THE STORM

Have you ever been in love?

People have their own opinions about love, depending on their experience, but one thing is for sure…we all do crazy things for the one we love.


It isn’t the sweet side that makes the story of romance interesting, it is the pain, passion, sacrifices that builds up the story. loving someone takes more than just your words, your whole life and dreams is among the desired efforts.

I’ve loved someone so much that I’m willing to give up my life just to see her smile and happy. That smile on her face just gives me hope and motivation, the calmness on her voice when she’s happy and telling me stories about herself, her childish side that I love caring for all the time, lol I forgot to mention how she’s probably a spoilt little brat that makes me do all the chores for her, but I love doing it all the time even when she doesn’t ask for it…. I love the way she smells, I’m addicted to her fragrance. The softness of her skin and how smooth it feels when I rub through her skin makes me want to do everything in the world for her, her lips that are sweet as cherry blossom, the warmness of her breath while we kiss and make out, “I love you so much” those are the words she whispers to my ears while we cuddle and make love to each other passionately on the sweet and gentle side of our bed. The way she grabs me and holds me tightly just wants to make me dominate her the most.


  The way she gets wet for me makes my body vibrate to the tune of her lovely voice when she moans..

You know, it is all sweet and romantic until life comes with the bitter side of love, your heart and body begin to experience the chaos going on in your mind and your head, you get lost in between pleasure and pain. First it doesn’t seem chaotic but all fun and gentle until life tells you otherwise. The fear of society and family rejections comes in hand with the questioning of self worth, you begin to leave in the shadows of your fears because of what you think people will say when they find out about this forbidden love…. love is always Positive until life situations finds her ways through the doors of your mind. You began to question yourself every single time, and question why everything becomes so difficult each and every passing day? “why are things getting out of hand?” “why the sudden change?” “why is your heart aching anytime you think of her cheating?” “why are you willing to do everything for her even when you don’t have enough at the moment” “why is she the only one you can think of and you’re losing control over your own self?”…..those are the questions going through your mind when you fall so dip in the ocean of love, that is when responsibilities and anxieties welcomes you into their world with a warm hug of fear and resentment. you begin to think you’re not good enough, your minds start playing tricky games with you making you feel low of yourself, wondering why you’re not meeting up to the expectations of your lover. you want to be the best in all ways for her, you want her to be your princess, you want her to just sit and relax and enjoy the blossom of your wealth, love and affection, but the chronicles of life’s mystery just makes you feel unworthy of her love and less of yourself. You just don’t know where to start, you start questioning your stupid self if she still loves you, if she’s gonna stay or leave at this moment, you start having trust issues,you start seeing some sides of her you never wanted to see, you’ll start to see the importance of money in the world of romance even when she told you money can’t buy her love.


Yeah, money can’t buy happiness but money can build your happiness. it’s a story for another day….the mystery of love and reality remains unknown and unchanged to its victims..

But still, she’ll forever be my princess and I’ll always love her and be willing to go miles for her.


