In every situation in life, change is the most prevalent and dominant factor. Change happens in every aspect of our lives even to our love, families and friendship. No matter how we love or hate some people, we will definitely have a change in that feeling, be it a positive or negative change.

“The change that occurs between my friends and I is very scary and alarming. The fact that we went from loving each other dearly and being each other’s comfort zones to being silent enemies is very disturbing and disheartening. I couldn’t believe this change would ever occur to us. I wouldn’t have believed this if a prophet had ever prophesied this phase to me.” Sarah thought to herself as she was driving her car to her family house.

She took a deep breath as she slowed the speed of the car and continued talking to her mind. “Who would have believed Jane and Isaac would die so young? Who would have believed we would be involved in their death? Everything is turning upside down for us. Ahmad is slowly losing his sanity day by day, Austin has lost his business and his fiancée, Amir is dying of suspense while I am here, also losing my life.” Sarah said as drops of tears landed on her face.

She slowly cleaned her face as she continued driving. Tears kept flowing from her eyes as she remembered the doctor’s statement about Ahmad. “I believe you guys are his friends and you can talk and take care of him. Ahmad is currently in a critical condition of depression and anxiety. These are caused from a previous traumatic encounter, self-consciousness and guilt. His mental health is deteriorating which might eventually lead him to permanent insanity. He needs extensive care for a while and I hope the antianxiety drugs we prescribed work for him.” The doctor told them while Ahmad was on admission.

Sarah sighed deeply as she parked her car in the compound of her house. She honestly pity Ahmad’s the most in this situation. He shouldn’t be going through that hell. His heart is very tender to take that entire situation. She took a deep breath as she slowly walked down from her car and walked towards the house. She paused a little as she reached the door. Her facial expression changed when she remembered that it was a Sunday and her father would probably be at home.

Of course he wouldn’t allow her to have the peaceful break she hoped to have. He will keep on haunting her with his lectures and tantrums about marriage. She adjusted herself a little and took a deep breath as she slowly opened the door. She walked into the house majestically with a weird smile on her face. “And here comes the holy workaholic single Sarah. I wonder when you will get tired of work and find a suitor to take you off your single life.” Her father ranted as she was about to take a seat.

Her mood changes immediately but she decided to let it slide because she is getting used to his rants. “Oh come on daddy. Let Sarah be, I am sure she will bring a man house when she finds the right one. We don’t have to rush her.” Her mother said looking pitiful. Her father flared up as he dropped the newspaper he had with him on the table.

“That has always been her excuse and you always back her up on it. When will she get the right man? Is it until she hits menopause? She is getting to 30 years already and still yet to find a man and you call it rushing. I will continue rushing you Sarah until you know what is right for you to do.” He yelled with an angry voice.

Sarah quickly picked up her bag and stood up as tears rushed on her face. “You know what dad, I am not even staying anymore. I can’t stay here and hear you ruined my break with your tantrums. I wonder why you are so obsessed with marriage. All you think about is that and don’t even care whether I have other struggles to take care of.” She yelled back as she stormed out of the house and headed to her car. 

She could hear him from inside the house as he continued shouting and ranting about marriage. She wished her life was stable right now, she would have gotten married just to escape his nags. But she can’t think of settling down currently with the situation she found herself in. She quickly picked up her phone and dialed Kelvin’s contact. At least she needs someone to talk to at the moment.  

Kelvin was lying on the couch beside Daniel, he was reading a queer story by Msquare; “Billionaire’s Secret.” Of course he has to pretend to read them because the real Kelvin always reads them. He is getting into the story when he receives Sarah’s call. He slowly stood up and closed the tablet he was reading from as he headed to his room to get dressed. He was about to get naked when Daniel followed him.

“What has happened Kelvin, why did you storm out of the living room like that?” He asked, looking at Kelvin who was changing into other outfits. Kelvin walked slowly to the mirror as he started combing his hair. “I am hanging out with Sarah.” He said briefly as he sprayed perfumes. Daniel was a bit surprised. “But it is getting late already. It is past 6pm right now. Besides, we are having a dinner date with my friends; remember?” Daniel asked, staring at Kelvin.

“I am sorry Dan but it seems urgent from Sarah’s side so I want to join her for a while. I promise it won’t take long and I will be back on time for the dinner date.” He said as he picked his car keys. Daniel seems obviously uncomfortable and jealous of Kelvin going out with Sarah, he quickly holds back his hands and faces him.

“Is there something going on between you and Sarah that I am not aware of?” Daniel asked with a curious face. Kelvin stared at Daniel for a while, he is sure the guy is talking from a jealous point of view, he wanted to tell him that he is seeing Sarah just to get away from his excessive intimacy but he doesn’t want to ruin Mr. Emmanuel’s plan. Kelvin sighed and moved closer to Daniel.

“Calm down Dan, I am not seeing anyone at the moment and if I should start that, you will definitely be aware.” Kelvin said as he waved Daniel and drove out. Daniel sighed deeply as he sat back on the bed. His heart was racing fast because he couldn’t bear it that Kelvin is going on a date. He sighed again and closed his eyes. He surely needs to find a way to let out these feelings because he can’t continue harboring them alone.

Sarah had already ordered some drinks when Kelvin arrived. He sat with her and also ordered some drinks as they started talking. “Why are you drinking at this hour Sarah? What has happened?” Kelvin asked, looking at her. At this point, Sarah is already getting tipsy. She giggled a bit and smiled a little as she sipped the drink again.

“Do you believe in revenge and ghosts Kelvin?” She asked, staring at him with her tipsy eyes. Kelvin nodded his head looking at her. “Well, I think ghosts are haunting us, Kelvin, and it is getting worse. I don’t know how to explain this but our lives are getting shattered. I don’t think I can bear this anymore because the punishment is getting severe. Even though the anonymous messages have stopped for a while, the suspense and guilty conscience are eating us up slowly.” She was still drinking.

“Ahmad is losing his sanity at the moment. I don’t think I can take losing him now. The guilt will continue haunting me. I still couldn’t come with the terms that we did that to Isaac. That was the most horrible and terrible night of my life. I regretted attending that party and regretted agreeing with Amir’s plan. I still couldn’t forgive myself for what we did and I don’t think my mind is ready to hear another shocking story again.” Sarah ranted with a drunken face.

Kelvin was also drinking as he listened to Sarah blabber all that was in her mind. He patiently waits for her as she talks but seems she is being cautious even while drunk. At this moment, Kelvin begins to ask himself about the exact thing that happened that night at the party. He needs to find the answer to what happened, who killed Jane and why she was killed? Why did they decide to pin it on him? He needs to find all those answers.

He slowly picked Sarah’s phone as he placed a call on Amir informing him about her situation, Amir drove a few minutes later and picked up Sarah. Kelvin also placed a call on Daniel because he was feeling tipsy and couldn’t drive well, and after a while, Daniel arrived and picked him up. He had already fallen asleep before they arrived home so Daniel took him straight to his room and placed him on his bed.

Kelvin was sweating profusely because of the heat of the alcohol so Dan decided to take off his clothes to relieve him from the heat. He couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful curved shape of Kelvin who was lying comfortably on the bed. He slowly placed his hands on his chest as he moved them slowly to his lower belly. He has been carried away honestly and he couldn’t hold back himself but to slowly bend down and place a kiss on Kelvin’s neck.

The soothing scent of Kelvin’s perfume kept on echoing in his head as he was tempted to move further but he tried his possible best to resist. Even though it wasn’t easy to overpower his lust for the boy, he left the room immediately with his heart pounding so hard that it wanted to fall out. He stood by the wall and held his chest as he was panting loudly.

“Calm down Daniel, calm down. You did the right thing.” He said to himself as he slowly turned back again and stared at the boy who was still lying honestly on the bed. “What a beautiful temptation? I just hope you live in this house safely without me devouring you Kelvin because my heart cannot take this punishment anymore.” He said to himself as he also walked back to his room…  


The door pushed loudly as they barged in, kissing and smooching each other aggressively while he picked her and threw her on the bed. She was moaning loudly and calling out his name while his head was fixed between her legs. Claire was totally out of the world as Austin gave her head. After a while, she jumped on him and rode him for almost an hour. After the marathon sex, they both collapsed on the bed and slept off.

The following morning, Austin wakes up to Claire preparing him breakfast, and it seems she is trying so hard to win his trust. He sat on the bed with a smile as he sipped the tea she served him. Claire smiled as she sat beside him on the bed. “I am so worried about Ahmad; do you think he will be alright?” She asked with a worried face looking at Austin who was eating the noodles she cooked.

He sighed deeply as he slowly dropped the fork on his hands. “I am also honestly worried about him. He is seriously going through a lot right now. He kept on having terrible nightmares, but the antianxiety drugs are working slowly I guess.” Austin said, also looking worried. Claire nodded her head as she adjusted herself on the bed. “By the way, why are you guys back together in Lagos? Rumors had it that your gang spilled off after Jane’s death and Isaac’s arrest. Why are you guys back together suddenly? Is there a problem?” She asked curiously.

Austin stammered for a while before he answered her. He knows that Claire is not to be trusted even though she promised not to start up any trouble but he wouldn’t take the risk of leaking any secrets to her. “Well, we coincidentally have work to do here in Lagos at the same time so we decided to stay together for a while to reunite our friendship and pay respect to deceased Jane and Isaac.” He said, still stammering.

Claire giggled her head a little. “I thought as much, I thought it has to do with your leaked sex tapes that got your wedding called off.” She said briefly. Austin giggled. “Oh that, it was just a business rival trying to mess with me but I have gotten that sorted.” He said, faking a smile with a smirk on his face.

They were still talking when Austin received a text from Amir. “Go home soon Austin. Sarah came home drunk last night and Ahmad is still not getting better. I have to go out with Steve because I wouldn’t want him to visit home and find the situation.” The text reads. Austin quickly got dressed after reading the text and headed home.

Claire smiled wickedly as she slowly crawled down from the bed and walked to the wardrobe opposite the bed and picked up a small camera installed on the drawer. She looked into it for a while as she smiled again. “Let’s see if you will resist doing what I asked of you Austin after receiving this beautiful gift of mine.” She said with a smile as she lay back on the bed.


“And where are we heading to right now? Why do you sound so urgent? Don’t you have work at the office?” Amir asked Steve who was driving with an enormous smile on his face. Steve slowed down a bit and faced Amir. “Oh, all those questions Amir; calm down a bit please.” He said smiling as he continued talking. “Well, I am the head of my division, I don’t need an excuse to skip work. Besides I am just taking you home to meet my aunt because she can’t keep calm about the person making me skip work.” Steve said, still smiling.

Amir was shocked. “Your aunt?” He asked with his eyes wide open. Steve nodded his head. “Yes, my aunt who is a mother to me. She is my favorite part of the world. She took me in when I lost my mom at a young age. She loves me dearly and I also love her. It is just so terrible that she has been going through some heart failure issues these days since her daughter’s death. I just want to stand by her side and support her as she supports me.” Steve said as he parked the car in the premises.

Amir sighed deeply. He isn’t touched by Steve’s story; rather he is concerned that Steve is trying so hard to get closer to him. “I told you already that we are not a thing Steve. We are just friends with benefits. Why do you have to introduce me to your family? Our only relationship should be sex and nothing more.” Amir yelled. Steve smiled again and faced him. “And who told you we can be friends without knowing each other?” He asked sarcastically as he slowly opened the car.

They walked into the house together with Amir looking perplexed. The house is enormously big and fully furnished. This family must be damn rich from the kind of structure of the house. He was walking slowly behind Steve as they walked into the main house where his aunt was. Amir was surprised at how rich Steve’s family is. He is sure they must be richer than his family.

He met Steve’s aunt who welcomed him dearly and told him how she heard a lot about him from Steve. The old woman looks familiar but Amir couldn’t pin out where he met her. After a while, they had a meal together and as usual, Steve took Amir to his room for a romantic session. “Why are you always horny Steve?” Amir asked as Steve grabbed his waist and started kissing his chest.

Steve smiled as he continued kissing him. “Because you are irresistible Amir. Your body keeps on attracting me that I can never resist or hold back.” Steve said as he leaned on Amir’s chest and pushed him to the bed. Amir was struggling to resist Steve’s grab when his eyes landed on a large portrait image of a young lady on the wall. He quickly jumped off the bed and pushed Steve as he screamed in fear pointing at the image on the wall.

Steve, who was scared by Amir’s reaction, quickly grabbed his gun by the bedside. “What has happened Amir? Are you alright?” He asked, looking around the room. Amir, who was sweating and scared, kept pointing at the portrait. “Who is she? Why is she here?” He asked, looking very scared. Steve laughed for a while before he sat by the bedside near Amir.

“Oh my God Amir. That was Jane, my cousin which I told you died a few years ago. I have to keep her picture here because I couldn’t keep it in the sitting room; my aunt always stares at it and cries on a daily basis which affects her health.” Steve said, looking at Amir. He laughed again as he pointed at Amir. “Don’t tell me you are scared that I am married?” Steve teased.

Amir took a deep breath as he adjusted himself. “Oh, it is fine. I have to get going right now. My flat mates called urgently. I should check on them.” He said as he picked his phone and walked out. Steve followed him out quickly asking to drive him but Amir refused and took a cab home.

His heart was still beating so fast as if it was going to pound out of his chest. He couldn’t believe what his eyes just saw. “Steve is Jane’s cousin’s brother? What sort of a circle is this? Why are their lives running in a dangerous path at the moment? What sort of karma is that? This is going to be a disaster. How will he even face his friends and tell them that he is seeing Jane’s cousin?” Amir asked himself looking stressed as he was in the cab.

“The biggest problem at the moment is how he would end his relationship with Steve, he can’t possibly end it right away because that will be suspicious, he would have to take his time to end things peacefully with him without being noticed. Meanwhile, he will try his best to hide Steve’s and Jane’s relationship with his friends because he is sure Austin will chew him raw once he finds out.” Amir thought to himself as he locked his head between his legs in the cab…



Written By:
