for forcing me to move in with you.” He said with a smile.

Dan walked slowly as he grabbed Kelvin’s waist. “I think that will be a good idea. At least, I will be home every day to meet this damsel waiting for me.” He said, staring into Kelvin’s eyes. He giggled a bit. “I thought you were tired. You should take a shower; I will warm some food for you.” He said with a shy face.

Dan sighed slowly as he bent and whispered to Kelvin. “Seeing you like this, I am not tired anymore. I guess I would rather eat this than the food.” He said as he slowly started kissing Kelvin before he picked him up to the bedroom. He threw him on the bed as he quickly climbed on him and continued kissing him.

Kelvin slowly whispered to Dan’s ears. “You can have me tonight Dan.” He said, looking at him. Dan was surprised. “You don’t have to force yourself; I am okay with you dominating.” He replied. Kelvin smiled. “I just want to make you happy.” He said as he slowly turned over. Daniel smiled as he slowly moved over Kelvin…

***Lil Nas_X; That is what I want…Playing***

Daniel took Kelvin whose face was looking pale and sore to the bathroom as he placed him in the bathtub filled with warm water. He sat behind him massaging his back. “When did you get this tattoo though? I didn’t know about it before you left for the States.” Dan asked, staring at the beautiful star tattoo at Kelvin’s back.

Kelvin kept quiet for a while as a memory flashed his brain. He remembered how he got that tattoo. It was Jane that made him get one. As she will always say, “Our friendship symbolizes four stars and two moons.” So she made all the guys have a four shaped star and the ladies a moon tattoo. He was quiet as a drop of tears fell on his face.

He quickly wiped it off as he turned and faced Dan. “Oh, I got that abroad.” He answered briefly. Dan leaned on him for a while and sniffed his neck. “Thank you for being mine Kelvin. I know things are a little sudden and unclear between us, but I assure you that within a short period of time, I will make things more comfortable for us, I will make us forever Kelvin.” He said as he held him tightly from behind.

Kelvin giggled a bit. “The way you are so hooked up to me is making me scared Dan, what if some days you are tired of me and wouldn’t want me anymore?  What if you find some flaws in me some day and couldn’t forgive me? I am seriously afraid Dan.” Kelvin said with a worried face.

Dan leaned more closely on him. “I don’t think there will come a day that I will have enough of you Kelvin. I have waited all my life for this moment and I will do whatever it takes to keep it now that I have you. And if there is a flaw I will not forgive you for having; it will be finding out that you are lying about us which I am sure you are not. I love you for you Kelvin and I will always love you till death.” Dan said, holding him from behind.

Kelvin sighed slowly without saying a word. He is worried that his heart is racing towards Dan and he can’t deny the fact that he is in love. He knows this is a great mistake and there will surely be consequences ahead, but how will he neglect his feelings? How will he even try telling Dan that he isn’t the real boy he likes? How will he start explaining things to him? He giggled a bit as he kissed Dan’s hands. Things are a bit mixed up right now, he will only need a few time to settle things right now before Dan notices them…


Claire was sitting in her room staring at the flash which Austin handed to her. She honestly wants to ruin Amir but she thinks this is not the right time. He probably has Steve to help him out in situations like this so she needs to break off the relationship first. The only way out is to use her trick and throw herself at Steve, luckily he might fall for her. She quickly picked up her car key and headed to the station to file a complaint.

She was led to Steve’s office to lay her missing car complaint. Claire faked to be surprised immediately when she saw him. “Oh, good morning sir. I never expect to see you here.” She said with a smile. He stared at her dumbfounded as she continued talking. “Oh, forgive my manners. I am Claire; I am Jane’s and Amir’s friend from the university. I saw you together sometime last week in the mall but I couldn’t meet up with you guys, I was in a hurry.” She said, staring at him.

He was a bit confused. “Wait young lady, how did you know Jane and Amir? What is even their connection?” He asked, staring at her. Claire faked to be surprised again. “Wait Mr. We all attended the same university from 2010-2015. It was just so unfortunate that Jane died during our graduation.” She said looking sad. “May her soul rest in peace.” She said with a drop of tears on her face. She slowly bents her head as she waits for his reaction.

Steve quickly stood up and stamped on his table. “Are you here to toy with my intelligence? Amir studied in the North. How would he have known Jane? Did you mix him up with someone?” He asked furiously. Claire sighed; she knew this would happen so she brought a proof. She slowly stood up and faced him. “Come on Sir, I think I have a photo album from that year.” She said as she brought out an album from her bag with lots of pictures.

Of course it was Amir, together with all their friends. He was surprised to see his so-called flat mates in the picture. Steve was shocked and curious. He can’t seem to understand why Amir hides something like this from him. He is even more curious as he saw the picture of Isaac. “Isn’t this the boy that rape and killed Jane? Why is he together with them?” He asked as he quickly raised his head and faced Claire but she had left the office already.

He quickly went out to search for her but she was nowhere to be found. Steve went back to his office still in shock. “What could be the story behind this? Why would Amir choose to hide something serious like this? What is going on?” He asked himself as he sat back on his chair and held his head. I have to dig out whatever it is that Amir is hiding from me. I must find out the reason why he hides his friendship with Jane.” He said to himself as he slowly closed his eyes…


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